
262 lines
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Thunderous Skies
Author: Mimmo_O
King of the hill high in the skies.
static ThunderousSkies_air_particles, ThunderousSkies_air_particles_red;
protected func Initialize()
// Goal.
CreateObject(Rule_ObjectFade)->DoFadeTime(8 * 36);
var goal = CreateObject(Goal_KingOfTheHill, 450, 380, NO_OWNER);
SetSkyParallax(1, 20,20, 0,0, nil, nil);
// Chests with weapons.
CreateObjectAbove(Chest, 175, 200, NO_OWNER)->MakeInvincible();
CreateObjectAbove(Chest, 800, 150, NO_OWNER)->MakeInvincible();
CreateObjectAbove(Chest, 430, 240, NO_OWNER)->MakeInvincible();
CreateObjectAbove(Chest, 610, 340, NO_OWNER)->MakeInvincible();
CreateObjectAbove(Chest, 355, 390, NO_OWNER)->MakeInvincible();
AddEffect("IntFillChests", nil, 100, 2 * 36, nil);
AddEffect("ChanneledWind", nil, 1, 1, nil);
AddEffect("Balloons", nil, 100, 100, nil);
// Moving bricks.
var brick;
brick = CreateObjectAbove(MovingBrick,370,424);
brick->MoveHorizontal(344, 544);
brick = CreateObjectAbove(MovingBrick,550,250);
brick->MoveVertical(240, 296);
// Smooth brick edges.
DrawMaterialTriangle("Brick-brick", 380, 412, 0);
ThunderousSkies_air_particles =
Prototype = Particles_Air(),
Size = PV_KeyFrames(0, 0, 0, 100, PV_Random(2, 5), 1000, 0),
Stretch = PV_Speed(2000, 0),
OnCollision = PC_Stop(),
ForceY = -20,
Attach = ATTACH_Back | ATTACH_MoveRelative
ThunderousSkies_air_particles_red =
Prototype = ThunderousSkies_air_particles,
R = 255,
G = PV_KeyFrames(0, 0, 255, 250, 255, 500, 0),
B = PV_KeyFrames(0, 0, 255, 250, 255, 500, 0)
global func FxLifestealDamage(object target, effect, int damage, int cause, int from)
var goal = FindObject(Find_ID(KingOfTheHill_Location));
if (!goal) return damage;
var king = goal->GetKing();
if (!king) return damage;
if (from == -1) return damage;
if (damage > 0) return damage;
if (target->GetOwner() == from) return damage;
if (king->GetOwner() == from)
return damage;
global func FxLifedrainStart(object target, effect, int temporary,damage)
if(temporary) return 1;
global func FxLifedrainAdd(object target, effect, string new_name, int new_timer, damage)
global func FxLifedrainTimer(object target, effect, int timer)
if(effect.drain>0) return -1;
global func FxBlessTheKingTimer(object target, effect, int timer)
if(!FindObject(Find_ID(KingOfTheHill_Location))) return 1;
if(FindObject(Find_ID(KingOfTheHill_Location))->GetKing() == nil) return 1;
var king=FindObject(Find_ID(KingOfTheHill_Location))->GetKing();
var particles = ThunderousSkies_air_particles;
var duration = 10;
if (GetEffect("Lifedrain", king))
particles = ThunderousSkies_air_particles_red;
duration *= 2;
king->CreateParticle("Air", 0, 8, PV_Random(-10, 10),PV_Random(0, 10), PV_Random(duration, 2 * duration), particles, 4);
return 1;
public func ApplyChanneledWindEffects(x, y, w, h, bottom)
for(var obj in FindObjects(Find_InRect(x, y, w, h)))
var x_dir = -1;
if (obj->GetXDir() > 0)
x_dir = +1;
else if (obj->GetXDir() == 0)
x_dir = RandomX(-2, 2);
obj->SetXDir(obj->GetXDir() + x_dir);
CreateParticle("Air", x+Random(w),bottom,RandomX(-1,1),-30, PV_Random(10, 30), ThunderousSkies_air_particles);
global func FxChanneledWindTimer()
Scenario->ApplyChanneledWindEffects(230, 300, 40, 90, 398);
Scenario->ApplyChanneledWindEffects(700, 250, 60, 100, 348);
global func FxBalloonsTimer()
if(ObjectCount(Find_ID(TargetBalloon)) > 2 )
return 1;
if(ObjectCount(Find_ID(TargetBalloon)) )
if(Random(6)) return 1;
if(Random(2)) return 1;
var x = Random(300)+50;
if(Random(2)) x = LandscapeWidth() - x;
var y = Random(50) + 100;
var target;
var r = Random(3);
if (r == 0) { target = CreateObjectAbove(Boompack, x, y, NO_OWNER); target->SetR(180); }
if (r == 1) { target = CreateObjectAbove(DynamiteBox, x, y, NO_OWNER); target->SetR(180); }
if (r == 2) { target = CreateObjectAbove(Arrow, x, y, NO_OWNER); target->SetObjDrawTransform(1000,0,0,0,1000,-7500); }
var balloon = CreateObjectAbove(TargetBalloon, x, y-30, NO_OWNER);
target->SetAction("Attach", balloon);
CreateParticle("Flash", x, y, 0, 0, 8, Particles_Flash());
AddEffect("HorizontalMoving", balloon, 1, 1, balloon);
balloon->SetXDir(((Random(2)*2)-1) * (Random(4)+3));
global func PlaceGras()
var x=[747, 475, 474, 359, 244, 216, 324, 705, 754, 758, 828, 828, 235, 266, 266, 269, 177, 194, 204, 223, 348, 273, 284, 365, 369, 375, 379, 285, 281, 274, 233, 390, 229, 401, 388, 414, 476, 468, 463, 457, 422, 482, 493, 615, 609, 625, 631, 700, 704, 687, 761, 763, 771, 777, 619, 615, 621, 696, 789, 766, 356, 228, 188];
var y=[280, 376, 384, 299, 279, 224, 290, 244, 226, 215, 175, 169, 328, 319, 310, 327, 205, 212, 213, 227, 292, 306, 294, 409, 407, 413, 414, 399, 396, 390, 388, 264, 392, 249, 256, 247, 252, 249, 241, 246, 246, 245, 363, 347, 376, 349, 348, 348, 335, 350, 337, 346, 349, 351, 249, 255, 254, 237, 178, 212, 291, 305, 227];
var r=[-91, -93, -93, 89, 93, 93, 88, 89, -92, -92, 88, 93, 93, -88, -87, -93, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 43, 43, 46, 44, 48, -43, -48, -48, -45, -43, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -48, -44, -45, 48, 46, 48, 45, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 44, 0];
for (var i = 0; i < GetLength(x); i++)
var edge=CreateObjectAbove(Grass, x[i], y[i] + 5, NO_OWNER);
return 1;
// Refill/fill chests.
global func FxIntFillChestsStart(object target, effect, int temporary)
if(temporary) return 1;
var chests = FindObjects(Find_ID(Chest),Find_InRect(0,0,LandscapeWidth(),610));
var w_list = [Shield, Javelin, FireballScroll, Bow, Blunderbuss, WindScroll, ThunderScroll];
for(var chest in chests)
for(var i=0; i<4; ++i)
return 1;
global func FxIntFillChestsTimer()
var chest = FindObjects(Find_ID(Chest), Sort_Random())[0];
var w_list = [Javelin, Bow, Blunderbuss, Boompack, IronBomb, Shield, WindScroll, FireballScroll, ThunderScroll, Club, Sword];
var maxcount = [1,1,1,1,2,1,1,2,2,1,1];
var contents;
for(var i=0; i<chest->GetLength(w_list); i++)
if(contents > 5) return 1;
if(!FindObject(Find_ID(Clonk),Find_Distance(20,chest->GetX(),chest->GetY())) && chest->ContentsCount()>2)
var r=chest->Random(chest->ContentsCount());
var remove=true;
for(var i=0; i<GetLength(w_list); i++)
if(chest->Contents(r)->GetID() == w_list[i]) remove=false;
if(remove) chest->Contents(r)->RemoveObject();
for(var i=0; i<2 ; i++)
var r = Random(GetLength(w_list));
if (chest->ContentsCount(w_list[r]) < maxcount[r])
return 1;
global func CreateChestContents(id obj_id)
if (!this)
var obj = CreateObjectAbove(obj_id);
if (obj_id == Bow)
if (obj_id == Blunderbuss)
protected func InitializePlayer(int plr)
// This scenario does not have shadows.
SetFoW(false, plr);
public func RelaunchPosition()
return [[180,150],[310,300],[600,290],[650,180],[790,110],[440,190]];
func KillsToRelaunch() { return 0; }
func RelaunchWeaponList() { return [Bow, Javelin, Blunderbuss, FireballScroll, WindScroll, ThunderScroll]; }