
1256 lines
38 KiB
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2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
* OpenClonk,
* Copyright (c) 1998-2000, 2007-2008 Matthes Bender
* Copyright (c) 2001-2008 Sven Eberhardt
* Copyright (c) 2004-2010 Günther Brammer
* Copyright (c) 2010 Benjamin Herr
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
* Copyright (c) 2001-2009, RedWolf Design GmbH,
* Portions might be copyrighted by other authors who have contributed
* to OpenClonk.
* Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
* purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
* copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
* See isc_license.txt for full license and disclaimer.
* "Clonk" is a registered trademark of Matthes Bender.
* See clonk_trademark_license.txt for full license.
/* In-game menu as used by objects, players, and fullscreen options */
#include <C4Include.h>
#include <C4Menu.h>
#include <C4DefList.h>
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
#include <C4Object.h>
#include <C4FullScreen.h>
#include <C4ObjectCom.h>
#include <C4Viewport.h>
#include <C4Player.h>
#include <C4MouseControl.h>
#include <C4GraphicsResource.h>
#include <C4GraphicsSystem.h>
#include <C4Game.h>
2009-06-12 23:09:32 +00:00
#include <C4PlayerList.h>
#include <C4GameObjects.h>
2009-06-15 22:06:37 +00:00
#include <C4GameControl.h>
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
const int32_t C4MN_DefInfoWdt = 270, // default width of info windows
C4MN_DlgWdt = 270, // default width of dialog windows
C4MN_DlgLines = 5, // default number of text lines visible in a dialog window
C4MN_DlgLineMargin = 5, // px distance between text items
C4MN_DlgOptionLineMargin = 3, // px distance between dialog option items
C4MN_DlgPortraitWdt = 64, // size of portrait
C4MN_DlgPortraitIndent = 5; // space between portrait and text
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
const int32_t C4MN_InfoCaption_Delay = 90;
// -----------------------------------------------------------
// C4MenuItem
C4MenuItem::C4MenuItem(C4Menu *pMenu, int32_t iIndex, const char *szCaption,
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
const char *szCommand, int32_t iCount, C4Object *pObject, const char *szInfoCaption,
C4ID idID, const char *szCommand2, bool fOwnValue, int32_t iValue, int32_t iStyle, bool fIsSelectable)
: C4GUI::Element(), Count(iCount), id(idID), Object(pObject), pSymbolObj(NULL), pSymbolGraphics(NULL), dwSymbolClr(0u),
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
fOwnValue(fOwnValue), iValue(iValue), fSelected(false), iStyle(iStyle), pMenu(pMenu),
iIndex(iIndex), IsSelectable(fIsSelectable), TextDisplayProgress(-1)
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// some info caption corrections
SReplaceChar(InfoCaption, 10, ' '); SReplaceChar(InfoCaption, 13, '|');
// components initialization
if (idID)
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
C4Def *pDef = C4Id2Def(idID);
if (pDef) pDef->GetComponents(&Components, NULL);
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
void C4MenuItem::DoTextProgress(int32_t &riByVal)
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// any progress to be done?
if (TextDisplayProgress<0) return;
// if this is an option or empty text, show it immediately
if (IsSelectable || !*Caption) { TextDisplayProgress=-1; return; }
// normal text: move forward in unbroken message, ignoring markup
StdStrBuf sText(Caption);
2011-08-27 19:13:15 +00:00
C4Markup MarkupChecker(false);
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
const char *szPos = sText.getPtr(Min<int>(TextDisplayProgress, sText.getLength()));
while (riByVal && *szPos)
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
if (!*szPos) break;
// Advance one UTF-8 character
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
if (!*szPos)
TextDisplayProgress = szPos - Caption;
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
bool C4MenuItem::IsDragElement()
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// any constructibles can be dragged
C4Def *pDef = C4Id2Def(id);
return pDef && pDef->Constructable;
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
int32_t C4MenuItem::GetSymbolWidth(int32_t iForHeight)
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// Context or dialog menus
if (iStyle==C4MN_Style_Context || (iStyle==C4MN_Style_Dialog && Symbol.Surface))
return Max(Symbol.Wdt * iForHeight / Max<int32_t>(Symbol.Hgt, 1), iForHeight);
// Info menus
if (iStyle==C4MN_Style_Info && Symbol.Surface && Symbol.Wdt)
return Symbol.Wdt;
// no symbol
return 0;
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
void C4MenuItem::DrawElement(C4TargetFacet &cgo)
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// get target pos
C4Facet cgoOut(cgo.Surface, cgo.TargetX + rcBounds.x, cgo.TargetY + rcBounds.y, rcBounds.Wdt, rcBounds.Hgt);
// Select mark
if (iStyle!=C4MN_Style_Info)
if (fSelected && TextDisplayProgress)
2011-10-03 14:30:18 +00:00
pDraw->DrawBoxDw(cgo.Surface, cgoOut.X, cgoOut.Y, cgoOut.X + cgoOut.Wdt - 1, cgoOut.Y + cgoOut.Hgt - 1, C4RGB(0xca, 0, 0));
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// Symbol/text areas
C4Facet cgoItemSymbol,cgoItemText;
int32_t iSymWidth;
2010-01-25 04:00:59 +00:00
if ((iSymWidth = GetSymbolWidth(cgoItemText.Hgt)))
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// get symbol area
cgoItemSymbol=cgoItemText.Truncate(C4FCT_Left, iSymWidth);
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
// cgoItemSymbol.Hgt is 0. This means rcBounds.Hgt is 0. That
// makes no sense at this point, so let's just draw in a
// square area at item y.
C4Facet cgoSymbolOut(cgoItemSymbol.Surface, cgoItemSymbol.X, cgoItemSymbol.Y, cgoItemSymbol.Wdt, cgoItemSymbol.Wdt);
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// Draw item symbol:
// Draw if there is no text progression at all (TextDisplayProgress==-1, or if it's progressed far enough already (TextDisplayProgress>0)
if(pSymbolObj && TextDisplayProgress)
pSymbolObj->DrawPicture(cgoSymbolOut, false, NULL, NULL);
else if (pSymbolGraphics && TextDisplayProgress)
pSymbolGraphics->Draw(cgoSymbolOut, dwSymbolClr ? dwSymbolClr : 0xffffffff, NULL, 0, 0, NULL);
else if (Symbol.Surface && TextDisplayProgress)
Symbol.DrawClr(cgoItemSymbol, true, dwSymbolClr);
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// Draw item text
2011-10-03 14:30:18 +00:00
pDraw->StorePrimaryClipper(); pDraw->SubPrimaryClipper(cgoItemText.X, cgoItemText.Y, cgoItemText.X+cgoItemText.Wdt-1, cgoItemText.Y+cgoItemText.Hgt-1);
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
switch (iStyle)
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
case C4MN_Style_Context:
2011-10-03 14:34:08 +00:00
pDraw->TextOut(Caption,::GraphicsResource.FontRegular, 1.0, cgoItemText.Surface,cgoItemText.X,cgoItemText.Y,C4Draw::DEFAULT_MESSAGE_COLOR,ALeft);
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
case C4MN_Style_Info:
StdStrBuf sText;
::GraphicsResource.FontRegular.BreakMessage(InfoCaption, cgoItemText.Wdt, &sText, true);
2011-10-03 14:30:18 +00:00
pDraw->TextOut(sText.getData(), ::GraphicsResource.FontRegular, 1.0, cgoItemText.Surface,cgoItemText.X,cgoItemText.Y);
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
case C4MN_Style_Dialog:
// cut buffer at text display pos
char cXChg='\0'; int iStopPos = 0;
if (TextDisplayProgress>-1)
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
iStopPos = Min<int>(TextDisplayProgress, strlen(Caption));
cXChg = Caption[iStopPos];
Caption[iStopPos] = '\0';
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
// display broken text
StdStrBuf sText;
::GraphicsResource.FontRegular.BreakMessage(Caption, cgoItemText.Wdt, &sText, true);
2011-10-03 14:30:18 +00:00
pDraw->TextOut(sText.getData(),::GraphicsResource.FontRegular, 1.0, cgoItemText.Surface,cgoItemText.X,cgoItemText.Y);
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
// restore complete text
if (cXChg) Caption[iStopPos] = cXChg;
2011-10-03 14:30:18 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// Draw count
if (Count!=C4MN_Item_NoCount)
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
char szCount[10+1];
2011-10-03 14:34:08 +00:00
pDraw->TextOut(szCount,::GraphicsResource.FontRegular, 1.0, cgoItemText.Surface,cgoItemText.X+cgoItemText.Wdt-1,cgoItemText.Y+cgoItemText.Hgt-1-::GraphicsResource.FontRegular.iLineHgt,C4Draw::DEFAULT_MESSAGE_COLOR,ARight);
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
void C4MenuItem::MouseInput(C4GUI::CMouse &rMouse, int32_t iButton, int32_t iX, int32_t iY, DWORD dwKeyParam)
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// clicky clicky!
if (iButton == C4MC_Button_LeftDown)
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// button down: Init drag only; Enter selection only by button up
if (IsDragElement())
StartDragging(rMouse, iX, iY, dwKeyParam);
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
else if (iButton == C4MC_Button_LeftUp)
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// left-click performed
2009-06-05 15:20:07 +00:00
pMenu->UserEnter(::MouseControl.GetPlayer(), this, false);
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
else if (iButton == C4MC_Button_RightUp)
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// right-up: Alternative enter command
2009-06-05 15:20:07 +00:00
pMenu->UserEnter(::MouseControl.GetPlayer(), this, true);
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// inherited; this is just setting some vars
typedef C4GUI::Element ParentClass;
ParentClass::MouseInput(rMouse, iButton, iX, iY, dwKeyParam);
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
void C4MenuItem::MouseEnter(C4GUI::CMouse &rMouse)
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// callback to menu: Select item
2009-06-05 15:20:07 +00:00
pMenu->UserSelectItem(::MouseControl.GetPlayer(), this);
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
typedef C4GUI::Element ParentClass;
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
void C4MenuItem::DoDragging(C4GUI::CMouse &rMouse, int32_t iX, int32_t iY, DWORD dwKeyParam)
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// is this a drag element?
if (!IsDragElement()) { rMouse.pDragElement = NULL; }
// check if outside drag range
if (Max(Abs(iX - iDragX), Abs(iY - iDragY)) >= C4MC_DragSensitivity)
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// then do a drag!
2009-06-05 15:20:07 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// this disables the window: Release mouse
rMouse.pDragElement = NULL;
rMouse.pMouseOverElement = NULL;
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
void C4MenuItem::StopDragging(C4GUI::CMouse &rMouse, int32_t iX, int32_t iY, DWORD dwKeyParam)
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// drag stop: Nothing to do, really
// Mouse up will be processed by regular procedure
rMouse.pDragElement = NULL;
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// -----------------------------------------------------------
// C4Menu
C4Menu::C4Menu() : C4GUI::Dialog(100, 100, NULL, true) // will be re-adjusted later
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
AddElement(pClientWindow = new C4GUI::ScrollWindow(this));
// initially invisible: Will be made visible at first drawing by viewport
// when the location will be inialized
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
void C4Menu::Default()
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
Alignment= C4MN_Align_Right | C4MN_Align_Bottom;
fHasPortrait = false;
fTextProgressing = false;
fEqualIconItemHeight = false;
fActive = false;
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
void C4Menu::Clear()
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
fActive = false;
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
bool C4Menu::TryClose(bool fOK, bool fControl)
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// abort if menu is permanented by script
if (!fOK) if (IsCloseDenied()) return false;
// close the menu
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// invoke close command
if (fControl && CloseCommand.getData())
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
MenuCommand(CloseCommand.getData(), true);
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// done
return true;
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
bool C4Menu::DoInit(C4FacetSurface &fctSymbol, const char *szEmpty, int32_t iExtra, int32_t iExtraData, int32_t iId, int32_t iStyle)
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
Clear(); Default();
return InitMenu(szEmpty, iExtra, iExtraData, iId, iStyle);
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
bool C4Menu::DoInitRefSym(const C4Facet &fctSymbol, const char *szEmpty, int32_t iExtra, int32_t iExtraData, int32_t iId, int32_t iStyle)
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
Clear(); Default();
return InitMenu(szEmpty, iExtra, iExtraData, iId, iStyle);
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
bool C4Menu::InitMenu(const char *szEmpty, int32_t iExtra, int32_t iExtraData, int32_t iId, int32_t iStyle)
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
Extra=iExtra; ExtraData=iExtraData;
if (*Caption || iStyle == C4MN_Style_Dialog) SetTitle(Caption, HasMouse()); else SetTitle(" ", HasMouse());
if (pTitle) pTitle->SetIcon(Symbol);
Style=iStyle & C4MN_Style_BaseMask;
// Menus are synchronous to allow COM_MenuUp/Down to be converted to movements at the clients
if (Style == C4MN_Style_Normal)
Columns = 5;
// in reality, Dialog menus may have two coloumns (first for the portrait)
// however, they are not uniformly spaced and stuff; so they are better just ignored and handled by the drawing routine
if (iStyle & C4MN_Style_EqualItemHeight) SetEqualItemHeight(true);
if (Style == C4MN_Style_Dialog) Alignment = C4MN_Align_Top;
::pGUI->ShowDialog(this, false);
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
fTextProgressing = false;
fActive = true;
return true;
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
bool C4Menu::AddRefSym(const char *szCaption, const C4Facet &fctSymbol, const char *szCommand,
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
int32_t iCount, C4Object *pObject, const char *szInfoCaption,
C4ID idID, const char *szCommand2, bool fOwnValue, int32_t iValue, bool fIsSelectable)
if (!IsActive()) return false;
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// Create new menu item
C4MenuItem *pNew = new C4MenuItem(this, ItemCount, szCaption,szCommand,iCount,pObject,szInfoCaption,idID,szCommand2,fOwnValue,iValue,Style,fIsSelectable);
// Ref Symbol
// Add
return AddItem(pNew, szCaption, szCommand, iCount, pObject, szInfoCaption, idID, szCommand2, fOwnValue, iValue, fIsSelectable);
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
bool C4Menu::Add(const char *szCaption, C4FacetSurface &fctSymbol, const char *szCommand,
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
int32_t iCount, C4Object *pObject, const char *szInfoCaption,
C4ID idID, const char *szCommand2, bool fOwnValue, int32_t iValue, bool fIsSelectable)
if (!IsActive()) return false;
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// Create new menu item
C4MenuItem *pNew = new C4MenuItem(this, ItemCount, szCaption,szCommand,iCount,pObject,szInfoCaption,idID,szCommand2,fOwnValue,iValue,Style,fIsSelectable);
// Set Symbol
// Add
return AddItem(pNew, szCaption, szCommand, iCount, pObject, szInfoCaption, idID, szCommand2, fOwnValue, iValue, fIsSelectable);
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
bool C4Menu::Add(const char *szCaption, C4Object* pGfxObj, const char *szCommand,
int32_t iCount, C4Object *pObject, const char *szInfoCaption,
C4ID idID, const char *szCommand2, bool fOwnValue, int32_t iValue, bool fIsSelectable)
if (!IsActive()) return false;
// Create new menu item
C4MenuItem *pNew = new C4MenuItem(this, ItemCount, szCaption,szCommand,iCount,pObject,szInfoCaption,idID,szCommand2,fOwnValue,iValue,Style,fIsSelectable);
// Set Symbol
// Add
return AddItem(pNew, szCaption, szCommand, iCount, pObject, szInfoCaption, idID, szCommand2, fOwnValue, iValue, fIsSelectable);
bool C4Menu::Add(const char *szCaption, C4DefGraphics* pGfx, const char *szCommand,
int32_t iCount, C4Object *pObject, const char *szInfoCaption,
C4ID idID, const char *szCommand2, bool fOwnValue, int32_t iValue, bool fIsSelectable)
if (!IsActive()) return false;
// Create new menu item
C4MenuItem *pNew = new C4MenuItem(this, ItemCount, szCaption,szCommand,iCount,pObject,szInfoCaption,idID,szCommand2,fOwnValue,iValue,Style,fIsSelectable);
// Set Symbol
// Add
return AddItem(pNew, szCaption, szCommand, iCount, pObject, szInfoCaption, idID, szCommand2, fOwnValue, iValue, fIsSelectable);
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
bool C4Menu::AddItem(C4MenuItem *pNew, const char *szCaption, const char *szCommand,
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
int32_t iCount, C4Object *pObject, const char *szInfoCaption,
C4ID idID, const char *szCommand2, bool fOwnValue, int32_t iValue, bool fIsSelectable)
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
if (pObject)
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
C4RCMenuAdd rc = { pObject ? pObject->Number : -1, iCount, idID, fOwnValue, iValue, fIsSelectable };
AddDbgRec(RCT_MenuAdd, &rc, sizeof(C4RCMenuAdd));
if (szCommand) AddDbgRec(RCT_MenuAddC, szCommand, strlen(szCommand)+1);
if (szCommand2) AddDbgRec(RCT_MenuAddC, szCommand2, strlen(szCommand2)+1);
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// Add it to the list
// first menuitem is portrait, if it does not have text but a facet
if (!ItemCount && (!szCaption || !*szCaption))
fHasPortrait = true;
// Item count
// set new item size
if (!pClientWindow->IsFrozen()) UpdateElementPositions();
// Init selection if not frozen
if (Selection==-1 && fIsSelectable && !pClientWindow->IsFrozen()) SetSelection(ItemCount-1, false, false);
// initial progress
if (fTextProgressing) pNew->TextDisplayProgress = 0;
// adjust scrolling, etc.
// Success
return true;
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
bool C4Menu::Control(BYTE byCom, int32_t iData)
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
if (!IsActive()) return false;
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
//bool fSingleColumn = IsContextMenu();
switch (byCom)
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
case COM_MenuEnter: Enter(); break;
case COM_MenuEnterAll: Enter(true); break;
case COM_MenuClose: TryClose(false, true); break;
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// organize with nicer subfunction...
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
case COM_MenuLeft:
/*// Single column: left => begin
if (fSingleColumn)
MoveSelection(-Selection, true, true);
// Top wrap-around
if (Selection-1 < 0)
MoveSelection(ItemCount - 1 - Selection, true, true);
MoveSelection(-1, true, true);
case COM_MenuRight:
/*// Single column: right => end
if (fSingleColumn)
MoveSelection(ItemCount - 1 - Selection, true, true);
// Bottom wrap-around
if (Selection+1 >= ItemCount)
MoveSelection(-Selection, true, true);
MoveSelection(+1, true, true);
case COM_MenuUp:
iData = -Columns;
// Top wrap-around
if (Selection + iData < 0)
while (Selection + iData + Columns < ItemCount)
iData += Columns;
MoveSelection(iData, true, true);
case COM_MenuDown:
iData = +Columns;
// Bottom wrap-around
if (Selection+iData >= ItemCount)
while (Selection+iData-Columns >= 0)
MoveSelection(iData, true, true);
case COM_MenuSelect:
if (ItemCount)
SetSelection(iData & (~C4MN_AdjustPosition), !!(iData & C4MN_AdjustPosition), true);
case COM_MenuShowText:
SetTextProgress(-1, false);
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
return true;
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
bool C4Menu::KeyControl(BYTE byCom)
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// direct keyboard callback
if (!IsActive()) return false;
return !!Control(byCom, 0);
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
bool C4Menu::IsActive()
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
return fActive;
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
bool C4Menu::Enter(bool fRight)
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// Not active
if (!IsActive()) return false;
if (Style==C4MN_Style_Info) return false;
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// Get selected item
C4MenuItem *pItem = GetSelectedItem();
if (!pItem)
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// okay for dialogs: Just close them
if (Style == C4MN_Style_Dialog) TryClose(false, true);
return true;
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// Copy command to buffer (menu might be cleared)
char szCommand[_MAX_FNAME+30+1];
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
if (fRight && pItem->Command2[0]) SCopy(pItem->Command2,szCommand);
// Close if not permanent
if (!Permanent) { Close(true); fActive = false; }
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// exec command (note that menu callback may delete this!)
MenuCommand(szCommand, false);
return true;
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
C4MenuItem* C4Menu::GetItem(int32_t iIndex)
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
return static_cast<C4MenuItem *>(pClientWindow->GetElementByIndex(iIndex));
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
int32_t C4Menu::GetItemCount()
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
return ItemCount;
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
bool C4Menu::MoveSelection(int32_t iBy, bool fAdjustPosition, bool fDoCalls)
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
if (!iBy) return false;
// find next item that can be selected by moving in iBy steps
int32_t iNewSel = Selection;
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
for (;;)
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// determine new selection
iNewSel += iBy;
// selection is out of menu range
if (!Inside<int32_t>(iNewSel, 0, ItemCount-1)) return false;
// determine newly selected item
C4MenuItem *pNewSel = GetItem(iNewSel);
// nothing selectable
if (!pNewSel || !pNewSel->IsSelectable) continue;
// got something: go select it
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// select it
return !!SetSelection(iNewSel, fAdjustPosition, fDoCalls);
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
bool C4Menu::SetSelection(int32_t iSelection, bool fAdjustPosition, bool fDoCalls)
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// Not active
if (!IsActive()) return false;
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// Outside Limits / Selectable
C4MenuItem *pNewSel = GetItem(iSelection);
if ((iSelection==-1 && !ItemCount) || (pNewSel && pNewSel->IsSelectable))
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// Selection change
if (iSelection!=Selection)
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// calls
C4MenuItem *pSel = GetSelectedItem();
if (pSel) pSel->SetSelected(false);
// Set selection
// Reset time on selection
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// always recheck selection for internal refill
C4MenuItem *pSel = GetSelectedItem();
if (pSel) pSel->SetSelected(true);
// set main caption by selection
if (Style == C4MN_Style_Normal)
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
if (pSel)
SetTitle(*(pSel->Caption) ? pSel->Caption : " ", HasMouse());
SetTitle(*Caption ? Caption : " ", HasMouse());
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// adjust position, if desired
if (fAdjustPosition) AdjustPosition();
// do selection callback
if (fDoCalls) OnSelectionChanged(Selection);
// Done
return true;
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
C4MenuItem* C4Menu::GetSelectedItem()
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
return GetItem(Selection);
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
void C4Menu::AdjustPosition()
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// Adjust position by selection (works only after InitLocation)
if ((Lines > 1) && Columns)
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
C4MenuItem *pSel = GetSelectedItem();
if (pSel)
pClientWindow->ScrollRangeInView(pSel->GetBounds().y, pSel->GetBounds().Hgt);
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
int32_t C4Menu::GetSelection()
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
return Selection;
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
bool C4Menu::SetPosition(int32_t iPosition)
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
if (!IsActive()) return false;
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// update scroll pos, if location is initialized
if (IsVisible() && pClientWindow) pClientWindow->SetScroll((iPosition/Columns) * ItemHeight);
return true;
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
int32_t C4Menu::GetIdentification()
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
return Identification;
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
void C4Menu::SetSize(int32_t iToWdt, int32_t iToHgt)
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
if (iToWdt) Columns=iToWdt;
if (iToHgt) Lines=iToHgt;
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
void C4Menu::InitLocation(C4Facet &cgoArea)
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// Item size by style
switch (Style)
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
case C4MN_Style_Normal:
case C4MN_Style_Context:
ItemHeight = Max<int32_t>(C4MN_SymbolSize, ::GraphicsResource.FontRegular.GetLineHeight());
int32_t iWdt, iHgt;
::GraphicsResource.FontRegular.GetTextExtent(Caption, ItemWidth, iHgt, true);
// FIXME: Blah. This stuff should be calculated correctly by pTitle.
ItemWidth += ItemHeight + 16;
C4MenuItem *pItem;
for (int i = 0; (pItem = GetItem(i)); ++i)
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
::GraphicsResource.FontRegular.GetTextExtent(pItem->Caption, iWdt, iHgt, true);
ItemWidth = Max(ItemWidth, iWdt + pItem->GetSymbolWidth(ItemHeight));
ItemWidth += 3; // Add some extra space so text doesn't touch right border frame...
case C4MN_Style_Info:
// calculate size from a default size determined by a window width of C4MN_DefInfoWdt
int32_t iWdt,iHgt,iLargestTextWdt;
::GraphicsResource.FontRegular.GetTextExtent(Caption,iWdt,iHgt, true);
iLargestTextWdt = iWdt + 2 * C4MN_SymbolSize + C4MN_FrameWidth;
ItemWidth=Min<int>(cgoArea.Wdt - 2*C4MN_FrameWidth, Max(iLargestTextWdt, C4MN_DefInfoWdt));
StdStrBuf sText;
C4MenuItem *pItem;
for (int32_t i=0; (pItem=GetItem(i)); ++i)
::GraphicsResource.FontRegular.BreakMessage(pItem->InfoCaption, ItemWidth, &sText, true);
::GraphicsResource.FontRegular.GetTextExtent(sText.getData(),iWdt,iHgt, true);
assert(iWdt <= ItemWidth);
ItemWidth=Max(ItemWidth,iWdt); ItemHeight=Max(ItemHeight,iHgt);
iLargestTextWdt = Max(iLargestTextWdt, iWdt);
// although width calculation is done from C4MN_DefInfoWdt, this may be too large for some very tiny info windows
// so make sure no space is wasted
ItemWidth = Min(ItemWidth, iLargestTextWdt);
// Add some extra space so text doesn't touch right border frame...
ItemWidth += 3;
// Now add some space to show the picture on the left
ItemWidth += C4PictureSize;
// And set a minimum item height (again, for the picture)
ItemHeight = Max<int>(ItemHeight, C4PictureSize);
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
case C4MN_Style_Dialog:
// dialog window: Item width is whole dialog, portrait subtracted if any
// Item height varies
int32_t iWdt,iHgt;
::GraphicsResource.FontRegular.GetTextExtent(Caption,iWdt,iHgt, true);
ItemWidth=Min<int>(cgoArea.Wdt - 2*C4MN_FrameWidth, Max<int>(iWdt + 2 * C4MN_SymbolSize + C4MN_FrameWidth, C4MN_DlgWdt));
ItemHeight=iHgt; // Items may be multiline and higher
if (HasPortrait())
// subtract portrait only if this would not make the dialog too small
if (ItemWidth > C4MN_DlgPortraitWdt*2 && cgoArea.Hgt > cgoArea.Wdt)
ItemWidth = Max<int>(ItemWidth - C4MN_DlgPortraitWdt - C4MN_DlgPortraitIndent, 40);
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
int DisplayedItemCount = ItemCount - HasPortrait();
if (Style == C4MN_Style_Dialog)
Lines = C4MN_DlgLines;
Lines = DisplayedItemCount/Columns+Min<int32_t>(DisplayedItemCount%Columns,1);
// adjust by max. height
int32_t X,Y;
if (Alignment & C4MN_Align_Free)
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
X = rcBounds.x;
Y = rcBounds.y;
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
X = (cgoArea.Wdt - rcBounds.Wdt)/2;
Y = (cgoArea.Hgt - rcBounds.Hgt)/2;
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// Alignment
if (Alignment & C4MN_Align_Left) X=C4SymbolSize;
if (Alignment & C4MN_Align_Right) X=cgoArea.Wdt-2*C4SymbolSize-rcBounds.Wdt;
if (Alignment & C4MN_Align_Top) Y=C4SymbolSize;
if (Alignment & C4MN_Align_Bottom) Y=cgoArea.Hgt-C4SymbolSize-rcBounds.Hgt;
if (Alignment & C4MN_Align_Free) { X=BoundBy<int32_t>(X,0,cgoArea.Wdt-rcBounds.Wdt); Y=BoundBy<int32_t>(Y,0,cgoArea.Hgt-rcBounds.Hgt); }
// Centered (due to small viewport size)
if (rcBounds.Wdt>cgoArea.Wdt-2*C4SymbolSize) X=(cgoArea.Wdt-rcBounds.Wdt)/2;
if (rcBounds.Hgt>cgoArea.Hgt-2*C4SymbolSize) Y=(cgoArea.Hgt-rcBounds.Hgt)/2;
SetPos(X, Y);
// Position initialized: Make it visible to be used!
// now align all menu items correctly
// and correct scroll pos
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
void C4Menu::InitSize()
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
C4GUI::Element *pLast = pClientWindow->GetLast();
// Size calculation
int Width, Height;
VisibleCount = Columns*Lines;
bool fBarNeeded;
if (HasPortrait()) Width += C4MN_DlgPortraitWdt + C4MN_DlgPortraitIndent;
// dialogs have auto-enlarge vertically
if (pLast && Style == C4MN_Style_Dialog)
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
Height = Max<int>(Height, pLast->GetBounds().y + pLast->GetBounds().Hgt + C4MN_DlgLineMargin);
fBarNeeded = false;
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
fBarNeeded = pLast && pLast->GetBounds().y + pLast->GetBounds().Hgt > pClientWindow->GetBounds().Hgt;
// add dlg margins
Width += GetMarginLeft() + GetMarginRight() + pClientWindow->GetMarginLeft() + pClientWindow->GetMarginRight();
Height += GetMarginTop() + GetMarginBottom() + pClientWindow->GetMarginTop() + pClientWindow->GetMarginBottom();
if (fBarNeeded) Width += C4GUI_ScrollBarWdt;
SetBounds(C4Rect(rcBounds.x, rcBounds.y, Width, Height));
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
void C4Menu::UpdateScrollBar()
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
C4GUI::Element *pLast = pClientWindow->GetLast();
bool fBarNeeded = pLast && pLast->GetBounds().y + pLast->GetBounds().Hgt > pClientWindow->GetBounds().Hgt;
if (pClientWindow->IsScrollBarEnabled() == fBarNeeded) return;
// resize for bar
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
void C4Menu::Draw(C4TargetFacet &cgo)
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// Inactive
if (!IsActive()) return;
// Location
if (!LocationSet) { InitLocation(cgo); LocationSet=true; }
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// If drawn by a viewport, then it's made visible
// do drawing
typedef C4GUI::Dialog ParentClass;
// draw tooltip if selection time has been long enough
if (!fTextProgressing) ++TimeOnSelection;
if (TimeOnSelection >= C4MN_InfoCaption_Delay)
if (Style != C4MN_Style_Info) // No tooltips in info menus - doesn't make any sense...
if (!::Control.isReplay())
2009-06-05 16:53:56 +00:00
if (!::pGUI->Mouse.IsActiveInput())
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
C4MenuItem *pSel = GetSelectedItem();
if (pSel && *pSel->InfoCaption)
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
int32_t iX=0, iY=0;
pSel->ClientPos2ScreenPos(iX, iY);
C4GUI::Screen::DrawToolTip(pSel->InfoCaption, cgo, iX, iY);
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
void C4Menu::DrawElement(C4TargetFacet &cgo)
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// inherited (background)
typedef C4GUI::Dialog ParentClass;
// Get selected item id
C4ID idSelected; C4MenuItem *pItem;
2010-01-25 04:00:59 +00:00
if ((pItem = GetSelectedItem())) idSelected = pItem->id; else idSelected = C4ID::None;
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
C4Def *pDef = C4Id2Def(idSelected);
// Get item value
2010-01-25 04:00:59 +00:00
int32_t iValue = 0;
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
if (pDef)
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
if (pItem && pItem->fOwnValue)
iValue = pItem->iValue;
iValue = pDef->GetValue(NULL, NO_OWNER);
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// Store and clear global clipper
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
// int32_t iX1,iY1,iX2,iY2;
2011-10-03 14:30:18 +00:00
// pDraw->GetPrimaryClipper(iX1,iY1,iX2,iY2);
// pDraw->SubPrimaryClipper(rcBounds.x, rcBounds.y, rcBounds.x+rcBounds.Wdt-1, rcBounds.y+rcBounds.Hgt-1);
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
C4Facet cgoExtra(cgo.Surface, cgo.TargetX+rcBounds.x+1, cgo.TargetY+rcBounds.y+rcBounds.Hgt-C4MN_SymbolSize-1, rcBounds.Wdt-2, C4MN_SymbolSize);
// Draw bar divider
2010-02-22 17:35:51 +00:00
if (Extra)
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
DrawFrame(cgoExtra.Surface, cgoExtra.X-1, cgoExtra.Y-1, cgoExtra.Wdt+1, cgoExtra.Hgt+1);
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// Draw specified extra
switch (Extra)
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
case C4MN_Extra_Components:
if (pItem) pItem->Components.Draw(cgoExtra,-1,::Definitions,C4D_All,true,C4FCT_Right | C4FCT_Triple | C4FCT_Half);
case C4MN_Extra_Value:
if (pDef) ::GraphicsResource.fctWealth.DrawValue(cgoExtra,iValue,0,0,C4FCT_Right);
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// Restore global clipper
2011-10-03 14:30:18 +00:00
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
2011-10-03 14:07:07 +00:00
void C4Menu::DrawFrame(C4Surface * sfcSurface, int32_t iX, int32_t iY, int32_t iWdt, int32_t iHgt)
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2011-10-03 14:30:18 +00:00
pDraw->DrawFrameDw(sfcSurface, iX+1, iY+1, iX+iWdt-1,iY+iHgt-1, C4RGB(0x44, 0, 0));
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
void C4Menu::SetAlignment(int32_t iAlignment)
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
Alignment = iAlignment;
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
void C4Menu::SetPermanent(bool fPermanent)
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
Permanent = fPermanent;
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
bool C4Menu::RefillInternal()
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// Reset flag
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// do the refill in frozen window (no scrolling update)
int32_t iLastItemCount=ItemCount;
bool fRefilled = false;
bool fSuccess = DoRefillInternal(fRefilled);
if (!fSuccess) return false;
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// menu contents may have changed: Adjust menu size and selection
if (fRefilled)
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// Adjust selection
// Item count increased: resize
if (ItemCount > iLastItemCount) LocationSet = false;
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// Item count decreased: resize if we are a context menu
if ((ItemCount < iLastItemCount) && IsContextMenu()) LocationSet = false;
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// Success
return true;
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
2011-01-02 20:10:53 +00:00
void C4Menu::ClearItems()
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
C4MenuItem *pItem;
2010-01-25 04:00:59 +00:00
while ((pItem = GetItem(0))) delete pItem;
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
void C4Menu::Execute()
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
if (!IsActive()) return;
// Refill (timer or flag)
if (!Game.iTick35 || NeedRefill)
if (!RefillInternal())
// text progress
if (fTextProgressing /*&& !Game.iTick2*/)
SetTextProgress(+1, true);
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
bool C4Menu::Refill()
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
if (!IsActive()) return false;
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// Refill (close if failure)
if (!RefillInternal())
{ Close(false); return false; }
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// Success
return true;
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
void C4Menu::AdjustSelection()
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// selection valid?
C4MenuItem *pSelection = GetItem(Selection);
int iSel = Selection;
if (!pSelection || !pSelection->IsSelectable)
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// set to new first valid selection: Downwards first
iSel = Selection;
while (--iSel>=0)
2010-01-25 04:00:59 +00:00
if ((pSelection = GetItem(iSel)))
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
if (pSelection->IsSelectable)
// no success: upwards then
if (iSel<0)
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
for (iSel=Selection+1; (pSelection = GetItem(iSel)); ++iSel)
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
if (pSelection->IsSelectable)
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// set it then
if (!pSelection)
SetSelection(-1, Selection >= 0, false);
SetSelection(iSel, iSel != Selection, true);
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
bool C4Menu::ConvertCom(int32_t &rCom, int32_t &rData, bool fAsyncConversion)
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// This function converts normal Coms to menu Coms before they are send to the queue
// Menu not active
if (!IsActive()) return false;
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// Convert plain com control to menu com
switch (rCom)
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// Convert recognized menu coms
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
case COM_Throw: rCom = COM_MenuEnter; break;
case COM_Dig: rCom = COM_MenuClose; break;
case COM_Special2: rCom = COM_MenuEnterAll; break;
case COM_Up: rCom = COM_MenuUp; break;
case COM_Left: rCom = COM_MenuLeft; break;
case COM_Down: rCom = COM_MenuDown; break;
case COM_Right: rCom = COM_MenuRight; break;
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// Not a menu com: do nothing
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
default: return true;
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// If text is still progressing, any menu com will complete it first
// Note: conversion to COM_MenuShowText is not synchronized because text lengths may vary
// between clients. The above switch is used to determine whether the com was a menu com
if (fTextProgressing && fAsyncConversion)
rCom = COM_MenuShowText;
// Done
return true;
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
bool C4Menu::SetLocation(int32_t iX, int32_t iY)
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// just set position...
SetPos(iX, iY);
return true;
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
bool C4Menu::SetTextProgress(int32_t iToProgress, bool fAdd)
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// menu active at all?
if (!IsActive()) return false;
// set: enable or disable progress?
if (!fAdd)
fTextProgressing = (iToProgress >= 0);
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// add: Does not enable progressing
if (!fTextProgressing) return false;
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// update menu items
C4MenuItem *pItem;
bool fAnyItemUnfinished = false;
2010-01-25 04:00:59 +00:00
for (int32_t i=HasPortrait(); (pItem = GetItem(i)); ++i)
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// disabled progress: set all progresses to shown
if (!fTextProgressing)
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
pItem->TextDisplayProgress = -1;
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// do progress on item, if any is left
// this call automatically reduces iToProgress as it's used up
if (!fAdd) pItem->TextDisplayProgress = 0;
if (iToProgress) pItem->DoTextProgress(iToProgress);
if (pItem->TextDisplayProgress > -1) fAnyItemUnfinished = true;
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// if that progress showed everything already, mark as not progressing
fTextProgressing = fAnyItemUnfinished;
// done, success
return true;
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
C4Viewport *C4Menu::GetViewport()
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// ask all viewports
for (C4Viewport *pVP = ::Viewports.GetFirstViewport(); pVP; pVP = pVP->GetNext())
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
if (pVP->IsViewportMenu(this))
return pVP;
// none matching
return NULL;
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
void C4Menu::UpdateElementPositions()
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// only if already shown and made visible by first drawing
// this will postpone the call of menu initialization until it's really needed
if (!IsVisible() || !pClientWindow) return;
// reposition client scrolling window
// re-stack all list items
int xOff, yOff = 0;
C4MenuItem *pCurr = static_cast<C4MenuItem *>(pClientWindow->GetFirst()), *pPrev = NULL;
if (HasPortrait() && pCurr)
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// recheck portrait
xOff = C4MN_DlgPortraitWdt + C4MN_DlgPortraitIndent;
C4Facet &fctPortrait = pCurr->Symbol;
C4Rect rcPortraitBounds(0,0, C4MN_DlgPortraitWdt + C4MN_DlgPortraitIndent, fctPortrait.Hgt * C4MN_DlgPortraitWdt / Max<int>(fctPortrait.Wdt, 1));
if (pCurr->GetBounds() != rcPortraitBounds)
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
pCurr->GetBounds() = rcPortraitBounds;
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
pCurr = static_cast<C4MenuItem *>(pCurr->GetNext());
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
else xOff = 0;
// recheck list items
int32_t iMaxDlgOptionHeight = -1;
int32_t iIndex = 0; C4Rect rcNewBounds(0,0,ItemWidth,ItemHeight);
C4MenuItem *pFirstStack = pCurr, *pNext = pFirstStack;
2010-01-25 04:00:59 +00:00
while ((pCurr = pNext))
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
pNext = static_cast<C4MenuItem *>(pCurr->GetNext());
if (Style == C4MN_Style_Dialog)
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// y-margin always, except between options
if (!pPrev || (!pPrev->IsSelectable || !pCurr->IsSelectable)) yOff += C4MN_DlgLineMargin; else yOff += C4MN_DlgOptionLineMargin;
// determine item height.
StdStrBuf sText;
int32_t iAssumedItemHeight = ::GraphicsResource.FontRegular.GetLineHeight();
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
int32_t iWdt, iAvailWdt = ItemWidth, iSymWdt;
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
for (;;)
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
iSymWdt = Min<int32_t>(pCurr->GetSymbolWidth(iAssumedItemHeight), iAvailWdt/2);
iAvailWdt = ItemWidth - iSymWdt;
::GraphicsResource.FontRegular.BreakMessage(pCurr->Caption, iAvailWdt, &sText, true);
::GraphicsResource.FontRegular.GetTextExtent(sText.getData(),iWdt,rcNewBounds.Hgt, true);
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
if (!iSymWdt || rcNewBounds.Hgt <= iAssumedItemHeight) break;
// If there is a symbol, the symbol grows as more lines become available
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
// Thus, less space is available for the text, and it might become larger
iAssumedItemHeight = rcNewBounds.Hgt;
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
if (fEqualIconItemHeight && iSymWdt)
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// force equal height for all symbol items
if (iMaxDlgOptionHeight < 0)
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// first selectable item inits field
iMaxDlgOptionHeight = rcNewBounds.Hgt;
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
else if (rcNewBounds.Hgt <= iMaxDlgOptionHeight)
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// following item height smaller or equal: Force equal
rcNewBounds.Hgt = iMaxDlgOptionHeight;
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// following item larger height: Need to re-stack from beginning
iMaxDlgOptionHeight = rcNewBounds.Hgt;
pNext = pFirstStack;
pPrev = NULL;
yOff = 0;
iIndex = 0;
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
assert(iWdt <= iAvailWdt);
rcNewBounds.x = 0;
rcNewBounds.y = yOff;
yOff += rcNewBounds.Hgt;
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
rcNewBounds.x = (iIndex % Max<int32_t>(Columns, 1)) * ItemWidth;
rcNewBounds.y = (iIndex / Max<int32_t>(Columns, 1)) * ItemHeight;
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
rcNewBounds.x += xOff;
if (pCurr->GetBounds() != rcNewBounds)
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
pCurr->GetBounds() = rcNewBounds;
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
pPrev = pCurr;
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// update scrolling
pClientWindow->SetClientHeight(rcNewBounds.y + rcNewBounds.Hgt);
// re-set caption
C4MenuItem *pSel = GetSelectedItem();
const char *szCapt;
if (pSel && Style == C4MN_Style_Normal)
szCapt = pSel->Caption;
szCapt = Caption;
SetTitle((*szCapt || Style == C4MN_Style_Dialog) ? szCapt : " ", HasMouse());
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
void C4Menu::UpdateOwnPos()
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// client rect and stuff
typedef C4GUI::Dialog ParentClass;
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
void C4Menu::UserSelectItem(int32_t Player, C4MenuItem *pItem)
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// not if user con't control anything
if (IsReadOnly()) return;
// the item must be selectable
if (!pItem || !pItem->IsSelectable) return;
// queue or direct selection
OnUserSelectItem(Player, pItem->iIndex);
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
void C4Menu::UserEnter(int32_t Player, C4MenuItem *pItem, bool fRight)
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// not if user con't control anything
if (IsReadOnly()) return;
// the item must be selectable
if (!pItem || !pItem->IsSelectable) return;
// queue or direct enter
OnUserEnter(Player, pItem->iIndex, fRight);
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
void C4Menu::UserClose(bool fOK)
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
// not if user con't control anything
if (IsReadOnly()) return;
// queue or direct enter
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
void C4Menu::SetCloseCommand(const char *strCommand)
bool C4Menu::HasMouse()
int32_t iPlayer = GetControllingPlayer();
if (iPlayer == NO_OWNER) return true; // free view dialog also has the mouse
2009-06-12 23:09:32 +00:00
C4Player *pPlr = ::Players.Get(iPlayer);
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
if (pPlr && pPlr->MouseControl) return true;
return false;
void C4Menu::ClearPointers(C4Object *pObj)
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
C4MenuItem *pItem;
2010-01-25 04:00:59 +00:00
for (int32_t i=0; (pItem = GetItem(i)); ++i)
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
#ifdef _DEBUG
void C4Menu::AssertSurfaceNotUsed(C4Surface *sfc)
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
C4MenuItem *pItem;
if (!sfc) return;
assert(sfc != Symbol.Surface);
2010-01-25 04:00:59 +00:00
for (int32_t i=0; (pItem = GetItem(i)); ++i)
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00
assert(pItem->Symbol.Surface != sfc) ;
2010-03-28 18:58:01 +00:00
2009-05-08 13:28:41 +00:00