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Attach to a non player charachter to provide a message interface.
@author Sven
local dlg_target;
local dlg_name;
local dlg_info;
local dlg_progress;
local dlg_section; // if set, this string is included in progress callbacks (i.e., func Dlg_[Name]_[Section][Progress]() is called)
local dlg_status;
local dlg_interact; // default true. can be set to false to deactivate the dialogue
local dlg_attention; // if set, a red attention mark is put above the clonk
local dlg_broadcast; // if set, all non-message (i.e. menu) MessageBox calls are called as MessageBoxBroadcast.
local dlg_last_opt_sel; // may contain array with recently selected options
local user_dialogue; // Dialogue action set by user in editor
local user_dialogue_allow_parallel;
local user_dialogue_progress_mode;
static const DLG_Status_Active = 0; // next interaction calls progress function
static const DLG_Status_Stop = 1; // dialogue is done and menu closed on next interaction
static const DLG_Status_Remove = 2; // dialogue is removed on next interaction
static const DLG_Status_Wait = 3; // dialogue is deactivated temporarily to prevent accidental restart after dialogue end
public func IsDialogue() { return true; }
/*-- Dialogue creation --*/
// Sets a new dialogue for a npc.
2014-07-12 14:03:23 +00:00
global func SetDialogue(string name, bool attention)
if (!this)
var dialogue = Dialogue->FindByTarget(this);
if (!dialogue) dialogue = CreateObject(Dialogue);
2014-07-12 14:03:23 +00:00
dialogue->InitDialogue(name, this, attention);
dialogue.Plane = this.Plane+1; // for proper placement of the attention symbol
return dialogue;
// Removes the existing dialogue of an object.
global func RemoveDialogue()
var dialogue = Dialogue->FindByTarget(this);
if (dialogue) return dialogue->RemoveObject();
return false;
// Find dialogue attached to a target (definition call, e.g. var dlg = Dialogue->FindByTarget(foo))
public func FindByTarget(object target)
if (!target) return nil;
return FindObject(Find_ID(Dialogue), Find_ActionTarget(target));
// Find dialogue with a given name.
public func FindByName(string name)
if (!name) return nil;
return FindObject(Find_ID(Dialogue), Find_Func("HasName", name));
public func HasName(string name)
return name == dlg_name;
/*-- Dialogue properties --*/
protected func Initialize()
// Dialogue progress to one.
dlg_progress = 1;
2014-02-02 17:03:33 +00:00
// Dialogue allows interaction by default.
dlg_interact = true;
// Dialogue is active by default.
dlg_status = DLG_Status_Active;
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public func InitDialogue(string name, object target, bool attention)
dlg_target = target;
dlg_name = name;
// Attach dialogue object to target.
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if (attention)
// Attention: Show exclamation mark and glitter effect every five seconds
// No attention: Set invisible action
SetAction("Dialogue", target);
// Update dialogue to target.
// Effect on targets to remove the dialogue when target dies or is removed
AddEffect("IntDialogue", target, 1, 0, this);
// Custom dialogue initialization
if (!Call(Format("~Dlg_%s_Init", dlg_name), dlg_target))
GameCall(Format("~Dlg_%s_Init", dlg_name), this, dlg_target);
return true;
private func FxIntDialogueStop(object target, proplist fx, int reason, bool temp)
// Target removed or died: Remove dialogue
if (!temp) RemoveObject();
return FX_OK;
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public func AddAttention()
// Attention: Show exclamation mark and glitter effect every five seconds
if (!dlg_attention)
SetAction("DialogueAttention", dlg_target);
RemoveTimer("AttentionEffect"); AddTimer("AttentionEffect", 36*5);
dlg_attention = true;
return true;
public func RemoveAttention()
// No longer show exclamation mark and glitter effects
if (dlg_attention)
if (dlg_target) SetAction("Dialogue", dlg_target);
dlg_attention = false;
return true;
public func SetAttention(bool to_val)
if (to_val) return AddAttention(); else return RemoveAttention();
2014-07-12 14:03:23 +00:00
private func AttentionEffect() { return SetAction("DialogueAttentionEffect", dlg_target); }
private func UpdateDialogue()
// Adapt size to target. Updateing to direction does not work well for NPCs that walk around
// It's also not very intuitive if the player just walks to the attention symbol anyway.
var wdt = dlg_target->GetID()->GetDefWidth() + 10;
var hgt = dlg_target->GetID()->GetDefHeight();
//var dir = dlg_target->GetDir();
SetShape(-wdt/2, -hgt/2, wdt, hgt);
2016-07-14 04:45:00 +00:00
// Transfer position immediately so it's updated in paused mode
SetPosition(dlg_target->GetX(), dlg_target->GetY());
// Transfer target name.
//SetName(Format("$MsgSpeak$", dlg_target->GetName()));
public func SetDialogueInfo()
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2014-02-02 17:03:33 +00:00
public func SetInteraction(bool allow)
dlg_interact = allow;
public func SetDialogueProgress(int progress, string section, bool add_attention)
dlg_progress = Max(1, progress);
dlg_section = section;
if (add_attention) AddAttention();
public func SetDialogueStatus(int status)
dlg_status = status;
public func GetDialogueTarget()
return dlg_target;
2016-07-14 04:45:00 +00:00
public func SetDialogueTarget(object target)
// Change dialogue target
// Do not allow nil
if (!target) return;
// Update attachment and ! marker
var had_attention = dlg_attention;
dlg_target = target;
if (had_attention) AddAttention(); else SetAction("Dialogue", dlg_target);
// Update shape
return true;
// to be called from within dialogue after the last message
public func StopDialogue()
// clear remembered positions
dlg_last_opt_sel = nil;
// put on wait for a while; then reenable
return true;
/*-- Interaction --*/
// Players can talk to NPC via the interaction bar.
2014-02-02 17:03:33 +00:00
public func IsInteractable() { return dlg_interact; }
// Adapt appearance in the interaction bar.
public func GetInteractionMetaInfo(object clonk)
if (InDialogue(clonk))
return { Description = Format("$MsgSpeak$", dlg_target->GetName()) , IconName = nil, IconID = Clonk, Selected = true };
return { Description = Format("$MsgSpeak$", dlg_target->GetName()) , IconName = nil, IconID = Clonk, Selected = false };
// Advance dialogue from script
public func CallDialogue(object clonk, progress, string section)
if (GetType(progress)) SetDialogueProgress(progress, section);
return Interact(clonk);
// Called on player interaction.
public func Interact(object clonk)
2014-02-02 17:03:33 +00:00
// Should not happen: not active -> stop interaction
if (!dlg_interact)
return true;
// Currently in a dialogue: abort that dialogue.
if (InDialogue(clonk))
// User sequence provided in editor?
if (user_dialogue)
UserAction->EvaluateAction(user_dialogue, this, clonk, nil, user_dialogue_progress_mode, user_dialogue_allow_parallel);
return true;
// No conversation context: abort.
if (!dlg_name)
return true;
// Dialogue still waiting? Do nothing then
// (A sound might be nice here)
if (dlg_status == DLG_Status_Wait)
return true;
// Stop dialogue?
if (dlg_status == DLG_Status_Stop)
dlg_status = DLG_Status_Wait;
ScheduleCall(this, this.SetDialogueStatus, 30, 0, DLG_Status_Active);
// Do a call on a closed dialogue as well.
var fn_closed = Format("~Dlg_%s_Closed", dlg_name);
if (!Call(fn_closed, clonk, dlg_target))
GameCall(fn_closed, this, clonk, dlg_target);
return true;
// Remove dialogue?
if (dlg_status == DLG_Status_Remove)
return true;
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// Remove attention mark on first interaction
// Have speakers face each other
SetSpeakerDirs(dlg_target, clonk);
// Start conversation context.
// Update dialogue progress first.
var progress = dlg_progress;
// Then call relevant functions.
// Call generic function first, then progress function
var fn_generic = Format("~Dlg_%s", dlg_name);
var fn_progress = Format("~Dlg_%s_%s%d", dlg_name, dlg_section ?? "", progress);
if (!Call(fn_generic, clonk))
if (!GameCall(fn_generic, this, clonk, dlg_target))
if (!Call(fn_progress, clonk))
GameCall(fn_progress, this, clonk, dlg_target);
return true;
private func InDialogue(object clonk)
return clonk->GetMenu() == Dialogue;
public func MessageBoxAll(string message, object talker, bool as_message)
for(var i = 0; i < GetPlayerCount(C4PT_User); ++i)
var plr = GetPlayerByIndex(i, C4PT_User);
MessageBox(message, GetCursor(plr), talker, plr, as_message);
// Message box as dialog to player with a message copy to all other players
public func MessageBoxBroadcast(string message, object clonk, object talker, array options)
// message copy to other players
for(var i = 0; i < GetPlayerCount(C4PT_User); ++i)
var plr = GetPlayerByIndex(i, C4PT_User);
if (GetCursor(plr) != clonk)
MessageBox(message, GetCursor(plr), talker, plr, true);
// main message as dialog box
return MessageBox(message, clonk, talker, nil, false, options);
static MessageBox_last_talker, MessageBox_last_pos;
2016-07-06 05:03:46 +00:00
private func MessageBox(string message, object clonk, object talker, int for_player, bool as_message, array options, proplist menu_target)
// broadcast enabled: message copy to other players
if (dlg_broadcast && !as_message)
for(var i = 0; i < GetPlayerCount(C4PT_User); ++i)
var other_plr = GetPlayerByIndex(i, C4PT_User);
if (GetCursor(other_plr) != clonk)
MessageBox(message, GetCursor(other_plr), talker, other_plr, true);
// Use current NPC as talker if unspecified.
// On definition call or without talker, just show the message without a source
if (!talker && this != Dialogue) talker = dlg_target;
if (talker) message = Format("<c %x>%s:</c> %s", talker->GetColor(), talker->GetName(), message);
var portrait;
if (talker) portrait = talker->~GetPortrait();
// A target Clonk is given: Use a menu for this dialogue.
if (clonk && !as_message)
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var cmd;
if (this != Dialogue) menu_target = this;
if (menu_target) cmd = "MenuOK";
clonk->CreateMenu(Dialogue, menu_target, C4MN_Extra_None, nil, nil, C4MN_Style_Dialog, false, Dialogue);
var menu_item_offset = 0;
// Add NPC portrait.
//var portrait = Format("%i", talker->GetID()); //, Dialogue, talker->GetColor(), "1");
if (talker)
if (portrait)
menu_item_offset += clonk->AddMenuItem("", nil, Dialogue, nil, clonk, nil, C4MN_Add_ImgPropListSpec, portrait);
menu_item_offset += clonk->AddMenuItem("", nil, Dialogue, nil, clonk, nil, C4MN_Add_ImgObject, talker);
// Add NPC message.
menu_item_offset += clonk->AddMenuItem(message, nil, nil, nil, clonk, nil, C4MN_Add_ForceNoDesc);
// Add answers.
if (options) for (var option in options)
var option_text, option_command;
if (GetType(option) == C4V_Array)
// Text+Command given
option_text = option[0];
option_command = option[1];
if (GetChar(option_command) == GetChar("#"))
// Command given as section name: Remove leading # and call section change
var ichar=1, ocmd = "", c;
while (c = GetChar(option_command, ichar++)) ocmd = Format("%s%c", ocmd, c);
option_command = Format("CallDialogue(Object(%d), 1, \"%s\")", clonk->ObjectNumber(), ocmd);
// if only a command is given, the standard parameter is just the clonk
if (!WildcardMatch(option_command, "*(*")) option_command = Format("%s(Object(%d))", option_command, clonk->ObjectNumber());
// Only text given - command means regular dialogue advance
option_text = option;
option_command = cmd;
clonk->AddMenuItem(option_text, option_command, nil, nil, clonk, nil, C4MN_Add_ForceNoDesc);
// If there are no answers, add a next entry
if (cmd && !options) clonk->AddMenuItem("$Next$", cmd, nil, nil, clonk, nil, C4MN_Add_ForceNoDesc);
// When reaching the same options set while clicking through a dialogue, pre-select the next item
if (options)
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if (!menu_target.dlg_last_opt_sel) menu_target.dlg_last_opt_sel = [];
var found_remembered_option = false, remembered_opts, i = 0;
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for (remembered_opts in menu_target.dlg_last_opt_sel)
if (DeepEqual(remembered_opts.options, options))
found_remembered_option = true;
if (found_remembered_option)
// We've seen this before. Pre-select the next option
// First encounter of this option set: Select first item.
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menu_target.dlg_last_opt_sel[i] = { options = options[:], sel = menu_item_offset };
// Set menu decoration.
// Set text progress to NPC name.
if (talker)
var name = talker->GetName();
var n_length;
while (GetChar(name, n_length))
clonk->SetMenuTextProgress(n_length + 1);
// No target is given: Global (player) message
if (!GetType(for_player)) for_player = NO_OWNER;
// altenate left/right position as speakers change
if (talker != MessageBox_last_talker) MessageBox_last_pos = !MessageBox_last_pos;
MessageBox_last_talker = talker;
var flags = 0, xoff = 150;
if (!MessageBox_last_pos)
flags = MSG_Right;
xoff *= -1;
CustomMessage("", nil, for_player); // clear prev msg
CustomMessage("", nil, for_player, 0,0, nil, nil, nil, MSG_Right); // clear prev msg
CustomMessage(message, nil, for_player, xoff,150, nil, GUI_MenuDeco, portrait ?? talker, flags);
2014-02-02 17:03:33 +00:00
public func MenuOK(proplist menu_id, object clonk)
// prevent the menu from closing when pressing MenuOK
if (dlg_interact)
// Enable or disable message broadcasting to all players for important dialogues
public func SetBroadcast(bool to_val)
dlg_broadcast = to_val;
return true;
public func SetSpeakerDirs(object speaker1, object speaker2)
// Force direction of two clonks to ace each other for dialogue
if (!speaker1 || !speaker2) return false;
speaker1->SetDir(speaker1->GetX() < speaker2->GetX());
speaker2->SetDir(speaker1->GetX() > speaker2->GetX());
return true;
public func SetUserDialogue(new_user_dialogue, new_user_dialogue_progress_mode, new_user_dialogue_allow_parallel)
user_dialogue = new_user_dialogue;
user_dialogue_progress_mode = new_user_dialogue_progress_mode;
user_dialogue_allow_parallel = new_user_dialogue_allow_parallel;
return true;
public func SetEnabled(bool to_val)
dlg_interact = to_val;
return true;
/* Scenario saving */
// Scenario saving
func SaveScenarioObject(props)
if (!inherited(props, ...)) return false;
if (!dlg_target) return false; // don't save dead dialogue object
// Dialog has its own creation procedure
props->Remove("Plane"); // updated when setting dialogue
props->Add(SAVEOBJ_Creation, "%s->SetDialogue(%v,%v)", dlg_target->MakeScenarioSaveName(), dlg_name, !!dlg_attention);
// Set properties
if (user_dialogue || user_dialogue_progress_mode || user_dialogue_allow_parallel) props->AddCall("UserDialogue", this, "SetUserDialogue", user_dialogue, Format("%v", user_dialogue_progress_mode), user_dialogue_allow_parallel);
if (!dlg_interact) props->AddCall("Enabled", this, "SetEnabled", dlg_interact);
// Force dependency on all contained objects, so dialogue initialization procedure can access them
var i=0, obj;
while (obj = dlg_target->Contents(i++)) obj->MakeScenarioSaveName();
return true;
/* Properties */
local ActMap = {
Dialogue = {
Prototype = Action,
Name = "Dialogue",
Procedure = DFA_ATTACH,
Delay = 0,
NextAction = "Dialogue",
2014-07-12 14:03:23 +00:00
DialogueAttention = {
Prototype = Action,
Name = "DialogueAttention",
Procedure = DFA_ATTACH,
X = 0, Y = 0, Wdt = 8, Hgt = 24, OffX = 0, OffY = -30,
Delay = 0,
NextAction = "DialogueAttention",
DialogueAttentionEffect = {
Prototype = Action,
Name = "DialogueAttentionEffect",
Procedure = DFA_ATTACH,
X = 0, Y = 0, Wdt = 8, Hgt = 24, OffX = 0, OffY = -30,
Delay = 2,
Length = 4,
NextAction = "DialogueAttentionREffect",
DialogueAttentionREffect = {
Prototype = Action,
Name = "DialogueAttentionREffect",
Procedure = DFA_ATTACH,
X = 0, Y = 0, Wdt = 8, Hgt = 24, OffX = 0, OffY = -30,
Delay = 2,
Length = 4,
Reverse = 1,
NextAction = "DialogueAttention",
local Name = "$Name$";
local Description = "$Description$";
2016-07-06 05:03:46 +00:00
/* EditorProps */
private func EvalObj_NPC(proplist props, proplist context) { if (context.action_object) return context.action_object.dlg_target; }
private func EvalAct_Message(proplist props, proplist context)
//Log("EvalAct_Message %v %v", props, context);
// Message parameters
var after_message = props.AfterMessage;
var speaker = UserAction->EvaluateValue("Object", props.Speaker, context);
var n_options = 0, any_message = false;
if (props.Options) n_options = GetLength(props.Options);
if (n_options)
2016-07-06 05:03:46 +00:00
var options_msg = CreateArray(n_options), i=0;
for (var opt in props.Options)
opt._goto = UserAction->EvaluateValue("Integer", opt.Goto, context); // evaluated in UserAction menu callback
options_msg[i] = [UserAction->EvaluateString(opt.Text, context), Format("MenuSelectOption(%d)", i)];
2016-07-06 05:03:46 +00:00
props._options_msg = options_msg;
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var text = UserAction->EvaluateString(props.Text, context);
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// Show message to desired players
for(var plr in UserAction->EvaluateValue("PlayerList", props.TargetPlayers, context))
Dialogue->MessageBox(text, context.triggering_object, speaker, plr, after_message != "next" && !n_options, props._options_msg, context);
2016-07-06 05:03:46 +00:00
any_message = true;
// After-message-option
if (GetType(after_message) == C4V_Int)
// Wait for some time
context.hold = props;
context->ScheduleCall(context, UserAction.ResumeAction, after_message, 1, context, props);
else if (after_message == "next" || n_options)
// Wait for user to press "Next" on dialogue or select an option
// (If there are options, suspend or stop setting does not make sense)
if (any_message) context.hold = props;
else if (after_message == "suspend")
// Wait for re-initiation of action
context.suspended = true;
context.hold = props;
else if (after_message == "stop")
// Reset action
context.suspended = true;
context.hold = nil;
private func EvalAct_SetAttention(proplist props, proplist context)
// User action: Set dialogue attention marker
var target = UserAction->EvaluateValue("Object", props.Target, context);
var status = UserAction->EvaluateValue("Boolean", props.Status, context);
if (!target) return;
if (target->GetID() != Dialogue)
if (!(target = Dialogue->FindByTarget(target)))
private func EvalAct_SetEnabled(proplist props, proplist context)
// User action: Enable/disable dialogue
var target = UserAction->EvaluateValue("Object", props.Target, context);
var status = UserAction->EvaluateValue("Boolean", props.Status, context);
if (!target) return;
if (target->GetID() != Dialogue)
if (!(target = Dialogue->FindByTarget(target)))
2016-07-06 05:03:46 +00:00
public func IsDialogue() { return true; }
public func Definition(def)
// Actions provided by this definition
UserAction->AddEvaluator("Action", "$Dialogue$", "$Message$", "$MessageDesc$", "message", [def, def.EvalAct_Message], def.GetDefaultMessageProp, { Type="proplist", Display="{{Speaker}}: \"{{Text}}\" {{Options}}", EditorProps = {
Speaker = new UserAction.Evaluator.Object { Name = "$Speaker$" },
Text = new UserAction.Evaluator.String { Name="$Text$", EditorHelp="$TextHelp$" },
TargetPlayers = new UserAction.Evaluator.PlayerList { Name = "$TargetPlayers$" },
AfterMessage = { Type="enum", Options = [{ Name="$ContinueAction$" }, { Name="$WaitForNext$", Value="next" }, { Name="$SuspendAction$", Value="suspend" }, { Name="$StopAction$", Value="stop" }, { Name="$WaitTime$", Value=60, Type=C4V_Int, Delegate={ Type="int", Min=1 } }] },
Options = { Name="$Options$", Type="array", Display=3, DefaultValue = { Text = { Function="string_constant", Value="$DefaultOptionText$" }, Goto = { Function="int_constant", Value=0 } }, Elements = { Type="proplist", Display="({{Goto}}) {{Text}}", EditorProps = {
Text = new UserAction.Evaluator.String { Name="$Text$", EditorHelp="$OptionTextHelp$" },
Goto = new UserAction.Evaluator.Integer { Name="$Goto$", EditorHelp="$GotoHelp$" }
2016-07-06 05:03:46 +00:00
} } }
} } );
UserAction->AddEvaluator("Action", "$Dialogue$", "$SetAttention$", "$SetAttentionDesc$", "dialogue_set_attention", [def, def.EvalAct_SetAttention], { Target = { Function="action_object" }, Status = { Function="bool_constant", Value=true } }, { Type="proplist", Display="{{Target}}: {{Status}}", EditorProps = {
Target = UserAction->GetObjectEvaluator("IsDialogue", "$Dialogue$"),
Status = new UserAction.Evaluator.Boolean { Name = "$Status$" }
} } );
UserAction->AddEvaluator("Action", "$Dialogue$", "$SetEnabled$", "$SetEnabledDesc$", "dialogue_set_enabled", [def, def.EvalAct_SetEnabled], { Target = { Function="action_object" }, Status = { Function="bool_constant", Value=true } }, { Type="proplist", Display="{{Target}}: {{Status}}", EditorProps = {
Target = UserAction->GetObjectEvaluator("IsDialogue", "$Dialogue$"),
Status = new UserAction.Evaluator.Boolean { Name = "$Status$" }
} } );
UserAction->AddEvaluator("Object", nil, "$NPC$", "$NPCDesc$", "npc", [def, def.EvalObj_NPC]);
// Clonks can create a dialogue
if (!Clonk.EditorActions) Clonk.EditorActions = {};
2016-10-10 20:43:56 +00:00
Clonk.EditorActions.Dialogue = { Name="$Dialogue$", EditorHelp = "$DialogueHelp$", Command="SetDialogue(\"Editor\", true)", Select=true };
// Dialogue EditorProps
if (!def.EditorProps) def.EditorProps = {};
def.EditorProps.dlg_target = { Name="$Target$", EditorHelp="$TargetDesc$", Type="object", Filter="IsClonk", Set="SetDialogueTarget" };
def.EditorProps.user_dialogue = { Name="$Dialogue$", EditorHelp="$DialogueDesc$", Type="enum", OptionKey="Function", Options = [ { Name="$NoDialogue$" }, new UserAction.EvaluatorDefs.sequence { Group=nil, Value = { Function="sequence", Actions=[] } } ] };
def.EditorProps.user_dialogue_allow_parallel = UserAction.PropParallel;
def.EditorProps.user_dialogue_progress_mode = UserAction.PropProgressMode;
def.EditorProps.dlg_attention = { Name="$Attention$ (!)", EditorHelp="$AttentionDesc$", Type="bool", Set="SetAttention" };
def.EditorProps.dlg_interact = { Name="$Enabled$", EditorHelp="$EnabledDesc$", Type="bool", Set="SetEnabled" };
2016-07-06 05:03:46 +00:00
private func GetDefaultMessageProp(object target_object)
if (target_object && target_object->~IsDialogue())
// Message prop for dialogue: Default is a NPC message with a "wait for next" option
return { Function="message", Speaker = { Function="npc" }, TargetPlayers = { Function="triggering_player_list" }, Text = { Function="string_constant", Value="$DefaultDialogueMessage$" }, AfterMessage="next", Options=[] };
2016-07-06 05:03:46 +00:00
// Message prop for other dialogue: Default is a triggering clonk message with a "wait for next" option
return { Function="message", Speaker = { Function="triggering_clonk" }, TargetPlayers = { Function="triggering_player_list" }, Text = { Function="string_constant", Value="$DefaultMessage$" }, AfterMessage=60, Options=[] };
2016-07-06 05:03:46 +00:00
// Editor object drop happens easily - so move stuff directly to target
public func EditorCollection(obj)
if (dlg_target && obj) obj->Enter(dlg_target);