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Description=Allows creation of intros, cutscenes or other events bound to triggers such as player joins, players entering regions or finished productions.
TestHelp=Starts the sequence.|Triggering player is the first local player if existing.
PlayerEnterRegionRect=Player enters rectangle
PlayerEnterRegionCircle=Player enters radius
PlayerEnterRegionHelp=Triggered when a player's clonk enters the specified region.
DeactivateAfterAction=Run once only
GameStart=Game start
PlayerJoin=Player join
PlayerRemove=Player deleted
GoalsFulfilled=All goals fulfilled
ClonkDeath=A clonk dies
Construction=Construction of structure
Production=Production of item
AnyClonkDeath=Any clonk dies
PlayerClonkDeath=Player clonk dies
NeutralClonkDeath=Neutral clonk dies
SpecificClonkDeath=Specific clonk dies...
ObjectEnterRegionRect=Object enters rectangle
ObjectEnterRegionHelp=Triggered when an object of a specified type is found in the specified region.
ID=Object type
IDHelp=Definition of object type that triggers this sequence. If nil, any object triggers the sequence.
ObjectEnterRegionCircle=Object of type enters radius
CheckInterval=Check interval
CheckIntervalHelp=Defines the interval in frames at which the condition ist checked.ObjectCountInContainer=Objektzahl in Container
CheckOffset=Check offset
CheckOffsetHelp=Defines a time delay in frames by which execution is delayed within the check interval. This value can be used to implement an offset between the regular execution of multiple sequences.
ObjectCountInContainer=Object count in container
ObjectCountInContainerHelp=Triggered when a minimum number of objects is found in a container. This could for example be when the player put 20 diamonds into a chest.
CountContainerHelp=Container within which objects are counted.
CountIDHelp=Type of object to be counted.
IntervalHelp=Sequence will be executed in regular interval. The parameter defines the interval in frames.
IntervalTime=Number of frames between executions.
CountOperationHelp=Whether the sequence is triggered if more or if less of the specified number of objects are in a container. The >= operator can be used to trigger something when a player has collected x crystals in a chest. The < operator can be used e.g. to automatically refill a chest.
GreaterEqualHelp=The sequence is triggered if the given number or more objects are contained in the container.
LessThanHelp=The sequence is triggered if less than the given number of objects is in the container.
SetActive=Activate / deactivate
SetActiveDesc=Enables or disables the trigger of a sequence.
SetActiveStatusHelp=Whether the sequence is activated or deactivated.
DisablePlayerControls=Disable player control
DisablePlayerControlsHelp=Deactivates control for all clonks for one or more players.
PlayerControlsPlayersHelp=Players for whom the control is affected.
MakeInvincibleHelp=Whether all clonks are made invincible while control is deactivated.
EnablePlayerControls=Enable player control
EnablePlayerControlsHelp=Reactivates control of all clonks for one or more plauers.
ActTrigger=Trigger sequence
ActTriggerDesc=Starts a sequence as if the trigger had been activated. Checks the condition before.
TriggeringObject=Triggering object
TriggeringObjectHelp=The object returned as trigger object within the sequence.