
95 lines
2.6 KiB

Script goal
Author: Maikel
The script goal can be fulfilled from other scripts, e.g. a scenario script.
#include Library_Goal
local fulfilled;
protected func Initialize()
fulfilled = false;
return inherited(...);
public func IsFulfilled()
return fulfilled;
public func Fulfill()
fulfilled = true;
public func SetFulfilled(bool to_val)
fulfilled = to_val;
public func GetDescription(int plr)
return GetTranslatedString(this.Description);
public func GetPictureDefinition(int plr)
return this.Picture ?? this;
public func GetPictureName(int plr)
return this.PictureName ?? "";
/* Editor */
local overlay_picture;
public func Definition(def)
// Properties
if (!def.EditorProps) def.EditorProps = {};
def.EditorProps.Description = { Name="$PropDescription$", EditorHelp="$PropDescriptionHelp$", Type="string", Save="Description", Translatable=true };
def.EditorProps.overlay_picture = { Name="$Picture$", EditorHelp="$PictureHelp$", Type="def", Set="SetOverlayPicture", Save="Picture" };
// User actions
UserAction->AddEvaluator("Action", "Game", "$SetScriptGoalData$", "$SetScriptGoalDataDesc$", "set_script_goal_data", [def, def.EvalAct_SetData],
{ Target = { Function="action_object" }, Description = { Function="string_constant", Value="$Description$" }, Fulfilled = { Function="bool_constant", Value=false } },
{ Type="proplist", Display="{{Description}}, {{OverlayPicture}}, {{Fulfilled}}",
EditorProps = {
Target = new UserAction->GetObjectEvaluator("IsScriptGoal", "$Goal$") { Priority=50 },
Description = new UserAction.Evaluator.String { Name="$PropDescription$", EditorHelp="$PropDescriptionHelp$" },
OverlayPicture = new UserAction.Evaluator.Definition { Name="$Picture$", EditorHelp="$PictureHelp$" },
Fulfilled = new UserAction.Evaluator.Boolean { Name="$Fulfilled$", EditorHelp="$FulfilledHelp$" }
} } );
public func SetOverlayPicture(to_picture_def)
// Picutre + Overlay
overlay_picture = to_picture_def;
SetGraphics(nil, to_picture_def, 1, GFXOV_MODE_Picture);
return true;
public func IsScriptGoal() { return true; }
private func EvalAct_SetData(props, context)
var target = UserAction->EvaluateValue("Objct", props.Target, context);
if (!target || !target->~IsScriptGoal()) return;
target.Description = UserAction->EvaluateString(props.Description, context);
target->~SetOverlayPicture(UserAction->EvaluateValue("Definition", props.OverlayPicture, context));
target->~SetFulfilled(UserAction->EvaluateValue("Boolean", props.Fulfilled, context));
/*-- Proplist --*/
local Name = "$Name$";
local Description = "$Description$";