
44 lines
1.4 KiB

/*--- Sand ---*/
// The bucket uses stacked earth-objects.
#include Library_Stackable
func Hit()
CastPXS("SandDry", GetMaterialAmount() * GetStackCount(), 18);
func Entrance(object into)
// The stackable library has cared stacking into existing stacks.
// Look for new ones..
// If we reach this point, no existing sand-bucket is carried by the Clonk.
var empty_bucket = FindObject(Find_Container(into), Find_Func("IsBucket"), Find_Func("IsBucketEmpty"));
if (empty_bucket) Enter(empty_bucket);
return _inherited(into, ...);
func RejectEntrance(object into)
// The stackable library will care about stacking into existing slots.
var handled = _inherited(into, ...);
if (handled) return true;
// Otherwise the container has to care about this.
return false;
// Only X earth objects fit in one bucket.
public func MaxStackCount() { return 5; }
public func InitialStackCount() { return 1;}
// Can only be collected with a bucket! The Clonk will put this into a bucket or directly remove it when digging.
public func IsBucketMaterial() { return true; }
// When using the bucket, you will create this material.
public func GetMaterialName() { return "Sand"; }
public func GetMaterialAmount() { return GetMaterialVal("Dig2ObjectRatio", "Material", Material(GetMaterialName()));}
local Collectible = 1;
local Name = "$Name$";
local Description = "$Description$";
local Plane = 450;