
345 lines
9.1 KiB
Raw Blame History

Authors: Zapper, Maikel
The fire effect ported from the engine.
Functions to be used as documented in the docs.
// fire drawing modes
static const C4Fx_FireMode_Default = 0; // determine mode by category
static const C4Fx_FireMode_LivingVeg = 2; // C4D_Living and C4D_StaticBack
static const C4Fx_FireMode_StructVeh = 1; // C4D_Structure and C4D_Vehicle
static const C4Fx_FireMode_Object = 3; // other (C4D_Object and no bit set (magic))
static const C4Fx_FireMode_Last = 3; // largest valid fire mode
// Returns whether the object is burning.
global func OnFire()
if (!this)
return false;
var effect;
if (!(effect=GetEffect("Fire", this)))
return false;
return effect.strength;
// Extinguishes the calling object with specified strength.
global func Extinguish(strength /* strength between 0 and 100 */)
if (!this)
return false;
if (strength == nil)
strength = 100;
else if (!strength)
return false;
var effect = GetEffect("Fire", this);
if (!effect)
return false;
effect.strength = BoundBy(effect.strength - strength, 0, 100);
if (effect.strength == 0)
RemoveEffect(nil, this, effect);
return true;
// Incinerates the calling object with specified strength.
global func Incinerate(
strength /* strength between 0 and 100 */
, int caused_by /* the player that caused the incineration */
, blasted /* whether the object was incinerated by an explosion */
, incinerating_object /* the object that caused the incineration */)
if (!this)
return false;
if (strength == nil)
strength = 100;
else if (!strength)
return false;
var effect = GetEffect("Fire", this);
if (effect)
effect.strength = BoundBy(effect.strength + strength, 0, 100);
return true;
AddEffect("Fire", this, 100, 2, this, nil, caused_by, !!blasted, incinerating_object, strength);
return true;
// Called if the object is submerged in incendiary material (for example in lava).
global func OnInIncendiaryMaterial()
return this->Incinerate(10, NO_OWNER);
// Makes the calling object non flammable.
global func MakeNonFlammable()
if (!this)
return AddEffect("IntNonFlammable", this, 300);
/*-- Fire Effects --*/
global func FxIntNonFlammableEffect(string new_name)
// Block fire effects.
if (WildcardMatch(new_name, "*Fire*"))
return -1;
// All other effects are okay.
return 0;
global func FxFireStart(object target, proplist effect, int temp, int caused_by, bool blasted, object incinerating_object, strength)
// safety
if (!target) return -1;
// temp readd
if (temp) return 1;
// fail if already on fire
//if (target->OnFire()) return -1;
// Fail if target is dead and has NoBurnDecay, to prevent eternal fires.
if (target->GetCategory() & C4D_Living && !target->GetAlive() && target.NoBurnDecay)
return -1;
// structures must eject contents now, because DoCon is not guaranteed to be executed!
// In extinguishing material
var fire_caused = true;
var burn_to = target.BurnTo;
var mat;
if (MaterialName(mat = GetMaterial(target->GetX(), target->GetY())))
if (GetMaterialVal("Extinguisher", "[Material]", mat))
// blasts should changedef in water, too!
if (blasted)
if (burn_to != nil)
// no fire caused
fire_caused = false;
// BurnTurnTo
if (fire_caused)
if (burn_to != nil)
// eject contents
var obj;
if (!target->GetDefCoreVal("IncompleteActivity", "DefCore") && !target.NoBurnDecay)
for (var i = target->ContentsCount(); obj = target->Contents(--i);)
if (target->Contained())
// Detach attached objects
for (obj in FindObjects(Find_ActionTarget(target)))
if (obj->GetProcedure() == "ATTACH")
// fire caused?
if (!fire_caused)
// if object was blasted but not incinerated (i.e., inside extinguisher), do a script callback
if (blasted)
return -1;
// determine fire appearance
var fire_mode;
if (!(fire_mode = target->~GetFireMode()))
// set default fire modes
var cat = target->GetCategory();
if (cat & (C4D_Living | C4D_StaticBack)) // Tiere, B<>ume
fire_mode = C4Fx_FireMode_LivingVeg;
else if (cat & (C4D_Structure | C4D_Vehicle)) // Geb<65>ude und Fahrzeuge sind unten meist kantig
fire_mode = C4Fx_FireMode_StructVeh;
fire_mode = C4Fx_FireMode_Object;
else if (!Inside(fire_mode, 1, C4Fx_FireMode_Last))
DebugLog("Warning: FireMode %d of object %s (%i) is invalid!", fire_mode, target->GetName(), target->GetID());
fire_mode = C4Fx_FireMode_Object;
// store causes in effect vars
effect.strength = strength;
effect.mode = fire_mode;
effect.caused_by = caused_by; // used in C4Object::GetFireCause and timer! <- fixme?
effect.blasted = blasted;
effect.incinerating_obj = incinerating_object;
effect.no_burn_decay = target.NoBurnDecay;
// Set values
if ((target->GetDefCoreVal("Width", "DefCore") * target->GetDefCoreVal("Height", "DefCore")) > 500)
target->Sound("Inflame", false, 100);
if (target->GetMass() >= 100)
if (target->Sound("Fire", false, 100, nil, 1))
effect.fire_sound = true;
// callback
// Done, success
return FX_OK;
global func FxFireTimer(object target, proplist effect, int time)
// safety
if (!target) return FX_Execute_Kill;
// get cause
//if(!GetPlayerName(effect.caused_by)) effect.caused_by=NO_OWNER;;
// strength changes over time
if(time % 4 == 0)
if (effect.strength < 50)
if (time % 8 == 0)
effect.strength = Max(effect.strength - 1, 0);
if (effect.strength <= 0)
return FX_Execute_Kill;
effect.strength = Min(effect.strength + 1, 100);
var width = target->GetDefCoreVal("Width", "DefCore") / 2;
var height = target->GetDefCoreVal("Height", "DefCore") / 2;
// target is in liquid?
if (time % 24 == 0)
var mat;
if (mat = GetMaterial())
if (GetMaterialVal("Extinguisher", "Material", mat))
return FX_Execute_Kill;
// check spreading of fire
if (effect.strength > 10)
var container = target->Contained(), inc_objs;
// If contained do not incinerate anything. This would mostly affect inventory items and burns the Clonk too easily while lacking feedback.
if (container)
inc_objs = [];
// Or if not contained incinerate all objects outside the burning object.
// Do not incinerate inventory objects, since this, too, would mostly affect Clonks and losing one's bow in a fight without noticing it is nothing but annoying to the player.
inc_objs = FindObjects(Find_AtRect(-width/2, -height/2, width, height), Find_Exclude(target), Find_Layer(target->GetObjectLayer()), Find_NoContainer());
// Loop through the selected set of objects and check contact incinerate.
for (var obj in inc_objs)
if (obj->GetCategory() & C4D_Living)
if (!obj->GetAlive())
var inf = obj.ContactIncinerate;
if (!inf)
var amount = (effect.strength / 3) / Max(1, inf);
if (!amount)
var old_fire_value = obj->OnFire();
if(old_fire_value < 100) // only if the object was not already fully ablaze
// incinerate the other object a bit
obj->Incinerate(Max(10, amount), effect.caused_by, false, effect.incinerating_obj);
// Incinerating other objects weakens the own fire.
// This is done in order to make fires spread slower especially as a chain reaction.
var min = Min(10, effect.strength);
if(effect.strength > 50) min = 50;
effect.strength = BoundBy(effect.strength - amount/2, min, 100);
//if(time % 20 == 0)target->Message(Format("<c ee0000>%d</c>", effect.strength));
// causes on object
//target->ExecFire(effect_number, caused_by);
if (target->GetAlive())
target->DoEnergy(-effect.strength*4, true, FX_Call_EngFire, effect.caused_by);
if ((time*10) % 100 <= effect.strength)
target->DoDamage(2, FX_Call_DmgFire, effect.caused_by);
if (target && !Random(2) && !effect.no_burn_decay)
if (!target)
return FX_Execute_Kill;
//if(!(time % 2 == 0)) return FX_OK;
//if(!target->OnFire()) {return FX_Execute_Kill;}
if (target->Contained())
return FX_OK;
// particles
if(time % 4 == 0)
var size = BoundBy(Max(width, height), 5, 50);
if (size > 40)
if (time % 8 == 0)
var smoke_color;
if(effect.strength < 50)
smoke_color = RGBa(255,255,255, 50);
smoke_color = RGBa(100, 100, 100, 50);
Smoke(RandomX(-width, width), RandomX(-height, height), size, smoke_color);
return FX_OK;
global func FxFireStop(object target, proplist effect, int reason, bool temp)
// safety
if (!target)
return false;
// only if real removal is done
if (temp)
return true;
// stop sound
if (effect.fire_sound)
target->Sound("Fire", false, 100, nil, -1);
// callback
// done, success
return true;
global func FxFireInfo(object target, effect)
return Format("Is on %d%% fire.", effect.strength); // todo: <--