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/* User action execution handler */
// Handles actions set in editor e.g. for dialogues, switches, etc.
// An object is sometimes needed to show a menu or start a timer, so this definition is created whenever a user action is run
local Name = "UserAction";
local Plane=0;
/* UserAction definition */
// Base classes for EditorProps using actions
local Evaluator;
// EditorProps for generic user action callbacks
local Prop, PropProgressMode, PropParallel;
// Base props for action execution conditions
local ActionEvaluation ;
// Proplist containing callback function. Indexed by option names.
local EvaluatorCallbacks;
// Proplist containing option definitions. Indexed by option names.
local EvaluatorDefs;
// Call this definition early (but after EditorBase) to allow EditorProp initialization
local DefinitionPriority=99;
2016-07-30 17:21:38 +00:00
// Localized group names
local GroupNames = { Structure="$Structure$" };
2016-07-31 02:39:22 +00:00
// Storage for global user variables
static g_UserAction_global_vars;
// Localized evaluator names
local EvaluatorTypeNames = {
Action = "$UserAction$",
Object = "$UserObject$",
Definition = "$UserDefinition$",
Player = "$UserPlayer$",
PlayerList = "$UserPlayerList$",
Boolean = "$UserBoolean$",
Integer = "$UserInteger$",
String = "$UserString$",
Condition = "$UserCondition$",
Position = "$UserPosition$",
Offset = "$UserOffset$"
func Definition(def)
// Typed evaluator base definitions
Evaluator = {};
Evaluator.Action = { Name="$UserAction$", Type="enum", OptionKey="Function", Options = [ { Name="$None$" } ] };
Evaluator.Object = { Name="$UserObject$", Type="enum", OptionKey="Function", Options = [ { Name="$None$" } ] };
2016-07-29 05:43:35 +00:00
Evaluator.Definition = { Name="$UserDefinition$", Type="enum", OptionKey="Function", Options = [ { Name="$None$" } ] };
Evaluator.Player = { Name="$UserPlayer$", Type="enum", OptionKey="Function", Options = [ { Name="$Noone$" } ] };
Evaluator.PlayerList = { Name="$UserPlayerList$", Type="enum", OptionKey="Function", Options = [ { Name="$Noone$" } ] };
Evaluator.Boolean = { Name="$UserBoolean$", Type="enum", OptionKey="Function", Options = [] };
Evaluator.Integer = { Name="$UserInteger$", Type="enum", OptionKey="Function", Options = [ {Name="0"} ] };
2016-07-30 21:39:15 +00:00
Evaluator.String = { Name="$UserString$", Type="enum", OptionKey="Function", Options = [] };
Evaluator.Condition = { Name="$UserCondition$", Type="enum", OptionKey="Function", Options = [ { Name="$None$" } ] };
2016-07-29 05:43:35 +00:00
Evaluator.Position = { Name="$UserPosition$", Type="enum", OptionKey="Function", Options = [ { Name="$Here$" } ] };
Evaluator.Offset = { Name="$UserOffset$", Type="enum", OptionKey="Function", Options = [ { Name="$None$" } ] };
2016-07-31 02:39:22 +00:00
Evaluator.Any = { Name="$UserAny$", Type="enum", OptionKey="Function", Options = [ { Name="$None$" } ] };
// Action evaluators
EvaluatorCallbacks = {};
EvaluatorDefs = {};
2016-07-25 05:42:23 +00:00
AddEvaluator("Action", "$Sequence$", "$Sequence$", "$SequenceHelp$", "sequence", [def, def.EvalAct_Sequence], { Actions=[] }, { Type="proplist", DescendPath="Actions", Display="{{Actions}}", EditorProps = {
Actions = { Name="$Actions$", Type="array", Elements=Evaluator.Action },
} } );
2016-07-25 05:42:23 +00:00
AddEvaluator("Action", "$Sequence$", "$Goto$", "$GotoHelp$", "goto", [def, def.EvalAct_Goto], { Index=0 }, { Type="proplist", Display="{{Index}}", EditorProps = {
Index = { Name="$Index$", Type="int", Min=0 }
} } );
2016-07-25 05:42:23 +00:00
AddEvaluator("Action", "$Sequence$", "$StopSequence$", "$StopSequenceHelp$", "stop_sequence", [def, def.EvalAct_StopSequence]);
AddEvaluator("Action", "$Sequence$", "$SuspendSequence$", "$SuspendSequenceHelp$", "suspend_sequence", [def, def.EvalAct_SuspendSequence]);
AddEvaluator("Action", "$Sequence$", "$Wait$", "$WaitHelp$", "wait", [def, def.EvalAct_Wait], { Time=60 }, { Type="proplist", Display="{{Time}}", EditorProps = {
Time = { Name="$Time$", Type="int", Min=1 }
} } );
2016-07-29 03:44:10 +00:00
AddEvaluator("Action", "$Ambience$", "$Sound$", "$SoundHelp$", "sound", [def, def.EvalAct_Sound], { Pitch={Function="int_constant", Value=0}, Volume={Function="int_constant", Value=100}, TargetPlayers={Function="all_players"} }, { Type="proplist", Display="{{Sound}}", EditorProps = {
Sound = { Name="$SoundName$", EditorHelp="$SoundNameHelp$", Type="sound", AllowEditing=true },
Pitch = new Evaluator.Integer { Name="$SoundPitch$", EditorHelp="$SoundPitchHelp$" },
Volume = new Evaluator.Integer { Name="$SoundVolume$", EditorHelp="$SoundVolumeHelp$" },
Loop = { Name="$SoundLoop$", EditorHelp="$SoundLoopHelp$", Type="enum", Options=[
{ Name="$SoundLoopNone$" },
{ Name="$SoundLoopOn$", Value=+1 },
{ Name="$SoundLoopOff$", Value=-1 }
] },
TargetPlayers = new Evaluator.PlayerList { EditorHelp="$SoundTargetPlayersHelp$" },
SourceObject = new Evaluator.Object { Name="$SoundSourceObject$", EditorHelp="$SoundSourceObjectHelp$", EmptyName="$Global$" }
2016-07-29 03:44:10 +00:00
} } );
2016-07-30 20:51:57 +00:00
AddEvaluator("Action", "$Object$", "$CreateObject$", "$CreateObjectHelp$", "create_object", [def, def.EvalAct_CreateObject], { SpeedX={Function="int_constant", Value=0},SpeedY={Function="int_constant", Value=0} }, { Type="proplist", Display="{{ID}}", ShowFullName=true, EditorProps = {
2016-07-29 05:43:35 +00:00
ID = new Evaluator.Definition { EditorHelp="$CreateObjectDefinitionHelp$" },
Position = new Evaluator.Position { EditorHelp="$CreateObjectPositionHelp$" },
CreateAbove = { Name="$CreateObjectCreationOffset$", EditorHelp="$CreateObjectCreationOffsetHelp$", Type="enum", Options=[
{ Name="$Center$" },
{ Name="$Bottom$", Value=true }
Owner = new Evaluator.Player { Name="$Owner$", EditorHelp="$CreateObjectOwnerHelp$" },
Container = new Evaluator.Object { Name="$Container$", EditorHelp="$CreateObjectContainerHelp$" },
SpeedX = new Evaluator.Integer { Name="$SpeedX$", EditorHelp="$CreateObjectSpeedXHelp$" },
SpeedY = new Evaluator.Integer { Name="$SpeedY$", EditorHelp="$CreateObjectSpeedYHelp$" }
} } );
2016-07-30 20:51:57 +00:00
AddEvaluator("Action", "$Object$", "$CastObjects$", "$CastObjectsHelp$", "cast_objects", [def, def.EvalAct_CastObjects], { Amount={Function="int_constant", Value=8},Speed={Function="int_constant", Value=20},AngleDeviation={Function="int_constant", Value=360} }, { Type="proplist", Display="{{Amount}}x{{ID}}", ShowFullName=true, EditorProps = {
ID = new Evaluator.Definition { EditorHelp="$CastObjectsDefinitionHelp$" },
Position = new Evaluator.Position { EditorHelp="$CastObjectsPositionHelp$" },
Amount = new Evaluator.Integer { Name="$Amount$", EditorHelp="$CastObjectsAmountHelp$" },
Speed = new Evaluator.Integer { Name="$SpeedY$", EditorHelp="$CastObjectsSpeedHelp$" },
MeanAngle = new Evaluator.Integer { Name="$MeanAngle$", EditorHelp="$CastObjectsMeanAngleHelp$" },
AngleDeviation = new Evaluator.Integer { Name="$AngleDeviation$", EditorHelp="$CastObjectsAngleDeviationHelp$" },
Owner = new Evaluator.Player { Name="$Owner$", EditorHelp="$CastObjectsOwnerHelp$" }
} } );
2016-07-31 04:05:58 +00:00
AddEvaluator("Action", "$Object$", "$RemoveObject$", "$RemoveObjectHelp$", "remove_object", [def, def.EvalAct_RemoveObject], { }, { Type="proplist", Display="{{Object}}", ShowFullName=true, EditorProps = {
2016-07-29 06:06:20 +00:00
Object = new Evaluator.Object { EditorHelp="$RemoveObjectObject$" },
EjectContents = { Name="$EjectContents$", EditorHelp="$EjectContentsHelp$", Type="enum", Options=[
{ Name="$EjectContentsNo$" },
{ Name="$EjectContentsYes$", Value=true }
] },
} } );
2016-07-31 02:39:22 +00:00
AddEvaluator("Action", "$Script$", "$SetVariable$", "$SetVariableHelp$", "set_variable", [def, def.EvalAct_SetVariable], { VariableName={Function="string_constant",Value=""} }, { Type="proplist", Display="{{Context}}::{{VariableName}}={{Value}}", EditorProps = {
Context = new Evaluator.Object { Name="$Context$", EditorHelp="$VariableContextHelp$", EmptyName="$Global$" },
VariableName = new Evaluator.String { Name="$VariableName$", EditorHelp="$VariableNameHelp$" },
Value = new Evaluator.Any { Name="$Value$", EditorHelp="$SetVariableValueHelp$" }
} } );
var variable_delegate = { Type="proplist", Display="{{Context}}::{{VariableName}}", EditorProps = {
Context = new Evaluator.Object { Name="$Context$", EditorHelp="$VariableContextHelp$", EmptyName="$Global$" },
VariableName = new Evaluator.String { Name="$VariableName$", EditorHelp="$VariableNameHelp$" } } };
2016-07-31 04:05:58 +00:00
AddEvaluator("Action", "$Script$", "$Log$", "$LogHelp$", "log", [def, def.EvalAct_Log], { Message={Function="string_constant",Value=""} }, { Type="proplist", Display="{{Message}}", ShowFullName=true, EditorProps = {
Message = new Evaluator.String { Name="$LogMessage$", EditorHelp="$LogMessageHelp$" },
} } );
// Object evaluators
2016-07-25 05:42:23 +00:00
AddEvaluator("Object", nil, "$ActionObject$", "$ActionObjectHelp$", "action_object", [def, def.EvalObj_ActionObject]);
AddEvaluator("Object", nil, "$TriggerClonk$", "$TriggerClonkHelp$", "triggering_clonk", [def, def.EvalObj_TriggeringClonk]);
AddEvaluator("Object", nil, "$TriggerObject$", "$TriggerObjectHelp$", "triggering_object", [def, def.EvalObj_TriggeringObject]);
2016-07-30 18:50:22 +00:00
AddEvaluator("Object", nil, ["$ConstantObject$", ""], "$ConstantObjectHelp$", "object_constant", [def, def.EvalConstant], { Value=nil }, { Type="object", Name="$Value$" });
2016-07-29 05:43:35 +00:00
AddEvaluator("Object", nil, "$LastCreatedObject$", "$LastCreatedObjectHelp$", "last_created_object", [def, def.EvalObj_LastCreatedObject]);
2016-07-31 02:39:22 +00:00
AddEvaluator("Object", nil, "$Variable$", "$VariableHelp$", "object_variable", [def, def.EvalVariable, C4V_C4Object], { VariableName={Function="string_constant",Value=""} }, variable_delegate);
2016-07-29 05:43:35 +00:00
// Definition evaluators
2016-07-30 18:50:22 +00:00
AddEvaluator("Definition", nil, ["$Constant$", ""], "$ConstantHelp$", "def_constant", [def, def.EvalConstant], { Value=nil }, { Type="def", Name="$Value$" });
AddEvaluator("Definition", nil, "$TypeOfObject$", "$TypeOfObjectHelp$", "type_of_object", [def, def.EvalDef_TypeOfObject], { }, new Evaluator.Object { }, "Object");
2016-07-31 02:39:22 +00:00
AddEvaluator("Definition", nil, "$Variable$", "$VariableHelp$", "def_variable", [def, def.EvalVariable, C4V_Def], { VariableName={Function="string_constant",Value=""} }, variable_delegate);
// Player evaluators
2016-07-25 05:42:23 +00:00
AddEvaluator("Player", nil, "$TriggeringPlayer$", "$TriggeringPlayerHelp$", "triggering_player", [def, def.EvalPlr_Trigger]);
2016-07-31 02:39:22 +00:00
AddEvaluator("Player", nil, "$Variable$", "$VariableHelp$", "player_variable", [def, def.EvalVariable, C4V_Int], { VariableName={Function="string_constant",Value=""} }, variable_delegate);
2016-07-25 05:42:23 +00:00
AddEvaluator("PlayerList", nil, "$TriggeringPlayer$", "$TriggeringPlayerHelp$", "triggering_player_list", [def, def.EvalPlrList_Single, def.EvalPlr_Trigger]);
AddEvaluator("PlayerList", nil, "$AllPlayers$", "$AllPlayersHelp$", "all_players", [def, def.EvalPlrList_All]);
2016-07-31 02:39:22 +00:00
AddEvaluator("PlayerList", nil, "$Variable$", "$VariableHelp$", "player_list_variable", [def, def.EvalVariable, [C4V_Int]], { VariableName={Function="string_constant",Value=""} }, variable_delegate);
// Boolean (condition) evaluators
2016-07-30 18:50:22 +00:00
AddEvaluator("Boolean", nil, ["$Constant$", ""], "$ConstantHelp$", "bool_constant", [def, def.EvalConstant], { Value=true }, { Type="bool", Name="$Value$" });
2016-07-30 21:39:15 +00:00
AddEvaluator("Boolean", "$Comparison$", "$CompareInteger$", "$ComparisonHelp$", "compare_int", [def, def.EvalComparison, "Integer"], { }, { Type="proplist", Display="{{LeftOperand}}{{Operator}}{{RightOperand}}", ShowFullName=true, EditorProps = {
LeftOperand = new Evaluator.Integer { Name="$LeftOperand$", EditorHelp="$LeftOperandHelp$" },
Operator = { Type="enum", Name="$Operator$", EditorHelp="$OperatorHelp$", Options = [
{ Name="==", EditorHelp="$EqualHelp$" },
{ Name="!=", EditorHelp="$NotEqualHelp$", Value="ne" },
{ Name="<", EditorHelp="$LessThanHelp$", Value="lt" },
{ Name=">", EditorHelp="$GreaterThanHelp$", Value="gt" },
{ Name="<=", EditorHelp="$LessOrEqualHelp$", Value="le" },
{ Name=">=", EditorHelp="$GreaterOrEqualHelp$", Value="ge" }
] },
RightOperand = new Evaluator.Integer { Name="$RightOperand$", EditorHelp="$RightOperandHelp$" }
} } );
AddEvaluator("Boolean", "$Comparison$", "$CompareObject$", "$ComparisonHelp$", "compare_object", [def, def.EvalComparison, "Object"], { }, { Type="proplist", Display="{{LeftOperand}}{{Operator}}{{RightOperand}}", ShowFullName=true, EditorProps = {
LeftOperand = new Evaluator.Object { Name="$LeftOperand$", EditorHelp="$LeftOperandHelp$" },
Operator = { Type="enum", Name="$Operator$", EditorHelp="$OperatorHelp$", Options = [
{ Name="==", EditorHelp="$EqualHelp$" },
{ Name="!=", EditorHelp="$NotEqualHelp$", Value="ne" },
] },
RightOperand = new Evaluator.Object { Name="$RightOperand$", EditorHelp="$RightOperandHelp$" }
} } );
AddEvaluator("Boolean", "$Comparison$", "$CompareString$", "$ComparisonHelp$", "compare_string", [def, def.EvalComparison, "String"], { LeftOperand={Function="string_constant", Value=""}, RightOperand={Function="string_constant", Value=""} }, { Type="proplist", Display="{{LeftOperand}}{{Operator}}{{RightOperand}}", ShowFullName=true, EditorProps = {
LeftOperand = new Evaluator.String { Name="$LeftOperand$", EditorHelp="$LeftOperandHelp$" },
Operator = { Type="enum", Name="$Operator$", EditorHelp="$OperatorHelp$", Options = [
{ Name="==", EditorHelp="$EqualHelp$" },
{ Name="!=", EditorHelp="$NotEqualHelp$", Value="ne" },
] },
RightOperand = new Evaluator.String { Name="$RightOperand$", EditorHelp="$RightOperandHelp$" }
} } );
AddEvaluator("Boolean", "$Comparison$", "$CompareDefinition$", "$ComparisonHelp$", "compare_definition", [def, def.EvalComparison, "Definition"], { }, { Type="proplist", Display="{{LeftOperand}}{{Operator}}{{RightOperand}}", ShowFullName=true, EditorProps = {
LeftOperand = new Evaluator.Definition { Name="$LeftOperand$", EditorHelp="$LeftOperandHelp$" },
Operator = { Type="enum", Name="$Operator$", EditorHelp="$OperatorHelp$", Options = [
{ Name="==", EditorHelp="$EqualHelp$" },
{ Name="!=", EditorHelp="$NotEqualHelp$", Value="ne" },
] },
RightOperand = new Evaluator.Definition { Name="$RightOperand$", EditorHelp="$RightOperandHelp$" }
} } );
AddEvaluator("Boolean", "$Comparison$", "$ComparePlayer$", "$ComparisonHelp$", "compare_player", [def, def.EvalComparison, "Player"], { }, { Type="proplist", Display="{{LeftOperand}}{{Operator}}{{RightOperand}}", ShowFullName=true, EditorProps = {
LeftOperand = new Evaluator.Player { Name="$LeftOperand$", EditorHelp="$LeftOperandHelp$" },
Operator = { Type="enum", Name="$Operator$", EditorHelp="$OperatorHelp$", Options = [
{ Name="==", EditorHelp="$EqualHelp$" },
{ Name="!=", EditorHelp="$NotEqualHelp$", Value="ne" },
] },
RightOperand = new Evaluator.Player { Name="$RightOperand$", EditorHelp="$RightOperandHelp$" }
} } );
AddEvaluator("Boolean", nil, "$ObjectExists$", "$ObjectExistsHelp$", "object_exists", [def, def.EvalBool_ObjectExists], { }, new Evaluator.Object { }, "Object");
2016-07-31 02:39:22 +00:00
AddEvaluator("Boolean", nil, "$Variable$", "$VariableHelp$", "bool_variable", [def, def.EvalVariable, C4V_Bool], { VariableName={Function="string_constant",Value=""} }, variable_delegate);
2016-07-29 03:44:10 +00:00
// Integer evaluators
2016-07-30 18:50:22 +00:00
AddEvaluator("Integer", nil, ["$Constant$", ""], "$ConstantHelp$", "int_constant", [def, def.EvalConstant], { Value=0 }, { Type="int", Name="$Value$" });
AddEvaluator("Integer", nil, "$Random$", "$RandomIntHelp$", "int_random", [def, def.EvalIntRandom], { Min={Function="int_constant", Value=0}, Max={Function="int_constant", Value=99} }, { Type="proplist", Display="Rnd({{Min}}..{{Max}})", EditorProps = {
Min = new Evaluator.Integer { Name="$Min$", EditorHelp="$RandomMinHelp$" },
Max = new Evaluator.Integer { Name="$Max$", EditorHelp="$RandomMaxHelp$" }
} } );
AddEvaluator("Integer", nil, "$Distance$", "$DistanceHelp$", "distance", [def, def.EvalInt_Distance], { }, { Type="proplist", Display="d({{PositionA}}..{{PositionB}})", EditorProps = {
PositionA = new Evaluator.Position { Name="$PositionA$", EditorHelp="$PositionAHelp$" },
PositionB = new Evaluator.Position { Name="$PositionB$", EditorHelp="$PositionBHelp$" }
} } );
2016-07-31 02:39:22 +00:00
AddEvaluator("Integer", nil, "$Variable$", "$VariableHelp$", "integer_variable", [def, def.EvalVariable, C4V_Int], { VariableName={Function="string_constant",Value=""} }, variable_delegate);
2016-07-30 21:39:15 +00:00
// String evaluators
AddEvaluator("String", nil, ["$Constant$", ""], "$ConstantHelp$", "string_constant", [def, def.EvalConstant], { Value="" }, { Type="string", Name="$Value$" });
AddEvaluator("String", nil, ["$ValueToString$", ""], "$ValueToStringHelp$", "value_to_string", [def, def.EvalStr_ValueToString], { }, new Evaluator.Any { });
2016-07-31 02:39:22 +00:00
AddEvaluator("String", nil, "$Variable$", "$VariableHelp$", "integer_variable", [def, def.EvalVariable, C4V_String], { VariableName={Function="string_constant",Value=""} }, variable_delegate);
// Position evaluators
2016-07-30 18:50:22 +00:00
AddEvaluator("Position", nil, ["$ConstantPositionAbsolute$", ""], "$ConstantPositionAbsoluteHelp$", "position_constant", [def, def.EvalConstant], def.GetDefaultPosition, { Type="point", Name="$Position$", Relative=false, Color=0xff2000 });
AddEvaluator("Position", nil, ["$ConstantPositionRelative$", "+"], "$ConstantPositionRelativeHelp$", "position_constant_rel", [def, def.EvalPositionRelative], { Value=[0,0] }, { Type="point", Name="$Position$", Relative=true, Color=0xff0050 });
AddEvaluator("Position", nil, "$Coordinates$", "$CoordinatesHelp$", "position_coordinates", [def, def.EvalCoordinates], def.GetDefaultCoordinates, { Type="proplist", Display="({{X}},{{Y}})", EditorProps = {
X = new Evaluator.Integer { Name="X", EditorHelp="$PosXHelp$" },
Y = new Evaluator.Integer { Name="Y", EditorHelp="$PosYHelp$" }
} } );
AddEvaluator("Position", nil, "$PositionOffset$", "$PositionOffsetHelp$", "position_offset", [def, def.EvalPositionOffset], { }, { Type="proplist", Display="{{Position}}+{{Offset}}", EditorProps = {
Position = new Evaluator.Position { EditorHelp="$PositionOffsetPositionHelp$" },
Offset = new Evaluator.Offset { EditorHelp="$PositionOffsetOffsetHelp$" }
} } );
AddEvaluator("Position", nil, "$ObjectPosition$", "$ObjectPositionHelp$", "object_position", [def, def.EvalPositionObject], { Object={Function="triggering_object"} }, new Evaluator.Object { EditorHelp="$ObjectPositionObjectHelp$" }, "Object");
AddEvaluator("Position", "$RandomPosition$", "$RandomRectAbs$", "$RandomRectAbsHelp$", "random_pos_rect_abs", [def, def.EvalPos_RandomRect, false], def.GetDefaultRect, { Type="rect", Name="$Rectangle$", Relative=false, Color=0xffff00 }, "Area");
AddEvaluator("Position", "$RandomPosition$", "$RandomRectRel$", "$RandomRectRelHelp$", "random_pos_rect_rel", [def, def.EvalPos_RandomRect, true], { Area=[-30,-30,60,60] }, { Type="rect", Name="$Rectangle$", Relative=true, Color=0x00ffff }, "Area");
AddEvaluator("Position", "$RandomPosition$", "$RandomCircleAbs$", "$RandomCircleAbsHelp$", "random_pos_circle_abs", [def, def.EvalPos_RandomCircle, false], def.GetDefaultCircle, { Type="circle", Name="$Circle$", Relative=false, CanMoveCenter=true, Color=0xff00ff }, "Area");
AddEvaluator("Position", "$RandomPosition$", "$RandomCircleRel$", "$RandomCircleRelHelp$", "random_pos_circle_rel", [def, def.EvalPos_RandomCircle, true], { Area=[50,0,0] }, { Type="circle", Name="$Circle$", Relative=true, CanMoveCenter=true, Color=0xa000a0 }, "Area");
2016-07-31 02:39:22 +00:00
AddEvaluator("Position", nil, "$Variable$", "$VariableHelp$", "position_variable", [def, def.EvalVariable, [C4V_Int, 2]], { VariableName={Function="string_constant",Value=""} }, variable_delegate);
// Offset evaluators
2016-07-30 18:50:22 +00:00
AddEvaluator("Offset", nil, ["$ConstantOffsetRelative$", ""], "$ConstantOffsetRelativeHelp$", "offset_constant", [def, def.EvalConstant], { Value=[0,0] }, { Type="point", Name="$Position$", Relative=true, Color=0xff30ff });
AddEvaluator("Offset", nil, ["$Coordinates$", ""], "$CoordinatesHelp$", "offset_coordinates", [def, def.EvalCoordinates], { Value={X=0,Y=0} }, { Type="proplist", Display="({{X}},{{Y}})", EditorProps = {
X = new Evaluator.Integer { Name="X", EditorHelp="$OffXHelp$" },
Y = new Evaluator.Integer { Name="Y", EditorHelp="$OffYHelp$" },
} } );
AddEvaluator("Offset", nil, "$AddOffsets$", "$AddOffsetsHelp$", "add_offsets", [def, def.EvalOffsetAdd], { }, { Type="proplist", Display="{{Offset1}}+{{Offset2}}", EditorProps = {
Offset1 = new Evaluator.Offset { EditorHelp="$AddOffsetOffsetHelp$" },
Offset2 = new Evaluator.Offset { EditorHelp="$AddOffsetOffsetHelp$" }
} } );
AddEvaluator("Offset", nil, "$DiffPositions$", "$DiffPositionsHelp$", "diff_positions", [def, def.EvalOffsetDiff], { }, { Type="proplist", Display="{{PositionB}}-{{PositionA}}", EditorProps = {
PositionA = new Evaluator.Position { Name="$PositionA$", EditorHelp="$PositionAHelp$" },
PositionB = new Evaluator.Position { Name="$PositionB$", EditorHelp="$PositionBHelp$" }
} } );
AddEvaluator("Offset", nil, "$RandomOffRectRel$", "$RandomRectRelHelp$", "random_off_rect_rel", [def, def.EvalPos_RandomRect, "rect", false], { Area=[-30,-30,60,60] }, { Type="rect", Name="$Rectangle$", Relative=true, Color=0x00ffff }, "Area");
AddEvaluator("Offset", nil, "$RandomOffCircleRel$", "$RandomCircleRelHelp$", "random_off_circle_rel", [def, def.EvalPos_RandomCircle, "circle", false], { Area=[0,0,50] }, { Type="circle", Name="$Circle$", Relative=true, CanMoveCenter=true, Color=0xa000a0 }, "Area");
2016-07-31 02:39:22 +00:00
AddEvaluator("Offset", nil, "$Variable$", "$VariableHelp$", "offset_variable", [def, def.EvalVariable, [C4V_Int, 2]], { VariableName={Function="string_constant",Value=""} }, variable_delegate);
// User action editor props
Prop = Evaluator.Action;
2016-07-25 05:42:23 +00:00
PropProgressMode = { Name="$UserActionProgressMode$", EditorHelp="$UserActionProgressModeHelp$", Type="enum", Options = [ { Name="$Session$", Value="session" }, { Name="$Player$", Value="player" }, { Name="$Global$" } ] };
PropParallel = { Name="$ParallelAction$", EditorHelp="$ParallelActionHelp$", Type="bool" };
return true;
2016-07-30 17:21:38 +00:00
public func GetObjectEvaluator(filter_def, name, help)
// Create copy of the Evaluator.Object delegate, but with the object_constant proplist replaced by a version with filter_def
var object_options = Evaluator.Object.Options[:];
var const_option = new EvaluatorDefs["object_constant"] {};
const_option.Delegate = new const_option.Delegate { Filter=filter_def };
object_options[const_option.OptionIndex] = const_option;
2016-07-30 17:21:38 +00:00
return new Evaluator.Object { Name=name, Options=object_options, EditorHelp=help };
2016-07-30 18:50:22 +00:00
public func AddEvaluator(string eval_type, string group, name, string help, string identifier, callback_data, default_val, proplist delegate, string delegate_storage_key)
// Add an evaluator for one of the data types. Evaluators allow users to write small action sequences and scripts in the editor using dropdown lists.
// eval_type: Return type of the evaluator (Action, Object, Boolean, Player, etc. as defined in UserAction.Evaluator)
// group [optional] Localized name of sub-group for larger enums (i.e. actions)
2016-07-30 18:50:22 +00:00
// name: Localized name as it appears in the dropdown list of evaluators. May also be an array [name, short_name].
// identifier: Unique identifier that is used to store this action in savegames and look up the action def. Identifiers must be unique among all data types.
// callback_data: Array of [definition, definition.Function, parameter (optional)]. Function to be called when this evaluator is called
// default_val [optional]: Default value to be set when this evaluator is selected. Must be a proplist. Should contain values for all properties in the delegate
// delegate: Parameters for this evaluator
2016-07-31 02:39:22 +00:00
// Copy most boolean props to condition prop
if (eval_type == "Boolean" && identifier != "bool_constant")
AddEvaluator("Condition", group, name, help, identifier, callback_data, default_val, delegate);
// Copy all value evaluations
if (eval_type != "Condition" && eval_type != "Action" && eval_type != "Any")
if (group) group = Format("%s/%s", EvaluatorTypeNames[eval_type], group); else group = EvaluatorTypeNames[eval_type];
AddEvaluator("Any", group, name, help, identifier, callback_data, default_val, delegate);
// Dissect parameters
2016-07-30 17:21:38 +00:00
if (group) group = GroupNames[group] ?? group; // resolve localized group name
2016-07-30 18:50:22 +00:00
var short_name;
if (GetType(name) == C4V_Array)
short_name = name[1];
name = name[0];
2016-07-30 20:51:57 +00:00
else if (delegate && delegate.Type == "proplist" && !delegate.ShowFullName)
2016-07-30 18:50:22 +00:00
// Proplist delegates provide their own display string and need not show the option name
short_name = "";
if (!default_val) default_val = {};
var default_get;
if (GetType(default_val) == C4V_Function)
default_get = default_val;
default_val = Call(default_get);
default_val.Function = identifier;
2016-07-30 18:50:22 +00:00
var action_def = { Name=name, ShortName=short_name, EditorHelp=help, Group=group, Value=default_val, OptionKey="Function", Delegate=delegate, Get=default_get }, n;
if (delegate)
2016-07-25 05:42:23 +00:00
if (delegate.EditorProps || delegate.Elements)
// Proplist of array parameter for this evaluator: Descend path title should be name
delegate.Name = name;
2016-07-25 05:42:23 +00:00
var child_delegate = delegate;
if (delegate.DescendPath) child_delegate = delegate.EditorProps[delegate.DescendPath];
if (!child_delegate.EditorHelp) child_delegate.EditorHelp = help;
// Any other parameter type: Store in value
action_def.ValueKey = delegate_storage_key ?? "Value";
Evaluator[eval_type].Options[n = GetLength(Evaluator[eval_type].Options)] = action_def;
action_def.OptionIndex = n;
2016-07-31 02:39:22 +00:00
// Remember lookup table through identifier (ignore duplicates)
if (eval_type != "Condition" && eval_type != "Any")
EvaluatorCallbacks[identifier] = callback_data;
EvaluatorDefs[identifier] = action_def;
return action_def;
public func EvaluateValue(string eval_type, proplist props, proplist context)
//Log("EvaluateValue %v %v %v", eval_type, props, context);
if (!props) return nil;
// Finish any hold-action
if (context.hold == props)
context.hold = nil;
return context.hold_result;
// Not on hold: Perform evaluation
var cb = EvaluatorCallbacks[props.Function];
/*var rval = cb[0]->Call(cb[1], props, context, cb[2]);
Log("%v <- EvaluateValue %v %v %v", rval, eval_type, props, context);
return rval;*/
return cb[0]->Call(cb[1], props, context, cb[2]);
public func EvaluateAction(proplist props, object action_object, object triggering_object, int triggering_player, string progress_mode, bool allow_parallel, finish_callback)
// No action
if (!props) if (finish_callback) return action_object->Call(finish_callback); else return;
// Determine context
var context;
if (!progress_mode)
if (!(context = props._context))
props._context = context = CreateObject(UserAction);
else if (progress_mode == "player")
if (!props._contexts) props._contexts = [];
var plr_id;
if (action_object) plr_id = GetPlayerID(action_object->GetOwner());
if (!(context = props._contexts[plr_id]))
props._contexts[plr_id] = context = CreateObject(UserAction);
else // if (progress_mode == "session")
// Temporary context
context = CreateObject(UserAction);
context.temp = true;
// Prevent duplicate parallel execution
if (!allow_parallel && (context.hold && !context.suspended)) return false;
// Init context settings
context->InitContext(action_object, triggering_player, triggering_object, props);
// Execute action
EvaluateValue("Action", props, context);
return true;
public func EvaluateCondition(proplist props, object action_object, object triggering_object, int triggering_player)
// Build temp context
var context = CreateObject(UserAction);
context.temp = true;
// Init context settings
context->InitContext(action_object, triggering_player, triggering_object, props);
// Execute condition evaluator
var result = EvaluateValue("Condition", props, context);
// Cleanup
if (context) context->RemoveObject();
// Done
return result;
2016-07-29 05:43:35 +00:00
private func EvaluatePosition(proplist props, object context)
// Execute position evaluator; fall back to position of action object
var position = EvaluateValue("Position", props, context);
if (!position)
if (context.action_object) position = [context.action_object->GetX(), context.action_object->GetY()];
else position = [0,0];
return position;
private func EvaluateOffset(proplist props, object context)
// Execute offset evaluator; fall back to [0, 0]
return EvaluateValue("Offset", props, context) ?? [0,0];
private func ResumeAction(proplist context, proplist resume_props)
//Log("ResumeAction %v %v", context, resume_props);
// Resume only if on hold for the same entry
if (context.hold != resume_props) return;
2016-07-29 05:43:35 +00:00
// Not if owning object is dead
if (!context.action_object) return;
// Resume action
EvaluateValue("Action", context.root_action, context);
// Cleanup action object (unless it ran into another hold)
private func FinishAction(proplist context)
// Cleanup action object (unless it's kept around for callbacks or to store sequence progress)
// Note that context.root_action.contexts is checked to kill session-contexts that try to suspend
// There would be no way to resume so just kill the context
if (!context.hold || context.temp)
if (context.action_object && context.finish_callback) context.action_object->Call(context.finish_callback, context);
private func EvalConstant(proplist props, proplist context) { return props.Value; }
private func EvalObj_ActionObject(proplist props, proplist context) { return context.action_object; }
private func EvalObj_TriggeringObject(proplist props, proplist context) { return context.triggering_object; }
private func EvalObj_TriggeringClonk(proplist props, proplist context) { return context.triggering_clonk; }
2016-07-29 05:43:35 +00:00
private func EvalObj_LastCreatedObject(proplist props, proplist context) { return context.last_created_object; }
private func EvalPlr_Trigger(proplist props, proplist context) { return context.triggering_player; }
private func EvalPlrList_Single(proplist props, proplist context, fn) { return [Call(fn, props, context)]; }
private func EvalPlrList_All(proplist props, proplist context, fn)
var n = GetPlayerCount(C4PT_User);
var result = CreateArray(n);
for (var i=0; i<n; ++i) result[i] = GetPlayerByIndex(i);
return result;
2016-07-30 21:39:15 +00:00
private func EvalComparison(proplist props, proplist context, data_type)
var left = EvaluateValue(data_type, props.LeftOperand, context);
var right = EvaluateValue(data_type, props.RightOperand, context);
if (!left) left = nil; // 0 ==nil
if (!right) right = nil; // 0 == nil
var op = props.Operator;
if (!op)
return left == right;
else if (op == "ne")
return left != right;
else if (op == "lt")
return left < right;
else if (op == "gt")
return left > right;
else if (op == "le")
return left <= right;
else if (op == "ge")
return left >= right;
private func EvalBool_ObjectExists(proplist props, proplist context) { return !!EvaluateValue("Object", props.Object, context); }
private func EvalDef_TypeOfObject(proplist props, proplist context)
var obj = EvaluateValue("Object", props.Object, context);
if (obj) return obj->GetID();
private func EvalAct_Sequence(proplist props, proplist context)
// Sequence execution: Iterate over actions until one action puts the context on hold
var n = GetLength(props.Actions), sid = props._sequence_id;
if (!sid) sid = props._sequence_id = Format("%d", ++UserAction_SequenceIDs);
for (var progress = context.sequence_progress[sid] ?? 0; progress < n; ++progress)
//Log("Sequence progress exec %v %v", progress, context.hold);
// goto preparations
context.sequence_had_goto[sid] = false;
context.last_sequence = props;
// Evaluate next sequence step
EvaluateValue("Action", props.Actions[progress], context);
if (context.hold || context.suspended)
// Execution on hold (i.e. wait action). Stop execution for now
if (!context.hold) progress = 0; // No hold specified: Stop with sequence reset
context.sequence_progress[sid] = progress;
// Apply jump in the sequence
if (context.sequence_had_goto[sid]) progress = context.sequence_progress[sid] - 1;
// Sequence finished
context.last_sequence = nil;
// Reset for next execution.
context.sequence_progress[sid] = 0;
private func EvalAct_Goto(proplist props, proplist context)
// Apply goto by jumping in most recently executed sequence
if (context.last_sequence)
context.sequence_progress[context.last_sequence._sequence_id] = props.Index;
context.sequence_had_goto[context.last_sequence._sequence_id] = true;
private func EvalAct_StopSequence(proplist props, proplist context)
// Stop: Suspend without hold props, which causes all sequences to reset
context.hold = nil;
context.suspended = true;
private func EvalAct_SuspendSequence(proplist props, proplist context)
// Suspend: Remember hold position and stop action execution
context.hold = props;
context.suspended = true;
private func EvalAct_Wait(proplist props, proplist context)
// Wait for specified number of frames
context.hold = props;
ScheduleCall(context, UserAction.ResumeAction, props.Time, 1, context, props);
2016-07-29 03:44:10 +00:00
private func EvalAct_Sound(proplist props, proplist context)
if (!props.Sound) return;
var sound_context = props.SourceObject ?? Global;
var volume = EvaluateValue("Integer", props.Volume, context);
var pitch = EvaluateValue("Integer", props.Pitch, context);
if (props.TargetPlayers == "all_players")
sound_context->Sound(props.Sound, true, volume, nil, props.Loop, nil, pitch);
for (var plr in EvaluateValue("PlayerList", props.TargetPlayers, context))
sound_context->Sound(props.Sound, false, volume, plr, props.Loop, nil, pitch);
2016-07-29 05:43:35 +00:00
private func EvalAct_CreateObject(proplist props, proplist context)
// Create a new object
var create_id = EvaluateValue("Definition", props.ID, context);
if (!create_id) return;
var owner = EvaluateValue("Player", props.Owner, context);
var container = EvaluateValue("Object", props.Container, context);
var obj;
if (container)
// Contained object
obj = container->CreateContents(create_id);
if (obj) obj->SetOwner(owner);
// Uncontained object
var position = EvaluatePosition(props.Position, context);
var speed_x = EvaluateValue("Integer", props.SpeedX, context);
var speed_y = EvaluateValue("Integer", props.SpeedY, context);
if (props.CreateAbove)
obj = Global->CreateObjectAbove(create_id, position[0], position[1], owner);
obj = Global->CreateObject(create_id, position[0], position[1], owner);
// Default speed
2016-07-30 20:51:57 +00:00
if (obj) obj->SetXDir(speed_x);
if (obj) obj->SetYDir(speed_y);
2016-07-29 05:43:35 +00:00
// Remember object for later access
context.last_created_object = obj;
2016-07-30 20:51:57 +00:00
private func EvalAct_CastObjects(proplist props, proplist context)
// Cast objects in multiple directions
var create_id = EvaluateValue("Definition", props.ID, context);
if (!create_id) return;
var owner = EvaluateValue("Player", props.Owner, context);
var amount = EvaluateValue("Integer", props.Amount, context);
var speed = EvaluateValue("Integer", props.Speed, context);
var mean_angle = EvaluateValue("Integer", props.MeanAngle, context);
var angle_deviation = EvaluateValue("Integer", props.AngleDeviation, context);
var position = EvaluatePosition(props.Position, context);
context.last_casted_objects = CastObjects(create_id, amount, speed, position[0], position[1], mean_angle, angle_deviation);
2016-07-29 06:06:20 +00:00
private func EvalAct_RemoveObject(proplist props, proplist context)
var obj = EvaluateValue("Object", props.Object, context);
if (!obj) return;
2016-07-31 04:05:58 +00:00
private func EvalAct_Log(proplist props, proplist context)
Log(EvaluateValue("String", props.Message, context));
2016-07-31 02:39:22 +00:00
private func GetVariableContext(proplist props, proplist context)
// Resolve context for variable. Global or object context.
var var_context = EvaluateValue("Object", props, context);
if (!var_context)
if (!g_UserAction_global_vars) g_UserAction_global_vars = {};
var_context = g_UserAction_global_vars;
if (!var_context.user_variables) var_context.user_variables = {};
var_context = var_context.user_variables;
return var_context;
private func EvalAct_SetVariable(proplist props, proplist context)
// Assign variable
var var_context = GetVariableContext(props.Context, context);
var var_name = StringToIdentifier(EvaluateValue("String", props.VariableName, context));
var value = EvaluateValue("Any", props.Value, context);
var_context[var_name] = value;
private func EvalVariable(proplist props, proplist context, expected_type)
// Get variable value
var var_context = GetVariableContext(props.Context, context);
var var_name = StringToIdentifier(EvaluateValue("String", props.VariableName, context));
var value = var_context[var_name];
// Check type
var val_type = GetType(value);
if (val_type != expected_type)
// Array types have special checking
if (GetType(expected_type) == C4V_Array)
var expected_len = expected_type[1];
var valid;
if (val_type == C4V_Array)
// Check required length
if (!expected_len || GetLength(value) == expected_len)
// Check data type of contents
var subtype = expected_type[0];
valid = true;
for (var v in value) if (v && GetType(v) != subtype) valid = false;
// Invalid value for expected array: Return default array.
// All nil is OK because there is no string list type and nil converts to 0.
if (!valid) return CreateArray(expected_len);
// Type not matching. Construct default.
if (expected_type == C4V_Int) return 0;
if (expected_type == C4V_Bool) return !!value; // This conversion is OK
if (expected_type == C4V_String) return "";
return nil;
// Value OK. Return it.
return value;
private func GetDefaultPosition(object target_object)
// Default position for constant absolute position evaluator: Use selected object position
var value;
if (target_object)
value = [target_object->GetX(), target_object->GetY()];
value = [0,0];
return { Function="position_constant", Value=value };
private func GetDefaultCoordinates(object target_object)
// Default position for constant absolute position evaluator: Use selected object position
var value;
if (target_object)
value = {X={Function="int_constant", Value=target_object->GetX()}, Y={Function="int_constant", Value=target_object->GetY()}};
value = {X=0, Y=0};
return value;
private func GetDefaultRect(object target_object)
// Default rectangle around target object
var r;
if (target_object) r = [target_object->GetX()-30, target_object->GetY()-30, 60, 60]; else r = [100,100,100,100];
return { Function="random_pos_rect_abs", Area=r };
private func GetDefaultCircle(object target_object)
// Default circle around target object
var r;
if (target_object) r = [50, target_object->GetX(), target_object->GetY()]; else r = [50,100,100];
return { Function="random_pos_circle_abs", Area=r };
private func EvalIntRandom(proplist props, proplist context)
// Random value between min and max. Also allow them to be swapped.
var min = EvaluateValue("Integer", props.Min, context);
var max = EvaluateValue("Integer", props.Max, context);
var rmin = Min(min,max);
return Random(Max(max,min)-rmin) + rmin;
private func EvalPositionRelative(proplist props, proplist context)
// Return position relative to action_object
if (context.action_object)
return [props.Value[0] + context.action_object->GetX(), props.Value[1] + context.action_object->GetY()];
return props.Value;
private func EvalCoordinates(proplist props, proplist context)
// Coordinate evaluation: Make array [X, Y]
return [EvaluateValue("Integer", props.X, context), EvaluateValue("Integer", props.Y, context)];
private func EvalPositionOffset(proplist props, proplist context)
var p = EvaluatePosition(props.Position, context);
var o = EvaluateOffset(props.Offset, context);
return [p[0]+o[0], p[1]+o[1]];
private func EvalPositionObject(proplist props, proplist context)
var obj = EvaluateValue("Object", props.Object, context);
if (obj) return [obj->GetX(), obj->GetY()];
return [0,0]; // undefined object: Position is 0/0 default
private func EvalPos_RandomRect(proplist props, proplist context, bool relative)
// Constant random distribution in rectangle
var a = props.Area;
var rval = [a[0] + Random(a[2]), a[1] + Random(a[3])];
// Apply relative offset
if (relative && context.action_object)
rval[0] += context.action_object->GetX();
rval[1] += context.action_object->GetY();
return rval;
private func EvalPos_RandomCircle(proplist props, proplist context, bool relative)
// Constant random distribution in circle
var a = props.Area;
var r = a[0];
r = Sqrt(Random(r*r));
var ang = Random(360);
var x = Sin(ang, r), y = Cos(ang, r);
var rval = [a[1]+x, a[2]+y];
// Apply relative offset
if (relative && context.action_object)
rval[0] += context.action_object->GetX();
rval[1] += context.action_object->GetY();
return rval;
private func EvalOffsetAdd(proplist props, proplist context)
var o1 = EvaluateOffset(props.Offset1, context);
var o2 = EvaluateOffset(props.Offset2, context);
return [o1[0]+o2[0], o1[1]+o2[1]];
private func EvalOffsetDiff(proplist props, proplist context)
var pA = EvaluatePosition(props.PositionA, context);
var pB = EvaluatePosition(props.PositionB, context);
return [pB[0]-pA[0], pB[1]-pA[1]];
private func EvalInt_Distance(proplist props, proplist context)
var pA = EvaluatePosition(props.PositionA, context);
var pB = EvaluatePosition(props.PositionB, context);
return Distance(pA[0], pA[1], pB[0], pB[1]);
private func EvalStr_ValueToString(proplist props, proplist context)
return Format("%v", EvaluateValue("Any", props.Value, context));
/* Context instance */
// Proplist holding progress in each sequence
local sequence_progress, sequence_had_goto;
static UserAction_SequenceIDs;
// Set to innermost sequence (for goto)
local last_sequence;
// If this action is paused and will be resumed by a callback or by re-execution of the action, this property is set to the props of the holding action
local hold;
// Set to true if action is on hold but waiting for re-execution
local suspended;
// Return value if a value-providing evaluator is held
local hold_result;
public func Initialize()
sequence_progress = {};
sequence_had_goto = {};
return true;
public func InitContext(object action_object, int triggering_player, object triggering_object, proplist props)
// Determine triggering player+objects
var triggering_clonk;
// Triggering player unknown? Try fallback to the controller of the triggering object
if (!GetType(triggering_player) && triggering_object)
triggering_player = triggering_object->GetController();
// Triggering clonk is the selected clonk of the triggering player
if (GetType(triggering_player))
triggering_clonk = GetCursor(triggering_player);;
if (!triggering_clonk) triggering_clonk = GetCrew(triggering_player);
// Triggering object: Fallback to triggering player clonk
if (!triggering_object) triggering_object = triggering_clonk;
// Init context settings
this.action_object = action_object;
this.triggering_object = triggering_object;
this.triggering_clonk = triggering_clonk;
this.triggering_player = triggering_player;
this.root_action = props;
this.suspended = false;
return true;
public func MenuOK(proplist menu_id, object clonk)
// Pressed 'Next' in dialogue: Resume in user action
UserAction->ResumeAction(this, this.hold);
public func MenuSelectOption(int index)
// Selected an option in dialogue: Resume at specified position in innermost sequence
if (!hold || !hold.Options) return;
var opt = this.hold.Options[index];
if (opt && last_sequence)
sequence_progress[last_sequence._sequence_id] = opt._goto;
hold = nil;
UserAction->ResumeAction(this, hold);
public func SaveScenarioObject(props) { return false; } // temp. don't save.