
103 lines
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Old stuff which does not belong in the engine anymore.
// Stuff for the proplist changes.
static const DFA_NONE = nil;
static const DFA_WALK = "WALK";
static const DFA_FLIGHT = "FLIGHT";
static const DFA_KNEEL = "KNEEL";
static const DFA_SCALE = "SCALE";
static const DFA_HANGLE = "HANGLE";
static const DFA_DIG = "DIG";
static const DFA_SWIM = "SWIM";
static const DFA_THROW = "THROW";
static const DFA_BRIDGE = "BRIDGE";
static const DFA_PUSH = "PUSH";
static const DFA_LIFT = "LIFT";
static const DFA_FLOAT = "FLOAT";
static const DFA_ATTACH = "ATTACH";
static const DFA_CONNECT = "CONNECT";
static const DFA_PULL = "PULL";
static const Action = {
Length = 1,
Directions = 1,
Step = 1,
Procedure = DFA_NONE,
global func GetActMapVal(string entry, string action, id def, int num)
if (!def)
def = GetID();
if (entry == "Facet")
entry = ["X", "Y", "Wdt", "Hgt", "OffX", "OffY"][num];
return GetProperty(entry, GetProperty(action, def));
global func ShowNeededMaterial(object of_obj)
MessageWindow(GetNeededMatStr(of_obj), GetOwner(), nil, of_obj->GetName());
return true;
// Removes a material pixel from the specified location, if the material is flammable.
// \par x X coordinate. Offset if called in object context.
// \par y Y coordinate. Offset if called in object context.
// \returns \c true if material was removed, \c false otherwise.
global func FlameConsumeMaterial(int x, int y)
var mat = GetMaterial(x, y);
if (mat == -1)
return false;
if (!GetMaterialVal("Inflammable", "Material", mat))
return false;
return !!ExtractMaterialAmount(x, y, mat, 1);
// Removes a material pixel from the specified location, if the material is a liquid.
// \par x X coordinate. Offset if called in object context.
// \par y Y coordinate. Offset if called in object context.
// \returns The material index of the removed pixel, or -1 if no liquid was found.
global func ExtractLiquid(int x, int y)
var mat = GetMaterial(x, y);
var density = GetMaterialVal("Density", "Material", mat);
if (density < C4M_Liquid || density >= C4M_Solid)
return -1;
ExtractMaterialAmount(x, y, mat, 1);
return mat;
// Splits the calling object into its components.
global func Split2Components()
if (!this)
return false;
var ctr = Contained();
// Transfer all contents to container.
while (Contents())
if (!ctr || !Contents()->Enter(ctr))
// Split components.
for (var i = 0, compid; compid = GetComponent(nil, i); ++i)
for (var j = 0; j < GetComponent(compid); ++j)
var comp = CreateObject(compid, nil, nil, GetOwner());
if (OnFire()) comp->Incinerate();
if (!ctr || !comp->Enter(ctr))
comp->SetXDir(Random(3) - 1);
comp->SetYDir(Random(3) - 1);
comp->SetRDir(Random(3) - 1);