
32 lines
956 B

#Goal window
MsgParkour=This parkour is over %d checkpoints, check the scoreboard for the number of completed checkpoints per player.
MsgParkourWon=Congratulations, you have won this parkour!
MsgParkourWonTeam=Congratulations, your team has won this parkour!
MsgParkourLost=You have lost this parkour.
MsgParkourLostTeam=Your team has lost this parkour.
MsgRespawn0=%s tries again.
MsgRespawn1=%s has died.
MsgRespawn2=Haha, %s!
MsgRespawn3=We're mourning %s.
MsgNewRespawn=You'll now respawn here.
#Short Description
MsgShortDesc=Done: %d%
MsgCaptionX=Parkour over %d checkpoints.
MsgCaptionNone=Parkour without checkpoints.
#Best time
MsgBestTime=%s has set a new personal best time of %s.
#Evaluation data
MsgEvalPlrWon=%s has won the parkour in %s.
MsgEvalTeamWon=The team %s has won the parkour in %s.
MsgEvalPlayerX=You have cleared %d out of %d checkpoints.
MsgEvalPlayerAll=You have cleared all checkpoints.