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Melts iron ore to metal, using some sort of fuel.
@authors Ringwaul, Maikel
#include Library_Structure
#include Library_Ownable
#include Library_Producer
#include Library_LampPost
#include Library_LiquidContainer
#include Library_PipeControl
2011-01-29 07:41:11 +00:00
// Foundry does not need power.
public func PowerNeed() { return 0; }
public func IsPowerConsumer() { return false; }
2012-02-18 23:48:48 +00:00
public func LampPosition(id def) { return [-11 * GetCalcDir(), 2]; }
public func Construction(object creator)
2011-01-29 07:41:11 +00:00
AddTimer("CollectionZone", 1);
return _inherited(creator, ...);
2011-01-29 07:41:11 +00:00
public func IsHammerBuildable() { return true; }
public func Initialize()
// Update vertices to fit shape of flipped building after construction is finished.
// Vertices are being reset when the construction is finished (i.e. on shape updates).
if (GetDir() == DIR_Right)
return _inherited(...);
public func SetDir(int dir)
// Update vertices to fit shape of flipped building when dir is changed.
if (GetDir() != dir)
return _inherited(dir, ...);
/*-- Production --*/
private func IgnoreKnowledge() { return true; }
private func IsProduct(id product_id)
return product_id->~IsFoundryProduct();
private func ProductionTime(id product) { return _inherited(product, ...) ?? 290; }
2011-01-29 07:41:11 +00:00
public func OnProductionStart(id product)
2011-01-29 07:41:11 +00:00
AddEffect("Smelting", this, 100, 1, this);
2011-01-29 07:41:11 +00:00
public func OnProductionHold(id product)
public func OnProductionFinish(id product)
RemoveEffect("Smelting", this);
// Timer, check for objects to collect in the designated collection zone
public func CollectionZone()
if (GetCon() < 100)
for (var obj in FindObjects(Find_InRect(16 - 45 * GetDir(), 3, 13, 13), Find_OCF(OCF_Collectible), Find_NoContainer(), Find_Layer(GetObjectLayer())))
2015-09-12 20:35:33 +00:00
Collect(obj, true);
public func Collection()
2011-01-29 07:41:11 +00:00
return _inherited(...);
2011-01-29 07:41:11 +00:00
public func FxSmeltingTimer(object target, proplist effect, int time)
2011-01-29 07:41:11 +00:00
// Fire in the furnace.
CreateParticle("Fire", -10 * GetCalcDir() + RandomX(-1, 1), 20 + RandomX(-1, 1), PV_Random(-1, 1), PV_Random(-1, 1), PV_Random(3, 10), Particles_Fire(), 2);
2011-01-29 07:41:11 +00:00
// Smoke from the pipes.
Smoke( -10*GetCalcDir(), -26, 6);
Smoke(-16*GetCalcDir(), -22, 3);
2011-01-29 07:41:11 +00:00
// Furnace sound after some time.
2012-05-11 17:14:43 +00:00
if (time == 30)
Sound("Structures::Furnace::Loop", false, 100, nil, +1);
// Pour after some time.
if (time == 244)
SetMeshMaterial("MetalFlow", 1);
2011-01-29 07:41:11 +00:00
// Molten metal hits cast... Sizzling sound.
if (time == 256)
2011-01-29 07:41:11 +00:00
// Fire from the pouring exit.
if (Inside(time, 244, 290))
CreateParticle("SphereSpark", 16 * GetCalcDir(), 20, PV_Random(2 * GetCalcDir(), 0), PV_Random(-2, 3), PV_Random(18, 36), Particles_Material(RGB(255, 200, 0)), 2);
2011-01-29 07:41:11 +00:00
if (time == 290)
2011-01-29 07:41:11 +00:00
SetMeshMaterial("Metal", 1);
Sound("Structures::Furnace::Loop", false, 100, nil, -1);
return FX_Execute_Kill;
2011-01-29 07:41:11 +00:00
return FX_OK;
2011-01-29 07:41:11 +00:00
public func OnProductEjection(object product)
2011-01-29 07:41:11 +00:00
// Enter produced liquids.
if (product->~IsLiquid())
// Other products exit the foundry.
product->SetPosition(GetX() + 18 * GetCalcDir(), GetY() + 16);
product->SetSpeed(0, -17);
product->SetR(30 - Random(59));
2011-01-29 07:41:11 +00:00
/*-- Pipeline --*/
public func IsLiquidContainerForMaterial(string liquid)
return WildcardMatch("Oil", liquid) || WildcardMatch("Water", liquid) || WildcardMatch("Concrete", liquid);
public func GetLiquidContainerMaxFillLevel(liquid_name)
if (GetLiquidDef(liquid_name) == Water)
return 600;
return 300;
// The foundry may have one drain and one source.
public func QueryConnectPipe(object pipe, bool do_msg)
if (GetDrainPipe() && GetSourcePipe())
if (do_msg) pipe->Report("$MsgHasPipes$");
return true;
else if (GetSourcePipe() && pipe->IsSourcePipe())
if (do_msg) pipe->Report("$MsgSourcePipeProhibited$");
return true;
else if (GetDrainPipe() && pipe->IsDrainPipe())
if (do_msg) pipe->Report("$MsgDrainPipeProhibited$");
return true;
else if (pipe->IsAirPipe())
if (do_msg) pipe->Report("$MsgPipeProhibited$");
return true;
return false;
// Set to source or drain pipe.
public func OnPipeConnect(object pipe, string specific_pipe_state)
if (PIPE_STATE_Source == specific_pipe_state)
else if (PIPE_STATE_Drain == specific_pipe_state)
if (!GetDrainPipe())
OnPipeConnect(pipe, PIPE_STATE_Drain);
else if (!GetSourcePipe())
OnPipeConnect(pipe, PIPE_STATE_Source);
/*-- Properties --*/
public func Definition(proplist def)
def.PictureTransformation = Trans_Mul(Trans_Translate(2000, 0, 7000), Trans_Rotate(-20, 1, 0, 0), Trans_Rotate(30, 0, 1, 0));
return _inherited(def, ...);
2011-01-29 07:41:11 +00:00
local ActMap = {
Default = {
Prototype = Action,
Name = "Default",
Procedure = DFA_NONE,
Directions = 2,
FlipDir = 1,
Length = 1,
Delay = 0,
FacetBase = 1,
NextAction = "Default",
2011-01-29 07:41:11 +00:00
local Name = "$Name$";
2012-04-15 11:13:14 +00:00
local Description = "$Description$";
local ContainBlast = true;
local BlastIncinerate = 100;
local HitPoints = 100;
local FireproofContainer = true;
local Components = {Rock = 4, Wood = 2};