
255 lines
7.3 KiB

* OpenClonk,
* Copyright (c) 2001-2009, RedWolf Design GmbH,
* Copyright (c) 2009-2013, The OpenClonk Team and contributors
* Distributed under the terms of the ISC license; see accompanying file
* "COPYING" for details.
* "Clonk" is a registered trademark of Matthes Bender, used with permission.
* See accompanying file "TRADEMARK" for details.
* To redistribute this file separately, substitute the full license texts
* for the above references.
#ifndef INC_C4Aul
#define INC_C4Aul
#include <C4Id.h>
#include <C4StringTable.h>
#include <C4Value.h>
#include <C4ValueMap.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
// consts
#define C4AUL_MAX_Identifier 100 // max length of function identifiers
// generic C4Aul error class
class C4AulError : public std::exception
StdCopyStrBuf sMessage;
bool shown;
virtual ~C4AulError() { } // destructor
virtual const char *what() const noexcept;
void show(); // present error message
// parse error
class C4AulParseError : public C4AulError
C4AulParseError(C4AulScript *pScript, const char *pMsg, const char *pIdtf = NULL, bool Warn = false); // constructor
C4AulParseError(class C4AulParse * state, const char *pMsg, const char *pIdtf = NULL, bool Warn = false); // constructor
// execution error
class C4AulExecError : public C4AulError
C4AulExecError(const char *szError);
class C4AulFuncMap
C4AulFunc * GetFirstFunc(C4String * Name);
C4AulFunc * GetNextSNFunc(const C4AulFunc * After);
enum { HashSize = 1025 };
C4AulFunc * Funcs[HashSize];
int FuncCnt;
static unsigned int Hash(const char * Name);
void Add(C4AulFunc * func);
void Remove(C4AulFunc * func);
friend class C4AulFunc;
friend class C4ScriptHost;
// aul script state
enum C4AulScriptState
ASS_ERROR, // erroneous script
ASS_NONE, // nothing
ASS_PREPARSED, // function list built; CodeSize set
ASS_LINKED, // includes and appends resolved
ASS_PARSED // byte code generated
// script profiler entry
class C4AulProfiler
// map entry
struct Entry
C4AulScriptFunc *pFunc;
uint32_t tProfileTime;
bool operator < (const Entry &e2) const { return tProfileTime < e2.tProfileTime ; }
// items
std::vector<Entry> Times;
void CollectEntry(C4AulScriptFunc *pFunc, uint32_t tProfileTime);
void Show();
static void Abort();
static void StartProfiling(C4AulScript *pScript);
static void StopProfiling();
// user text file to which scripts can write using FileWrite().
// actually just writes to an internal buffer
class C4AulUserFile
StdCopyStrBuf sContents;
int32_t handle;
C4AulUserFile(int32_t handle) : handle(handle) {}
void Write(const char *data, size_t data_length) { sContents.Append(data, data_length); }
const char *GetFileContents() { return sContents.getData(); }
StdStrBuf GrabFileContents() { StdStrBuf r; r.Take(sContents); return r; }
size_t GetFileLength() { return sContents.getLength(); }
int32_t GetHandle() const { return handle; }
// script class
class C4AulScript
C4AulScript(); // constructor
virtual ~C4AulScript(); // destructor
virtual void Clear(); // remove script, byte code and children
void Reg2List(C4AulScriptEngine *pEngine); // reg to linked list
void Unreg(); // remove from list
virtual bool Delete() { return true; } // allow deletion on pure class
StdCopyStrBuf ScriptName; // script name
virtual C4PropListStatic * GetPropList() { return 0; }
virtual C4ScriptHost * GetScriptHost() { return 0; }
virtual void ResetProfilerTimes(); // zero all profiler times of owned functions
virtual void CollectProfilerTimes(class C4AulProfiler &rProfiler);
bool IsReady() { return State == ASS_PARSED; } // whether script calls may be done
// helper functions
void Warn(const char *pMsg, ...) GNUC_FORMAT_ATTRIBUTE_O;
friend class C4AulParseError;
friend class C4AulFunc;
friend class C4AulScriptFunc;
friend class C4AulScriptEngine;
friend class C4AulParse;
friend class C4AulDebug;
friend class C4ScriptHost;
// Translate a string using the script's lang table
std::string Translate(const std::string &text) const;
C4LangStringTable *stringTable;
C4AulScriptEngine *Engine; //owning engine
C4AulScript *Prev, *Next; // tree structure
C4AulScriptState State; // script state
virtual bool ReloadScript(const char *szPath, const char *szLanguage); // reload given script
virtual bool Parse();
virtual bool ResolveIncludes(C4DefList *rDefs);
virtual bool ResolveAppends(C4DefList *rDefs);
virtual void UnLink();
// holds all C4AulScripts
class C4AulScriptEngine : public C4AulScript
C4AulFuncMap FuncLookUp;
C4AulFunc * GetFirstFunc(C4String * Name)
{ return FuncLookUp.GetFirstFunc(Name); }
C4AulFunc * GetNextSNFunc(const C4AulFunc * After)
{ return FuncLookUp.GetNextSNFunc(After); }
C4Value GlobalPropList;
C4AulScript *Child0, *ChildL; // tree structure
// all open user files
// user files aren't saved - they are just open temporary e.g. during game saving
std::list<C4AulUserFile> UserFiles;
int warnCnt, errCnt; // number of warnings/errors
int lineCnt; // line count parsed
C4ValueMapNames GlobalNamedNames;
C4ValueMapData GlobalNamed;
// global constants (such as "static const C4D_Structure = 2;")
// cannot share var lists, because it's so closely tied to the data lists
// constants are used by the Parser only, anyway, so it's not
// necessary to pollute the global var list here
C4ValueMapNames GlobalConstNames;
C4ValueMapData GlobalConsts;
C4AulScriptEngine(); // constructor
~C4AulScriptEngine(); // destructor
void Clear(); // clear data
void Link(C4DefList *rDefs); // link and parse all scripts
void ReLink(C4DefList *rDefs); // unlink, link and parse all scripts
virtual C4PropListStatic * GetPropList();
C4Value Call(const char * k, C4AulParSet *pPars=0, bool fPassErrors=false)
{ return GetPropList()->Call(k, pPars, fPassErrors); }
using C4AulScript::ReloadScript;
bool ReloadScript(const char *szScript, const char *szLanguage); // search script and reload, if found
// For the list of functions in the PropertyDlg
std::list<const char*> GetFunctionNames(C4PropList *);
void ResetProfilerTimes(); // zero all profiler times of owned functions
void CollectProfilerTimes(class C4AulProfiler &rProfiler);
void RegisterGlobalConstant(const char *szName, const C4Value &rValue); // creates a new constants or overwrites an old one
bool GetGlobalConstant(const char *szName, C4Value *pTargetValue); // check if a constant exists; assign value to pTargetValue if not NULL
bool Denumerate(C4ValueNumbers *);
void UnLink(); // called when a script is being reloaded (clears string table)
// Compile scenario script data (without strings and constants)
void CompileFunc(StdCompiler *pComp, C4ValueNumbers * numbers);
// Handle user files
int32_t CreateUserFile(); // create new file and return handle
void CloseUserFile(int32_t handle); // close user file given by handle
C4AulUserFile *GetUserFile(int32_t handle); // get user file given by handle
friend class C4AulFunc;
friend class C4ScriptHost;
friend class C4AulParse;
friend class C4AulDebug;
friend class C4AulScript;
extern C4AulScriptEngine ScriptEngine;
void InitCoreFunctionMap(C4AulScriptEngine *pEngine);