Add user action variables

Sven Eberhardt 2016-07-30 22:39:22 -04:00
parent 18444c7e0d
commit f12c6dc3e7
3 changed files with 145 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -28,6 +28,24 @@ local DefinitionPriority=99;
// Localized group names
local GroupNames = { Structure="$Structure$" };
// Storage for global user variables
static g_UserAction_global_vars;
// Localized evaluator names
local EvaluatorTypeNames = {
Action = "$UserAction$",
Object = "$UserObject$",
Definition = "$UserDefinition$",
Player = "$UserPlayer$",
PlayerList = "$UserPlayerList$",
Boolean = "$UserBoolean$",
Integer = "$UserInteger$",
String = "$UserString$",
Condition = "$UserCondition$",
Position = "$UserPosition$",
Offset = "$UserOffset$"
func Definition(def)
// Typed evaluator base definitions
@ -43,6 +61,7 @@ func Definition(def)
Evaluator.Condition = { Name="$UserCondition$", Type="enum", OptionKey="Function", Options = [ { Name="$None$" } ] };
Evaluator.Position = { Name="$UserPosition$", Type="enum", OptionKey="Function", Options = [ { Name="$Here$" } ] };
Evaluator.Offset = { Name="$UserOffset$", Type="enum", OptionKey="Function", Options = [ { Name="$None$" } ] };
Evaluator.Any = { Name="$UserAny$", Type="enum", OptionKey="Function", Options = [ { Name="$None$" } ] };
// Action evaluators
EvaluatorCallbacks = {};
EvaluatorDefs = {};
@ -90,7 +109,6 @@ func Definition(def)
AngleDeviation = new Evaluator.Integer { Name="$AngleDeviation$", EditorHelp="$CastObjectsAngleDeviationHelp$" },
Owner = new Evaluator.Player { Name="$Owner$", EditorHelp="$CastObjectsOwnerHelp$" }
} } );
AddEvaluator("Action", "$Object$", "$RemoveObject$", "$RemoveObjectHelp$", "remove_object", [def, def.EvalAct_RemoveObject], { }, { Type="proplist", Display="{{Object}}", EditorProps = {
Object = new Evaluator.Object { EditorHelp="$RemoveObjectObject$" },
EjectContents = { Name="$EjectContents$", EditorHelp="$EjectContentsHelp$", Type="enum", Options=[
@ -98,19 +116,31 @@ func Definition(def)
{ Name="$EjectContentsYes$", Value=true }
] },
} } );
AddEvaluator("Action", "$Script$", "$SetVariable$", "$SetVariableHelp$", "set_variable", [def, def.EvalAct_SetVariable], { VariableName={Function="string_constant",Value=""} }, { Type="proplist", Display="{{Context}}::{{VariableName}}={{Value}}", EditorProps = {
Context = new Evaluator.Object { Name="$Context$", EditorHelp="$VariableContextHelp$", EmptyName="$Global$" },
VariableName = new Evaluator.String { Name="$VariableName$", EditorHelp="$VariableNameHelp$" },
Value = new Evaluator.Any { Name="$Value$", EditorHelp="$SetVariableValueHelp$" }
} } );
var variable_delegate = { Type="proplist", Display="{{Context}}::{{VariableName}}", EditorProps = {
Context = new Evaluator.Object { Name="$Context$", EditorHelp="$VariableContextHelp$", EmptyName="$Global$" },
VariableName = new Evaluator.String { Name="$VariableName$", EditorHelp="$VariableNameHelp$" } } };
// Object evaluators
AddEvaluator("Object", nil, "$ActionObject$", "$ActionObjectHelp$", "action_object", [def, def.EvalObj_ActionObject]);
AddEvaluator("Object", nil, "$TriggerClonk$", "$TriggerClonkHelp$", "triggering_clonk", [def, def.EvalObj_TriggeringClonk]);
AddEvaluator("Object", nil, "$TriggerObject$", "$TriggerObjectHelp$", "triggering_object", [def, def.EvalObj_TriggeringObject]);
AddEvaluator("Object", nil, ["$ConstantObject$", ""], "$ConstantObjectHelp$", "object_constant", [def, def.EvalConstant], { Value=nil }, { Type="object", Name="$Value$" });
AddEvaluator("Object", nil, "$LastCreatedObject$", "$LastCreatedObjectHelp$", "last_created_object", [def, def.EvalObj_LastCreatedObject]);
AddEvaluator("Object", nil, "$Variable$", "$VariableHelp$", "object_variable", [def, def.EvalVariable, C4V_C4Object], { VariableName={Function="string_constant",Value=""} }, variable_delegate);
// Definition evaluators
AddEvaluator("Definition", nil, ["$Constant$", ""], "$ConstantHelp$", "def_constant", [def, def.EvalConstant], { Value=nil }, { Type="def", Name="$Value$" });
AddEvaluator("Definition", nil, "$TypeOfObject$", "$TypeOfObjectHelp$", "type_of_object", [def, def.EvalDef_TypeOfObject], { }, new Evaluator.Object { }, "Object");
AddEvaluator("Definition", nil, "$Variable$", "$VariableHelp$", "def_variable", [def, def.EvalVariable, C4V_Def], { VariableName={Function="string_constant",Value=""} }, variable_delegate);
// Player evaluators
AddEvaluator("Player", nil, "$TriggeringPlayer$", "$TriggeringPlayerHelp$", "triggering_player", [def, def.EvalPlr_Trigger]);
AddEvaluator("Player", nil, "$Variable$", "$VariableHelp$", "player_variable", [def, def.EvalVariable, C4V_Int], { VariableName={Function="string_constant",Value=""} }, variable_delegate);
AddEvaluator("PlayerList", nil, "$TriggeringPlayer$", "$TriggeringPlayerHelp$", "triggering_player_list", [def, def.EvalPlrList_Single, def.EvalPlr_Trigger]);
AddEvaluator("PlayerList", nil, "$AllPlayers$", "$AllPlayersHelp$", "all_players", [def, def.EvalPlrList_All]);
AddEvaluator("PlayerList", nil, "$Variable$", "$VariableHelp$", "player_list_variable", [def, def.EvalVariable, [C4V_Int]], { VariableName={Function="string_constant",Value=""} }, variable_delegate);
// Boolean (condition) evaluators
AddEvaluator("Boolean", nil, ["$Constant$", ""], "$ConstantHelp$", "bool_constant", [def, def.EvalConstant], { Value=true }, { Type="bool", Name="$Value$" });
AddEvaluator("Boolean", "$Comparison$", "$CompareInteger$", "$ComparisonHelp$", "compare_int", [def, def.EvalComparison, "Integer"], { }, { Type="proplist", Display="{{LeftOperand}}{{Operator}}{{RightOperand}}", ShowFullName=true, EditorProps = {
@ -158,14 +188,17 @@ func Definition(def)
RightOperand = new Evaluator.Player { Name="$RightOperand$", EditorHelp="$RightOperandHelp$" }
} } );
AddEvaluator("Boolean", nil, "$ObjectExists$", "$ObjectExistsHelp$", "object_exists", [def, def.EvalBool_ObjectExists], { }, new Evaluator.Object { }, "Object");
AddEvaluator("Boolean", nil, "$Variable$", "$VariableHelp$", "bool_variable", [def, def.EvalVariable, C4V_Bool], { VariableName={Function="string_constant",Value=""} }, variable_delegate);
// Integer evaluators
AddEvaluator("Integer", nil, ["$Constant$", ""], "$ConstantHelp$", "int_constant", [def, def.EvalConstant], { Value=0 }, { Type="int", Name="$Value$" });
AddEvaluator("Integer", nil, "$Random$", "$RandomIntHelp$", "int_random", [def, def.EvalIntRandom], { Min={Function="int_constant", Value=0}, Max={Function="int_constant", Value=99} }, { Type="proplist", Display="Rnd({{Min}}..{{Max}})", EditorProps = {
Min = new Evaluator.Integer { Name="$Min$", EditorHelp="$RandomMinHelp$" },
Max = new Evaluator.Integer { Name="$Max$", EditorHelp="$RandomMaxHelp$" }
} } );
AddEvaluator("Integer", nil, "$Variable$", "$VariableHelp$", "integer_variable", [def, def.EvalVariable, C4V_Int], { VariableName={Function="string_constant",Value=""} }, variable_delegate);
// String evaluators
AddEvaluator("String", nil, ["$Constant$", ""], "$ConstantHelp$", "string_constant", [def, def.EvalConstant], { Value="" }, { Type="string", Name="$Value$" });
AddEvaluator("String", nil, "$Variable$", "$VariableHelp$", "integer_variable", [def, def.EvalVariable, C4V_String], { VariableName={Function="string_constant",Value=""} }, variable_delegate);
// Position evaluators
AddEvaluator("Position", nil, ["$ConstantPositionAbsolute$", ""], "$ConstantPositionAbsoluteHelp$", "position_constant", [def, def.EvalConstant], def.GetDefaultPosition, { Type="point", Name="$Position$", Relative=false, Color=0xff2000 });
AddEvaluator("Position", nil, ["$ConstantPositionRelative$", "+"], "$ConstantPositionRelativeHelp$", "position_constant_rel", [def, def.EvalPositionRelative], { Value=[0,0] }, { Type="point", Name="$Position$", Relative=true, Color=0xff0050 });
@ -182,6 +215,7 @@ func Definition(def)
AddEvaluator("Position", "$RandomPosition$", "$RandomRectRel$", "$RandomRectRelHelp$", "random_pos_rect_rel", [def, def.EvalPos_RandomRect, true], { Area=[-30,-30,60,60] }, { Type="rect", Name="$Rectangle$", Relative=true, Color=0x00ffff }, "Area");
AddEvaluator("Position", "$RandomPosition$", "$RandomCircleAbs$", "$RandomCircleAbsHelp$", "random_pos_circle_abs", [def, def.EvalPos_RandomCircle, false], def.GetDefaultCircle, { Type="circle", Name="$Circle$", Relative=false, CanMoveCenter=true, Color=0xff00ff }, "Area");
AddEvaluator("Position", "$RandomPosition$", "$RandomCircleRel$", "$RandomCircleRelHelp$", "random_pos_circle_rel", [def, def.EvalPos_RandomCircle, true], { Area=[50,0,0] }, { Type="circle", Name="$Circle$", Relative=true, CanMoveCenter=true, Color=0xa000a0 }, "Area");
AddEvaluator("Position", nil, "$Variable$", "$VariableHelp$", "position_variable", [def, def.EvalVariable, [C4V_Int, 2]], { VariableName={Function="string_constant",Value=""} }, variable_delegate);
// Offset evaluators
AddEvaluator("Offset", nil, ["$ConstantOffsetRelative$", ""], "$ConstantOffsetRelativeHelp$", "offset_constant", [def, def.EvalConstant], { Value=[0,0] }, { Type="point", Name="$Position$", Relative=true, Color=0xff30ff });
AddEvaluator("Offset", nil, ["$Coordinates$", ""], "$CoordinatesHelp$", "offset_coordinates", [def, def.EvalCoordinates], { Value={X=0,Y=0} }, { Type="proplist", Display="({{X}},{{Y}})", EditorProps = {
@ -198,6 +232,7 @@ func Definition(def)
} } );
AddEvaluator("Offset", nil, "$RandomOffRectRel$", "$RandomRectRelHelp$", "random_off_rect_rel", [def, def.EvalPos_RandomRect, "rect", false], { Area=[-30,-30,60,60] }, { Type="rect", Name="$Rectangle$", Relative=true, Color=0x00ffff }, "Area");
AddEvaluator("Offset", nil, "$RandomOffCircleRel$", "$RandomCircleRelHelp$", "random_off_circle_rel", [def, def.EvalPos_RandomCircle, "circle", false], { Area=[0,0,50] }, { Type="circle", Name="$Circle$", Relative=true, CanMoveCenter=true, Color=0xa000a0 }, "Area");
AddEvaluator("Offset", nil, "$Variable$", "$VariableHelp$", "offset_variable", [def, def.EvalVariable, [C4V_Int, 2]], { VariableName={Function="string_constant",Value=""} }, variable_delegate);
// User action editor props
Prop = Evaluator.Action;
PropProgressMode = { Name="$UserActionProgressMode$", EditorHelp="$UserActionProgressModeHelp$", Type="enum", Options = [ { Name="$Session$", Value="session" }, { Name="$Player$", Value="player" }, { Name="$Global$" } ] };
@ -225,6 +260,18 @@ public func AddEvaluator(string eval_type, string group, name, string help, stri
// callback_data: Array of [definition, definition.Function, parameter (optional)]. Function to be called when this evaluator is called
// default_val [optional]: Default value to be set when this evaluator is selected. Must be a proplist. Should contain values for all properties in the delegate
// delegate: Parameters for this evaluator
// Copy most boolean props to condition prop
if (eval_type == "Boolean" && identifier != "bool_constant")
AddEvaluator("Condition", group, name, help, identifier, callback_data, default_val, delegate);
// Copy all value evaluations
if (eval_type != "Condition" && eval_type != "Action" && eval_type != "Any")
if (group) group = Format("%s/%s", EvaluatorTypeNames[eval_type], group); else group = EvaluatorTypeNames[eval_type];
AddEvaluator("Any", group, name, help, identifier, callback_data, default_val, delegate);
// Dissect parameters
if (group) group = GroupNames[group] ?? group; // resolve localized group name
var short_name;
if (GetType(name) == C4V_Array)
@ -264,11 +311,12 @@ public func AddEvaluator(string eval_type, string group, name, string help, stri
Evaluator[eval_type].Options[n = GetLength(Evaluator[eval_type].Options)] = action_def;
action_def.OptionIndex = n;
EvaluatorCallbacks[identifier] = callback_data;
EvaluatorDefs[identifier] = action_def;
// Copy most boolean props to condition prop
if (eval_type == "Boolean" && identifier != "bool_constant")
AddEvaluator("Condition", group, name, help, identifier, callback_data, default_val, delegate);
// Remember lookup table through identifier (ignore duplicates)
if (eval_type != "Condition" && eval_type != "Any")
EvaluatorCallbacks[identifier] = callback_data;
EvaluatorDefs[identifier] = action_def;
return action_def;
@ -560,6 +608,75 @@ private func EvalAct_RemoveObject(proplist props, proplist context)
private func GetVariableContext(proplist props, proplist context)
// Resolve context for variable. Global or object context.
var var_context = EvaluateValue("Object", props, context);
if (!var_context)
if (!g_UserAction_global_vars) g_UserAction_global_vars = {};
var_context = g_UserAction_global_vars;
if (!var_context.user_variables) var_context.user_variables = {};
var_context = var_context.user_variables;
return var_context;
private func EvalAct_SetVariable(proplist props, proplist context)
// Assign variable
var var_context = GetVariableContext(props.Context, context);
var var_name = StringToIdentifier(EvaluateValue("String", props.VariableName, context));
var value = EvaluateValue("Any", props.Value, context);
var_context[var_name] = value;
private func EvalVariable(proplist props, proplist context, expected_type)
// Get variable value
var var_context = GetVariableContext(props.Context, context);
var var_name = StringToIdentifier(EvaluateValue("String", props.VariableName, context));
var value = var_context[var_name];
// Check type
var val_type = GetType(value);
if (val_type != expected_type)
// Array types have special checking
if (GetType(expected_type) == C4V_Array)
var expected_len = expected_type[1];
var valid;
if (val_type == C4V_Array)
// Check required length
if (!expected_len || GetLength(value) == expected_len)
// Check data type of contents
var subtype = expected_type[0];
valid = true;
for (var v in value) if (v && GetType(v) != subtype) valid = false;
// Invalid value for expected array: Return default array.
// All nil is OK because there is no string list type and nil converts to 0.
if (!valid) return CreateArray(expected_len);
// Type not matching. Construct default.
if (expected_type == C4V_Int) return 0;
if (expected_type == C4V_Bool) return !!value; // This conversion is OK
if (expected_type == C4V_String) return "";
return nil;
// Value OK. Return it.
return value;
private func GetDefaultPosition(object target_object)
// Default position for constant absolute position evaluator: Use selected object position

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@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ UserCondition=Bedingung
@ -177,3 +178,13 @@ ObjectExists=Objekt existiert
ObjectExistsHelp=Wahr, wenn das die Funktion ein Objekt zurueckgibt.
TypeOfObject=Typ von Objekt
TypeOfObjectHelp=Bestimmt die Definition eines angegebenen Objektes
SetVariable=Variable setzen
SetVariableHelp=Speichert einen Wert, um ihn spaeter abrufen zu koennen.
VariableContextHelp=Speicherkontext fuer diese Variable. Variablen im globalen Kontext sind aus allen Aufrufen gleich. Variablen im Objektkontext ueberschneiden sich nur, wenn jeweils das gleiche Objekt angegeben ist.
VariableNameHelp=Name der Variable. Gross- und Kleinschreibung ist relevant, das heisst foo und Foo sind unterschiedliche Variablen. Sollte nur Zeichen a-z, A-Z, 0-9 und _ enthalten und nicht mit einer Zahl beginnen. Andere Zeichen werden gefiltert.
SetVariableValueHelp=Wert, der der Variablen zugewiesen wird. Wird ein Objekt zugewiesen das spaeter entfernt wird, setzt sich die Variable automatisch auf 0.
VariableHelp=Benutzerdefinierte Variable, in die zuvor mit der Aktion 'Variable setzen' ein Wert gespeichert wurde. Werte sollten beim Abruf den gleichen Datentyp (zum Beispiel Zahl oder Text) besitzen wie zur Zeit der Speicherung.

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@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ UserCondition=Condition
UserDefinition=Object type
@ -177,3 +178,13 @@ ObjectExists=Object exists
ObjectExistsHelp=True if the function returns an object.
TypeOfObject=Type of object
TypeOfObjectHelp=Determines the type of the given object
SetVariable=Set variable
SetVariableHelp=Stores a value in order to retrieve it later.
VariableContextHelp=Storage context for this variable. Variables in global context are the same for all calls. Variables in local context only overlap if the same object is provided.
VariableNameHelp=Name of the variable. Case sensitive, i.e. foo and Foo are distinct variables. Only characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and _ may be used. The variable may not start with a number. Illegal characters will be filtered and _ prepended if needed.
VariableValueHelp=Value to assign to this variable. If an object is assigned and later removed, all variables pointing to this object will be emptied.
VariableHelp=User-defined variable, into which a value was previously stored using the 'Set variable' action. Values should be queried using the same data type (e.g. Integer or Text) as they were stored.