
533 lines
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Raw Normal View History

* OpenClonk,
2016-04-03 18:18:29 +00:00
* Copyright (c) 2013-2016, The OpenClonk Team and contributors
* Distributed under the terms of the ISC license; see accompanying file
* "COPYING" for details.
* "Clonk" is a registered trademark of Matthes Bender, used with permission.
* See accompanying file "TRADEMARK" for details.
* To redistribute this file separately, substitute the full license texts
* for the above references.
#include "C4ForbidLibraryCompilation.h"
#include "graphics/C4FacetEx.h"
2016-04-21 18:39:40 +00:00
#include "lib/C4Random.h"
#include "platform/StdScheduler.h"
#include <pcg/pcg_random.hpp>
#include <GL/glew.h>
#include "graphics/C4Shader.h"
#ifndef INC_C4Particles
#define INC_C4Particles
enum C4ParticleValueProviderID
2016-02-27 10:33:19 +00:00
enum C4ParticleAttachmentPropertyID
C4ATTACH_None = 0,
C4ATTACH_Front = 1,
C4ATTACH_Back = 2,
C4ATTACH_MoveRelative = 4
enum C4ParticleCollisionFuncID
class C4ParticleDefCore;
class C4ParticleDef;
class C4ParticleList;
class C4ParticleChunk;
class C4Particle;
class C4ParticleProperties;
class C4ParticleValueProvider;
// core for particle defs
class C4ParticleDefCore
StdStrBuf Name; // name
C4Rect GfxFace; // rect for graphics
C4ParticleDefCore(); // ctor
void CompileFunc(StdCompiler * compiler);
bool Compile(char *particle_source, const char *name); // compile from def file
// one particle definition
class C4ParticleDef : public C4ParticleDefCore
C4ParticleDef *previous, *next; // linked list members
StdStrBuf Filename; // path to group this particle was loaded from (for EM reloading)
C4FacetSurface Gfx; // graphics
int32_t Length; // number of phases in gfx
int32_t PhasesX; // number of phases per line in gfx
float Aspect; // height:width
C4ParticleDef(); // ctor
~C4ParticleDef(); // dtor
void Clear(); // free mem associated with this class
bool Load(C4Group &group); // load particle from group; assume file to be accessed already
bool Reload(); // reload particle from stored position
typedef float (C4ParticleValueProvider::*C4ParticleValueProviderFunction) (C4Particle*);
typedef bool (C4ParticleProperties::*C4ParticleCollisionCallback) (C4Particle*);
// the value providers are used to change the attributes of a particle over the lifetime
class C4ParticleValueProvider
float startValue, endValue;
// used by Random
float currentValue;
int rerollInterval; // for Random
float delay; // for Step
float speedFactor; // for Speed & Wind & Gravity
float parameterValue; // for Sin
int alreadyRolled; // for Random
int smoothing; // for KeyFrames
float maxValue; // for Step & Sin
2016-04-21 18:39:40 +00:00
pcg32 rng; // for Random
size_t keyFrameCount;
std::vector<float> keyFrames;
C4ParticleValueProviderFunction valueFunction;
bool isConstant;
std::vector<C4ParticleValueProvider*> childrenValueProviders;
float C4ParticleValueProvider::*floatValueToChange;
int C4ParticleValueProvider::*intValueToChange;
size_t keyFrameIndex;
int typeOfValueToChange;
bool IsConstant() const { return isConstant; }
bool IsRandom() const { return valueFunction == &C4ParticleValueProvider::Random; }
C4ParticleValueProvider() :
startValue(0.f), endValue(0.f), currentValue(0.f), rerollInterval(0), smoothing(0), keyFrameCount(0), valueFunction(0), isConstant(true), floatValueToChange(0), typeOfValueToChange(VAL_TYPE_FLOAT)
{ }
for (std::vector<C4ParticleValueProvider*>::iterator iter = childrenValueProviders.begin(); iter != childrenValueProviders.end(); ++iter)
delete *iter;
C4ParticleValueProvider(const C4ParticleValueProvider &other) { *this = other; }
C4ParticleValueProvider & operator= (const C4ParticleValueProvider &other);
// divides by denominator
void Floatify(float denominator);
void Set(const C4Value &value);
void Set(const C4ValueArray &fromArray);
void Set(float to); // constant
float GetValue(C4Particle *forParticle);
void UpdatePointerValue(C4Particle *particle, C4ParticleValueProvider *parent);
void UpdateChildren(C4Particle *particle);
void FloatifyParameterValue(float C4ParticleValueProvider::*value, float denominator, size_t keyFrameIndex = 0);
void SetParameterValue(int type, const C4Value &value, float C4ParticleValueProvider::*floatVal, int C4ParticleValueProvider::*intVal = 0, size_t keyFrameIndex = 0);
void SetType(C4ParticleValueProviderID what = C4PV_Const);
float Linear(C4Particle *forParticle);
float Const(C4Particle *forParticle);
float Random(C4Particle *forParticle);
float KeyFrames(C4Particle *forParticle);
float Sin(C4Particle *forParticle);
2016-02-27 10:33:19 +00:00
float Cos(C4Particle *forParticle);
float Direction(C4Particle *forParticle);
float Step(C4Particle *forParticle);
float Speed(C4Particle *forParticle);
float Wind(C4Particle *forParticle);
float Gravity(C4Particle *forParticle);
// the properties are part of every particle and contain certain changeable attributes
class C4ParticleProperties
bool hasConstantColor;
bool hasCollisionVertex;
C4ParticleValueProvider size, stretch;
C4ParticleValueProvider forceX, forceY;
C4ParticleValueProvider speedDampingX, speedDampingY;
C4ParticleValueProvider colorR, colorG, colorB, colorAlpha;
C4ParticleValueProvider rotation;
C4ParticleValueProvider phase;
C4ParticleValueProvider collisionVertex, collisionDensity;
float bouncyness;
C4ParticleCollisionCallback collisionCallback;
void SetCollisionFunc(const C4Value &source);
uint32_t blitMode;
uint32_t attachment;
void Set(C4PropList *dataSource);
// divides ints in certain properties by 1000f and in the color properties by 255f
void Floatify();
bool CollisionDie(C4Particle *forParticle) { return false; }
bool CollisionBounce(C4Particle *forParticle);
bool CollisionStop(C4Particle *forParticle);
// one single particle
class C4Particle
struct DrawingData
static const int vertexCountPerParticle;
struct Vertex
float x;
float y;
float u;
float v;
float r;
float g;
float b;
float alpha;
Vertex *vertices;
int phase;
float currentStretch;
float originalSize;
float sizeX, sizeY;
float aspect;
float offsetX, offsetY;
void SetOffset(float x, float y)
offsetX = x;
offsetY = y;
void SetPointer(Vertex *startingVertex, bool initial = false)
vertices = startingVertex;
if (initial)
vertices[0].u = 0.f; vertices[0].v = 1.f;
vertices[1].u = 0.f; vertices[1].v = 0.f;
vertices[2].u = 1.f; vertices[2].v = 1.f;
vertices[3].u = 1.f; vertices[3].v = 0.f;
SetColor(1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f);
phase = -1;
void SetColor(float r, float g, float b, float a = 1.0f)
for (int vertex = 0; vertex < 4; ++vertex)
vertices[vertex].r = r;
vertices[vertex].g = g;
vertices[vertex].b = b;
vertices[vertex].alpha = a;
void SetPosition(float x, float y, float size, float rotation = 0.f, float stretch = 1.f);
void SetPhase(int phase, C4ParticleDef *sourceDef);
DrawingData() : currentStretch(1.f), originalSize(0.0001f), aspect(1.f), offsetX(0.f), offsetY(0.f)
} drawingData;
float currentSpeedX, currentSpeedY;
float positionX, positionY;
float lifetime, startingLifetime;
C4ParticleProperties properties;
float GetAge() const { return startingLifetime - lifetime; }
float GetLifetime() const { return lifetime; }
float GetRelativeAge() const { return (startingLifetime != 0.f) ? (1.0f - (lifetime / startingLifetime)) : 0.f; }
void Init();
C4Particle() { Init(); }
void SetPosition(float x, float y)
positionX = x;
positionY = y;
drawingData.SetPosition(positionX, positionY, properties.size.GetValue(this), properties.rotation.GetValue(this));
bool Exec(C4Object *obj, float timeDelta, C4ParticleDef *sourceDef);
friend class C4ParticleProperties;
friend class C4ParticleValueProvider;
friend class C4ParticleChunk;
friend class C4ParticleSystem;
// a chunk contains all of the single particles that can be drawn with one draw call (~"have certain similar attributes")
class C4ParticleChunk
C4ParticleDef *sourceDefinition;
uint32_t blitMode;
// whether the particles are translated according to the object's position
uint32_t attachment;
std::vector<C4Particle*> particles;
std::vector<C4Particle::DrawingData::Vertex> vertexCoordinates;
size_t particleCount;
// OpenGL optimizations
GLuint drawingDataVertexBufferObject;
unsigned int drawingDataVertexArraysObject;
void ClearBufferObjects();
// delete the particle at indexTo. If possible, replace it with the particle at indexFrom to keep the particles tighly packed
void DeleteAndReplaceParticle(size_t indexToReplace, size_t indexFrom);
C4ParticleChunk() : sourceDefinition(0), blitMode(0), attachment(C4ATTACH_None), particleCount(0), drawingDataVertexBufferObject(0), drawingDataVertexArraysObject(0)
// this is noncopyable to make sure that the OpenGL buffers are never freed multiple times
C4ParticleChunk(const C4ParticleChunk&) = delete;
C4ParticleChunk& operator=(const C4ParticleChunk&) = delete;
// removes all particles
void Clear();
bool Exec(C4Object *obj, float timeDelta);
void Draw(C4TargetFacet cgo, C4Object *obj, C4ShaderCall& call, int texUnit, const StdProjectionMatrix& modelview);
bool IsOfType(C4ParticleDef *def, uint32_t _blitMode, uint32_t attachment) const;
bool IsEmpty() const { return !particleCount; }
// before adding a particle, you should ReserveSpace for it
C4Particle *AddNewParticle();
// sets up internal data structures to be large enough for the passed amount of ADDITIONAL particles
void ReserveSpace(uint32_t forAmount);
friend class C4ParticleList;
// this class must not be copied, because deleting the contained CStdCSec twice would be fatal
// a particle list belongs to a game-world entity (objects or global particles) and contains the chunks associated with that entity
class C4ParticleList
std::list<C4ParticleChunk*> particleChunks;
C4Object *targetObject;
// caching..
C4ParticleChunk *lastAccessedChunk;
// for making sure that the list is not drawn and calculated at the same time
CStdCSec accessMutex;
C4ParticleList(C4Object *obj = 0) : targetObject(obj), lastAccessedChunk(0)
// non-copyable
C4ParticleList(const C4ParticleList&) = delete;
C4ParticleList& operator=(const C4ParticleList&) = delete;
~C4ParticleList() { Clear(); }
// this enables third-parties to lock the particle list (for example because a particle in the list is modified from outside)
void Lock() { accessMutex.Enter(); }
void Unlock() { accessMutex.Leave(); }
// deletes all the particles
void Clear();
void Exec(float timeDelta = 1.f);
void Draw(C4TargetFacet cgo, C4Object *obj);
C4ParticleChunk *GetFittingParticleChunk(C4ParticleDef *def, uint32_t blitMode, uint32_t attachment, bool alreadyLocked);
C4Particle *AddNewParticle(C4ParticleDef *def, uint32_t blitMode, uint32_t attachment, bool alreadyLocked, int remaining = 0);
// cares for the management of particle definitions
class C4ParticleSystemDefinitionList
// pointers to the last and first element of linked list of particle definitions
C4ParticleDef *first, *last;
C4ParticleSystemDefinitionList() : first(0), last(0) {}
void Clear();
C4ParticleDef *GetDef(const char *name, C4ParticleDef *exclude=0);
friend class C4ParticleDef;
// the global particle system interface class
class C4ParticleSystem
class CalculationThread : public StdThread
virtual void Execute();
CalculationThread() { StdThread::Start(); }
friend class CalculationThread;
// contains an array with indices for vertices, separated by a primitive restart index
GLuint ibo;
size_t ibo_size;
std::list<C4ParticleList> particleLists;
void PreparePrimitiveRestartIndices(uint32_t forSize);
CStdCSec particleListAccessMutex;
CStdEvent frameCounterAdvancedEvent;
CalculationThread calculationThread;
int currentSimulationTime; // in game time
// calculates the physics in all of the existing particle lists
void ExecuteCalculation();
C4ParticleList *globalParticles;
// called to allow the particle system the simulation of another step
void CalculateNextStep()
// resets the internal state of the particle system and unloads all definitions
void Clear();
void DrawGlobalParticles(C4TargetFacet cgo)
if (globalParticles) globalParticles->Draw(cgo, 0);
C4ParticleList *GetGlobalParticles()
return globalParticles;
return 0;
C4ParticleList *GetNewParticleList(C4Object *forTarget = 0);
// releases up to 2 lists
void ReleaseParticleList(C4ParticleList *first, C4ParticleList *second = 0);
// interface for particle definitions
C4ParticleSystemDefinitionList definitions;
// Returns the IBO ID that contains the PRI data.
// This makes sure that the IBO contains enough indices for at least 'forParticleAmount' particles.
GLuint GetIBO(size_t forParticleAmount);
// creates a new particle
void Create(C4ParticleDef *of_def, C4ParticleValueProvider &x, C4ParticleValueProvider &y, C4ParticleValueProvider &speedX, C4ParticleValueProvider &speedY, C4ParticleValueProvider &lifetime, C4PropList *properties, int amount = 1, C4Object *object=NULL);
2014-03-31 14:30:40 +00:00
// removes all of the existing particles (used f.e. for scenario section loading)
void ClearAllParticles();
friend class C4ParticleList;
extern C4ParticleSystem Particles;