
1117 lines
36 KiB

* OpenClonk,
* Copyright (c) 2011-2015, The OpenClonk Team and contributors
* Distributed under the terms of the ISC license; see accompanying file
* "COPYING" for details.
* "Clonk" is a registered trademark of Matthes Bender, used with permission.
* See accompanying file "TRADEMARK" for details.
* To redistribute this file separately, substitute the full license texts
* for the above references.
#include "C4Include.h"
#include "C4LandscapeRender.h"
#include "C4Landscape.h"
#include "C4Texture.h"
#include "C4FoWRegion.h"
#include "C4GroupSet.h"
#include "C4Components.h"
#include "C4DrawGL.h"
#include "StdColors.h"
#include <algorithm>
// Automatically reload shaders when changed at runtime?
#ifdef _DEBUG
// Generate seperator textures into 3D texture so we can make sure that
// we are addressing textures using the right coordinates
// Replace all textures by solid colors
// How much to look into each direction for bias
const int C4LR_BiasDistanceX = 7;
const int C4LR_BiasDistanceY = 7;
// Name used for the seperator texture
const char *const SEPERATOR_TEXTURE = "--SEP--";
ZeroMem(Surfaces, sizeof(Surfaces));
hMaterialTexture = 0;
hVBO = 0;
hVAOIDNoLight = 0;
hVAOIDLight = 0;
bool C4LandscapeRenderGL::Init(int32_t iWidth, int32_t iHeight, C4TextureMap *pTexs, C4GroupSet *pGraphics)
// Safe info
this->iWidth = iWidth;
this->iHeight = iHeight;
this->pTexs = pTexs;
// Allocate landscape textures
if (!InitLandscapeTexture())
LogFatal("[!] Could not initialize landscape texture!");
return false;
// Build texture, er, texture
if (!InitMaterialTexture(pTexs))
LogFatal("[!] Could not initialize landscape textures for rendering!");
return false;
// Load sclaer
if (!LoadScaler(pGraphics))
LogFatal("[!] Could not load scaler!");
return false;
// Load shader
if (!LoadShaders(pGraphics))
LogFatal("[!] Could not initialize landscape shader!");
return false;
if (!InitVBO())
LogFatal("[!] Could not initialize landscape VBO!");
return false;
return true;
bool C4LandscapeRenderGL::ReInit(int32_t iWidth, int32_t iHeight)
// Safe info
this->iWidth = iWidth;
this->iHeight = iHeight;
// Clear old landscape textures
for (int i = 0; i < C4LR_SurfaceCount; i++)
delete Surfaces[i];
Surfaces[i] = NULL;
// Allocate new landscape textures
if (!InitLandscapeTexture())
LogFatal("[!] Could not initialize landscape texture!");
return false;
return true;
void C4LandscapeRenderGL::Clear()
// free textures
int i;
for (i = 0; i < C4LR_SurfaceCount; i++)
delete Surfaces[i];
Surfaces[i] = NULL;
if (hMaterialTexture) glDeleteTextures(1, &hMaterialTexture);
hMaterialTexture = 0;
if (hVBO != 0)
glDeleteBuffers(1, &hVBO);
hVBO = 0;
if (hVAOIDLight != 0)
hVAOIDLight = 0;
if (hVAOIDNoLight != 0)
hVAOIDNoLight = 0;
bool C4LandscapeRenderGL::InitLandscapeTexture()
// Don't round up to the nearest power-of-two here. Modern
// hardware should handle NPOT-textures just fine, and they
// are already used in other places in Clonk. This avoids
// accessing one row or column of pixels below the actually
// used surface in the shader, which can lead to strange
// one-pixel edges at the bottom or right of the landscape
// (see e.g.
int iSfcWdt = iWidth;
int iSfcHgt = iHeight;
// Create our surfaces
for(int i = 0; i < C4LR_SurfaceCount; i++)
Surfaces[i] = new C4Surface();
if(!Surfaces[i]->Create(iSfcWdt, iSfcHgt))
return false;
return true;
bool C4LandscapeRenderGL::InitMaterialTexture(C4TextureMap *pTexs)
// Populate our map with all needed textures
// Determine depth to use
iMaterialTextureDepth = 2*MaterialTextureMap.size();
int32_t iNormalDepth = iMaterialTextureDepth / 2;
// Find the largest texture
C4Texture *pTex; C4Surface *pRefSfc = NULL;
for(int iTexIx = 0; (pTex = pTexs->GetTexture(pTexs->GetTexture(iTexIx))); iTexIx++)
if(C4Surface *pSfc = pTex->Surface32)
if (!pRefSfc || pRefSfc->Wdt < pSfc->Wdt || pRefSfc->Hgt < pSfc->Hgt)
pRefSfc = pSfc;
return false;
// Get size for our textures. We might be limited by hardware
int iTexWdt = pRefSfc->Wdt, iTexHgt = pRefSfc->Hgt;
GLint iMaxTexSize, iMaxTexLayers;
glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE, &iMaxTexSize);
glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_ARRAY_TEXTURE_LAYERS, &iMaxTexLayers);
if (iTexWdt > iMaxTexSize || iTexHgt > iMaxTexSize)
iTexWdt = std::min(iTexWdt, iMaxTexSize);
iTexHgt = std::min(iTexHgt, iMaxTexSize);
LogF(" gl: Material textures too large, GPU only supports %dx%d! Cropping might occur!", iMaxTexSize, iMaxTexSize);
if(iMaterialTextureDepth >= iMaxTexLayers)
LogF(" gl: Too many material textures! GPU only supports 3D texture depth of %d!", iMaxTexSize);
return false;
iMaterialWidth = iTexWdt;
iMaterialHeight = iTexHgt;
// Compose together data of all textures
const int iTexSize = iTexWdt * iTexHgt * C4Draw::COLOR_DEPTH_BYTES;
const int iSize = iTexSize * iMaterialTextureDepth;
BYTE *pData = new BYTE [iSize];
for(int i = 0; i < iMaterialTextureDepth; i++)
BYTE *p = pData + i * iTexSize;
// Get texture at position
StdStrBuf Texture;
bool fNormal = i >= iNormalDepth;
if(i < int32_t(MaterialTextureMap.size()))
else if(fNormal && i < iNormalDepth + int32_t(MaterialTextureMap.size()))
Texture.Format("%s_NRM", MaterialTextureMap[i-iNormalDepth].getData());
// Try to find the texture
C4Texture *pTex; C4Surface *pSurface;
if((pTex = pTexs->GetTexture(Texture.getData())) && (pSurface = pTex->Surface32))
// Just write a solid color that depends on the texture index
DWORD *texdata = reinterpret_cast<DWORD *>(p);
for (int y = 0; y < iTexHgt; ++y)
for (int x = 0; x < iTexWdt; ++x)
*texdata++ = RGBA((iTex & 48), (iTex & 3) * 16, (i & 12) * 4, 255);
// Size recheck. It's fine if this texture's size is a divisor
// of the maximum texture size, because then we can just tile
// the smaller texture.
if(pSurface->Wdt != iTexWdt || pSurface->Hgt != iTexHgt)
if (iTexWdt % pSurface->Wdt != 0 || iTexHgt % pSurface->Hgt != 0)
LogF(" gl: texture %s size mismatch (%dx%d vs %dx%d)!", Texture.getData(), pSurface->Wdt, pSurface->Hgt, iTexWdt, iTexHgt);
// Copy bytes
DWORD *texdata = reinterpret_cast<DWORD *>(p);
for (int y = 0; y < iTexHgt; ++y)
for (int x = 0; x < iTexWdt; ++x)
*texdata++ = pSurface->GetPixDw(x % pSurface->Wdt, y % pSurface->Hgt, false);
// Seperator texture?
if(SEqual(Texture.getData(), SEPERATOR_TEXTURE))
// Make some ugly stripes
DWORD *texdata = reinterpret_cast<DWORD *>(p);
for (int y = 0; y < iTexHgt; ++y)
for (int x = 0; x < iTexWdt; ++x)
*texdata++ = ((x + y) % 32 < 16 ? RGBA(255, 0, 0, 255) : RGBA(0, 255, 255, 255));
// If we didn't "continue" yet, we haven't written the texture yet.
// Make color texture transparent, and normal texture flat.
if (fNormal)
DWORD *texdata = reinterpret_cast<DWORD *>(p);
for (int y = 0; y < iTexHgt; ++y)
for (int x = 0; x < iTexWdt; ++x)
*texdata++ = RGBA(127, 127, 255, 255);
memset(p, 0, iTexSize);
// Clear error error(s?)
while(glGetError()) {}
// Alloc 2D texture array
glGenTextures(1, &hMaterialTexture);
// Generate textures
int iSizeSum = 0;
// Select texture
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY, hMaterialTexture);
glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1);
// We fully expect to tile these
// Make it happen!
glTexImage3D(GL_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY, 0, GL_RGBA, iTexWdt, iTexHgt, iMaterialTextureDepth, 0, GL_BGRA,
// Statistics
iSizeSum += iTexWdt * iTexHgt * iMaterialTextureDepth * C4Draw::COLOR_DEPTH_BYTES;
// Dispose of data
delete [] pData;
// Check whether we were successful
if(int err = glGetError())
LogF(" gl: Could not load textures (error %d)", err);
return false;
// Announce the good news
LogF(" gl: Texturing uses %d slots at %dx%d (%d MB total)",
iMaterialWidth, iMaterialHeight,
iSizeSum / 1000000);
return true;
C4Rect C4LandscapeRenderGL::GetAffectedRect(C4Rect Rect)
Rect.Enlarge(C4LR_BiasDistanceX, C4LR_BiasDistanceY);
return Rect;
void C4LandscapeRenderGL::Update(C4Rect To, C4Landscape *pSource)
// clip to landscape size
// everything clipped?
if (To.Wdt<=0 || To.Hgt<=0) return;
// Lock surfaces
// We clear the affected region here because ClearBoxDw allocates the
// main memory buffer for the box, so that only that box needs to be
// sent to the gpu, and not the whole texture, or every pixel
// separately. It's an important optimization.
for (int i = 0; i < C4LR_SurfaceCount; i++)
if (!Surfaces[i]->Lock()) return;
Surfaces[i]->ClearBoxDw(To.x, To.y, To.Wdt, To.Hgt);
// Initialize up & down placement arrays. These arrays are always updated
// so that they contain the placement sums of C4LR_BiasDistanceY pixels
// above and below the current row.
int x, y;
int placementSumsWidth = C4LR_BiasDistanceX * 2 + To.Wdt;
int *placementSumsUp = new int [placementSumsWidth * 2];
int *placementSumsDown = placementSumsUp + placementSumsWidth;
for(x = 0; x < placementSumsWidth; x++)
placementSumsUp[x] = 0;
placementSumsDown[x] = 0;
if (To.x + x - C4LR_BiasDistanceX < 0 || To.x + x - C4LR_BiasDistanceX >= iWidth) continue;
for(y = 1; y <= std::min(C4LR_BiasDistanceY, To.y); y++)
placementSumsUp[x] += pSource->_GetPlacement(To.x+x-C4LR_BiasDistanceX, To.y-y);
for(y = 1; y <= std::min(C4LR_BiasDistanceY, iHeight - 1 - To.y); y++)
placementSumsDown[x] += pSource->_GetPlacement(To.x+x-C4LR_BiasDistanceX, To.y+y);
// Get tex refs (shortcut, we will use them quite heavily)
C4TexRef *texture[C4LR_SurfaceCount];
x = y = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < C4LR_SurfaceCount; i++)
texture[i] = Surfaces[i]->texture.get();
// Go through it from top to bottom
for(y = 0; y < To.Hgt; y++)
// Initialize left & right placement sums. These are meant to contain
// the placement sum of a (C4LR_BiasDistanceX, 2*C4LR_BiasDistanceY+1)
// rectangle left/right of the current pixel. So we initialise it to
// be correct at x=0. Note that the placementSum arrays don't contain
// information about the current row, therefore we need a special case
// for those pixels.
int sumLeft = 0, sumRight = 0;
for(x = 1; x <= std::min(C4LR_BiasDistanceX, To.x); x++)
sumLeft += pSource->_GetPlacement(To.x-x,To.y+y);
for(x = 1; x <= std::min(C4LR_BiasDistanceX, iWidth - 1 - To.x ); x++)
sumRight += pSource->_GetPlacement(To.x+x,To.y+y);
for (int i = 1; i <= C4LR_BiasDistanceX; i++) {
sumLeft += placementSumsUp[C4LR_BiasDistanceX - i];
sumLeft += placementSumsDown[C4LR_BiasDistanceX - i];
sumRight += placementSumsUp[C4LR_BiasDistanceX + i];
sumRight += placementSumsDown[C4LR_BiasDistanceX + i];
// Initialise up & down sums. Same principle as above, but slightly
// easier as we do not miss pixels if we just use the placement sums.
int sumUp = 0, sumDown = 0;
for (int i = -C4LR_BiasDistanceX; i <= C4LR_BiasDistanceX; i++) {
sumUp += placementSumsUp[C4LR_BiasDistanceX + i];
sumDown += placementSumsDown[C4LR_BiasDistanceX + i];
for(x = 0; x < To.Wdt; x++)
int pixel = pSource->_GetPix(To.x+x, To.y+y);
int placement = pSource->_GetPlacement(To.x+x, To.y+y);
// Calculate bias. The scale here is the size of the rectangle (see above)
const int horizontalFactor = C4LR_BiasDistanceX * (2 * C4LR_BiasDistanceY + 1);
int horizontalBias = std::max(0, placement * horizontalFactor - sumRight) -
std::max(0, placement * horizontalFactor - sumLeft);
const int verticalFactor = C4LR_BiasDistanceY * (2 * C4LR_BiasDistanceX + 1);
int verticalBias = std::max(0, placement * verticalFactor - sumDown) -
std::max(0, placement * verticalFactor - sumUp);
// Maximum placement differences that make a difference in the result, after which we are at the limits of
// what can be packed into a byte
const int maximumPlacementDifference = 40;
int horizontalBiasScaled = Clamp(horizontalBias * 127 / maximumPlacementDifference / horizontalFactor + 128, 0, 255);
int verticalBiasScaled = Clamp(verticalBias * 127 / maximumPlacementDifference / verticalFactor + 128, 0, 255);
// Collect data to save per pixel
unsigned char data[C4LR_SurfaceCount * 4];
memset(data, 0, sizeof(data));
data[C4LR_Material] = pixel;
data[C4LR_BiasX] = horizontalBiasScaled;
data[C4LR_BiasY] = verticalBiasScaled;
data[C4LR_Scaler] = CalculateScalerBitmask(x, y, To, pSource);
data[C4LR_Place] = placement;
for(int i = 0; i < C4LR_SurfaceCount; i++)
texture[i]->SetPix(To.x+x, To.y+y,
RGBA(data[i*4+0], data[i*4+1], data[i*4+2], data[i*4+3]));
// Update sums (last column would be out-of-bounds, and not
// necessary as we will re-initialise it for the next row)
if (x < To.Wdt - 1) {
sumLeft -= placementSumsUp[x] + placementSumsDown[x];
sumLeft += placementSumsUp[x + C4LR_BiasDistanceX] + placementSumsDown[x + C4LR_BiasDistanceX];
sumRight -= placementSumsUp[x + C4LR_BiasDistanceX + 1] + placementSumsDown[x + C4LR_BiasDistanceX + 1];
sumUp -= placementSumsUp[x];
sumDown -= placementSumsDown[x];
sumRight += placementSumsUp[x + 2 * C4LR_BiasDistanceX + 1] + placementSumsDown[x + 2 * C4LR_BiasDistanceX + 1];
sumUp += placementSumsUp[x + 2 * C4LR_BiasDistanceX + 1];
sumDown += placementSumsDown[x + 2 * C4LR_BiasDistanceX + 1];
// Update left & right for next pixel in line
if(x + To.x + 1 < iWidth)
sumRight -= pSource->_GetPlacement(To.x+x + 1, To.y+y);
if(To.x+x + C4LR_BiasDistanceX + 1 < iWidth)
sumRight += pSource->_GetPlacement(To.x+x + C4LR_BiasDistanceX + 1, To.y+y);
sumLeft += placement;
if(To.x+x - C4LR_BiasDistanceX >= 0)
sumLeft -= pSource->_GetPlacement(To.x+x - C4LR_BiasDistanceX, To.y+y);
// Update up & down arrays (for next line already)
if (To.x + x >= C4LR_BiasDistanceX) {
if (To.y + y + 1 < iHeight)
placementSumsDown[x] -= pSource->_GetPlacement(To.x + x - C4LR_BiasDistanceX, To.y + y + 1);
if (To.y + y + C4LR_BiasDistanceY + 1 < iHeight)
placementSumsDown[x] += pSource->_GetPlacement(To.x + x - C4LR_BiasDistanceX, To.y + y + C4LR_BiasDistanceY + 1);
if (To.y + y - C4LR_BiasDistanceY >= 0)
placementSumsUp[x] -= pSource->_GetPlacement(To.x + x - C4LR_BiasDistanceX, To.y + y - C4LR_BiasDistanceY);
placementSumsUp[x] += pSource->_GetPlacement(To.x + x - C4LR_BiasDistanceX, To.y + y);
// Finish updating up & down arrays for the next line
if (To.x + x >= C4LR_BiasDistanceX)
for (; x < std::min(placementSumsWidth, iWidth - To.x + C4LR_BiasDistanceX); x++) {
if (To.y + y + 1 < iHeight)
placementSumsDown[x] -= pSource->_GetPlacement(To.x + x - C4LR_BiasDistanceX, To.y + y + 1);
if (To.y + y + C4LR_BiasDistanceY + 1 < iHeight)
placementSumsDown[x] += pSource->_GetPlacement(To.x + x - C4LR_BiasDistanceX, To.y + y + C4LR_BiasDistanceY + 1);
if (To.y + y - C4LR_BiasDistanceY >= 0)
placementSumsUp[x] -= pSource->_GetPlacement(To.x + x - C4LR_BiasDistanceX, To.y + y - C4LR_BiasDistanceY);
placementSumsUp[x] += pSource->_GetPlacement(To.x + x - C4LR_BiasDistanceX, To.y + y);
// done
delete[] placementSumsUp;
for (int i = 0; i < C4LR_SurfaceCount; i++)
/** Returns the data used for the scaler shader for the given pixel. It is a 8-bit bitmask. The bits stand for the 8
neighbouring pixels in this order:
1 2 3
4 . 5
6 7 8
... and denote whether the pixels belongs to the same group as this pixel.
int C4LandscapeRenderGL::CalculateScalerBitmask(int x, int y, C4Rect To, C4Landscape *pSource)
int pixel = pSource->_GetPix(To.x+x, To.y+y);
int placement = pSource->_GetPlacement(To.x+x, To.y+y);
int neighbours[8] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
if(To.y+y > 0)
if(To.x+x > 0)
neighbours[0] = pSource->_GetPix(To.x+x-1, To.y+y-1);
neighbours[1] = pSource->_GetPix(To.x+x, To.y+y-1);
if(To.x+x < iWidth-1)
neighbours[2] = pSource->_GetPix(To.x+x+1, To.y+y-1);
if(To.x+x > 0)
neighbours[3] = pSource->_GetPix(To.x+x-1, To.y+y);
if(To.x+x < iWidth-1)
neighbours[4] = pSource->_GetPix(To.x+x+1, To.y+y);
if(To.y+y < iHeight-1)
if(To.x+x > 0)
neighbours[5] = pSource->_GetPix(To.x+x-1, To.y+y+1);
neighbours[6] = pSource->_GetPix(To.x+x, To.y+y+1);
if(To.x+x < iWidth-1)
neighbours[7] = pSource->_GetPix(To.x+x+1, To.y+y+1);
// Look for highest-placement material in our surroundings
int maxPixel = pixel, maxPlacement = placement;
for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
int tempPlacement = MatPlacement(PixCol2Mat(neighbours[i]));
if(tempPlacement > maxPlacement || (tempPlacement == maxPlacement && neighbours[i] > maxPixel) )
maxPixel = neighbours[i];
maxPlacement = tempPlacement;
// Scaler calculation depends on whether this is the highest-placement material around
int scaler = 0;
if(maxPixel == pixel)
// If yes, we consider all other materials as "other"
for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
if(neighbours[i] == pixel)
scaler += (1<<i);
} else {
// Otherwise, we *only* consider the highest-placement material as "other"
for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
if(neighbours[i] != maxPixel)
scaler += (1<<i);
return scaler;
const char *C4LandscapeRenderGL::UniformNames[C4LRU_Count+1];
bool C4LandscapeRenderGL::LoadShader(C4GroupSet *pGroups, C4Shader& shader, const char* name, int ssc)
// Setup #defines
if(ssc & C4SSC_LIGHT) shader.AddDefine("OC_DYNAMIC_LIGHT"); // sample light from light texture
// Create vertex shader
shader.LoadVertexSlices(pGroups, "LandscapeVertexShader.glsl");
// Then load slices for fragment shader
shader.LoadFragmentSlices(pGroups, "CommonShader.glsl");
shader.LoadFragmentSlices(pGroups, "LandscapeShader.glsl");
// Make attribute name map
const char* AttributeNames[C4LRA_Count + 1];
AttributeNames[C4LRA_Position] = "oc_Position";
AttributeNames[C4LRA_LandscapeTexCoord] = "oc_LandscapeTexCoord";
AttributeNames[C4LRA_LightTexCoord] = "oc_LightTexCoord"; // unused if no dynamic light
AttributeNames[C4LRA_Count] = NULL;
// Initialise!
if (!shader.Init(name, UniformNames, AttributeNames)) {
return false;
return true;
bool C4LandscapeRenderGL::LoadShaders(C4GroupSet *pGroups)
// First, clear out all existing shaders
// Make uniform name map
ZeroMem(UniformNames, sizeof(UniformNames));
UniformNames[C4LRU_ProjectionMatrix] = "projectionMatrix";
UniformNames[C4LRU_LandscapeTex] = "landscapeTex";
UniformNames[C4LRU_ScalerTex] = "scalerTex";
UniformNames[C4LRU_MaterialTex] = "materialTex";
UniformNames[C4LRU_LightTex] = "lightTex";
UniformNames[C4LRU_AmbientTex] = "ambientTex";
UniformNames[C4LRU_Gamma] = "gamma";
UniformNames[C4LRU_Resolution] = "resolution";
UniformNames[C4LRU_Center] = "center";
UniformNames[C4LRU_MatMapTex] = "matMapTex";
UniformNames[C4LRU_MaterialDepth] = "materialDepth";
UniformNames[C4LRU_MaterialSize] = "materialSize";
UniformNames[C4LRU_AmbientBrightness] = "ambientBrightness";
UniformNames[C4LRU_AmbientTransform] = "ambientTransform";
if(!LoadShader(pGroups, Shader, "landscape", 0))
return false;
if(!LoadShader(pGroups, ShaderLight, "landscapeLight", C4SSC_LIGHT))
return false;
return true;
bool C4LandscapeRenderGL::InitVBO()
// Our VBO needs to hold 4 vertices with 6 floats each.
assert(hVBO == 0);
glGenBuffers(1, &hVBO);
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, hVBO);
glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 24 * sizeof(float), NULL, GL_STREAM_DRAW);
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0);
// Also allocate the VAO IDs
assert(hVAOIDLight == 0);
assert(hVAOIDNoLight == 0);
hVAOIDLight = pGL->GenVAOID();
hVAOIDNoLight = pGL->GenVAOID();
return true;
void C4LandscapeRenderGL::ClearShaders()
if (Shader.Initialised())
if (ShaderLight.Initialised())
bool C4LandscapeRenderGL::LoadScaler(C4GroupSet *pGroups)
// Search for scaler
C4Group *pGroup = pGroups->FindEntry(C4CFN_LandscapeScaler);
if(!pGroup) return false;
// Load scaler from group
if(!fctScaler.Load(*pGroup, C4CFN_LandscapeScaler, C4FCT_Full, C4FCT_Full, false, 0))
return false;
// Check size
const int iOrigWdt = 8 * 3, iOrigHgt = 4 * 8 * 3;
const int iFactor = fctScaler.Wdt / iOrigWdt;
if(fctScaler.Wdt != iFactor * iOrigWdt || fctScaler.Hgt != iFactor * iOrigHgt)
LogF(" gl: Unexpected scaler size - should be multiple of %dx%d!", iOrigWdt, iOrigHgt);
return false;
// Walk through all lookups we have in the texture and decide where
// to look for the "other" pixel. This might not be unique later on,
// so it is a good idea to have a proper priority order here.
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 8 * 4 * 8; i++) {
// Decode from ID what pixels are expected to be set in this case
enum Px { NW, N, NE, W, E, SW, S, SE, X };
int p_x[9] = { -1, 0, 1, -1, 1, -1, 0, 1, 0 };
int p_y[9] = { -1, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0 };
bool pxAt[X];
for(int j = 0; j < X; j++)
pxAt[j] = !!(i & (1 << j));
// Oc = octant borders. Set up arrays to get righthand border
// of an octant, in a way that we can easily rotate further.
enum Oc { NWW, NEE, SWW, SEE, NNW, NNE, SSW, SSE };
int p2a[8] = { 5, 6, 7, 4, 0, 3, 2, 1 };
Oc a2o[8] = { SEE, SSE, SSW, SWW, NWW, NNW, NNE, NEE };
// Decide in which octant we want to interpolate towards
// which pixel. Pick the nearest unset pixel using a special
// priority order.
Px opx[8] = { X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X };
#define INTERPOLATE(x,da) do { \
int y = a2o[(8+p2a[x]+(da)) % 8];\
if (!pxAt[x] && opx[y] == X) opx[y] = x; \
} while(false)
for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
// vertical
// horizontal
// diagonals
// Decide in which octants we will not interpolate normals.
// It doesn't make sense when there's another material in that
// general direction, as then the bias of that will factor into
// the interpolation, giving bright borders on dark shading,
// and vice-versa.
bool noNormals[8];
noNormals[NNW] = noNormals[NWW] = !pxAt[W] || !pxAt[NW] || !pxAt[N];
noNormals[NNE] = noNormals[NEE] = !pxAt[E] || !pxAt[NE] || !pxAt[N];
noNormals[SSW] = noNormals[SWW] = !pxAt[W] || !pxAt[SW] || !pxAt[S];
noNormals[SSE] = noNormals[SEE] = !pxAt[E] || !pxAt[SE] || !pxAt[S];
// Set blue and green components to relative coordinates of
// "other" pixel, and alpha to mix param for normals
const int x0 = (i % 8) * 3 * iFactor;
const int y0 = (i / 8) * 3 * iFactor;
const int iPxs = 3 * iFactor;
int y, x;
for(y = 0; y < iPxs; y++)
for(x = 0; x < iPxs; x++)
// Find out in which octagon we are
int oct = 0;
if(2 * x >= iPxs) oct+=1;
if(2 * y >= iPxs) oct+=2;
if((x >= y) != (x >= iPxs - y)) oct+=4;
// Get pixel, do processing
DWORD pix = fctScaler.Surface->GetPixDw(x0+x, y0+y, false);
BYTE val = GetGreenValue(pix);
if(val >= 250) val = 255;
BYTE bx = 64 * (p_x[opx[oct]] + 1);
BYTE by = 64 * (p_y[opx[oct]] + 1);
BYTE bn = (noNormals[oct] ? 255 : 1);
fctScaler.Surface->SetPixDw(x0+x, y0+y, RGBA(val, bx, by, bn));
return fctScaler.Surface->Unlock();
int32_t C4LandscapeRenderGL::LookupTextureTransition(const char *szFrom, const char *szTo)
// Is this actually a transition? Otherwise we're looking for a single texture
bool fTransit = !SEqual(szFrom, szTo);
// Look for a position in the map where the textures appear in sequence
uint32_t i;
for(i = 1; i < MaterialTextureMap.size(); i++)
if(SEqual(szFrom, MaterialTextureMap[i].getData()))
// Single texture: We're done
if(!fTransit) return i;
// Check next texture as well
if(i + 1 >= MaterialTextureMap.size())
return -1;
if(SEqual(szTo, MaterialTextureMap[i+1].getData()))
return i;
return -1;
void C4LandscapeRenderGL::AddTextureTransition(const char *szFrom, const char *szTo)
// Empty?
if (!szFrom || !szTo) return;
// First try the lookup (both directions)
if (LookupTextureTransition(szFrom, szTo) >= 0) return;
if (LookupTextureTransition(szTo, szFrom) >= 0) return;
// Single texture? Add it as single
if (SEqual(szTo, szFrom))
// Have one of the textures at the end of the list?
else if(SEqual(MaterialTextureMap.back().getData(), szFrom))
else if(SEqual(MaterialTextureMap.back().getData(), szTo))
// Otherwise add both
void C4LandscapeRenderGL::AddTextureAnim(const char *szTextureAnim)
if(!szTextureAnim) return;
// Save back count of textures at start
uint32_t iStartTexCount = MaterialTextureMap.size();
// Add all individual transitions
const char *pFrom = szTextureAnim;
// Get next phase
const char *pTo = strchr(pFrom, '-');
if(!pTo) pTo = szTextureAnim; else pTo++;
// Add transition
StdStrBuf From, To;
From.CopyUntil(pFrom, '-');
To.CopyUntil(pTo, '-');
AddTextureTransition(From.getData(), To.getData());
// Advance
if(pTo == szTextureAnim) break;
pFrom = pTo;
// Add a seperator texture, if we added any new ones
if(MaterialTextureMap.size() > iStartTexCount)
void C4LandscapeRenderGL::AddTexturesFromMap(C4TextureMap *pMap)
// Go through used texture (animations) and add all phases to our map
// Note: We can be smarter here, for example add longer animations
// first in order to make better reuse of 3D texture slots.
// We could even make a full-blown optimization problem out of it.
// Future work...
const C4TexMapEntry *pEntry;
for(int32_t i = 0; (pEntry = pMap->GetEntry(i)); i++)
// ToDo: Properly handle jumping back
void C4LandscapeRenderGL::BuildMatMap(uint32_t *pTex)
// TODO: Still merely an inefficient placeholder for things to come...
// Build material-texture map (depth parameter where to find appropriate texture)
for(int pix = 0; pix < 256; pix++)
// Look up indexed entry
const C4TexMapEntry *pEntry = pTexs->GetEntry(PixCol2Tex(BYTE(pix)));
// Undefined textures transparent
pTex[2*pix] = 0;
pTex[2*pix+1] = RGBA(0,0,0,255);
// Got animation?
int iPhases = 1; const char *p = pEntry->GetTextureName();
while((p = strchr(p, '-'))) { p++; iPhases++; }
// Hard-coded hack. Fix me!
C4Material *pMaterial = pEntry->GetMaterial();
const int iPhaseLength = pMaterial->AnimationSpeed;
float phase = 0;
if (iPhases > 1) {
phase = C4TimeMilliseconds::Now().AsInt() % (iPhases * iPhaseLength);
phase /= iPhaseLength;
// Find our transition
const char *pFrom = pEntry->GetTextureName();
float gTexCoo = 0;
for(int iP = 0;; iP++)
// Get next phase
const char *pTo = strchr(pFrom, '-');
if(!pTo) pTo = pEntry->GetTextureName(); else pTo++;
// Add transition
if(iP == int(phase))
StdStrBuf From, To;
From.CopyUntil(pFrom, '-');
To.CopyUntil(pTo, '-');
// Find transition
int iTrans;
if ((iTrans = LookupTextureTransition(From.getData(), To.getData())) >= 0)
gTexCoo = float(iTrans) + fmod(phase, 1.0f);
else if ((iTrans = LookupTextureTransition(To.getData(), From.getData())) >= 0)
gTexCoo = float(iTrans) + 1.0 - fmod(phase, 1.0f);
// Advance
pFrom = pTo;
// Assign texture
int iTexCoo = int((gTexCoo * 256.0 / iMaterialTextureDepth) + 0.5);
pTex[2*pix] = RGBA(
Clamp(pMaterial->LightEmit[0], 0, 255),
Clamp(pMaterial->LightEmit[1], 0, 255),
Clamp(pMaterial->LightEmit[2], 0, 255),
pTex[2*pix+1] = RGBA(
Clamp(pMaterial->LightSpot[0], 0, 255),
Clamp(pMaterial->LightSpot[1], 0, 255),
Clamp(pMaterial->LightSpot[2], 0, 255),
Clamp(pMaterial->LightAngle, 0, 255));
void C4LandscapeRenderGL::Draw(const C4TargetFacet &cgo, const C4FoWRegion *Light)
// Must have GL and be initialized
if(!pGL && !Shader.Initialised() && !ShaderLight.Initialised()) return;
// prepare rendering to surface
C4Surface *sfcTarget = cgo.Surface;
if (!pGL->PrepareRendering(sfcTarget)) return;
// Choose the right shader depending on whether we have dynamic lighting or not
const C4Shader* shader = &Shader;
if (Light) shader = &ShaderLight;
if (!shader->Initialised()) return;
// Activate shader
C4ShaderCall ShaderCall(shader);
// Bind data
ShaderCall.SetUniformMatrix4x4(C4LRU_ProjectionMatrix, pGL->GetProjectionMatrix());
ShaderCall.SetUniform3fv(C4LRU_Gamma, 1, pGL->gammaOut);
ShaderCall.SetUniform2f(C4LRU_Resolution, Surfaces[0]->Wdt, Surfaces[0]->Hgt);
float centerX = float(cgo.TargetX)+float(cgo.Wdt)/2,
centerY = float(cgo.TargetY)+float(cgo.Hgt)/2;
centerX / float(Surfaces[0]->Wdt),
centerY / float(Surfaces[0]->Hgt));
ShaderCall.SetUniform1f(C4LRU_MaterialDepth, float(iMaterialTextureDepth));
float(iMaterialWidth) / ::Game.C4S.Landscape.MaterialZoom,
float(iMaterialHeight) / ::Game.C4S.Landscape.MaterialZoom);
if (Light)
const FLOAT_RECT ViewportRect = Light->getViewportRegion();
const C4Rect ClipRect = pDraw->GetClipRect();
const C4Rect OutRect = pDraw->GetOutRect();
float ambientTransform[6];
Light->getFoW()->Ambient.GetFragTransform(ViewportRect, ClipRect, OutRect, ambientTransform);
ShaderCall.SetUniformMatrix2x3fv(C4LRU_AmbientTransform, 1, ambientTransform);
ShaderCall.SetUniform1f(C4LRU_AmbientBrightness, Light->getFoW()->Ambient.GetBrightness());
// Start binding textures
GLint iLandscapeUnits[C4LR_SurfaceCount];
for(int i = 0; i < C4LR_SurfaceCount; i++)
iLandscapeUnits[i] = ShaderCall.AllocTexUnit(-1) - GL_TEXTURE0;
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Surfaces[i]->texture->texName);
if (pGL->Zoom != 1.0)
ShaderCall.SetUniform1iv(C4LRU_LandscapeTex, C4LR_SurfaceCount, iLandscapeUnits);
if(Light && ShaderCall.AllocTexUnit(C4LRU_LightTex))
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Light->getSurfaceName());
if(Light && ShaderCall.AllocTexUnit(C4LRU_AmbientTex))
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Light->getFoW()->Ambient.Tex);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, fctScaler.Surface->texture->texName);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY, hMaterialTexture);
uint32_t MatMap[2*256];
glTexImage1D(GL_TEXTURE_1D, 0, GL_RGBA8, 2*256, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, MatMap);
// Calculate coordinates into landscape texture
float fx = float(cgo.TargetX), fy = float(cgo.TargetY);
fTexBlt.left = fx / Surfaces[0]->Wdt; = fy / Surfaces[0]->Hgt;
fTexBlt.right = (fx + float(cgo.Wdt)) / Surfaces[0]->Wdt;
fTexBlt.bottom= (fy + float(cgo.Hgt)) / Surfaces[0]->Hgt;
// Calculate coordinates on screen (zoomed!)
float tx = float(cgo.X), ty = float(cgo.Y);
pGL->ApplyZoom(tx, ty);
tTexBlt.left = tx; = ty;
tTexBlt.right = tx + float(cgo.Wdt) * pGL->Zoom;
tTexBlt.bottom= ty + float(cgo.Hgt) * pGL->Zoom;
// Blend it
// Prepare vertex data
float vtxData[24];
float* pos = &vtxData[0];
float* tex = &vtxData[8];
float* lightTex = &vtxData[16];
pos[0] = tTexBlt.left;
pos[1] =;
pos[2] = tTexBlt.right;
pos[3] =;
pos[4] = tTexBlt.left;
pos[5] = tTexBlt.bottom;
pos[6] = tTexBlt.right;
pos[7] = tTexBlt.bottom;
tex[0] = fTexBlt.left;
tex[1] =;
tex[2] = fTexBlt.right;
tex[3] =;
tex[4] = fTexBlt.left;
tex[5] = fTexBlt.bottom;
tex[6] = fTexBlt.right;
tex[7] = fTexBlt.bottom;
unsigned int nFloats = 16;
if (Light)
const C4Rect LightRect = Light->getRegion();
int32_t iLightWdt = Light->getSurfaceWidth(),
iLightHgt = Light->getSurfaceHeight();
lTexBlt.left = (fx - LightRect.x) / iLightWdt; = 1.0 - (fy - LightRect.y) / iLightHgt;
lTexBlt.right = (fx + cgo.Wdt - LightRect.x) / iLightWdt;
lTexBlt.bottom = 1.0 - (fy + cgo.Hgt - LightRect.y) / iLightHgt;
lightTex[0] = lTexBlt.left;
lightTex[1] =;
lightTex[2] = lTexBlt.right;
lightTex[3] =;
lightTex[4] = lTexBlt.left;
lightTex[5] = lTexBlt.bottom;
lightTex[6] = lTexBlt.right;
lightTex[7] = lTexBlt.bottom;
nFloats = 24;
// Upload vertex data
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, hVBO);
glBufferSubData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, nFloats * sizeof(float), vtxData);
// Bind VAO
unsigned int vaoid = Light ? hVAOIDLight : hVAOIDNoLight;
GLuint vao;
const bool has_vao = pGL->GetVAO(vaoid, vao);
if (!has_vao)
// Setup state
if (Light)
glVertexAttribPointer(shader->GetAttribute(C4LRA_Position), 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, 0);
glVertexAttribPointer(shader->GetAttribute(C4LRA_LandscapeTexCoord), 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(8 * sizeof(float)));
if (Light)
glVertexAttribPointer(shader->GetAttribute(C4LRA_LightTexCoord), 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(16 * sizeof(float)));
// Do the blit
glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4);
// Reset state
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0);
#endif // #ifndef USE_CONSOLE