
209 lines
8.7 KiB

/* Global editor props for all objects */
local Name = "EditorBase";
// Do not create
public func Construction() { RemoveObject(); }
local EditorProps;
local Plane = 1;
local CountedID, IDList, AnyDef, IDSet, PlayerNumber, TeamID, PlayerMask;
local ItemPlusParameter, ItemPlusParameterOptionMap;
local ItemPlusParameterList;
local DefinitionPriority=100; // Call this definition early to allow EditorProp initialization
func Definition(def)
// Basic properties of all objects
def.EditorProps = {
Invincibility = { Name = "$Invincibility$", EditorHelp = "$InVincibilityHelp$", Type = "has_effect", Effect = "IntInvincible", Set = "SetInvincibility" },
Visibility = { Type = "enum", Name = "$Visibility$", EditorHelp = "$VisibilityHelp$", Options = [ { Name="$Unknown$", Value=-1 }, { Name="$DefaultVisible$" }, { Name="$Visible$", Value=VIS_All }, { Name="$Invisible$", Value=VIS_None }, { Name="$EditorVisible$", Value=VIS_Editor } ] },
PlayerColor = { Name="$PlayerColor$", EditorHelp="$PlayerColorHelp$", Type = "color", AsyncGet = "GetColor", Set = "SetColor" },
ClrModulation = { Name="$ClrModulation$", EditorHelp="$ClrModulationHelp$", Type = "color", AsyncGet = "GetClrModulation", Set = "SetClrModulation" },
BlitMode = { Name="$BlitMode$", EditorHelp="$BlitModeHelp$", Type = "enum", AsyncGet = "GetObjectBlitMode", Set = "SetObjectBlitMode", Options = [
{ Name="$Unknown$", Value=-1 },
{ Name="$Default$", Value=0 },
{ Name="$Additive$", Value=GFX_BLIT_Additive|GFX_BLIT_Custom },
{ Name="$Mod2$", EditorHelp="$Mod2Help$", Value=GFX_BLIT_Mod2|GFX_BLIT_Custom },
{ Name="$Wireframe$", EditorHelp="$WireframeHelp$", Value=GFX_BLIT_Wireframe|GFX_BLIT_Custom } ] },
Name = { Name="$Name$", Type = "string", AsyncGet = "GetName", Set = "SetName" },
CustomInitializationScript = { Type = "string", Name = "$CustomInitialization$", EditorHelp = "$CustomInitializationHelp$" }
// Property delegate types
CountedID = { Type = "proplist", Display = "{{count}}x{{id}}", DefaultValue = { count=1, id=nil }, Name = "$IDListEntry$", EditorProps = {
count = { Type = "int", Min = 1 },
id = { Type = "def" } } };
IDList = { Name = "ID list", Type = "array", Display = 3, Elements = CountedID };
AnyDef = { Type = "def" };
IDSet = { Name = "ID set", Type = "array", Display = 5, Elements = AnyDef };
PlayerNumber = { Type="int" };
TeamID = { Type="int" };
PlayerMask = { Name="$PlayerMask$", Type="enum", OptionKey="Option", Options = [
{ Name="$None$" },
{ Name="$All$", Value={ Option="all" } },
{ Name="$Specific$", Value={ Option="number" }, ValueKey="Data", Delegate=PlayerNumber },
{ Name="$Team$", Value={ Option="team" }, ValueKey="Data", Delegate=TeamID },
] };
// Item plus extra stuff (contents, stack, etc.)
ItemPlusParameterOptionMap = {};
ItemPlusParameter = { Name="$Item", Type="enum", Sorted=true, Options = [ { Name="$Nothing$", Priority=50 } ] };
var itemdef, i = 0, n = 0, option, contents_def, j, n2, contents_defs, mat;
while ((itemdef = GetDefinition(i++)))
if (itemdef.Collectible || itemdef->~GetLiquidType())
var group = itemdef->GetDefinitionGroupPath();
if (WildcardMatch(group, "Objects/Items/*"))
group = ReplaceString(group, "Objects/Items/", ""); // Shortcut this group since most items will be here
group = "$Other$";
option = { Name=itemdef->GetName(), Group=group, Value=itemdef };
var def_id = Format("%i", itemdef);
ItemPlusParameterOptionMap[def_id] = option;
// Test various kinds of extra parameters for new items
if (itemdef->~IsLiquidContainer() && itemdef->~GetLiquidContainerMaxFillLevel())
// Liquid container: Offer to fill with liquid
j = 0; n2 = 0;
contents_defs = [{Name="$Nothing$"}];
while ((contents_def = GetDefinition(j++)))
if ((mat = contents_def->~GetLiquidType()))
if (itemdef->IsLiquidContainerForMaterial(mat))
contents_defs[++n2] = contents_def;
if (n2)
option.Value = { ItemPlusParameter="liquid", ID=itemdef };
option.OptionKey = "ID";
option.ValueKey = "Liquid";
option.Delegate = { Name="$Liquid$", Type="enum", Sorted=true, Options=contents_defs }; // Options resolved later uisng ItemPlusParameterOptionMap
else if (itemdef.ExtraSlotFilter)
// Extra slot objects: Offer contents
j = 0; n2 = 0;
contents_defs = [{Name="$Nothing$"}];
while ((contents_def = GetDefinition(j++)))
if (contents_def[itemdef.ExtraSlotFilter])
if (contents_def->Call(itemdef.ExtraSlotFilter))
contents_defs[++n2] = contents_def;
if (n2)
option.Value = { ItemPlusParameter="contents", ID=itemdef };
option.OptionKey = "ID";
option.ValueKey = "Contents";
option.Delegate = { Name="$Contents$", Type="enum", Sorted=true, Options=contents_defs }; // Options resolved later uisng ItemPlusParameterOptionMap
else if (itemdef->~IsStackable())
// Stackable: Offer stack count
option.Value = { ItemPlusParameter="stack", ID=itemdef };
option.OptionKey = "ID";
option.ValueKey = "StackCount";
option.Delegate = { Name="$Contents$", Type="enum", Options=[
{ Name=Format("$DefaultStack$", itemdef->InitialStackCount()) },
{ Name="$CustomStack$", Type=C4V_Int, Value=itemdef->InitialStackCount(), Delegate={ Type="int", Min=1/*, Max=itemdef->MaxStackCount()*/ } }, // there's no reason to restrict the max stack in editor
{ Name="$InfiniteStack$", Value="infinite" }
// Add to item list if it's an item
// Do not add liquids; they're just processed here to get the stackable definition
if (itemdef.Collectible) ItemPlusParameter.Options[++n] = option;
// Link item contents parameter menus, but ignore group because it's usually a low number of items anyway
for (option in ItemPlusParameter.Options)
if (option.ValueKey == "Contents" || option.ValueKey == "Liquid")
for (i = 1; i < GetLength(option.Delegate.Options); ++i)
var option_item = ItemPlusParameterOptionMap[Format("%i", option.Delegate.Options[i])] ?? option.Delegate.Options[i];
if (option_item.Prototype == Global)
option.Delegate.Options[i] = { Name=option_item->GetName(), Value=option_item }; // Regular definition
option.Delegate.Options[i] = new option_item { Group=nil }; // Definition with extra parameter
ItemPlusParameterList = { Name = "$ItemPlusParameterList$", Type = "array", Display = 3, Elements = ItemPlusParameter };
return true;
// Check if given player is in mask
public func EvaluatePlayerMask(proplist mask, int player)
if (!mask) return false;
var option = mask.Option;
if (option == "all") return true;
if (option == "number") return player == mask.Data;
if (option == "team") return GetPlayerTeam(player) == mask.Data;
// Unknown player mask option
return false;
// Evaluate player mask to list of players
public func EvaluatePlayers(proplist mask)
if (!mask) return [];
var result = [], n=0;
for (var i = 0; i < GetPlayerCount(C4PT_User); ++i)
var plr = GetPlayerByIndex(i, C4PT_User);
if (EvaluatePlayerMask(mask, plr)) result[n++] = plr;
return result;
// Return an ID-List EditorProp with only IDs available that meet the condition
public func GetConditionalIDList(string condition, string name, proplist default_id, string help)
var counted_id = { Type = "proplist", Display = "{{count}}x{{id}}", Name = Format("$Entry$", name), EditorProps = {
count = { Type = "int", Min = 1 },
id = { Type = "def", Filter=condition } } };
return { Name = name, Type = "array", Display = 3, DefaultValue = { count=1, id=default_id }, Elements = counted_id, EditorHelp = help };
// Create item specieid in ItemsPlusParameters delegate
public func CreateItemPlusParameter(proplist param, int x, int y, int owner)
if (!param) return nil;
var id;
if (param.ItemPlusParameter) id = param.ID; else id = param;
var obj = CreateObject(id, x, y, owner);
return ApplyContentsPlusParameter(param, obj);
public func CreateContentsPlusParameter(proplist param, object container)
if (!param || !container) return nil;
var id;
if (param.ItemPlusParameter) id = param.ID; else id = param;
var obj = container->CreateContents(id);
return ApplyContentsPlusParameter(param, obj);
private func ApplyContentsPlusParameter(proplist param, object to_obj)
// Apply object contents or stack count setting
if (to_obj && param.ItemPlusParameter)
if (param.ItemPlusParameter == "liquid")
CreateContentsPlusParameter(param.Liquid, to_obj);
else if (param.ItemPlusParameter == "contents")
CreateContentsPlusParameter(param.Contents, to_obj);
else if (param.ItemPlusParameter == "stack" && GetType(param.StackCount))
if (param.StackCount == "infinite")
return to_obj;