
441 lines
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UserObjectList=Object list
UserDefinition=Object type
AllPlayers=All players
Wait=Wait for time
Time=Time (Frames)
ActionObject=Action object(this)
TriggerObject=Triggering object
TriggerClonk=Triggering clonk
TriggeringPlayer=Triggering player
UserActionProgressMode=Save progress
Session=Don't save
PerPlayer=Per player
ParallelAction=Parallel execution
Goto=Go to sequence index
StopSequence=Quit sequence
SuspendSequence=Suspend sequence
ConstantObject=Select object
SequenceHelp=Allows execution of multiple actions in a series. The list will be evaluated from top to bottom. Using 'go to' commands or messages with multiple options, it is also possible to jump between indices in the sequences.
GotoHelp=Sets the current execution point to the given index in the parent sequence.
StopSequenceHelp=Ends the current sequence and resets its progress. On the next execution, the sequence will start from the beginning.
SuspendSequenceHelp=Ends the current sequence and stores its progress. If the action is triggered again, the sequence will be resumed after this action.
WaitHelp=Pauses the current sequence by the specified time and continues with the next action after the pause.
ActionObjectHelp=The object in which this action is defined. For actions defined in switches, this would be the switch object. For dialogues it would be the dialogue object.
TriggerClonkHelp=The selected clonk of the player who has triggered execution of this action.
TriggerObjectHelp=The object that triggered this action. In dialogues, this would be the selected clonk of the player. For triggers like 'Finish construction' this would be the newly constructed building.
ConstantObjectHelp=Select an object from a list.
TriggeringPlayerHelp=The player who has triggered this action.
AllPlayersHelp=All human players.
ConstantHelp=Specify a value directly.
UserActionProgressModeHelp=Specifies whether progress in this sequence is stored globally, per player or only per execution. For instance if progress of a dialogue is stored globally and a second player talks to the same clonk while another player is reading a message, the second player would continue the dialogue where the first player stopped. If progress is stored per player, each player gets an independent dialogue.
ParallelActionHelp=Specifies whether the action can be started multiple times in parallel. This is relevant if the action duration is long (for example because a dialogue message or a wait time in the sequence) and the same event is triggered by another player during the wait time.
SoundHelp=Plays a sound file.
SoundName=Sound name
SoundNameHelp=Name of the sound file to play.
SoundPitchHelp=Modulation of pitch. Valid values are -90 to +1000. At 0, the sound will be played normally. Smaller values mean lower-pitched and slower sound. Larger values mean higher-pitched and faster sound.
SoundVolumeHelp=Relative sound volume. Values 0-100. Default is 100.
SoundLoopHelp=On 'Loop on', the sound will play over an over until a sound with the same name and source object is played with the 'Loop off' setting. If 'None', the sound is played exactly once.
SoundLoopOn=Loop on
SoundLoopOff=Loop off
SoundTargetPlayersHelp=Players, for whom the sound is played.
SoundSourceObject=Source object
SoundSourceObjectHelp=Object used as the source of the sound. Object sounds are only played if the object is nearby and are panned depending on object position relative to the screen.
CreateObject=Create object
CreateObjectHelp=Creates a new object at the specified position or contained in another object.
CreateObjectDefinitionHelp=The definition, i.e. object type, of the newly created object.
CreateObjectPositionHelp=Where to created the new object. Only relevant if no container is specified.
CreateObjectCreationOffsetHelp=Where the creation point of the newly created object is located.
Center=Object center
Bottom=Lower object border
CreateObjectOwnerHelp=Owner of the new object. Determines the object color and e.g. afficiation of flagpoles.
CreateObjectContainerHelp=If specified, the object will be created in the contents of this other object. E.g. to create objects directly into the inventory of a clonk or a chest.
SpeedX=Speed X
CreateObjectSpeedXHelp=Horizontal speed of the new object in 1/10th pixels per frame.
SpeedY=Speed Y
CreateObjectSpeedYHelp=Vertical speed of the new object in 1/10th pixels per frame.
CreateObjectRotationHelp=Rotation of the object in degrees.
SpeedR=Rotation speed
CreateObjectSpeedRHelp=Speed of rotation in degrees per frame.
LastCreatedObject=Last created object
LastCreatedObjectHelp=The object, which has been last created using a 'create object' action in this context.
RemoveObject=Remove object
RemoveObjectHelp=Removes an object from the game.
RemoveObjectObject=The object to remove.
EjectContentsHelp=What to do if the removed object contained other objects.
EjectContentsNo=Remove contents
EjectContentsYes=Eject contents
ConstantPositionAbsolute=Constant (absolut)
ConstantPositionAbsoluteHelp=Defines a position in absolute landscape coordinates. The position can be adjusted using a red marker in the viewport.
ConstantPositionRelative=Constant (relativ)
ConstantPositionRelativeHelp=Defines a position relative to the edited object. The position can be adjusted using a red marker in the viewport.
CoordinatesHelp=Position defined via X (horizontal) and Y (vertical) coordinates.
PosXHelp=Horizontal coordinate relative to the left border of the landscape.
PosYHelp=Vertical coordinate relative to the top border of the landscape.
PositionOffsetHelp=Calculates a position as a base position plus an offset.
PositionOffsetPositionHelp=Base position to which the offset is applied.
PositionOffsetOffsetHelp=Offset to ve applied.
ConstantOffsetRelative=Constant offset
ConstantOffsetRelativeHelp=Defines a constant offset. The offset can be edited using a pink marker in the viewport.
OffXHelp=Horizontal offset.
OffYHelp=Vertical offset.
AddOffsets=Add offsets
AddOffsetsHelp=Adds two partial offsets to one big offset.
AddOffsetOffsetHelp=Partial offset.
Random=Random number
RandomIntHelp=Random value between a minimum (inclusive) and a maximum (inclusive).
RandomMinHelp=Smallest possible number
RandomMaxHelp=Largest possible number
ObjectPosition=Object position
ObjectPositionHelp=Current position of an object.
ObjectPositionObjectHelp=The object of which the position is used.
DiffPositions=Difference between positions
DiffPositionsHelp=Calculates the offset from position A to position B (Offset = B - A)
PositionA=Position A
PositionAHelp=Start position
PositionB=Position B
PositionBHelp=End position
RandomPosition=Random position... a rectangle (absolute)
RandomRectAbsHelp=Picks a random point within a square (yellow region). The region is placed relative to the landscape.
Rectangle=Rectangle a rectangle (relative)
RandomRectRelHelp=Picks a random point within a square (teal region). The region is placed relative to the selected object. a circle (absolute)
RandomCircleAbsHelp=Picks a random point within a circle (purple region). The region is placed relative to the landscape.
Circle=Circle a circle (relative)
RandomCircleRelHelp=Picks a random point within a circle (purple region). The region is placed relative to the selected object.
RandomOffRectRel=Random in rectangle
RandomRectRelHelp=Picks a random offset within a square (teal region).
RandomOffCircleRel=Random in circle
RandomCircleRelHelp=Picks a random offset within a square (purple region).
CastObjects=Cast objects
CastObjectsHelp=Creates and flings multiple objects from a position.
CastObjectsDefinitionHelp=Definition of objects to be created.
CastObjectsPositionHelp=Position from which objects are cast.
CastObjectsAmountHelp=Number of objects to cast.
CastObjectsSpeedHelp=Mean speed at which objects are flung. In 1/10th pixels per frame.
MeanAngle=Mean angle
CastObjectsMeanAngleHelp=Mean angle in degrees at which objects are cast. 0 is up, positive angles rotate clockwise.
AngleDeviation=Angle deviation
CastObjectsAngleDeviationHelp=Angle range in which objects are cast. Set to 360 to cast in all directions.
CastObjectsOwnerHelp=Ownser of newly created objects.
CompareInteger=Compare numbers
ComparisonHelp=Compares two values with an operator.
LeftOperand=Left operand
LeftOperandHelp=Value left of the comparison operator.
OperatorHelp=Comparison operator
EqualHelp=True if both operands are equal.
NotEqualHelp=True if operands are not equal.
LessThanHelp=True if the left operand is smaller than the right operand.
GreaterThanHelp=True if the left operand is larger than the right operand.
LessOrEqualHelp=True if the left operand is smaller than or equal to the right operand.
GreaterOrEqualHelp=True if the left operand is smaller than or equal to the right operand.
RightOperand=Right operand
RightOperandHelp=Value right of the comparison operator.
CompareBoolean=Compare boolean
CompareObject=Compare objects
CompareString=Compare texts
CompareDefinition=Compare object types
ComparePlayer=Compare players
ObjectExists=Object exists
ObjectExistsHelp=True if the function returns an object.
TypeOfObject=Type of object
TypeOfObjectHelp=Determines the type of the given object
SetVariable=Set variable
SetVariableHelp=Stores a value in order to retrieve it later.
VariableContextHelp=Storage context for this variable. Variables in global context are the same for all calls. Variables in local context only overlap if the same object is provided.
VariableNameHelp=Name of the variable. Case sensitive, i.e. foo and Foo are distinct variables. Only characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and _ may be used. The variable may not start with a number. Illegal characters will be filtered and _ prepended if needed.
SetVariableValueHelp=Value to assign to this variable. If an object is assigned and later removed, all variables pointing to this object will be emptied.
VariableHelp=User-defined variable, into which a value was previously stored using the 'Set variable' action. Values should be queried using the same data type (e.g. Integer or Text) as they were stored.
DistanceHelp=Calculates the distance between two positions A and B.
ValueToString=Value to string
ValueToStringHelp=Konverts a value of another type to a string
LogHelp=Output a debug log message.
LogMessageHelp=The text to output.
ConcatHelp=Concatenates multiple small texts to one long text.
ScriptHelp=Executes a custom script. Caution: Scripts will not be checked and may ruin everything!
ScriptCommandHelp=Script line to execute. One command only.
ScriptContextHelp=Execution context for the script.
EmptyString=no text
NotHelp=Negates the operand.
AndHelp=True if all operands are true.
OrHelp=True if at least one operand is true.
FindObjectsInArea=Objects in area
FindObjectsInAreaHelp=Finds objects in a given area of the landscape.
ID=Object type
FindObjectsIDHelp=Type of object to be found. On 'any', all object types are found.
SearchArea=Search range
SearchAreaHelp=Determines which area of the map to search.
SearchAreaWholeMap=Whole map
SearchAreaWholeMapHelp=Objects are found anywhere.
SearchAreaInRect=In rectangle
SearchAreaInRectHelp=Finds objects that have their midpoint within the given rectangle.
SearchAreaAtRect=At rectangle
SearchAreaAtRectHelp=Finds objects that have an overlapping shape with the given rectangle.
SearchAreaCircle=In circle
SearchAreaCircleHelp=Finds objects that have their midpoint within the given circle.
SearchAreaNearPosition=Circle around point
SearchAreaNearPositionHelp=Finds objects that have their midpoint within a radius around a point. The point can be given as a function.
AllowContained=Find contained
AllowContainedHelp=Specifies whether contained objects are also found (e.g. inventory objects or clonks within a plane).
FindObjectsInContainer=Contents of object
FindObjectsInContainerHelp=Finds all contents of a given type in a container.
FindObjectInArea=Object in area
FindObjectInAreaHelp=Finds and object in a given area of the landscape.
FindObjectInContainer=Contained object
FindObjectInContainerHelp=Finds a contained object of a given type in a container.
NumberOfObjects=Number of objects
NumberOfObjectsHelp=Number of elements in an object list. The object list is given as a function.
NumberOfPlayers=Number of players
NumberOfPlayersHelp=Number of players in a player list. The player list is given as a function.
LeftArithmeticOperandHelp=Value left of the math operator.
RightArithmeticOperandHelp=Value right of the math operator.
SumHelp=Adds two numbers.
SumHelp=Subtracts the right operand from the left operand.
MulHelp=Multiplies two numbers.
DivHelp=Divides the left operand by the right operand. The result is rounded towards zero.
ModHelp=Returns the remainder of the division of the left operand by the right operand.
PlayerWealth=Player wealth
PlayerWealthHelp=Wealth of a player (Money, gold, clunkers...).
ClonkEnergy=Clonk energy
ClonkEnergyHelp=Life points of the clonk.
ObjectMass=Object mass
ObjectMassHelp=Weight of the specified object.
ObjectSpeed=Object speed
ObjectSpeedHelp=Velocity of the specified object in 1/10th pixels per frame.
OwnerOfObject=Object owner
OwnerOfObjectHelp=Player owning a specified object.
ControllerOfObject=Controlling player
ControllerOfObjectHelp=Player controlling a specified object. E.g. the player currentply pushing a vehicle or switch or the player who threw a firestone.
PositionX=X position
PositionXHelp=Horizontal component of a position.
PositionY=Y position
PositionYHelp=Vertical component of a position.
ConditionalAction=Conditional action
ConditionalActionHelp=Executes an action only if a condition is true.
IfConditionHelp=Condition which decides whether the conditional action of the alternative action is executed.
TrueEvaluator=Conditioned action
TrueEvaluatorHelp=Action that is executed if the condition is true.
FalseEvaluator=Else action
FalseEvaluatorHelp=Action that is executed if the condition is false.
DoEnergy=Adjust energy
DoEnergyHelp=Increases or decreases the energy of a living object (e.g. a clonk). If energy falls to or below 0, the object dies. Energy cannot be increased beyond the maximum energy of the object (50 for clonks).
DoEnergyObjectHelp=Object for which energy is adjusted.
DoEnergyValueChangeHelp=Value that is added to the current energy of the object.
SetPosition=Move object
SetPositionHelp=Puts an object to a new position.
SetPositionObjectHelp=Object to move.
SetPositionPositionHelp=New position for the object.
GameOver=Game over
GameOverHelp=Ends the round and shows the evaluation dialogue. All players that have not been eliminated will be declared winners.
Fling=Fling object
FlingHelp=Changes the speed of an object and lets animals and clonks jump or tumble.
FlingObjectHelp=Flung object.
FlingSpeedXHelp=Horizontal speed in 1/10px per frame.
FlingSpeedYHelp=Vertical speed in 1/10px per frame.
AddSpeedY=Add speed
FlingAddSpeedHelp=Whether existing speed should be added to the fling speed.
DoWealth=Change wealth
DoWealthHelp=Adds or removes clunker from the player's account.
DoWealthChangeHelp=Amount of clunkers to be added (positive) or removed (negative) from the player's account.
DoWealthSoundHelp=Whether a cash sound should be played indicating the wealth change.
CastParticles=Cast particles
CastParticlesHelp=Spreads graphical particles from one point in all directions.
ParticleNameHelp=Shape of cast particles.
CastParticlesAmountHelp=Number of cast particles.
CastParticlesSpeedHelp=Speed of cast particles in 1/10px per frame.
CastParticlesLifetimeHelp=Number of frames the particles exist.
CastParticlesSizeHelp=Size of cast particles.
SizeEnd=End size
CastParticlesSizeEndHelp=Size at the end of the particle's lifetime. Can be set to 0 to let the particle shrink into nothingness.
CastParticlesColorHelp=Color of cast particles.
BlitMode=Draw mode
ParticleBlitModeHelp=How particles are drawn on top of the background. Additive: Particles only light up the landscape.
ParticleGravityHelp=Gravitational pull on particle in percent of regular pull. 0: Particle floats freely. 100: Particle falls like any other object.
FadeOut=Fade out
ParticleFadeOutHelp=Whether particles become transparent over time.
CollisionFunc=Collision behaviour
ParticleCollisionFuncHelp=What happens to particles upon hitting the landscape.
Pass=Pass through
LastUsePosition=Activation position
LastUsePositionHelp=Valid for activated items such as the magic wand: Mouse position where the player activated the item.
PlrKnowledge=Give knowledge
PlrKnowledgeHelp=Allows one or more players to construct a new structure or item.
ConditionalValue=Conditional value
ConditionalValueHelp=Uses one of two values depending on whether a condition is true.
IfConditionValueHelp=Condition deciding which of the two values to use.
TrueEvaluatorValue=Value 'true'
TrueEvaluatorValueHelp=Value used if the condition is true.
FalseEvaluatorValue=Value 'false'
FalseEvaluatorValueHelp=Value used if the condition is false.
CommentHelp=Command which does nothing. Use this to annotate your sequences.
ForInteger=Loop: For every number...
ForIntegerHelp=Executes an action once for each number in a range. The currently looped number can be accessed as 'Loop number'.
ForActionHelp=Action repeated in the loop.
ForPlayer=Loop: For every player...
ForPlayerHelp=Executes an action once for each player in a list. The currently looped player can be accessed as 'Loop player'.
ForPlayersHelp=List of players for which the action is executed.
ForObject=Loop: For every object...
ForObjectHelp=Executes an action once for each object in a list. The currently looped object can be accessed as 'Loop object'.
ForObjectsHelp=List of objects for which the action is executed.
IteratedObject=Loop object
IteratedObjectHelp=Object of last action 'Loop: For every object...'.
IteratedPlayer=Loop player
IteratedPlayerHelp=Player of last action 'Loop: For every player...'.
IteratedInteger=Loop number
IteratedIntegerHelp=Number of last action 'Loop: For every number...'.
ForStartHelp=Starting number for iteration. Inclusive.
ForEndHelp=End number for iteration. Inclusive.
ForStepHelp=Step size of iteration.
Step=Step size
RandomColor=Random color
RandomColorHelp=Random color between two extreme colors A and B in RGB color space.
ColorA=Color A
ColorB=Color B
RGBHelp=Composes a color from red, green and blue components.
PlayerColor=Player color
PlayerColorHelp=Primary color of a player.
EnterObject=Enter object
EnterObjectHelp=Puts an object into a container. For example an item into a clonk.
EnterObjectObjectHelp=Item being moved.
EnterObjectContainerHelp=Container into which the object is put.
CollectionCheck=If container full...
CollectionCheckHelp=What to do if the container could not take up the object.
CollectionCheckIgnore=Enter anyway
CollectionCheckCheck=Do nothing
CollectionCheckExit=Put outside
ExitObject=Exit object
ExitObjectHelp=Removes an object from its container and puts it in front.
SetDirection=Set view direction
SetDirectionHelp=Lets a clonk look left or right.
SetVisibility=Set visibility
SetVisibilityHelp=Makes an object visible or invisible. Invisible objects can be clicked 'blindly' in the editor or simply selected in the object list.
SetVincibility=Set vincibility
SetVincibilityHelp=Makes an object vincible or invincible. For example, an end boss may be made invincible until a certain spell has been performed.
ObjectAlive=Object alive
ObjectAliveHelp=Whether the object is a clonk or animal and still alive.
SetPlrView=Set player view
SetPlrViewHelp=Sets the view position of one or more players to a target object.
Target=Target object
PlrViewTargetHelp=Player viewports are centered on the position of this object.
ScrollMode=Scroll mode
SetPlrViewScrollModeHelp=Whether the view mmoves to the target smoothly or jumps immediately
WaitForcondition=Wait for condition
WaitForConditionHelp=Checks regularly if a condition is met and resumes the action once this is the case.
CheckInterval=Check interval
WaitConditionHelp=Checked condition.