
833 lines
24 KiB

* OpenClonk,
* Copyright (c) 1998-2000, Matthes Bender
* Copyright (c) 2001-2009, RedWolf Design GmbH,
* Copyright (c) 2009-2013, The OpenClonk Team and contributors
* Distributed under the terms of the ISC license; see accompanying file
* "COPYING" for details.
* "Clonk" is a registered trademark of Matthes Bender, used with permission.
* See accompanying file "TRADEMARK" for details.
* To redistribute this file separately, substitute the full license texts
* for the above references.
/* Functions mapped by C4Script */
#include <C4Include.h>
#include <C4AulDefFunc.h>
#include <C4AulExec.h>
#include <C4Random.h>
#include <C4Version.h>
//========================== Some Support Functions =======================================
StdStrBuf FnStringFormat(C4PropList * _this, C4String *szFormatPar, C4Value * Pars, int ParCount)
int cPar=0;
StdStrBuf StringBuf("", false);
const char * cpFormat = FnStringPar(szFormatPar);
const char * cpType;
char szField[20];
while (*cpFormat)
// Copy normal stuff
while (*cpFormat && (*cpFormat!='%'))
// Field
if (*cpFormat=='%')
// Scan field type
for (cpType=cpFormat+1; *cpType && (*cpType == '+' || *cpType == '-' || *cpType == '.' || *cpType == '#' || *cpType == ' ' || Inside(*cpType,'0','9')); cpType++) {}
// Copy field
SCopy(cpFormat,szField,std::min<unsigned int>(sizeof szField - 1, cpType - cpFormat + 1));
// Insert field by type
switch (*cpType)
// number
case 'd': case 'x': case 'X':
if (cPar >= ParCount) throw C4AulExecError("format placeholder without parameter");
StringBuf.AppendFormat(szField, Pars[cPar++].getInt());
// character
case 'c':
if (cPar >= ParCount) throw C4AulExecError("format placeholder without parameter");
// C4ID
case 'i':
// C4Value
case 'v':
if (cPar >= ParCount) throw C4AulExecError("format placeholder without parameter");
StringBuf.Append(static_cast<const StdStrBuf&>(Pars[cPar++].GetDataString(10)));
// String
case 's':
// get string
if (cPar >= ParCount) throw C4AulExecError("format placeholder without parameter");
const char *szStr = "(null)";
if (Pars[cPar].GetData())
C4String * pStr = Pars[cPar].getStr();
if (!pStr) throw C4AulExecError("string format placeholder without string");
szStr = pStr->GetCStr();
StringBuf.AppendFormat(szField, szStr);
case '%':
// Undefined / Empty
return StringBuf;
C4AulDefFunc::C4AulDefFunc(C4PropListStatic * Parent, C4ScriptFnDef* pDef):
C4AulFunc(Parent, pDef->Identifier), Def(pDef)
Parent->SetPropertyByS(Name, C4VFunction(this));
C4Value C4AulDefFunc::Exec(C4PropList * p, C4Value pPars[], bool fPassErrors)
return Def->FunctionC4V(p, pPars);
//=============================== C4Script Functions ====================================
#define MAKE_AND_RETURN_ARRAY(values) do { \
C4ValueArray *matrix = new C4ValueArray(sizeof(values) / sizeof(*values)); \
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(values) / sizeof(*values); ++i) \
(*matrix)[i] = C4VInt(values[i]); \
return matrix; \
} while (0)
static C4ValueArray *FnTrans_Identity(C4PropList * _this)
long values[] =
1000, 0, 0, 0,
0, 1000, 0, 0,
0, 0, 1000, 0
static C4ValueArray *FnTrans_Translate(C4PropList * _this, long dx, long dy, long dz)
long values[] =
1000, 0, 0, dx,
0, 1000, 0, dy,
0, 0, 1000, dz
static C4ValueArray *FnTrans_Scale(C4PropList * _this, long sx, long sy, long sz)
if (sy == 0 && sz == 0)
sy = sz = sx;
long values[] =
sx, 0, 0, 0,
0, sy, 0, 0,
0, 0, sz, 0
static C4ValueArray *FnTrans_Rotate(C4PropList * _this, long angle, long rx, long ry, long rz)
long c = fixtoi(Cos(itofix(angle, 1)), 1000);
long s = fixtoi(Sin(itofix(angle, 1)), 1000);
long sqrt_val = rx * rx + ry * ry + rz * rz;
long n = long(sqrt(double(sqrt_val)));
if (n * n < sqrt_val) n++;
else if (n * n > sqrt_val) n--;
rx = (1000 * rx) / n;
ry = (1000 * ry) / n;
rz = (1000 * rz) / n;
long values[] =
rx*rx*(1000-c)/1000000+c, rx*ry*(1000-c)/1000000-rz*s/1000, rx*rz*(1000-c)/1000000+ry*s/1000, 0,
ry*rx*(1000-c)/1000000+rz*s/1000, ry*ry*(1000-c)/1000000+c, ry*rz*(1000-c)/1000000-rx*s/1000, 0,
rz*rx*(1000-c)/1000000-ry*s/1000, ry*rz*(1000-c)/1000000+rx*s/1000, rz*rz*(1000-c)/1000000+c, 0
static C4Value FnTrans_Mul(C4PropList * _this, C4Value *pars)
const int32_t matrixSize = 12;
long values[] =
0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0
// Read all parameters
bool first = true;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < C4AUL_MAX_Par; i++)
C4Value Data = *(pars++);
// No data given?
if (!Data) break;
C4ValueArray *factorArray = Data.getArray();
if (!factorArray || factorArray->GetSize() != matrixSize) continue;
if (first)
first = false;
for (int32_t c = 0; c < matrixSize; ++c)
values[c] = (*factorArray)[c].getInt();
// multiply current matrix with new one
long values_rhs[matrixSize], values_result[matrixSize];
for (int32_t c = 0; c < matrixSize; ++c)
values_rhs[c] = (*factorArray)[c].getInt();
// matrix multiplication
values_result[ 0] = values[0]*values_rhs[0]/1000 + values[1]*values_rhs[4]/1000 + values[ 2]*values_rhs[ 8]/1000;
values_result[ 1] = values[0]*values_rhs[1]/1000 + values[1]*values_rhs[5]/1000 + values[ 2]*values_rhs[ 9]/1000;
values_result[ 2] = values[0]*values_rhs[2]/1000 + values[1]*values_rhs[6]/1000 + values[ 2]*values_rhs[10]/1000;
values_result[ 3] = values[0]*values_rhs[3]/1000 + values[1]*values_rhs[7]/1000 + values[ 2]*values_rhs[11]/1000 + values[3];
values_result[ 4] = values[4]*values_rhs[0]/1000 + values[5]*values_rhs[4]/1000 + values[ 6]*values_rhs[ 8]/1000;
values_result[ 5] = values[4]*values_rhs[1]/1000 + values[5]*values_rhs[5]/1000 + values[ 6]*values_rhs[ 9]/1000;
values_result[ 6] = values[4]*values_rhs[2]/1000 + values[5]*values_rhs[6]/1000 + values[ 6]*values_rhs[10]/1000;
values_result[ 7] = values[4]*values_rhs[3]/1000 + values[5]*values_rhs[7]/1000 + values[ 6]*values_rhs[11]/1000 + values[7];
values_result[ 8] = values[8]*values_rhs[0]/1000 + values[9]*values_rhs[4]/1000 + values[10]*values_rhs[ 8]/1000;
values_result[ 9] = values[8]*values_rhs[1]/1000 + values[9]*values_rhs[5]/1000 + values[10]*values_rhs[ 9]/1000;
values_result[10] = values[8]*values_rhs[2]/1000 + values[9]*values_rhs[6]/1000 + values[10]*values_rhs[10]/1000;
values_result[11] = values[8]*values_rhs[3]/1000 + values[9]*values_rhs[7]/1000 + values[10]*values_rhs[11]/1000 + values[11];
for (int32_t c = 0; c < matrixSize; ++c)
values[c] = values_result[c];
// unlike in the other Trans_*-functions, we have to put the array into a C4Value manually here
C4ValueArray *matrix = new C4ValueArray(sizeof(values) / sizeof(*values));
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(values) / sizeof(*values); ++i)
(*matrix)[i] = C4VInt(values[i]);
return C4VArray(matrix);
static C4PropList * FnCreatePropList(C4PropList * _this, C4PropList * prototype)
return C4PropList::New(prototype);
static C4Value FnGetProperty(C4PropList * _this, C4String * key, C4PropList * pObj)
if (!pObj) pObj = _this;
if (!pObj) return C4VNull;
if (!key) return C4VNull;
C4Value r;
pObj->GetPropertyByS(key, &r);
return r;
static bool FnSetProperty(C4PropList * _this, C4String * key, const C4Value & to, C4PropList * pObj)
if (!pObj) pObj = _this;
if (!pObj) return false;
if (!key) return false;
if (pObj->IsFrozen())
throw C4AulExecError("proplist write: proplist is readonly");
pObj->SetPropertyByS(key, to);
return true;
static bool FnResetProperty(C4PropList * _this, C4String * key, C4PropList * pObj)
if (!pObj) pObj = _this;
if (!pObj) return false;
if (!key) return false;
if (!pObj->HasProperty(key)) return false;
if (pObj->IsFrozen())
throw C4AulExecError("proplist write: proplist is readonly");
return true;
static C4ValueArray * FnGetProperties(C4PropList * _this, C4PropList * p)
if (!p) p = _this;
if (!p) throw NeedNonGlobalContext("GetProperties");
C4ValueArray * r = p->GetProperties();
return r;
static C4Value FnCall(C4PropList * _this, C4Value * Pars)
if (!_this) _this = ::ScriptEngine.GetPropList();
C4AulParSet ParSet;
ParSet.Copy(&Pars[1], C4AUL_MAX_Par - 1);
C4AulFunc * fn = Pars[0].getFunction();
C4String * name;
if (!fn)
name = Pars[0].getStr();
if (name) fn = _this->GetFunc(name);
if (!fn)
const char * s = FnStringPar(name);
if (s[0] == '~')
fn = _this->GetFunc(&s[1]);
if (!fn)
return C4Value();
if (!fn)
throw C4AulExecError(FormatString("Call: no function %s", Pars[0].GetDataString().getData()).getData());
return fn->Exec(_this, &ParSet, true);
static C4Value FnLog(C4PropList * _this, C4Value * Pars)
Log(FnStringFormat(_this, Pars[0].getStr(), &Pars[1], 9).getData());
return C4VBool(true);
static C4Value FnDebugLog(C4PropList * _this, C4Value * Pars)
DebugLog(FnStringFormat(_this, Pars[0].getStr(), &Pars[1], 9).getData());
return C4VBool(true);
static C4Value FnFormat(C4PropList * _this, C4Value * Pars)
return C4VString(FnStringFormat(_this, Pars[0].getStr(), &Pars[1], 9));
static long FnAbs(C4PropList * _this, long iVal)
return Abs(iVal);
static long FnSin(C4PropList * _this, long iAngle, long iRadius, long iPrec)
if (!iPrec) iPrec = 1;
// Precalculate the modulo operation so the C4Fixed argument to Sin does not overflow
iAngle %= 360 * iPrec;
// Let itofix and fixtoi handle the division and multiplication because that can handle higher ranges
return fixtoi(Sin(itofix(iAngle, iPrec)), iRadius);
static long FnCos(C4PropList * _this, long iAngle, long iRadius, long iPrec)
if (!iPrec) iPrec = 1;
iAngle %= 360 * iPrec;
return fixtoi(Cos(itofix(iAngle, iPrec)), iRadius);
static long FnSqrt(C4PropList * _this, long iValue)
if (iValue<0) return 0;
long iSqrt = long(sqrt(double(iValue)));
if (iSqrt * iSqrt < iValue) iSqrt++;
if (iSqrt * iSqrt > iValue) iSqrt--;
return iSqrt;
static long FnAngle(C4PropList * _this, long iX1, long iY1, long iX2, long iY2, long iPrec)
long iAngle;
// Standard prec
if (!iPrec) iPrec = 1;
long dx=iX2-iX1,dy=iY2-iY1;
if (!dx)
if (dy>0) return 180 * iPrec;
else return 0;
if (!dy)
if (dx>0) return 90 * iPrec;
else return 270 * iPrec;
iAngle = static_cast<long>(180.0 * iPrec * atan2(static_cast<double>(Abs(dy)), static_cast<double>(Abs(dx))) / M_PI);
if (iX2>iX1 )
if (iY2<iY1) iAngle = (90 * iPrec) - iAngle;
else iAngle = (90 * iPrec) + iAngle;
if (iY2<iY1) iAngle = (270 * iPrec) + iAngle;
else iAngle = (270 * iPrec) - iAngle;
return iAngle;
static long FnArcSin(C4PropList * _this, long iVal, long iRadius)
// safety
if (!iRadius) return 0;
if (iVal > iRadius) return 0;
// calc arcsin
double f1 = iVal;
f1 = asin(f1/iRadius)*180.0/M_PI;
// return rounded angle
return (long) floor(f1+0.5);
static long FnArcCos(C4PropList * _this, long iVal, long iRadius)
// safety
if (!iRadius) return 0;
if (iVal > iRadius) return 0;
// calc arccos
double f1 = iVal;
f1 = acos(f1/iRadius)*180.0/M_PI;
// return rounded angle
return (long) floor(f1+0.5);
static std::pair<Nillable<int32_t>, Nillable<int32_t>> minmax(const char *func, const C4Value &a_val, const Nillable<int32_t> &b_opt)
if (a_val.CheckConversion(C4V_Int))
int32_t a = a_val.getInt();
int32_t b = b_opt;
if (a > b)
std::swap(a, b);
return std::make_pair(a, b);
else if (a_val.CheckConversion(C4V_Array))
const C4ValueArray *a = a_val.getArray();
if (a->GetSize() == 0)
return std::make_pair(nullptr, nullptr);
if (!a->GetItem(0).CheckConversion(C4V_Int))
throw C4AulExecError(FormatString("%s: argument 1 must be int or array-of-int, but element %d of array is of type %s", func, 0, a->GetItem(0).GetTypeName()).getData());
int32_t min, max;
min = max = a->GetItem(0).getInt();
for (int32_t i = 1; i < a->GetSize(); ++i)
if (!a->GetItem(i).CheckConversion(C4V_Int))
throw C4AulExecError(FormatString("%s: argument 1 must be int or array-of-int, but element %d of array is of type %s", func, i, a->GetItem(i).GetTypeName()).getData());
int32_t value = a->GetItem(i).getInt();
min = std::min(min, value);
max = std::max(max, value);
return std::make_pair(min, max);
throw C4AulExecError(FormatString("%s: argument 1 must be int or array-of-int, but is of type %s", func, a_val.GetTypeName()).getData());
static Nillable<int32_t> FnMin(C4PropList * _this, const C4Value &a, Nillable<int32_t> b)
return minmax("Min", a, b).first;
static Nillable<int32_t> FnMax(C4PropList * _this, const C4Value &a, Nillable<int32_t> b)
return minmax("Max", a, b).second;
static long FnDistance(C4PropList * _this, long iX1, long iY1, long iX2, long iY2)
return Distance(iX1,iY1,iX2,iY2);
static long FnBoundBy(C4PropList * _this, long iVal, long iRange1, long iRange2)
return Clamp(iVal,iRange1,iRange2);
static bool FnInside(C4PropList * _this, long iVal, long iRange1, long iRange2)
return Inside(iVal,iRange1,iRange2);
static long FnRandom(C4PropList * _this, long iRange)
return Random(iRange);
static long FnAsyncRandom(C4PropList * _this, long iRange)
return SafeRandom(iRange);
static int FnGetType(C4PropList * _this, const C4Value & Value)
// dynamic types
if (Value.CheckConversion(C4V_Object)) return C4V_Object;
if (Value.CheckConversion(C4V_Def)) return C4V_Def;
if (Value.CheckConversion(C4V_Effect)) return C4V_Effect;
// static types
return Value.GetType();
static C4ValueArray * FnCreateArray(C4PropList * _this, int iSize)
return new C4ValueArray(iSize);
static int FnGetLength(C4PropList * _this, const C4Value & Par)
// support GetLength() etc.
C4ValueArray * pArray = Par.getArray();
if (pArray)
return pArray->GetSize();
C4String * pStr = Par.getStr();
if (pStr)
return GetCharacterCount(pStr->GetData().getData());
throw C4AulExecError("GetLength: parameter 0 cannot be converted to string or array");
static int FnGetIndexOf(C4PropList * _this, C4ValueArray * pArray, const C4Value & Needle)
// find first occurance of first parameter in array
// support GetIndexOf(0, x)
if (!pArray) return -1;
int32_t iSize = pArray->GetSize();
for (int32_t i = 0; i < iSize; ++i)
if (Needle.IsIdenticalTo(pArray->GetItem(i)))
// element found
return i;
// element not found
return -1;
static bool FnDeepEqual(C4PropList * _this, const C4Value & v1, const C4Value & v2)
// return if v1==v2 with deep comparison on arrays and proplists
return v1 == v2;
static void FnSetLength(C4PropList * _this, C4ValueArray *pArray, int iNewSize)
// safety
if (iNewSize<0 || iNewSize > C4ValueArray::MaxSize)
throw C4AulExecError(FormatString("SetLength: invalid array size (%d)", iNewSize).getData());
// set new size
static Nillable<long> FnGetChar(C4PropList * _this, C4String *pString, long iIndex)
const char *szText = FnStringPar(pString);
if (!szText) return C4Void();
// C4Strings are UTF-8 encoded, so decode to get the indicated character
uint32_t c = GetNextCharacter(&szText);
for (int i = 0; i < iIndex; ++i)
c = GetNextCharacter(&szText);
if (!c) return C4Void();
return c;
static C4Value Fneval(C4PropList * _this, C4String *strScript)
return ::AulExec.DirectExec(_this, FnStringPar(strScript), "eval", true);
static bool FnLocateFunc(C4PropList * _this, C4String *funcname, C4PropList * p)
// safety
if (!funcname || !funcname->GetCStr())
Log("No func name");
return false;
if (!p) p = _this;
// get function by name
C4AulFunc *pFunc = p->GetFunc(funcname);
if (!pFunc)
LogF("Func %s not found", funcname->GetCStr());
const char *szPrefix = "";
while (pFunc)
C4AulScriptFunc *pSFunc = pFunc->SFunc();
if (!pSFunc)
LogF("%s%s (engine)", szPrefix, pFunc->GetName());
else if (!pSFunc->pOrgScript)
LogF("%s%s (no owner)", szPrefix, pSFunc->GetName());
int32_t iLine = SGetLine(pSFunc->pOrgScript->GetScript(), pSFunc->Script);
LogF("%s%s (%s:%d)", szPrefix, pFunc->GetName(), pSFunc->pOrgScript->ScriptName.getData(), (int)iLine);
// next func in overload chain
pFunc = pSFunc ? pSFunc->OwnerOverloaded : NULL;
szPrefix = "overloads ";
return true;
static long FnModulateColor(C4PropList * _this, long iClr1, long iClr2)
DWORD dwClr1 = iClr1;
DWORD dwClr2 = iClr2;
// default color
if (!dwClr1) dwClr1 = 0xffffff;
// get alpha
long iA1=dwClr1>>24, iA2=dwClr2>>24;
// modulate color values; mod alpha upwards
DWORD r = (((dwClr1 & 0xff) * (dwClr2 & 0xff)) >> 8) | // blue
(((dwClr1>> 8 & 0xff) * (dwClr2>>8 & 0xff)) & 0xff00) | // green
(((dwClr1>>16 & 0xff) * (dwClr2>>8 & 0xff00)) & 0xff0000) | // red
(std::min<long>(iA1+iA2 - ((iA1*iA2)>>8), 255) << 24); // alpha
return r;
static long FnWildcardMatch(C4PropList * _this, C4String *psString, C4String *psWildcard)
return SWildcardMatchEx(FnStringPar(psString), FnStringPar(psWildcard));
static bool FnFatalError(C4PropList * _this, C4String *pErrorMsg)
throw C4AulExecError(FormatString("script: %s", pErrorMsg ? pErrorMsg->GetCStr() : "(no error)").getData());
static bool FnStartCallTrace(C4PropList * _this)
return true;
static bool FnStartScriptProfiler(C4PropList * _this, C4Def * pDef)
// get script to profile
C4AulScript *pScript;
if (pDef)
pScript = &pDef->Script;
pScript = &::ScriptEngine;
// profile it
return true;
static bool FnStopScriptProfiler(C4PropList * _this)
return true;
static Nillable<C4String *> FnGetConstantNameByValue(C4PropList * _this, int value, Nillable<C4String *> name_prefix, int idx)
C4String *name_prefix_s = name_prefix;
// find a constant that has the specified value and prefix
for (int32_t i = 0; i < ::ScriptEngine.GlobalConsts.GetAnzItems(); ++i)
if (::ScriptEngine.GlobalConsts[i].getInt() == value)
const char *const_name = ::ScriptEngine.GlobalConstNames.GetItemUnsafe(i);
if (!name_prefix_s || SEqual2(const_name, name_prefix_s->GetCStr()))
if (!idx--)
// indexed constant found. return name minus prefix
return String(const_name + (name_prefix_s ? name_prefix_s->GetData().getLength() : 0));
// nothing found (at index)
return C4Void();
static bool FnSortArray(C4PropList * _this, C4ValueArray *pArray, bool descending)
if (!pArray) throw C4AulExecError("SortArray: no array given");
// sort array by its members
return true;
static bool FnSortArrayByProperty(C4PropList * _this, C4ValueArray *pArray, C4String *prop_name, bool descending)
if (!pArray) throw C4AulExecError("SortArrayByProperty: no array given");
if (!prop_name) throw C4AulExecError("SortArrayByProperty: no property name given");
// sort array by property
if (!pArray->SortByProperty(prop_name, descending)) throw C4AulExecError("SortArrayByProperty: not all array elements are proplists");
return true;
static bool FnSortArrayByArrayElement(C4PropList * _this, C4ValueArray *pArray, int32_t element_index, bool descending)
if (!pArray) throw C4AulExecError("SortArrayByArrayElement: no array given");
if (element_index<0) throw C4AulExecError("SortArrayByArrayElement: element index must be >=0");
// sort array by array element
if (!pArray->SortByArrayElement(element_index, descending)) throw C4AulExecError("SortArrayByArrayElement: not all array elements are arrays of sufficient length");
return true;
static bool FnFileWrite(C4PropList * _this, int32_t file_handle, C4String *data)
// resolve file handle to user file
C4AulUserFile *file = ::ScriptEngine.GetUserFile(file_handle);
if (!file) throw C4AulExecError("FileWrite: invalid file handle");
// prepare string to write
if (!data) return false; // write NULL? No.
// write it
file->Write(data->GetCStr(), data->GetData().getLength());
return true;
//=========================== C4Script Function Map ===================================
C4ScriptConstDef C4ScriptConstMap[]=
{ "C4V_Nil", C4V_Int, C4V_Nil},
{ "C4V_Int", C4V_Int, C4V_Int},
{ "C4V_Bool", C4V_Int, C4V_Bool},
{ "C4V_C4Object", C4V_Int, C4V_Object},
{ "C4V_Effect", C4V_Int, C4V_Effect},
{ "C4V_Def", C4V_Int, C4V_Def},
{ "C4V_String", C4V_Int, C4V_String},
{ "C4V_Array", C4V_Int, C4V_Array},
{ "C4V_Function", C4V_Int, C4V_Function},
{ "C4V_PropList", C4V_Int, C4V_PropList},
{ "C4X_Ver1", C4V_Int, C4XVER1},
{ "C4X_Ver2", C4V_Int, C4XVER2},
{ NULL, C4V_Nil, 0}
C4ScriptFnDef C4ScriptFnMap[]=
{ "Call", 1, C4V_Any, { C4V_Any ,C4V_Any ,C4V_Any ,C4V_Any ,C4V_Any ,C4V_Any ,C4V_Any ,C4V_Any ,C4V_Any ,C4V_Any}, FnCall },
{ "Log", 1, C4V_Bool, { C4V_String ,C4V_Any ,C4V_Any ,C4V_Any ,C4V_Any ,C4V_Any ,C4V_Any ,C4V_Any ,C4V_Any ,C4V_Any}, FnLog },
{ "DebugLog", 1, C4V_Bool, { C4V_String ,C4V_Any ,C4V_Any ,C4V_Any ,C4V_Any ,C4V_Any ,C4V_Any ,C4V_Any ,C4V_Any ,C4V_Any}, FnDebugLog },
{ "Format", 1, C4V_String, { C4V_String ,C4V_Any ,C4V_Any ,C4V_Any ,C4V_Any ,C4V_Any ,C4V_Any ,C4V_Any ,C4V_Any ,C4V_Any}, FnFormat },
{ "Trans_Mul", 1, C4V_Array, { C4V_Array ,C4V_Any ,C4V_Any ,C4V_Any ,C4V_Any ,C4V_Any ,C4V_Any ,C4V_Any ,C4V_Any ,C4V_Any}, FnTrans_Mul},
{ NULL, 0, C4V_Nil, { C4V_Nil ,C4V_Nil ,C4V_Nil ,C4V_Nil ,C4V_Nil ,C4V_Nil ,C4V_Nil ,C4V_Nil ,C4V_Nil ,C4V_Nil}, 0 }
void InitCoreFunctionMap(C4AulScriptEngine *pEngine)
// add all def constants (all Int)
for (C4ScriptConstDef *pCDef = &C4ScriptConstMap[0]; pCDef->Identifier; pCDef++)
assert(pCDef->ValType == C4V_Int); // only int supported currently
pEngine->RegisterGlobalConstant(pCDef->Identifier, C4VInt(pCDef->Data));
C4PropListStatic * p = pEngine->GetPropList();
// add all def script funcs
for (C4ScriptFnDef *pDef = &C4ScriptFnMap[0]; pDef->Identifier; pDef++)
new C4AulDefFunc(p, pDef);
#define F(f) ::AddFunc(p, #f, Fn##f)
::AddFunc(p, "Translate", C4AulExec::FnTranslate);
::AddFunc(p, "LogCallStack", C4AulExec::FnLogCallStack);
#undef F