
247 lines
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* OpenClonk,
* Portions might be copyrighted by other authors who have contributed
* to OpenClonk.
* Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
* purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
* copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
* See isc_license.txt for full license and disclaimer.
* "Clonk" is a registered trademark of Matthes Bender.
* See clonk_trademark_license.txt for full license.
// Roughly adapted from the original ClonkAppDelegate.m; haxxed to death by teh Gurkendoktor.
// Look at main() to get an idea for what happens here.
#include <C4Include.h>
#include <C4Application.h>
#include <C4Game.h>
#import "ClonkAppDelegate.h"
#import "SDL/SDL.h"
/* The main class of the application, the appl¤ication's delegate */
@implementation ClonkAppDelegate
+ (ClonkAppDelegate*) instance;
return (ClonkAppDelegate*)[[NSApplication sharedApplication] delegate];
+ (BOOL) isEditorAndGameRunning
return Application.isEditor && Game.IsRunning;
#ifdef USE_COCOA
@synthesize newViewportForPlayerMenuItem, consoleController, kickPlayerMenuItem, recordMenuItem, netMenu, gameWindowController;
- (id) init
self = [super init];
if (self)
NSArray* args = [[NSProcessInfo processInfo] arguments];
gatheredArguments = [args copy];
return self;
- (void)awakeFromNib
[[NSAppleEventManager sharedAppleEventManager] setEventHandler:self
forEventClass:kInternetEventClass andEventID:kAEGetURL];
- (BOOL)application:(NSApplication *)theApplication openFile:(NSString *)filename
NSString* pathExtension = [[filename pathExtension] lowercaseString];
NSArray* clonkFileNameExtensions = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"ocd", @"ocs", @"ocf", @"ocg", nil];
if ([clonkFileNameExtensions containsObject:pathExtension])
// later decide whether to install or run
addonSupplied = filename;
if (running)
// if application is already running install immediately
[self installAddOn];
return YES;
- (void)getUrl:(NSAppleEventDescriptor *)event withReplyEvent:(NSAppleEventDescriptor *)replyEvent
NSString *url = [[event paramDescriptorForKeyword:keyDirectObject] stringValue];
[gatheredArguments addObject:url];
- (void) quitAndMaybeRestart
// free app stuff
if (Application.restartAtEnd)
NSString* filename = [[NSBundle mainBundle] bundlePath];
NSString* cmd = [@"open " stringByAppendingString: filename];
system([cmd UTF8String]);
- (void) applicationDidFinishLaunching: (NSNotification *) note
if (!([self argsLookLikeItShouldBeInstallation] && [self installAddOn]))
[NSApp activateIgnoringOtherApps:YES];
[self makeFakeArgs];
running = true;
SDL_main(newArgc, newArgv);
running = NO;
[self quitAndMaybeRestart];
[NSApp terminate:self];
#ifdef USE_COCOA
// Init application
if (!Application.Init(argc, argv))
[NSApp terminate:self];
[[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] performSelector:@selector(delayedRun:) target:self argument:self order:0 modes:[NSArray arrayWithObject:NSDefaultRunLoopMode]];
- (void) delayedRun:(id)sender
running = YES;
while (!Application.fQuitMsgReceived)
running = NO;
[self quitAndMaybeRestart];
[NSApp terminate:self];
- (NSApplicationTerminateReply)applicationShouldTerminate:(NSApplication*)application
if (running)
[self terminate:application];
return NSTerminateCancel;
return NSTerminateNow;
- (void)terminate:(NSApplication*)sender
// Post an SDL_QUIT event
SDL_Event event;
event.type = SDL_QUIT;
#ifdef USE_COCOA
// arguments that should be converted to a c char* array and then passed on to SDL_main
- (NSMutableArray*)gatheredArguments
return gatheredArguments;
// return the directory where lives
- (NSString*)clonkDirectory
if (!clonkDirectory) {
clonkDirectory = [[[NSBundle mainBundle] bundlePath] stringByDeletingLastPathComponent];
return clonkDirectory;
// Look for -psn argument which generally is a clue that the application should open a file (double-clicking, calling /usr/bin/open and such)
- (BOOL) argsLookLikeItShouldBeInstallation
// not having this check leads to deletion of Clonk folder -.-
if (!addonSupplied)
return NO;
for (int i = 0; i < [gatheredArguments count]; i++)
NSString* arg = [gatheredArguments objectAtIndex:i];
if ([arg hasPrefix:@"-psn"])
return YES;
return NO;
// Copies the add-on to the clonk directory
- (BOOL) installAddOn
if (!addonSupplied)
return NO;
// Build destination path.
NSString* justFileName = [addonSupplied lastPathComponent];
NSString* destPath = [[self clonkDirectory] stringByAppendingPathComponent:justFileName];
NSString* formatString;
// Already installed?
if ([destPath isEqualToString:addonSupplied])
return NO; // run scenarios when they are already in the clonk directory
NSFileManager* fileManager = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
if ([fileManager fileExistsAtPath:destPath])
// better to throw it into the trash. everything else seems so dangerously destructive
[[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] performFileOperation:NSWorkspaceRecycleOperation source:[self clonkDirectory] destination:@"" files:[NSArray arrayWithObject:justFileName] tag:0];
if ([fileManager copyItemAtPath:addonSupplied toPath:destPath error:NULL])
formatString = NSLocalizedString(@"AddOnInstallationSuccess", nil);
formatString = NSLocalizedString(@"AddOnInstallationFailure", nil);
NSRunInformationalAlertPanel(NSLocalizedString(@"AddOnInstallationTitle", nil),
[NSString stringWithFormat: formatString, [justFileName cStringUsingEncoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding]],
@"OK", nil, nil);
return YES; // only return NO when the scenario should be run rather than installed
// convert gatheredArguments to c array
- (void)makeFakeArgs
int argCount = [gatheredArguments count];
argv = (char**)malloc(sizeof(char*) * argCount);
for (int i = 0; i < argCount; i++)
argv[i] = strdup([[gatheredArguments objectAtIndex:i] cStringUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]);
argc = argCount;
#ifdef main
# undef main
/* Main entry point to executable - should *not* be SDL_main! */
int main (int argc, const char **argv)
return NSApplicationMain(argc, argv);