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2015-08-27 20:27:36 +00:00
Small, lovely creatures.
2017-06-20 16:25:27 +00:00
@author Zapper
2015-08-27 20:27:36 +00:00
#include Library_Animal
2015-08-27 20:27:36 +00:00
local Name = "$Name$";
local Description = "$Description$";
local animal_reproduction_area_size = 800;
local animal_reproduction_rate = 200;
local animal_max_count = 10;
2015-08-27 20:27:36 +00:00
// Remember the attachee to be able to detach again.
local attach_object, attached_mesh;
// Remember the energy sucked to frequently spawn offsprings.
local energy_sucked;
2017-06-20 16:25:27 +00:00
private func Place(int amount, proplist rectangle, proplist settings)
var max_tries = 4 * amount;
var loc_area = nil;
if (rectangle)
loc_area = Loc_InArea(rectangle);
var chippies = [];
var loc_mat = Loc_Material("Acid");
if (settings && settings.mat)
loc_mat = settings.mat;
while ((amount > 0) && (--max_tries > 0))
var spot = FindLocation(loc_mat, Loc_Space(5), loc_area);
if (!spot)
var chippie = CreateObject(this, spot.x, spot.y, NO_OWNER);
if (!chippie)
if (chippie->Stuck())
PushBack(chippies, chippie);
// Return a list of all created chippies.
return chippies;
public func Construction(...)
2015-08-27 20:27:36 +00:00
AddEffect("Activity", this, 1, 10, this);
energy_sucked = 0;
return _inherited(...);
2015-08-27 20:27:36 +00:00
public func Destruction()
if (GetAction() == "Clawing")
return _inherited(...);
2015-08-27 20:27:36 +00:00
public func Death(int killed_by)
2015-08-27 20:27:36 +00:00
var particles =
Prototype = Particles_Material(RGB(50, 200, 50)),
OnCollision = PC_Bounce(),
2015-08-27 20:27:36 +00:00
DampingX = 900, DampingY = 900,
for (var particle_graphics in ["SmokeDirty", "Flash"])
CreateParticle(particle_graphics, PV_Random(-1, 1), PV_Random(-1, 1),
2015-08-27 20:27:36 +00:00
PV_Random(-20, 20), PV_Random(-20, 20),
PV_Random(20, 60), particles, 60);
Sound("Animals::Chippie::Chirp*", false, 50);
2015-08-27 20:27:36 +00:00
public func AttachTargetLost()
private func StartClawing()
AddEffect("Clawing", this, 1, 30, this);
private func StopClawing()
if (attach_object && attached_mesh != nil)
this.Visibility = VIS_All;
RemoveEffect("Clawing", this);
SetVertexXY(0, 0, -1);
private func FxClawingTimer(target, effect, time)
var e = GetActionTarget();
if(!e) return SetAction("Jump");
if((!e->GetAlive()) || GBackSemiSolid())
var damage = GetCon() * 10;
e->DoEnergy(-damage, true, FX_Call_EngGetPunched, GetOwner());
energy_sucked += damage;
if (energy_sucked > 10 * 1000)
energy_sucked -= 10 * 1000;
// Grow and prosper.
if (GetCon() < 150 && !Random(5))
2015-08-27 20:27:36 +00:00
private func StartJump()
RotateGraphics(0, false);
if(!GetEffect("DmgShock", this) && !GetEffect("JumpCheck", this))
AddEffect("JumpCheck", this, 1, 4, this);
private func FxJumpCheckTimer(target, effect, time)
var e = FindObject(Find_AtPoint(), Find_OCF(OCF_Alive), Find_AnimalHostile(GetOwner()));
2015-08-27 20:27:36 +00:00
return -1;
private func ClawTo(object obj)
// Play the sound on the object, because the chippie turns invisible.
obj->Sound("Animals::Chippie::Bite*", false, 50);
2015-08-27 20:27:36 +00:00
energy_sucked += 5 * 1000;
obj->DoEnergy(-5, false, FX_Call_EngGetPunched, GetOwner());
// Woops, I broke it.
if (!obj || !obj->GetAlive()) return;
SetAction("Claw", obj);
SetVertexXY(0, obj->GetX() - GetX(), obj->GetY() - GetY());
// Special handling for the Clonk - attach directly to a random bone.
if (obj->~IsClonk())
var bone_name = ["skeleton_leg_upper.R", "skeleton_leg_upper.L",
"skeleton_arm_upper.R", "skeleton_arm_upper.L",
attach_object = obj;
var scale = GetCon() * 1000 / 100;
attached_mesh = attach_object->AttachMesh(this, bone_name, "back",
Trans_Mul(Trans_Scale(scale, scale, scale), Trans_Rotate(Random(360), 0, 1, 0)));
// Hide the attached object.
this.Visibility = VIS_None;
this.MeshTransformation = Trans_Mul(Trans_Rotate(90, 0, 1, 0), Trans_Rotate(Random(360), 0, 0, 1));
private func EndJump()
RemoveEffect("JumpCheck", this);
private func StartWalk()
RotateGraphics(0, false);
private func StartScale()
RotateGraphics(90, false);
private func RotateGraphics(int r, bool mirror)
var transform = Trans_Rotate(r, 0, 0, 1);
if (mirror) transform = Trans_Mul(transform, Trans_Scale(-1000, 1000, 1000));
this.MeshTransformation = transform;
private func StartHangle()
RotateGraphics(180, true);
private func Jump()
SetSpeed(GetXDir(), -10 - GetXDir());
private func FxActivityTimer(target, effect, time)
if((GetAction() == "Jump") || (GetAction() == "Claw"))
return 1;
if(GetComDir() != COMD_Stop)
if(!Random(5)) Jump();
if(!GetEffect("DmgShock", this) && !GBackSemiSolid())
2015-08-27 20:27:36 +00:00
for(var enemy in FindObjects(Find_Distance(100), Find_OCF(OCF_Alive), Find_AnimalHostile(GetOwner()), Sort_Distance()))
2015-08-27 20:27:36 +00:00
if(!PathFree(GetX(), GetY(), enemy->GetX(), enemy->GetY())) continue;
if(enemy->GetX() < GetX())
else SetComDir(COMD_Right);
if(ObjectDistance(this, enemy) < 20)
var a = Angle(GetX(), GetY(), enemy->GetX(), enemy->GetY());
SetSpeed(Sin(a, 20), -Cos(a, 20) - 2);
return 1;
if(GetEffect("DoDance", this))
if(GetAction() == "Walk")
return 1;
if(!Random(20) && !GetEffect("DanceCooldown", this))
2015-08-27 20:27:36 +00:00
var cnt = 0;
for(var obj in FindObjects(Find_Distance(100), Find_ID(GetID()), Find_Allied(GetOwner()), Sort_Distance()))
if(++cnt > 5) break;
obj->AddEffect("DoDance", obj, 1, 35*5, obj);
obj->AddEffect("DanceCooldown", obj, 1, 35*10, obj);
else SetComDir(COMD_Left);
} else SetComDir(COMD_Stop);
return 1;
private func FxActivityDamage(target, effect, dmg)
if(dmg > 0) return dmg;
AddEffect("DmgShock", this, 1, 35*5, this);
return dmg;
private func SpecialReproduction()
// Always return true even if laying egg failed. Otherwise mammalian reproduction is performed.
return true;
2015-08-27 20:27:36 +00:00
private func LayEgg()
if(GetEffect("DmgShock", this)) return;
if(GetEffect("EggCooldown", this)) return;
2015-08-27 20:27:36 +00:00
var o = CreateObject(Chippie_Egg, 0, 0, GetOwner());
o->SetSpeed(-GetXDir(), -GetYDir());
AddEffect("EggCooldown", this, 1, 35*30, this);
return o;
2015-08-27 20:27:36 +00:00
// Chippies grow (solely) via sucking blood (their size influences the damage they do).
public func GrowthSpeed() { return 0; }
2015-08-27 20:27:36 +00:00
local MaxEnergy = 10000;
local MaxBreath = 10000;
2017-11-11 08:49:52 +00:00
local NoBurnDecay = true;
local ContactIncinerate = 15;
local CorrosionResist = true;
local BorderBound = C4D_Border_Sides;
local ContactCalls = true;
2015-08-27 20:27:36 +00:00
2016-10-01 11:26:41 +00:00
public func Definition(proplist def)
def.PictureTransformation = Trans_Mul(Trans_Translate(1000, -700, 0), Trans_Scale(1400), Trans_Rotate(-10, 1, 0, 0), Trans_Rotate(50, 0, 1, 0));
return _inherited(def, ...);
2015-08-27 20:27:36 +00:00
local ActMap = {
Walk = {
Prototype = Action,
Name = "Walk",
Procedure = DFA_WALK,
Accel = 16,
Decel = 22,
Speed = 100,
Directions = 2,
FlipDir = 1,
Length = 20,
Delay = 1,
Animation = "Move",
StartCall = "StartWalk"
Swim = {
Prototype = Action,
Name = "Swim",
Procedure = DFA_SWIM,
Accel = 16,
Decel = 22,
Speed = 100,
Directions = 2,
FlipDir = 1,
Length = 20,
Delay = 1,
Animation = "Move",
StartCall = "StartWalk"
Scale = {
Prototype = Action,
Name = "Scale",
Procedure = DFA_SCALE,
Accel = 16,
Decel = 22,
Speed = 50,
Directions = 2,
FlipDir = 1,
Length = 20,
Delay = 2,
Animation = "Move",
StartCall = "StartScale"
Hangle = {
Prototype = Action,
Name = "Hangle",
Procedure = DFA_HANGLE,
Accel = 16,
Decel = 22,
Speed = 50,
Directions = 2,
FlipDir = 1,
Length = 20,
Delay = 2,
Animation = "Move",
StartCall = "StartHangle"
Kneel = {
Prototype = Action,
Name = "Kneel",
Procedure = DFA_KNEEL,
Directions = 2,
FlipDir = 1,
Length = 20,
Delay = 2,
Animation = "Move",
NextAction = "Walk",
Jump = {
Prototype = Action,
Name = "Jump",
Procedure = DFA_FLIGHT,
Speed = 200,
Accel = 14,
Directions = 2,
FlipDir = 1,
Length = 20,
Delay = 2,
Animation = "Move",
StartCall = "StartJump",
EndCall = "EndJump",
AbortCall = "EndJump"
Dead = {
Prototype = Action,
Name = "Dead",
Directions = 2,
FlipDir = 1,
Length = 10,
Delay = 3,
Animation = "Move",
NextAction = "Hold",
NoOtherAction = 1,
ObjectDisabled = 1,
Claw = {
Prototype = Action,
Name = "Claw",
Procedure = DFA_ATTACH,
Directions = 2,
FlipDir = 1,
Length = 1,
Delay = 0,
Animation = "Move",
NextAction = "Hold",
StartCall = "StartClawing",
EndCall = "StopClawing",
AbortCall = "StopClawing",