
194 lines
4.8 KiB

A single vine which can hang down from ceilings.
@author Maikel, Randrian
local segments;
local leaf_particle;
protected func Initialize()
// Create vine segments to climb on.
// Initialize the leaf particle.
leaf_particle = Particles_Leaf(RGB(0, 255, 0));
leaf_particle.Phase = 2;
leaf_particle.Size = PV_Random(3, 5);
/*-- Ladder Control --*/
// Creates the segments which control the climbing.
private func CreateSegments()
segments = [];
var nr_segments = (GetBottom() - GetTop()) / 8;
for (var index = 0; index < nr_segments; index++)
var y = GetTop() + index * 8;
var segment = CreateObject(VineSegment, 0, y + 4);
segment->SetMaster(this, index);
// Store the segments.
PushBack(segments, segment);
// Set next and previous segment for climbing control.
if (index > 0)
segments[index - 1]->SetPreviousLadder(segment);
segment->SetNextLadder(segments[index - 1]);
// Callback by the ladder climb library when the vine is grabbed.
public func OnLadderGrab(object clonk, object segment, int segment_index)
segment->CreateParticle("Leaf", PV_Random(-2, 2), PV_Random(-3, 3), PV_Random(-4, 4), PV_Random(-4, 4), PV_Random(210, 240), leaf_particle, 6);
// Callback by the ladder climb library when the vine is climbed.
public func OnLadderClimb(object clonk, object segment, int segment_index)
if (clonk->GetComDir() == COMD_Up || clonk->GetComDir() == COMD_Down)
if (!Random(20))
segment->Sound("Environment::Vine::Grab?", {volume = 35});
if (!Random(8))
segment->CreateParticle("Leaf", PV_Random(-2, 2), PV_Random(-3, 3), PV_Random(-4, 4), PV_Random(-4, 4), PV_Random(210, 240), leaf_particle, 1);
// Callback by the ladder climb library when the vine is released.
public func OnLadderReleased(object clonk, object segment, int segment_index)
segment->Sound("Environment::Vine::Grab?", {volume = 50});
segment->CreateParticle("Leaf", PV_Random(-2, 2), PV_Random(-3, 3), PV_Random(-4, 4), PV_Random(-4, 4), PV_Random(210, 240), leaf_particle, 3);
/*-- Placement --*/
// Place an amount of branches in the specified area. Settings:
// min_dist: the minimal distance between vines (default 32 pixels).
public func Place(int amount, proplist area, proplist settings)
// Only allow definition call.
if (this != Vine)
// Default parameters.
if (!settings)
settings = {};
if (!settings.min_dist)
settings.min_dist = 32;
if (!settings.attach_material)
settings.attach_material = Loc_Or(Loc_Material("Granite"), Loc_Material("Rock"), Loc_MaterialVal("Soil", "Material", nil, 1));
var loc_area = nil;
if (area)
loc_area = Loc_InArea(area);
var vines = [];
var max_tries = Max(200, amount * 20);
var nr_created = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < max_tries && nr_created < amount; i++)
var loc = FindLocation(Loc_Sky(), Loc_Not(Loc_Liquid()), Loc_Wall(CNAT_Top, settings.attach_material), loc_area);
if (!loc)
var vine = CreateObject(Vine);
vine->SetPosition(loc.x, loc.y);
if (!Random(3))
vine.Plane = 510;
// Adjust position with respect to landscape.
// Retry if the center is at a solid location or if another vine is too close.
if (vine->GBackSolid() || vine->FindObject(Find_ID(Vine), Find_Distance(settings.min_dist + Random(8)), Find_Exclude(vine)))
PushBack(vines, vine);
return vines;
// Adjust position with respect to material.
public func AdjustPosition()
// Find distance to material.
var d = 0;
while (!GBackSolid(0, d) && d < 36 * GetCon() / 100)
// Adjust position.
var size = 12 * GetCon() / 100;
SetPosition(GetX(), GetY() + d - size);
/*-- Damage --*/
public func Incineration()
// Color burned vine dark.
SetClrModulation(RGB(60, 50, 30));
public func Damage()
// Remove vine if above certain damage.
if (GetDamage() > 30)
var particle = new leaf_particle {};
particle.R = 51;
particle.G = 25;
particle.B = 5;
// Create some burned leafs at each of the segments.
for (var segment in segments)
var x = segment->GetX();
var y = segment->GetY();
Global->CreateParticle("Leaf", PV_Random(x - 2, x + 2), PV_Random(y - 3, y + 3), PV_Random(-4, 4), PV_Random(-4, 4), PV_Random(210, 240), particle, 3);
public func Destruction()
// Remove all segments.
for (var segment in segments)
if (segment)
/*-- Saving --*/
// Save placed ladder segments in scenarios.
public func SaveScenarioObject(props)
if (!inherited(props, ...))
return false;
return true;
/*-- Properties --*/
local Name = "$Name$";
local BlastIncinerate = 1;
local ContactIncinerate = 3;
local NoBurnDecay = true;
local Placement = 4;