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<version>5.1 OC</version>
<desc>Number of the attached mesh whose transformation is to be changed. The return value of <funclink>AttachMesh</funclink> provides such a number.</desc>
<desc>New transformation to be applied on the attached mesh in its own frame of reference. The array should consist of 12 integer entries which make up a 3x4 matrix in which each vaule is given in promille (1000 = 100%). These matrices can be created via <funclink>Trans_Identity</funclink>, <funclink>Trans_Translate</funclink>, <funclink>Trans_Rotate</funclink> and <funclink>Trans_Scale</funclink> or they can be combined via <funclink>Trans_Mul</funclink>.</desc>
<desc>If a mesh was previously attached to another one via <funclink>AttachMesh</funclink> then the transformation of the attached mesh can be changed using this function.</desc>
<code><funclink>SetAttachTransformation</funclink>(attach_number, <funclink>Trans_Identity</funclink>());</code>
<text>Resets the transformation of the attached mesh with number <code>attach_number</code>. It is assumed that there is a variable named <code>attach_number</code> containing a valid number such as returned by <funclink>AttachMesh</funclink>.</text>