
441 lines
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* OpenClonk,
* Copyright (c) 2001-2009, RedWolf Design GmbH,
* Copyright (c) 2009-2013, The OpenClonk Team and contributors
* Distributed under the terms of the ISC license; see accompanying file
* "COPYING" for details.
* "Clonk" is a registered trademark of Matthes Bender, used with permission.
* See accompanying file "TRADEMARK" for details.
* To redistribute this file separately, substitute the full license texts
* for the above references.
#ifndef INC_C4Network2IO
#define INC_C4Network2IO
#include "C4NetIO.h"
#include "C4Client.h"
#include "C4InteractiveThread.h"
class C4Network2IOConnection;
// enums & constants
enum C4Network2IOProtocol
const int C4NetTimer = 500, // ms
C4NetPingFreq = 1000, // ms
C4NetStatisticsFreq = 1000, // ms
C4NetAcceptTimeout = 10, // s
C4NetPingTimeout = 30000;// ms
// client count
const int C4NetMaxClients = 256;
class C4Network2IO
: protected C4InteractiveThread::Callback,
protected C4NetIO::CBClass,
protected StdSchedulerProc
virtual ~C4Network2IO();
// main traffic net i/o classes
C4NetIO *pNetIO_TCP, *pNetIO_UDP;
// discovery net i/o
class C4Network2IODiscover *pNetIODiscover;
// reference server
class C4Network2RefServer *pRefServer;
// UPnP port mapping manager
class C4Network2UPnP *UPnPMgr;
// local client core
C4ClientCore LCCore;
CStdCSec LCCoreCSec;
// connection list
C4Network2IOConnection *pConnList;
CStdCSec ConnListCSec, BroadcastCSec;
// next connection ID to use
uint32_t iNextConnID;
// allow incoming connections?
bool fAllowConnect;
// connection acceptance
struct AutoAccept
C4ClientCore CCore;
AutoAccept *Next;
CStdCSec AutoAcceptCSec;
// make sure only one connection is established?
bool fExclusiveConn;
// timer & ping
C4TimeMilliseconds tLastExecute;
C4TimeMilliseconds tLastPing;
// statistics
C4TimeMilliseconds tLastStatistic;
int iTCPIRate, iTCPORate, iTCPBCRate,
iUDPIRate, iUDPORate, iUDPBCRate;
// punching
C4NetIO::addr_t PuncherAddr;
bool hasTCP() const { return !! pNetIO_TCP; }
bool hasUDP() const { return !! pNetIO_UDP; }
// initialization
bool Init(int16_t iPortTCP, int16_t iPortUDP, int16_t iPortDiscovery = -1, int16_t iPortRefServer = -1, bool fBroadcast = false); // by main thread
void Clear(); // by main thread
void SetLocalCCore(const C4ClientCore &CCore); // by main thread
// i/o types
C4NetIO *MsgIO(); // by both
C4NetIO *DataIO(); // by both
// connections
bool Connect(const C4NetIO::addr_t &addr, C4Network2IOProtocol eProt, const C4ClientCore &nCCore, const char *szPassword = NULL); // by main thread
void SetAcceptMode(bool fAcceptAll); // by main thread
void SetExclusiveConnMode(bool fExclusiveConn); // by main thread
int getConnectionCount(); // by main thread
void ClearAutoAccept(); // by main thread
void AddAutoAccept(const C4ClientCore &CCore); // by main thread
void RemoveAutoAccept(const C4ClientCore &CCore); // by main thread
C4Network2IOConnection *GetMsgConnection(int iClientID); // by both (returns referenced connection!)
C4Network2IOConnection *GetDataConnection(int iClientID); // by both (returns referenced connection!)
// broadcasting
void BeginBroadcast(bool fSelectAll = false); // by both
void EndBroadcast(); // by both
bool Broadcast(const C4NetIOPacket &rPkt); // by both
// sending helpers
bool SendMsgToClient(C4NetIOPacket &rPkt, int iClient); // by both
bool BroadcastMsg(const C4NetIOPacket &rPkt); // by both
// punch
bool Punch(C4NetIO::addr_t PuncherAddr); // by main thread
// stuff
C4NetIO *getNetIO(C4Network2IOProtocol eProt); // by both
const char *getNetIOName(C4NetIO *pNetIO);
C4Network2IOProtocol getNetIOProt(C4NetIO *pNetIO);
// statistics
int getProtIRate(C4Network2IOProtocol eProt) const { return eProt == P_TCP ? iTCPIRate : iUDPIRate; }
int getProtORate(C4Network2IOProtocol eProt) const { return eProt == P_TCP ? iTCPORate : iUDPORate; }
int getProtBCRate(C4Network2IOProtocol eProt) const { return eProt == P_TCP ? iTCPBCRate : iUDPBCRate; }
// reference
void SetReference(class C4Network2Reference *pReference);
bool IsReferenceNeeded();
// *** callbacks
// C4NetIO-Callbacks
virtual bool OnConn(const C4NetIO::addr_t &addr, const C4NetIO::addr_t &AddrConnect, const C4NetIO::addr_t *pOwnAddr, C4NetIO *pNetIO);
virtual void OnDisconn(const C4NetIO::addr_t &addr, C4NetIO *pNetIO, const char *szReason);
virtual void OnPacket(const C4NetIOPacket &rPacket, C4NetIO *pNetIO);
// C4NetIOMan
virtual void OnError(const char *strError, C4NetIO *pNetIO);
// StdSchedulerProc
virtual bool Execute(int iTimeout, pollfd *);
virtual C4TimeMilliseconds GetNextTick(C4TimeMilliseconds tNow);
// Event callback by C4InteractiveThread
void OnThreadEvent(C4InteractiveEventType eEvent, void *pEventData); // by main thread
// connections list
void AddConnection(C4Network2IOConnection *pConn); // by both
void RemoveConnection(C4Network2IOConnection *pConn); // by both
C4Network2IOConnection *GetConnection(const C4NetIO::addr_t &addr, C4NetIO *pNetIO); // by both
C4Network2IOConnection *GetConnectionByConnAddr(const C4NetIO::addr_t &addr, C4NetIO *pNetIO); // by both
C4Network2IOConnection *GetConnectionByID(uint32_t iConnID); // by thread
// network events (signals to main thread)
struct NetEvPacketData;
// connection acceptance
bool doAutoAccept(const C4ClientCore &CCore, const C4Network2IOConnection &Conn);
// general packet handling (= forward in most cases)
bool HandlePacket(const C4NetIOPacket &rPacket, C4Network2IOConnection *pConn, bool fThread); // by both
void CallHandlers(int iHandlers, const class C4IDPacket *pPacket, C4Network2IOConnection *pConn, bool fThread); // by both
// packet handling (some are really handled here)
void HandlePacket(char cStatus, const C4PacketBase *pPacket, C4Network2IOConnection *pConn);
void HandleFwdReq(const class C4PacketFwd &rFwd, C4Network2IOConnection *pBy);
// misc
bool Ping();
void CheckTimeout();
void GenerateStatistics(int iInterval);
void SendConnPackets();
// puncher
void OnPunch(C4NetIO::addr_t addr);
enum C4Network2IOConnStatus
CS_Connect, // waiting for connection
CS_Connected, // waiting for Conn
CS_HalfAccepted, // got Conn (peer identified, client class created if neccessary)
CS_Accepted, // got ConnRe (peer did accept)
CS_ConnectFail // got closed before HalfAccepted was reached
class C4Network2IOConnection // shared
friend class C4Network2IO;
// connection data
class C4NetIO *pNetClass;
C4Network2IOProtocol eProt;
C4NetIO::addr_t PeerAddr, ConnectAddr;
// status data
C4Network2IOConnStatus Status;
uint32_t iID, iRemoteID; // connection ID for this and the remote client
bool fAutoAccept; // auto accepted by thread?
bool fBroadcastTarget; // broadcast target?
time_t iTimestamp; // timestamp of last status change
int iPingTime; // ping
C4TimeMilliseconds tLastPing; // if > iLastPong, it's the first ping that hasn't been answered yet, NULL if no ping received yet
C4TimeMilliseconds tLastPong; // last pong received, NULL if no pong received yet
C4ClientCore CCore; // client core (>= CS_HalfAccepted)
CStdCSec CCoreCSec;
int iIRate, iORate; // input/output rates (by C4NetIO, in b/s)
int iPacketLoss; // lost packets (in the last seconds)
StdCopyStrBuf Password; // password to use for connect
bool fConnSent; // initial connection packet send
bool fPostMortemSent; // post mortem send
// packet backlog
uint32_t iOutPacketCounter, iInPacketCounter;
struct PacketLogEntry
uint32_t Number;
C4NetIOPacket Pkt;
PacketLogEntry *Next;
PacketLogEntry *pPacketLog;
CStdCSec PacketLogCSec;
// list (C4Network2IO)
C4Network2IOConnection *pNext;
// reference counter
long iRefCnt;
C4NetIO *getNetClass() const { return pNetClass; }
C4Network2IOProtocol getProtocol() const { return eProt; }
const C4NetIO::addr_t &getPeerAddr() const { return PeerAddr.sin_port ? PeerAddr : ConnectAddr; }
const C4NetIO::addr_t &getConnectAddr() const { return ConnectAddr; }
uint32_t getID() const { return iID; }
uint32_t getRemoteID() const { return iRemoteID; }
time_t getTimestamp() const { return iTimestamp; }
const C4ClientCore &getCCore() const { return CCore; }
CStdCSec &getCCoreCSec() { return CCoreCSec; }
int getClientID() const { return CCore.getID(); }
bool isHost() const { return CCore.isHost(); }
int getPingTime() const { return iPingTime; }
int getLag() const;
int getIRate() const { return iIRate; }
int getORate() const { return iORate; }
int getPacketLoss() const { return iPacketLoss; }
const char *getPassword() const { return Password.getData(); }
bool isConnSent() const { return fConnSent; }
uint32_t getInPacketCounter() const { return iInPacketCounter; }
uint32_t getOutPacketCounter() const { return iOutPacketCounter; }
bool isConnecting() const { return Status == CS_Connect; }
bool isOpen() const { return Status != CS_Connect && Status != CS_Closed && Status != CS_ConnectFail; }
bool isHalfAccepted()const { return Status == CS_HalfAccepted || Status == CS_Accepted; }
bool isAccepted() const { return Status == CS_Accepted; }
bool isClosed() const { return Status == CS_Closed || Status == CS_ConnectFail; }
bool isAutoAccepted()const { return fAutoAccept; }
bool isBroadcastTarget() const { return fBroadcastTarget; }
bool isFailed() const { return Status == CS_ConnectFail; }
// called by C4Network2IO only
void Set(C4NetIO *pnNetClass, C4Network2IOProtocol eProt, const C4NetIO::addr_t &nPeerAddr, const C4NetIO::addr_t &nConnectAddr, C4Network2IOConnStatus nStatus, const char *szPassword, uint32_t iID);
void SetRemoteID(uint32_t iRemoteID);
void SetPeerAddr(const C4NetIO::addr_t &nPeerAddr);
void OnPing();
void SetPingTime(int iPingTime);
void SetStatus(C4Network2IOConnStatus nStatus);
void SetAutoAccepted();
void OnPacketReceived(uint8_t iPacketType);
void ClearPacketLog(uint32_t iStartNumber = ~0);
// status changing
void SetHalfAccepted() { SetStatus(CS_HalfAccepted); }
void SetAccepted() { SetStatus(CS_Accepted); }
void SetCCore(const C4ClientCore &nCCore);
void ResetAutoAccepted() { fAutoAccept = false; }
void SetConnSent() { fConnSent = true; }
// connection operations
bool Connect();
void Close();
bool Send(const C4NetIOPacket &rPkt);
void SetBroadcastTarget(bool fSet); // (only call after C4Network2IO::BeginBroadcast!)
// statistics
void DoStatistics(int iInterval, int *pIRateSum, int *pORateSum);
// reference counting
void AddRef(); void DelRef();
// post mortem
bool CreatePostMortem(class C4PacketPostMortem *pPkt);
// * Packets *
class C4PacketPing : public C4PacketBase
C4PacketPing(uint32_t iPacketCounter = 0, uint32_t iRemotePacketCounter = 0);
C4TimeMilliseconds tTime;
uint32_t iPacketCounter;
uint32_t getTravelTime() const;
uint32_t getPacketCounter() const { return iPacketCounter; }
virtual void CompileFunc(StdCompiler *pComp);
class C4PacketConn : public C4PacketBase
C4PacketConn(const class C4ClientCore &nCCore, uint32_t iConnID, const char *szPassword = NULL);
int32_t iVer;
uint32_t iConnID;
C4ClientCore CCore;
StdCopyStrBuf Password;
int32_t getVer() const { return iVer; }
uint32_t getConnID() const { return iConnID; }
const C4ClientCore &getCCore() const { return CCore; }
const char *getPassword() const { return Password.getData(); }
virtual void CompileFunc(StdCompiler *pComp);
class C4PacketConnRe : public C4PacketBase
C4PacketConnRe(bool fOK, bool fWrongPassword, const char *szMsg = NULL);
bool fOK, fWrongPassword;
StdStrBuf szMsg;
bool isOK() const { return fOK; }
bool isPasswordWrong() const { return fWrongPassword; }
const char *getMsg() const { return szMsg.getData(); }
virtual void CompileFunc(StdCompiler *pComp);
class C4PacketFwd : public C4PacketBase
C4PacketFwd(const StdBuf &Pkt);
bool fNegativeList;
int32_t iClients[C4NetMaxClients];
int32_t iClientCnt;
StdCopyBuf Data;
const StdCopyBuf &getData() const { return Data; }
bool isNegativeList() const { return fNegativeList; }
int32_t getClient(int32_t i) const { return iClients[i]; }
int32_t getClientCnt() const { return iClientCnt; }
bool DoFwdTo(int32_t iClient) const;
void SetData(const StdBuf &Pkt);
void SetListType(bool fnNegativeList);
void AddClient(int32_t iClient);
virtual void CompileFunc(StdCompiler *pComp);
class C4PacketPostMortem : public C4PacketBase
uint32_t iConnID;
uint32_t iPacketCounter; // last packet counter of dead connection
uint32_t iPacketCount;
struct PacketLink
C4NetIOPacket Pkt;
PacketLink *Next;
PacketLink *pPackets;
uint32_t getConnID() const { return iConnID; }
uint32_t getPacketCount() const { return iPacketCount; }
void SetConnID(uint32_t inConnID) { iConnID = inConnID; }
const C4NetIOPacket *getPacket(uint32_t iNumber) const;
void SetPacketCounter(uint32_t iPacketCounter);
void Add(const C4NetIOPacket &rPkt);
virtual void CompileFunc(StdCompiler *pComp);