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<title>Command Line Parameters</title>
<h>Command Line Parameters</h>
<text>The installation directory of Clonk contains various executable program files. Usually programs are started with a double click or from a start menu without additional parameters. When starting programs from a command line shell or script file (batch file), additional command line parameters can be specified.</text>
<h id="Clonk">Clonk.exe (Windows) clonk (Linux) Clonk (Mac)</h>
<text>The engine. The main program of the game. Without startup parameters, the game starts in fullscreen (player mode) and shows the startup menu. The following command line parameters are recognized:</text>
<dt id="editor">--editor</dt>
<text>Starts in editor mode (also called developer mode or windowed mode). In editor mode, scenarios can be edited and saved. The game will also start in editor mode if a scenario (*.ocs) and no --fullscreen is specified.</text>
<dt id="fullscreen">--fullscreen</dt>
<text>Starts in fullscreen mode (also called player mode). If no scenario and no direct join adress is given, the startup menu is shown.</text>
<dt id="config">--config=Filename</dt>
<text>Loads and saves the configuration from the specified file instead of the default configuration file or the Windows registry.</text>
<dt id="record">--record</dt>
<text>The round is recorded.</text>
<dt id="network">--network, --nonetwork</dt>
<text>Activates or deactivates network mode.</text>
<dt id="signup">--signup, --nosignup</dt>
<text>Activates or deactivates online signup of the game as public internet game. This value is stored in the configuration.</text>
<text>--signup implies --network. --nosignup implies --noleague.</text>
<dt id="league">--league, --noleague</dt>
<text>Activates or deactivates online signup of the game as league game. This value is stored in the configuration.</text>
<text>--league implies --network and --signup.</text>
<dt id="runtimejoin">--runtimejoin, --noruntimejoin</dt>
<text>Activates or deactivates runtime join. This setting will be stored in the configuration.</text>
<dt id="lobby">--lobby[=<em>time</em>]</dt>
<text>Activates the lobby before a network game is started. The lobby is the waiting- and chat screen. The lobby is on by default for all network games. Implies --network. If you specify a time (e.g. --lobby=120) the lobby will start with a countdown, automatically launching the game after (in this case) 120 seconds.</text>
<dt id="observe">--observe</dt>
<text>For network games: The client joins as observer (without players). Implies --network.</text>
<dt id="Join">--join=&lt;<em>Address</em>&gt;</dt>
<text>Searches for a network game on the specified address and joins it. No local scenario (*.ocs) should be specified. Implies --network.</text>
<dt id="clonkp">clonk://&lt;<em>Address</em>&gt;/</dt>
<text>Same as --join if an address is specified. If "update" is specified as an address, this will cause the engine to perform an update check instead.</text>
<dt id="tcpport">--tcpport=&lt;<em>Port Number</em>&gt;</dt>
<text>Sets the TCP port number for client connections in network games. This setting will be stored in the configuration. If -1 is specified, TCP is disabled and all connections are created using UDP.</text>
<dt id="udpport">--udpport=&lt;<em>Port Number</em>&gt;</dt>
<text>Sets the UDP port number for client connections in network games. This setting will be stored in the configuration. If -1 is specified, UDP is disabled and all connections are created using TCP.</text>
<dt id="pass">--pass=&lt;<em>Password</em>&gt;</dt>
<text>For network hosts: sets the join password to the specified value. If &lt;<em>Password</em>&gt; is left empty, no password is set.</text>
<dt id="comment">--comment=&lt;<em>Comment</em>&gt;</dt>
<text>For network hosts: sets the network game comment. This setting will be stored in the configuration.</text>
<dt id="update">--update</dt>
<text>Performs an update check at program start.</text>
<dt id="recdump">--recdump=&lt;<em>Filename</em>&gt;</dt>
<text>Only for replay of recorded games: Before the replay is started, all replay data (player controls) are dumped into a file called &lt;<em>File name</em>&gt; in the Clonk folder. If the file name extension is .txt, the controls will be dumped in text mode, otherwise binary. The replay file must be specified separately as a scenario file (e.g. Clonk.exe Records.ocf/Record001.ocs --recdump=CtrlRec.txt).</text>
<dt id="startup">--startup=&lt;<em>Name</em>&gt;</dt>
<text>Only for fullscreen startup menu: Instead of the main menu, one of the submenus is shown directly. Possible values for &lt;<em>Name</em>&gt; are <em>main</em> (Main menu), <em>scen</em> (Scenario selection), <em>netscen</em> (Scenario selection for a new network game), <em>net</em> (Network/Internet game list), <em>options</em> (Options menu) und <em>plrsel</em> (Player selection).</text>
<dt id="ocs">*.ocs</dt>
<text>If a scenario is specified (File extension .ocs), it will be started directly.</text>
<dt id="ocd">*.ocd</dt>
<text>If the started scenario does not specify any required definitions (File extension .ocd), and no definitions are supplied in the registry, definitions can be specified via command line.</text>
<dt id="ocp">*.ocp</dt>
<text>Player files (File extension .ocp) can be specified in the command line. If no player files are given, the config values are used. By specifying a non-existant player (like doesnotexist.ocp), the game can be started without players (e.g. in order to just edit landscapes in developer mode).</text>
<dt id="ocu">*.ocu</dt>
<text>If the filename of an update package (extension .ocu) is passed to the engine, then the program will attempt to apply that update package to the local installation.</text>
<h id="C4Group">c4group.exe (Windows) c4group (Linux) c4group (Mac)</h>
<text>This command line program is used for processing group files. A list of command line options is available by starting the program without parameters via command line (<i>not</i> by double clicking).</text>