
165 lines
4.5 KiB

* OpenClonk,
* Copyright (c) 1998-2000, Matthes Bender
* Copyright (c) 2001-2009, RedWolf Design GmbH,
* Copyright (c) 2009-2013, The OpenClonk Team and contributors
* Distributed under the terms of the ISC license; see accompanying file
* "COPYING" for details.
* "Clonk" is a registered trademark of Matthes Bender, used with permission.
* See accompanying file "TRADEMARK" for details.
* To redistribute this file separately, substitute the full license texts
* for the above references.
#include <C4Include.h>
#include <C4Scenario.h>
#include <C4Components.h>
#include <C4ScriptHost.h>
// scenario sections
const char *C4ScenSect_Main = "main";
C4ScenarioSection::C4ScenarioSection(char *szName)
// copy name
if (szName && !SEqualNoCase(szName, C4ScenSect_Main) && *szName)
this->szName = new char[strlen(szName)+1];
SCopy(szName, this->szName);
this->szName = const_cast<char *>(C4ScenSect_Main);
// zero fields
szTempFilename = szFilename = 0;
fModified = false;
pObjectScripts = NULL;
// link into main list
pNext = Game.pScenarioSections;
Game.pScenarioSections = this;
// del following scenario sections
while (pNext)
C4ScenarioSection *pDel = pNext;
pNext = pNext->pNext;
pDel->pNext = NULL;
delete pDel;
// del temp file
if (szTempFilename)
delete szTempFilename;
// del filename if assigned
if (szFilename) delete szFilename;
// del name if owned
if (szName != C4ScenSect_Main) delete szName;
bool C4ScenarioSection::ScenarioLoad(C4Group &rGrp, char *szFilename)
// safety
if (this->szFilename || !szFilename) return false;
// store name
this->szFilename = new char[strlen(szFilename)+1];
SCopy(szFilename, this->szFilename, _MAX_FNAME);
// extract if it's not an open folder
if (Game.ScenarioFile.IsPacked()) if (!EnsureTempStore(true, true)) return false;
// load section object script
if (!SEqualNoCase(szName, C4ScenSect_Main))
C4Group GrpSect, *pGrp;
if ((pGrp = GetGroupfile(GrpSect)) && pGrp->FindEntry(C4CFN_ScenarioObjectsScript))
pObjectScripts = new C4ScenarioObjectsScriptHost();
pObjectScripts->Load(*pGrp, C4CFN_ScenarioObjectsScript, Config.General.LanguageEx, &::Game.ScenarioLangStringTable);
pObjectScripts = NULL;
// Object script for main section
pObjectScripts = ::Game.pScenarioObjectsScript;
// donce, success
return true;
C4Group *C4ScenarioSection::GetGroupfile(C4Group &rGrp)
// check temp filename
if (szTempFilename)
if (rGrp.Open(szTempFilename)) return &rGrp;
else return NULL;
// check filename within scenario
if (szFilename)
if (rGrp.OpenAsChild(&Game.ScenarioFile, szFilename)) return &rGrp;
else return NULL;
// unmodified main section: return main group
if (SEqualNoCase(szName, C4ScenSect_Main)) return &Game.ScenarioFile;
// failure
return NULL;
bool C4ScenarioSection::EnsureTempStore(bool fExtractLandscape, bool fExtractObjects)
// if it's temp store already, don't do anything
if (szTempFilename) return true;
// make temp filename
char *szTmp = const_cast<char *>(Config.AtTempPath(szFilename ? GetFilename(szFilename) : szName));
// main section: extract section files from main scenario group (create group as open dir)
if (!szFilename)
if (!CreatePath(szTmp)) return false;
C4Group hGroup;
if (!hGroup.Open(szTmp, true)) { EraseItem(szTmp); return false; }
// extract all desired section files
char fn[_MAX_FNAME+1]; *fn=0;
while (Game.ScenarioFile.FindNextEntry(C4FLS_Section, fn))
if (fExtractLandscape || !WildcardMatch(C4FLS_SectionLandscape, fn))
if (fExtractObjects || !WildcardMatch(C4FLS_SectionObjects, fn))
Game.ScenarioFile.ExtractEntry(fn, szTmp);
// subsection: simply extract section from main group
if (!Game.ScenarioFile.ExtractEntry(szFilename, szTmp)) return false;
// delete undesired landscape/object files
if (!fExtractLandscape || !fExtractObjects)
C4Group hGroup;
if (hGroup.Open(szFilename))
if (!fExtractLandscape) hGroup.Delete(C4FLS_SectionLandscape);
if (!fExtractObjects) hGroup.Delete(C4FLS_SectionObjects);
// copy temp filename
szTempFilename = new char[strlen(szTmp)+1];
SCopy(szTmp, szTempFilename, _MAX_PATH);
// done, success
return true;