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Fight for Gidl
Authors: Sven2
Defend the statue against waves of enemies
static g_wave; // index of current wave
static g_spawned_enemies;
static g_relaunchs; // array of relaunch counts
static g_scores; // array of player scores
static g_ai; // derived from AI; contains changes for this scenario
2015-09-26 18:47:58 +00:00
static const ENEMY = 10; // player number of enemy
static const ALLOW_DEBUG_COMMANDS = true;
static const MAX_RELAUNCH = 10;
static shared_wealth_remainder;
/* Initialization */
func Initialize()
// dev stuff (we will forget to turn this off for release)
//AddMsgBoardCmd("waveinfo", "GameCall(\"ShowWaveInfo\")");
//AddMsgBoardCmd("next", "GameCall(\"SetNextWave\", \"%s\")");
//AddMsgBoardCmd("nextwait", "GameCall(\"SetNextWave\", \"%s\", true)");
//AddMsgBoardCmd("scrooge", "GameCall(\"DoWealthForAll\", 1000000000)");
// Init door dummies
g_doorleft.dummy_target = g_doorleft->CreateObject(DoorDummy, -6, 6);
g_doorright.dummy_target = g_doorright->CreateObject(DoorDummy, +6, 6);
2015-12-09 06:00:21 +00:00
// Wealth shown at all time
// static variable init
g_homebases = [];
func InitializePlayer(int plr, int iX, int iY, object pBase, int iTeam)
2015-09-26 18:47:58 +00:00
if (GetPlayerType(plr) != C4PT_User) return;
//DoWealth(plr, 10000);
if (!g_statue) { EliminatePlayer(plr); return; } // no post-elimination join
if (!g_relaunchs)
g_relaunchs = [];
g_scores = [];
2017-03-30 18:50:33 +00:00
Scoreboard->Init([{key = "relaunchs", title = Rule_Relaunch, sorted = true, desc = true, default = "", priority = 75},
{key = "score", title = Nugget, sorted = true, desc = true, default = "0", priority = 100}]);
for (var stonedoor in FindObjects(Find_ID(StoneDoor), Find_Owner(NO_OWNER))) stonedoor->SetOwner(plr);
g_relaunchs[plr] = MAX_RELAUNCH;
g_scores[plr] = 0;
Scoreboard->SetPlayerData(plr, "relaunchs", g_relaunchs[plr]);
Scoreboard->SetPlayerData(plr, "score", g_scores[plr]);
//SetFoW(false,plr); - need FoW for lights
CreateObject(Homebase, 0,0, plr);
if (!g_wave) StartGame();
func RemovePlayer(int plr)
if (g_homebases[plr]) g_homebases[plr]->RemoveObject();
Scoreboard->SetPlayerData(plr, "relaunchs", Icon_Cancel);
// Split player's wealth among the remaining players
ScheduleCall(nil, Scenario.DoSharedWealth, 50, 1, GetWealth(plr));
private func TransferInventory(object from, object to)
// Drop some items that cannot be transferred (such as connected pipes and dynamite igniters)
var i = from->ContentsCount(), contents;
while (i--)
if (contents = from->Contents(i))
if (contents->~IsDroppedOnDeath(from))
return to->GrabContents(from);
func JoinPlayer(plr, prev_clonk)
var spawn_idx = Random(2);
if (prev_clonk && g_statue) spawn_idx = (prev_clonk->GetX() > g_statue->GetX());
var x=[494,763][spawn_idx],y = 360;
var clonk = GetCrew(plr);
if (clonk)
clonk = CreateObjectAbove(Clonk, x,y, plr);
SetCursor(plr, clonk);
// contents
clonk.MaxContentsCount = 1;
if (prev_clonk) TransferInventory(prev_clonk, clonk);
if (!clonk->ContentsCount())
var arrow = CreateObjectAbove(Arrow);
clonk->~CrewSelection(); // force update HUD
// Make this work under the friendly fire rule.
for (var obj in [g_statue, g_doorleft, g_doorright])
if (obj)
// Enter all buyable things into the homebase
func FillHomebase(object homebase)
// Quick buy items on hotkeys
homebase->SetQuickbuyItems([/*Hammer*/ nil, Bow, Sword, Blunderbuss, GrenadeLauncher, nil, Firestone, IronBomb, nil, nil]);
// Buy menu entries
homebase->AddHomebaseItem(new Homebase.ITEMTYPE_Weapon { item = Bow, ammo = Arrow, desc = "$HomebaseDescBow$" });
homebase->AddHomebaseItem(new Homebase.ITEMTYPE_Weapon { item = Sword, cost = 25 });
homebase->AddHomebaseItem(new Homebase.ITEMTYPE_Consumable { item = Firestone, cost = 5});
homebase->AddHomebaseItem(new Homebase.ITEMTYPE_Weapon { item = Blunderbuss, cost = 50, ammo = LeadBullet, desc = "$HomebaseDescBlunderbuss$", requirements = ["AdvancedWeapons"] });
homebase->AddHomebaseItem(new Homebase.ITEMTYPE_Consumable { item = IronBomb, cost = 15, requirements = ["AdvancedWeapons"] });
homebase->AddHomebaseItem(new Homebase.ITEMTYPE_Consumable { item = Lantern,cost = 15, requirements = ["AdvancedWeapons"] });
homebase->AddHomebaseItem(new Homebase.ITEMTYPE_Weapon { item = GrenadeLauncher, ammo = IronBomb, desc = "$HomebaseDescGrenadeLauncher$", requirements = ["MasterWeapons"] });
homebase->AddHomebaseItem(new Homebase.ITEMTYPE_Consumable { item = Bread, cost = 5 });
//homebase->AddHomebaseItem(new Homebase.ITEMTYPE_Weapon { item = Hammer, cost = 1000, desc = "$HomebaseDescHammer$", extra_width = 1 });
homebase->AddHomebaseItem(new Homebase.ITEMTYPE_Technology { name="$HomebaseAdvancedWeapons$", item = Icon_World,cost = 100, desc="$HomebaseDescAdvancedWeapons$", tech = "AdvancedWeapons" });
homebase->AddHomebaseItem(new Homebase.ITEMTYPE_Technology { name="$HomebaseMasterWeapons$", item = Icon_World,cost = 1000, desc = "$HomebaseDescMasterWeapons$", tech = "MasterWeapons", requirements = ["AdvancedWeapons"] });
homebase->AddHomebaseItem(new Homebase.ITEMTYPE_Technology { name="$HomebaseLoadSpeed$", item = Homebase_Icon, graphics="LoadSpeed%d", costs = [100, 500, 1000], desc = "$HomebaseDescLoadSpeed$", tech = "LoadSpeed", tiers=3 });
homebase->AddHomebaseItem(new Homebase.ITEMTYPE_Technology { name="$HomebaseLife$", item = Homebase_Icon, graphics="Life%d", costs = [10, 50, 100], desc = "$HomebaseDescLife$", tech = "Life", tiers=3 });
func StartGame()
// Init objects to defend
for (var obj in [g_statue, g_doorleft, g_doorright]) if (obj)
obj.MaxEnergy = 800000;
GameCallEx("OnCreationRuleNoFF", obj);
if (g_statue)
g_statue->SetCategory(C4D_Living | C4D_StaticBack);
g_statue.Death = Scenario.Statue_Death;
// Launch first wave!
g_wave = 1;
ScheduleCall(nil, Scenario.LaunchWave, 50, 1, g_wave);
return true;
/* Enemy waves */
func LaunchWave(int wave)
// * Schedules spawning of all enemies
// * Schedules call to LaunchWaveDone() after last enemy has been spawned
var wave_data = ENEMY_WAVE_DATA[g_wave];
g_spawned_enemies = [];
if (wave_data)
var wave_spawn_time = 0;
CustomMessage(Format("$MsgWave$: %s", wave, wave_data.Name));
for (var enemy in ForceVal2Array(wave_data.Enemies)) if (enemy)
if (enemy.Delay)
ScheduleCall(nil, Scenario.ScheduleLaunchEnemy, enemy.Delay, 1, enemy);
wave_spawn_time = Max(wave_spawn_time, enemy.Delay + enemy.Interval * enemy.Num);
ScheduleCall(nil, Scenario.LaunchWaveDone, wave_spawn_time+5, 1, wave);
return true;
return false;
func ScheduleLaunchEnemy(proplist enemy)
// Schedules spawning of enemy definition
// Spawn on ground or in air?
var xmin, xmax, y;
2017-01-09 20:17:12 +00:00
if (enemy.Type == DefenseBoomAttack)
// Air spawn
xmin = 0;
xmax = 550;
y = 5;
xmin = xmax = 0;
y = 509;
// Spawn either only enemy or mirrored enemies on both sides
var side = enemy.Side;
if (!side) side = WAVE_SIDE_LEFT | WAVE_SIDE_RIGHT;
if (side & WAVE_SIDE_LEFT) ScheduleCall(nil, CustomAI.LaunchEnemy, Max(enemy.Interval,1), Max(enemy.Num,1), enemy, 10 + xmin, xmax - xmin, y);
if (side & WAVE_SIDE_RIGHT) ScheduleCall(nil, CustomAI.LaunchEnemy, Max(enemy.Interval,1), Max(enemy.Num,1), enemy, 1190 - xmax, xmax - xmin, y);
return true;
func LaunchWaveDone(int wave)
// All enemies spawned! Now start timer to check whether they are all dead
ScheduleCall(nil, Scenario.CheckWaveCleared, 20, 9999999, wave);
return true;
func CheckWaveCleared(int wave)
// Check timer to determine if enemy wave has been cleared.
// Enemies nil themselves when they're dead. So clear out nils and we're done when the list is empty
var nil_idx;
while ( (nil_idx=GetIndexOf(g_spawned_enemies))>=0 )
var l = GetLength(g_spawned_enemies) - 1;
if (nil_idx<l) g_spawned_enemies[nil_idx] = g_spawned_enemies[l];
SetLength(g_spawned_enemies, l);
if (!GetLength(g_spawned_enemies))
// All enemies dead!
ClearScheduleCall(nil, Scenario.CheckWaveCleared);
func OnWaveCleared(int wave)
var bounty = ENEMY_WAVE_DATA[g_wave].Bounty, bounty_msg = "";
if (bounty)
bounty_msg = Format("|<c ffff00>+%d</c>{{Icon_Wealth}}", bounty);
CustomMessage(Format("$MsgWaveCleared$%s| ", wave, bounty_msg));
// Fade out corpses
if (g_object_fade)
for (var obj in FindObjects(Find_Or(Find_And(Find_ID(Clonk), Find_Not(Find_OCF(OCF_Alive))), Find_ID(Catapult))))
obj->AddEffect("IntFadeOut", obj, 100, 1, g_object_fade, Rule_ObjectFade);
// Next wave!
if (ENEMY_WAVE_DATA[g_wave])
ScheduleCall(nil, Scenario.LaunchWave, 500, 1, g_wave);
// There is no next wave? Game done D:
ScheduleCall(nil, Scenario.OnAllWavesCleared, 50, 1);
// Clonk death callback
func OnClonkDeath(clonk, killed_by)
// Player died?
if (!clonk) return;
var plr = clonk->GetOwner();
if (GetPlayerType(plr) == C4PT_User)
// Relaunch count
if (!g_relaunchs[plr])
Log("$MsgOutOfRelaunchs$", GetTaggedPlayerName(plr));
Scoreboard->SetPlayerData(plr, "relaunchs", Icon_Cancel);
return false;
// Relaunch count
Scoreboard->SetPlayerData(plr, "relaunchs", g_relaunchs[plr]);
Log("$MsgRelaunch$", GetTaggedPlayerName(plr));
JoinPlayer(plr, clonk);
//var gui_arrow = FindObject(Find_ID(GUI_GoalArrow), Find_Owner(plr));
//gui_arrow->SetAction("Show", GetCursor(plr));
// Enemy clonk death
// Remove inventory
var i = clonk->ContentsCount(), obj;
while (i--) if (obj=clonk->Contents(i))
if (!obj->~OnContainerDeath())
// Clear enemies from list
i = GetIndexOf(g_spawned_enemies, clonk);
if (i>=0)
g_spawned_enemies[i] = nil;
// Kill bounty
if (killed_by>=0)
Scoreboard->SetPlayerData(killed_by, "score", ++g_scores[killed_by]);
DoWealth(killed_by, clonk.Bounty);
// Killer could not be determined. Just give gold to everyone.
public func DoSharedWealth(int amount)
// Split gold among all players. Keep track of remainder and use it next time
shared_wealth_remainder += amount;
var cnt = GetPlayerCount(C4PT_User);
if (cnt)
var wealth_add = shared_wealth_remainder / cnt;
if (wealth_add)
shared_wealth_remainder -= wealth_add * cnt;
return true;
public func DoWealthForAll(int amount)
// Add wealth to all players
for (var iplr = 0; iplr < GetPlayerCount(C4PT_User); ++iplr)
DoWealth(GetPlayerByIndex(iplr, C4PT_User), amount);
return true;
/* Game end */
func OnAllWavesCleared()
// Success!
if (g_goal) g_goal.is_fulfilled = true;
if (GetPlayerType(ENEMY) == C4PT_Script) EliminatePlayer(ENEMY);
return true;
func Statue_Death()
// Fail :(
// Elminiate all players
var i=GetPlayerCount(C4PT_User);
while (i--) EliminatePlayer(GetPlayerByIndex(i, C4PT_User));
// Statue down :(
CastObjects(Nugget, 5, 10);
ScheduleCall(nil, Global.GameOver, 50, 1);
return Explode(10);
/* Developer commands */
public func ShowWaveInfo()
// Debug summary to balance waves
var total_reward = 0, total_bonus = 0;
for (var i = 1; i<GetLength(ENEMY_WAVE_DATA); ++i)
var wave = ENEMY_WAVE_DATA[i];
var reward = wave.Bounty ?? 0;
var bonus = 0;
for (var enemy in wave.Enemies)
var numsides = 2;
if (enemy.Side) numsides = 1;
bonus += enemy.Bounty * enemy.Num * numsides;
total_reward += reward;
total_bonus += bonus;
Log("[%02d] %04d + %04d (= %05d + %05d = %05d) %s", i, reward, bonus, total_reward, total_bonus, total_reward + total_bonus, wave.Name);
return true;
private func GetWaveByName(string wave_name)
var i = 0, imax = GetLength(ENEMY_WAVE_DATA);
while (++i < imax) if (WildcardMatch(ENEMY_WAVE_DATA[i].Name, wave_name)) break;
if (i == imax)
Log("No match for wave mask: %s", wave_name);
i = 0;
return i;
public func SetNextWave(string wave_name, bool wait)
// Find wave by wildcard
var i_wave;
if (!GetLength(wave_name))
i_wave = (g_wave + 1) % GetLength(ENEMY_WAVE_DATA);
i_wave = GetWaveByName(wave_name);
if (!i_wave) return false;
// Clear any previous
ClearScheduleCall(nil, Scenario.CheckWaveCleared);
if (g_spawned_enemies)
for (var enemy in g_spawned_enemies)
if (enemy) enemy->RemoveObject();
// Give gold for skipped waves
var total_reward = 0, total_bonus = 0;
for (var i=g_wave; i<i_wave; ++i)
var wave = ENEMY_WAVE_DATA[i];
total_reward += wave.Bounty ?? 0;
for (var enemy in wave.Enemies)
var numsides = 2;
if (enemy.Side) numsides = 1;
total_bonus += enemy.Bounty * enemy.Num * numsides;
// Schedule next wave
Log("Next wave: %s", ENEMY_WAVE_DATA[i_wave].Name);
g_wave = i_wave;
ScheduleCall(nil, Scenario.LaunchWave, 500 + wait * 2000, 1, g_wave);
2017-01-09 20:17:12 +00:00
public func GiveRandomAttackTarget(object attacker)
return g_statue;
/* Wave and enemy definitions */
static const CSKIN_Amazon = [CSKIN_Farmer, "Clonk_Amazon"],
CSKIN_Ogre = [CSKIN_Alchemist, "Clonk_Ogre"];
static const WAVE_POS_LEFT = [10, 529];
static const WAVE_POS_RIGHT = [1190, 509];
static const WAVE_SIDE_LEFT = 1,
static const g_respawning_weapons = [Firestone, Rock];
// init ENEMY_WAVE_DATA - would like to make it const, but arrays in static const proplists don't work properly
func InitWaveData()
// Define weapon types
var bigsword = { InvType=Sword, Scale=2000, Material="LaserSword"};
var ogresword = { InvType=Sword, Scale=1800, Material="OgreSword"};
var bigclub = { InvType=Club, Scale=2000};
var nukekeg = { InvType=PowderKeg, Scale=1400, Material="NukePowderKeg", Strength=80};
// Define different enemy types
var newbie = { Name="$EnemyNewbie$", Inventory=Rock, Energy= 1, Bounty= 1, Color=0xff8000ff, };
var flintstone = { Name="$EnemyFlintstone$",Inventory=Firestone, Energy= 10, Bounty= 3, Color=0xff8080ff, };
var bowman = { Name="$EnemyBow$", Inventory=[Bow, Arrow],Energy= 10, Bounty= 5, Color=0xff00ff00, Skin=CSKIN_Farmer };
var amazon = { Name="$EnemyAmazon$", Inventory=Javelin, Energy= 10, Bounty= 5, Skin=CSKIN_Amazon, Backpack=0 };
var suicide = { Name="$EnemySuicide$", Inventory=PowderKeg, Energy= 20, Bounty= 15, Color=0xffff0000, Skin=CSKIN_Alchemist, Backpack=0, Speed=80, Siege=true };
var runner = { Name="$EnemyRunner$", Inventory=Rock, Energy= 1, Bounty= 10, Color=0xffff0000, Backpack=0, Speed=250 };
var artillery = { Name="$EnemyArtillery$", Inventory=Firestone, Energy= 30, Bounty= 20, Color=0xffffff00, Skin=CSKIN_Steampunk, Vehicle=Catapult };
var swordman = { Name="$EnemySwordman$", Inventory=Sword, Energy= 30, Bounty= 30, Color=0xff0000ff, };
var bigswordman= { Name="$EnemySwordman2$", Inventory=bigsword, Energy= 60, Bounty= 60, Color=0xff00ffff, Skin=CSKIN_Steampunk, Backpack=0 };
var ogre = { Name="$EnemyOgre$", Inventory=bigclub, Energy= 90, Bounty=100, Color=0xff00ffff, Skin=CSKIN_Ogre, Backpack=0, Scale=[1400,1200,1200], Speed=50 };
var swordogre = { Name="$EnemyOgre$", Inventory=ogresword, Energy= 90, Bounty=100, Color=0xff805000, Skin=CSKIN_Ogre, Backpack=0, Scale=[1400,1200,1200], Speed=50 };
var nukeogre = { Name="$EnemyOgre$", Inventory=nukekeg, Energy=120, Bounty=100, Color=0xffff0000, Skin=CSKIN_Ogre, Backpack=0, Scale=[1400,1200,1200], Speed=40, Siege=true };
var chippie = { Type=Chippie, Bounty=30 };
2017-01-09 20:17:12 +00:00
var boomattack = { Type=DefenseBoomAttack, Bounty=10 };
var boomattackf= { Type=DefenseBoomAttack, Bounty=25, Speed=300 };
//newbie = runner;
//newbie = runner;
// Define composition of waves
{ Name = "$WaveNewbies$", Bounty = 10, Enemies = [
2017-02-26 19:46:27 +00:00
new newbie { Num= 1, Interval=10, Side = WAVE_SIDE_LEFT }
]}, { Name = "$WaveBows$", Bounty = 15, Enemies = [
new newbie { Num= 2, Interval=10 },
new bowman { Delay= 30, Num= 3, Interval=10, Side = WAVE_SIDE_RIGHT },
new amazon { Delay= 30, Num= 3, Interval=10, Side = WAVE_SIDE_LEFT }
]}, { Name = "Explosive", Bounty = 20, Enemies = [
new flintstone { Num=10, Interval=20 }
]}, { Name = "Boomattack", Bounty = 20, Enemies = [
new boomattack { Num=10, Interval=70 }
]}, { Name = "Suicidal", Bounty = 20, Enemies = [
new suicide { Num= 2, Interval= 5 },
new flintstone { Delay= 15, Num= 5, Interval= 5 },
new suicide { Delay= 50, Num= 1 }
]}, { Name = "Swordsmen", Bounty = 30, Enemies = [
new swordman { Num=10, Interval=20 },
new bigswordman { Delay=210, Num= 1, Interval=10 }
]}, { Name = "Oh Shrek!", Bounty = 50, Enemies = [
new ogre { Num= 2, Interval=20 },
new swordogre { Delay= 40, Num= 1, Interval=20 },
new bowman { Delay= 60, Num= 3, Interval= 5 }
]}, { Name = "Heavy artillery incoming", Bounty = 50, Enemies = [
new artillery { Num= 1 },
new ogre { Num= 2, Interval=20 },
new flintstone { Delay= 15, Num= 5, Interval= 5 },
new swordogre { Delay= 60, Num= 1, Interval=20 }
]}, { Name = "Fast rockets", Bounty = 50, Enemies = [
new boomattackf { Num=6, Interval=30 }
]}, { Name = "Stop the big ones", Bounty = 75, Enemies = [
new flintstone { Num=20, Interval=15 },
new nukeogre { Num= 2, Interval=99 },
new amazon { Delay= 50, Num= 6, Interval=10 }
]}, { Name = "Supreme Boomattack", Bounty = 100, Enemies = [
new boomattack { Num=30, Interval=10 },
new boomattackf { Num=5, Interval=40 }
]}, { Name = "Alien invasion", Bounty = 100, Enemies = [
2015-09-26 18:47:58 +00:00
new bowman { Delay=260, Num= 3, Interval= 5 },
new chippie { Num=10, Interval=10 },
new amazon { Delay=250, Num= 6, Interval=10 }
]}, { Name = "Two of each kind", Bounty = 250, Enemies = [
new newbie { Delay= 0 },
new ogre { Delay= 0 },
new swordman { Delay= 10 },
new amazon { Delay= 12 },
new nukeogre { Delay= 14 },
new boomattack { Delay= 15 },
new swordogre { Delay= 20 },
new artillery { Delay= 21 },
new flintstone { Delay= 22 },
new bigswordman { Delay= 40 },
new bowman { Delay= 45 },
new suicide { Delay= 30 },
new boomattackf { Delay= 50 }
]}, { Name = "Finale!", Bounty = 1000, Enemies = [
new artillery { Num= 2, Interval= 5 },
new newbie { Num=10, Interval=15 },
new swordman { Delay= 3, Num= 5, Interval=30 },
new nukeogre { Delay= 60, Num= 2, Interval=50 },
new bigswordman { Delay=103, Num= 3, Interval=30 },
new amazon { Delay= 10, Num= 5, Interval=10 },
new boomattack { Delay= 40, Num=20, Interval=20 },
new flintstone { Num=20, Interval=10 },
new bowman { Delay= 8, Num= 5, Interval=40 },
new suicide { Delay= 25, Num=10, Interval=20 },
new ogre { Delay= 30, Num= 3, Interval=20 },
new swordogre { Delay= 4, Num= 4, Interval=99 }
]} ];
return true;