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Raw Normal View History

* OpenClonk,
* Copyright (c) 2014-2015, The OpenClonk Team and contributors
* Distributed under the terms of the ISC license; see accompanying file
* "COPYING" for details.
* "Clonk" is a registered trademark of Matthes Bender, used with permission.
* See accompanying file "TRADEMARK" for details.
* To redistribute this file separately, substitute the full license texts
* for the above references.
// Shader implementation somewhere in the middle between easy and extensible.
#ifndef INC_C4Shader
#define INC_C4Shader
#include "StdBuf.h"
#include "C4Surface.h"
// Shader version
const int C4Shader_Version = 120; // GLSL 1.20 / OpenGL 2.1
// Maximum number of texture coordinates
const int C4Shader_MaxTexCoords = 8;
// Maximum number of texture units per shader call
const int C4ShaderCall_MaxUnits = 32;
// Positions in fragment shader
const int C4Shader_PositionInit = 0;
const int C4Shader_PositionCoordinate = 20;
const int C4Shader_PositionTexture = 40;
const int C4Shader_PositionMaterial = 60;
const int C4Shader_PositionNormal = 80;
const int C4Shader_PositionLight = 100;
const int C4Shader_PositionColor = 120;
const int C4Shader_PositionFinish = 140;
const int C4Shader_LastPosition = 256;
// Positions in vertex shader
const int C4Shader_Vertex_TexCoordPos = 50;
const int C4Shader_Vertex_NormalPos = 60;
const int C4Shader_Vertex_PositionPos = 80;
class C4Shader
friend class C4ShaderCall;
// Program texts
struct ShaderSlice {
int Position;
StdCopyStrBuf Text;
StdCopyStrBuf Source;
int SourceTime;
typedef std::list<ShaderSlice> ShaderSliceList;
ShaderSliceList VertexSlices, FragmentSlices;
// Used texture coordinates
int iTexCoords;
// shaders
GLhandleARB hVert, hFrag, hProg;
// shader variables
int iUniformCount;
GLint *pUniforms;
enum VertexAttribIndex
// These correspond to the locations nVidia uses for the
// respective gl_* attributes, so make sure whatever you
// use for custom ones doesn't conflict with these UNLESS
// you're not using the pre-defined ones in your shader
VAI_Vertex = 0,
VAI_Normal = 2,
VAI_Color = 3,
VAI_TexCoord0 = 8, // and upwards through TexCoord7 = 15
// Make sure you move these if we implement multitexturing
VAI_BoneWeightsMax = VAI_BoneWeights + 1,
VAI_BoneIndicesMax = VAI_BoneIndices + VAI_BoneWeightsMax - VAI_BoneWeights
bool Initialised() const { return hVert != 0; }
// Uniform getters
GLint GetUniform(int iUniform) const {
return iUniform >= 0 && iUniform < iUniformCount ? pUniforms[iUniform] : -1;
bool HaveUniform(int iUniform) const {
return GetUniform(iUniform) != GLint(-1);
// Shader is composed from various slices
void AddVertexSlice(int iPos, const char *szText);
void AddFragmentSlice(int iPos, const char *szText, const char *szSource = "", int iFileTime = 0);
void AddVertexSlices(const char *szWhat, const char *szText, const char *szSource = "", int iFileTime = 0);
void AddFragmentSlices(const char *szWhat, const char *szText, const char *szSource = "", int iFileTime = 0);
bool LoadSlices(C4GroupSet *pGroupSet, const char *szFile);
// Add default vertex code (2D - no transformation)
void AddVertexDefaults();
// Allocate a texture coordinate, returning its ID to be used with glMultiTexCoord.
// The texture coordinate will be visible to both shaders under the given name.
// Note that in contrast to uniforms, these will not disappear if not used!
GLenum AddTexCoord(const char *szName);
// Assemble and link the shader. Should be called again after new slices are added.
bool Init(const char *szWhat, const char **szUniforms);
bool Refresh(const char *szWhat, const char **szUniforms);
void ClearSlices();
void Clear();
void AddSlice(ShaderSliceList& slices, int iPos, const char *szText, const char *szSource, int iFileTime);
void AddSlices(ShaderSliceList& slices, const char *szWhat, const char *szText, const char *szSource, int iFileTime);
int ParsePosition(const char *szWhat, const char **ppPos);
StdStrBuf Build(const ShaderSliceList &Slices, bool fDebug = false);
GLhandleARB Create(GLenum iShaderType, const char *szWhat, const char *szShader);
void DumpInfoLog(const char *szWhat, GLhandleARB hShader);
int GetObjectStatus(GLhandleARB hObj, GLenum type);
static bool IsLogging();
class C4ShaderCall
C4ShaderCall(const C4Shader *pShader)
: fStarted(false), pShader(pShader), iUnits(0)
{ }
~C4ShaderCall() { Finish(); }
bool fStarted;
const C4Shader *pShader;
int iUnits;
GLenum hUnit[C4ShaderCall_MaxUnits];
GLint AllocTexUnit(int iUniform, GLenum iType);
// Setting uniforms... Lots of code duplication here, not quite sure whether
// something could be done about it.
void SetUniform1i(int iUniform, int iX) const {
if (pShader->HaveUniform(iUniform))
glUniform1iARB(pShader->GetUniform(iUniform), iX);
void SetUniform1f(int iUniform, float gX) const {
if (pShader->HaveUniform(iUniform))
glUniform1fARB(pShader->GetUniform(iUniform), gX);
void SetUniform2f(int iUniform, float gX, float gY) const {
if (pShader->HaveUniform(iUniform))
glUniform2fARB(pShader->GetUniform(iUniform), gX, gY);
void SetUniform1iv(int iUniform, int iLength, const int *pVals) const {
if (pShader->HaveUniform(iUniform))
glUniform1ivARB(pShader->GetUniform(iUniform), iLength, pVals);
void SetUniform1fv(int iUniform, int iLength, const float *pVals) const {
if (pShader->HaveUniform(iUniform))
glUniform1fvARB(pShader->GetUniform(iUniform), iLength, pVals);
void SetUniform2fv(int iUniform, int iLength, const float *pVals) const {
if (pShader->HaveUniform(iUniform))
glUniform2fvARB(pShader->GetUniform(iUniform), iLength, pVals);
void SetUniform3fv(int iUniform, int iLength, const float *pVals) const {
if (pShader->HaveUniform(iUniform))
glUniform3fvARB(pShader->GetUniform(iUniform), iLength, pVals);
void SetUniform4fv(int iUniform, int iLength, const float *pVals) const {
if (pShader->HaveUniform(iUniform))
glUniform4fvARB(pShader->GetUniform(iUniform), iLength, pVals);
// Matrices are in row-major order
void SetUniformMatrix2x3fv(int iUniform, int iLength, const float* pVals) const {
if (pShader->HaveUniform(iUniform))
glUniformMatrix3x2fv(pShader->GetUniform(iUniform), iLength, GL_TRUE, pVals);
void SetUniformMatrix3x4fv(int iUniform, int iLength, const float *pVals) const {
if (pShader->HaveUniform(iUniform))
glUniformMatrix4x3fv(pShader->GetUniform(iUniform), iLength, GL_TRUE, pVals);
void SetUniformMatrix4x4fv(int iUniform, int iLength, const float* pVals) const {
if (pShader->HaveUniform(iUniform))
glUniformMatrix4fvARB(pShader->GetUniform(iUniform), iLength, GL_TRUE, pVals);
void Start();
void Finish();
#endif // INC_C4Shader