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* OpenClonk,
* Copyright (c) 2005-2009, RedWolf Design GmbH,
* Copyright (c) 2013, The OpenClonk Team and contributors
* Distributed under the terms of the ISC license; see accompanying file
* "COPYING" for details.
* "Clonk" is a registered trademark of Matthes Bender, used with permission.
* See accompanying file "TRADEMARK" for details.
* To redistribute this file separately, substitute the full license texts
* for the above references.
// RTF file parsing functionality
#ifndef INC_C4RTF
#define INC_C4RTF
#include <StdBuf.h>
class C4RTFFile
struct KeywordTableEntry
const char *szKeyword;
int iDefaultParam;
bool fForceDefaultParam;
enum { kwdChars, kwdDest, kwdProp, kwdSpec} eType;
const char *szChars;
int idx; // index into property table
struct CharProps
struct ParagraphProps
struct SectionProps
struct DocumentProps
enum DestState { dsNormal, dsSkip };
enum ParserState { psNormal, psBinary, psHex };
enum SpecialKeyword { specBin, specHex, specSkipDest, specAnsicpg };
// RTF parser state; states may be nested in definition blocks
struct PropertyState
PropertyState *pNext; // linked list
CharProps cp;
ParagraphProps pp;
SectionProps sp;
DocumentProps dp;
DestState dest;
ParserState eState;
char bHex; // used by hex parser
int iHexBinCnt; // used by hex and binary parser
int charset;
// default ctor
PropertyState() : pNext(NULL), cp(), pp(), sp(), dp(), dest(dsNormal), eState(psNormal), bHex(0), iHexBinCnt(0), charset(0) { }
class ParserError
StdCopyStrBuf ErrorText;
ParserError(const char *szErr) { ErrorText.Copy(szErr); }
StdBuf sRTF; // rtf formatted text
PropertyState *pState;
bool fSkipDestIfUnknownKeyword;
void ClearState();
void EndGroupAction() {}
void AssertNoEOF(size_t iPos);
void ApplyPropChange(int iProp, int iParam) {}
void ChangeDest(StdStrBuf &sResult, int iDest);
void SpecialKeyword(StdStrBuf &sResult, int iKeyw, int iParam);
void TranslateKeyword(StdStrBuf &sResult, const char *szKeyword, int iParam, bool fHasIntParam);
void ParseKeyword(StdStrBuf &sResult, size_t &iPos);
void ParseChars(StdStrBuf &sResult, const char *szChars);
void ParseChar(StdStrBuf &sResult, char c);
void ParseHexChar(StdStrBuf &sResult, char c);
void PushState();
void PopState();
void Load(const StdBuf &sContents) // load RTF text from file
{ sRTF.Copy(sContents); }
StdStrBuf GetPlainText(); // convert to plain text
#endif // INC_C4RTF