
373 lines
10 KiB

Contains functions to evaluate fuzzy sets.
Objects using this library first need to declare fuzzy sets with AddFuzzySet and fuzzy rules with AddFuzzyRule
and can then update the fuzzy values using Fuzzify.
FuzzyExec can then be called to evaluate the current upates and returns an array of actions based on the AddFuzzyRules calls.
For an example, see the fish.
If you happen to notice anything weird regarding how the data of this library is handled internally, it is probably due to optimizations.
@author Zapper
Objects using this library must call _inherited on:
- Construction
static const FUZZY_NOT = 1;
static const FUZZY_AND = 2;
static const FUZZY_OR = 3;
local FuzzyLogic;
func Construction()
FuzzyLogic =
rules = [],
sets = {},
actions = {},
// updates[set][subset]=[unused, value, usage_count]
updates = {},
// both caches help when values change either not at all or only slowly
// which could happen quite often. (For example the "hunger" of an animal could be at the same value for quite some FuzzyExecs)
cache_defuz = {}, // optimizes defuzzification
cache_fuz = {}, // optimizes fuzzification
return _inherited(...);
AddFuzzySet("swim", "left", [[-1000, 1], [-500, 1], [0, 0]]);
func AddFuzzySet(string set, string subset, array data, bool no_warn)
if (!FuzzyLogic.sets[set])
FuzzyLogic.sets[set] = {};
// normaliz data
// the Y values should normally be 0 or 1 and are normalized to 0 and 1000 here
for (var item in data)
if (item[1] != 0 && item[1] != 1 && !no_warn)
Log("Warning: AddFuzzyAction for %s/%s has a strength value of %d", set, subset, item[1]);
item[1] *= 1000;
FuzzyLogic.sets[set][subset] = data;
// init cache for that entry
if (!FuzzyLogic.cache_defuz[set])
FuzzyLogic.cache_defuz[set] = {};
FuzzyLogic.cache_defuz[set][subset] = [-1, nil];
if (!FuzzyLogic.cache_fuz[set])
FuzzyLogic.cache_fuz[set] = {};
FuzzyLogic.cache_fuz[set] = 0xffffff;
func FuzzyExec()
var actions = {};
// apply all the rules to determine the action values
for (var rule in FuzzyLogic.rules)
if (!actions[rule[1][0]])
actions[rule[1][0]] = {};
var value = ApplyFuzzyRule(rule[0]);
actions[rule[1][0]][rule[1][1]] = Max(actions[rule[1][0]][rule[1][1]], value);
// now defuzzify the actions
for (var action in GetProperties(actions))
var weighted_sum = 0, sum = 0;
for (var subset in GetProperties(actions[action]))
var strength = actions[action][subset];
var defuz; // [centroid, weight]
// try the cache
if (FuzzyLogic.cache_defuz[action][subset][0] == strength)
defuz = FuzzyLogic.cache_defuz[action][subset][1];
else // cache miss
defuz = Defuzzify(action, subset, strength);
FuzzyLogic.cache_defuz[action][subset] = [strength, defuz];
weighted_sum += defuz[0] * defuz[1];
sum += defuz[1];
//Log("Fuzzy exec: action %s/%s: %d -> cx: %d, weight: %d", action, subset, actions[action][subset], defuz[0], defuz[1]);
if (!sum)
FuzzyLogic.actions[action] = 0;
FuzzyLogic.actions[action] = weighted_sum / sum;
//Log("Action [%s] defuzzifies to %d", action, FuzzyLogic.actions[action]);
return FuzzyLogic.actions;
calculates the centroid of an action set
returns [centroid-X, weight]
func Defuzzify(string action, string subset, int strength)
var subset_data = FuzzyLogic.sets[action][subset];
var centroid_data = [];
for (var i = 0; i <= 1; ++i)
var data = DefuzzifyGetCentroidFromGraph(subset_data[i], subset_data[i+1], strength, nil, true, i == 0);
PushBack(centroid_data, data);
//Log(" -> %d/%d, %d/%d with Y=%d: cx: %d, weight: %d", subset_data[i][0], subset_data[i][1], subset_data[i+1][0], subset_data[i+1][1], strength, data[0], data[1]);
// calculate joint weight from array
var w_sum = 0, sum = 0;
for (var centroid in centroid_data)
w_sum += centroid[0] * centroid[1];
sum += centroid[1];
if (!sum)
return [0, 0];
return [w_sum / sum, sum];
calculates the [centroid, weight] from two points on a line and a fill-value
func DefuzzifyGetCentroidFromGraph(array coords1, array coords2, int Y, bool is_good_triangle, bool is_main_block, bool is_left_block)
if ((Y == 0) || (coords1[0] == coords2[0]))
return [0, 0];
// rectangle? well, that's easy!
// some additional treatment for "main" blocks, so that the weight is distributed more realistically
if (coords1[1] == coords2[1])
var centroid_x;
if (is_main_block)
if (is_left_block) centroid_x = coords1[0];
else centroid_x = coords2[0];
centroid_x = (coords1[0] + coords2[0]) / 2;
var centroid_weight = (coords2[0] - coords1[0]) * (Y * coords1[1] / 1000);
return [centroid_x, centroid_weight];
if (is_good_triangle) // triangle which is already in a "good" normal form meaning Y is the max-Y
var h = (coords2[0] - coords1[0]) / 2;
var c = coords1[0];
if (coords1[1] < coords2[1])
c = coords2[0];
var s = (c - coords1[0] - h) / 3;
var weight = (Max(coords1[1], coords2[1]) * h) / 2;
return [coords1[0] + h + s, weight];
// generic triangle? that's a tiny bit harder
var centroid_x = FuzzyCalcLineIntersectY(coords1, coords2, Y);
//Log(" -> calc line %d/%d, %d/%d with Y=%d yields X=%d", coords1[0], coords1[1], coords2[0], coords2[1], Y, centroid_x);
var d1 = DefuzzifyGetCentroidFromGraph([coords1[0], Min(coords1[1], Y)], [centroid_x, Y], Y, true);
var d2 = DefuzzifyGetCentroidFromGraph([centroid_x, Y], [coords2[0], Min(coords2[1], Y)], Y, true);
if (d1[1] + d2[1] == 0)
return [0, 0];
var center = (d1[0] * d1[1] + d2[0] * d2[1]) / (d1[1] + d2[1]);
//Log(" -> d1_x: %d, d1_weight: %d, d2_x: %d, d2_weight: %d: centroid: %d", d1[0], d1[1], d2[0], d2[1], center);
return [center, d1[1] + d2[1]];
// returns value between 0 and 1000 for how much the rule fits
func ApplyFuzzyRule(array rule)
if (rule[0] == FUZZY_AND)
var v1 = ApplyFuzzyRule(rule[1]);
if (v1 < 50) return 0;
var v2 = ApplyFuzzyRule(rule[2]);
return Min(v1, v2);
if (rule[0] == FUZZY_OR)
var v1 = ApplyFuzzyRule(rule[1]);
if (v1 > 950) return 1000;
var v2 = ApplyFuzzyRule(rule[2]);
return Max(v1, v2);
if (rule[0] == FUZZY_NOT)
// reverse all sets in rule
return 1000 - ApplyFuzzyRule(rule[1]);
// normal rule, value has already been calcuated in FuzzyExec
return rule[1];
takes "position", 3
puts position = {left=[nil, 0], middle=[nil, 0.5], right=[nil, 0.9]} into updates (only for actually used subsets, though)
func Fuzzify(string set, int value)
// does not need to change the updates at all if the value didn't change between two calls
if (FuzzyLogic.cache_fuz[set] == value) return true;
FuzzyLogic.cache_fuz[set] = value;
// no rules for that set?
if (!FuzzyLogic.updates[set]) return true;
for (var subset in GetProperties(FuzzyLogic.updates[set]))
var subset_data = FuzzyLogic.sets[set][subset];
var result_value = nil;
for (var i = 0; i <= 2; i += 2)
var X = subset_data[i][0];
var Y = subset_data[i][1];
if ((i == 0 && value <= X)
|| (i == 2 && value >= X))
result_value = Y;
// if no result found yet, calculate
for (var i = 0; (i <= 1) && (result_value == nil); ++i)
if (subset_data[i][0] <= value && value <= subset_data[i+1][0])
result_value = FuzzyCalcLine(subset_data[i], subset_data[i+1], value);
//Log(" -> calc line %d/%d, %d/%d value %d: result %d", subset_data[i][0], subset_data[i][1], subset_data[i+1][0], subset_data[i+1][1], value, result_value);
FuzzyLogic.updates[set][subset][1] = result_value;
//Log("Fuzzify %s/%s: %d [from value %d]", set, subset, result_value, value);
internal helper
calculates Y value for X on a line between coords1 and coords2
func FuzzyCalcLine(array coords1, array coords2, int X)
(X * (coords2[1] - coords1[1])
+ (coords2[0] * coords1[1] - coords1[0] * coords2[1]))
/ (coords2[0] - coords1[0]);
internal helper
calculates X for intersection with Y-value of a line
func FuzzyCalcLineIntersectY(array coords1, array coords2, int Y)
var m = (coords2[1] - coords1[1]) / (coords2[0] - coords1[0]);
return coords1[0] + ((Y - coords1[1]) / m);
// takes "position=left", returns [value=0, usage_count=0] for !no_cache and ["position", "left"] for no_cache
func FuzzyStateStringToArray(state, bool no_cache)
// already an array?
if (GetType(state) == C4V_Array) return state;
var first = "", second = "";
var l = GetLength(state);
var in_first = true;
for (var i = 0; i < l; ++i)
var char = GetChar(state, i);
if (char == 32) continue; // ignore spaces
if (char == 61) // =
in_first = false;
if (in_first)
first = Format("%s%c", first, char);
else second = Format("%s%c", second, char);
// some sanity checks to prevent people from tearing out their hair over non-working rules
if (GetLength(first) == 0 || GetLength(second) == 0)
FatalError(Format("FuzzyLogic: Error in rule string: %s [%s=%s]", state, first, second));
if (!FuzzyLogic.sets[first])
FatalError(Format("FuzzyLogic: Error in rule string: %s [unknown set %s]", state, first));
if (!FuzzyLogic.sets[first][second])
FatalError(Format("FuzzyLogic: Error in rule string: %s [unknown subset %s]", state, second));
if (no_cache)
return [first, second];
// see whether that entry already exists in the cache
if (!FuzzyLogic.updates[first])
FuzzyLogic.updates[first] = {};
if (!FuzzyLogic.updates[first][second])
FuzzyLogic.updates[first][second] = [nil, 0, 0];
return FuzzyLogic.updates[first][second];
func FuzzyAnd(condA, condB)
if (!condB) return FuzzyStateStringToArray(condA);
return [FUZZY_AND, FuzzyStateStringToArray(condA), FuzzyAnd(condB, ...)];
func FuzzyOr(condA, condB)
if (!condB) return FuzzyStateStringToArray(condA);
return [FUZZY_OR, FuzzyStateStringToArray(condA), FuzzyOr(condB, ...)];
func FuzzyNot(condA, int nope)
return [FUZZY_NOT, FuzzyStateStringToArray(condA)];
/condition/ can be "position=left" or FuzzyAnd(FuzzyOr("position=left", "position=right"), FuzzyNot("position=middle"))
/result/ should be "move=left"
func AddFuzzyRule(condition, string result)
if (!result)
FatalError("FuzzyLogic::AddFuzzyRule needs result string");
if (GetType(condition) == C4V_String)
condition = FuzzyStateStringToArray(condition);
result = FuzzyStateStringToArray(result, true);
PushBack(FuzzyLogic.rules, [condition, result]);
FuzzyLogic.actions[result[0]] = 0;
return true;