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* OpenClonk,
* Copyright (c) 2001-2009, RedWolf Design GmbH,
2016-04-03 18:18:29 +00:00
* Copyright (c) 2009-2016, The OpenClonk Team and contributors
* Distributed under the terms of the ISC license; see accompanying file
* "COPYING" for details.
* "Clonk" is a registered trademark of Matthes Bender, used with permission.
* See accompanying file "TRADEMARK" for details.
* To redistribute this file separately, substitute the full license texts
* for the above references.
#include "C4Version.h"
#include "control/C4GameParameters.h"
#include "game/C4GameVersion.h"
#include "lib/C4InputValidation.h"
#include "network/C4Network2.h"
#include "network/C4Network2Client.h"
const int C4Network2HTTPQueryTimeout = 10; // (s)
const uint32_t C4Network2HTTPHappyEyeballsTimeout = 300; // (ms)
// Session data
class C4Network2Reference
// Game parameters
C4GameParameters Parameters;
// General information
int32_t Icon{0};
ValidatedStdCopyStrBuf<C4InVal::VAL_NameExNoEmpty> Title;
StdCopyStrBuf GameMode; // Game mode (e.g. "Melee") to decide the correct league for evaluation
C4Network2Status GameStatus;
int32_t Time{0};
int32_t Frame{0};
int32_t StartTime{0};
int32_t LeaguePerformance{0}; // custom settlement league performance if scenario doesn't use elapsed frames
ValidatedStdCopyStrBuf<C4InVal::VAL_Comment> Comment;
bool JoinAllowed{true};
bool ObservingAllowed{true};
bool PasswordNeeded{false};
bool OfficialServer{false};
bool IsEditor{false};
2017-01-08 17:34:26 +00:00
C4NetpuncherID NetpuncherGameID;
StdCopyStrBuf NetpuncherAddr;
StdCopyStrBuf Statistics;
// Engine information
C4GameVersion Game;
// Network addresses
uint8_t iAddrCnt{0};
C4Network2Address Addrs[C4ClientMaxAddr];
2013-02-18 14:30:00 +00:00
C4NetIO::EndpointAddress source;
const C4Network2Address &getAddr(int i) const { return Addrs[i]; }
2013-02-18 14:30:00 +00:00
C4Network2Address &getAddr(int i) { return Addrs[i]; }
int getAddrCnt() const { return iAddrCnt; }
const char *getTitle() const { return Title.getData(); }
int32_t getIcon() const { return Icon; }
C4Network2Status getGameStatus() const { return GameStatus; }
const char *getComment() const { return Comment.getData(); }
const C4GameVersion &getGameVersion() const { return Game; }
bool isPasswordNeeded() const { return PasswordNeeded; }
bool isJoinAllowed() const { return JoinAllowed; }
bool isOfficialServer() const { return OfficialServer; }
int32_t getSortOrder() const;
int32_t getTime() const { return Time; }
int32_t getStartTime() const { return StartTime; }
StdStrBuf getGameGoalString() const;
bool isEditor() const { return IsEditor; }
2017-01-08 17:34:26 +00:00
C4NetpuncherID getNetpuncherGameID() const { return NetpuncherGameID; }
StdStrBuf getNetpuncherAddr() const { return NetpuncherAddr; }
2013-02-18 14:30:00 +00:00
void SetSourceAddress(const C4NetIO::EndpointAddress &ip);
const C4NetIO::EndpointAddress &GetSourceAddress() const { return source; }
void InitLocal();
void SortNullIPsBack();
void CompileFunc(StdCompiler *pComp);
// Serves references (mini-HTTP-server)
class C4Network2RefServer : public C4NetIOTCP
~C4Network2RefServer() override;
CStdCSec RefCSec;
C4Network2Reference *pReference{nullptr};
void Clear();
void SetReference(C4Network2Reference *pReference);
// Overridden
void PackPacket(const C4NetIOPacket &rPacket, StdBuf &rOutBuf) override;
size_t UnpackPacket(const StdBuf &rInBuf, const C4NetIO::addr_t &addr) override;
// Responses
void RespondNotImplemented(const C4NetIO::addr_t &addr, const char *szMessage);
void RespondReference(const C4NetIO::addr_t &addr);
// mini HTTP client
class C4Network2HTTPClient : public C4NetIOTCP, private C4NetIO::CBClass
~C4Network2HTTPClient() override;
// Address information
C4NetIO::addr_t ServerAddr, ServerAddrFallback, PeerAddr;
StdCopyStrBuf Server, RequestPath;
bool fBinary{false};
bool fBusy{false}, fSuccess{false}, fConnected{false};
size_t iDataOffset{0};
StdCopyBuf Request;
time_t iRequestTimeout;
C4TimeMilliseconds HappyEyeballsTimeout;
// Response header data
size_t iDownloadedSize{0}, iTotalSize{0};
bool fCompressed;
// Event queue to use for notify when something happens
class C4InteractiveThread *pNotify{nullptr};
StdCopyBuf ResultBin; // set if fBinary
StdCopyStrBuf ResultString; // set if !fBinary
// Overridden
void PackPacket(const C4NetIOPacket &rPacket, StdBuf &rOutBuf) override;
size_t UnpackPacket(const StdBuf &rInBuf, const C4NetIO::addr_t &addr) override;
// Callbacks
bool OnConn(const C4NetIO::addr_t &AddrPeer, const C4NetIO::addr_t &AddrConnect, const addr_t *pOwnAddr, C4NetIO *pNetIO) override;
void OnDisconn(const C4NetIO::addr_t &AddrPeer, C4NetIO *pNetIO, const char *szReason) override;
void OnPacket(const class C4NetIOPacket &rPacket, C4NetIO *pNetIO) override;
void ResetRequestTimeout();
virtual int32_t GetDefaultPort() { return 80; }
bool Query(const StdBuf &Data, bool fBinary);
bool Query(const char *szData, bool fBinary) { return Query(StdBuf(szData, SLen(szData)), fBinary); }
bool isBusy() const { return fBusy; }
bool isSuccess() const { return fSuccess; }
bool isConnected() const { return fConnected; }
size_t getTotalSize() const { return iTotalSize; }
size_t getDownloadedSize() const { return iDownloadedSize; }
const StdBuf &getResultBin() const { assert(fBinary); return ResultBin; }
const char *getResultString() const { assert(!fBinary); return ResultString.getData(); }
const char *getServerName() const { return Server.getData(); }
const char *getRequest() const { return RequestPath.getData(); }
const C4NetIO::addr_t &getServerAddress() const { return ServerAddr; }
void Cancel(const char *szReason);
void Clear();
bool SetServer(const char *szServerAddress);
void SetNotify(class C4InteractiveThread *pnNotify) { pNotify = pnNotify; }
// Overridden
bool Execute(int iMaxTime, pollfd * readyfds) override { return Execute(iMaxTime); }
virtual bool Execute(int iMaxTime = TO_INF);
C4TimeMilliseconds GetNextTick(C4TimeMilliseconds tNow) override;
bool ReadHeader(StdStrBuf Data);
bool Decompress(StdBuf *pData);
// Loads current update url string (mini-HTTP-client)
class C4Network2UpdateClient : public C4Network2HTTPClient
int32_t GetDefaultPort() override { return C4NetStdPortHTTP; }
C4Network2UpdateClient() : C4Network2HTTPClient() {}
bool QueryUpdateURL();
bool GetUpdateURL(StdStrBuf *pUpdateURL);
bool GetVersion(StdStrBuf *pVersion);
// Loads references (mini-HTTP-client)
class C4Network2RefClient : public C4Network2HTTPClient
int32_t GetDefaultPort() override { return C4NetStdPortRefServer; }
C4Network2RefClient() : C4Network2HTTPClient() {}
bool QueryReferences();
bool GetReferences(C4Network2Reference **&rpReferences, int32_t &rRefCount);