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* OpenClonk,
* Copyright (c) 2010-2013, The OpenClonk Team and contributors
* Distributed under the terms of the ISC license; see accompanying file
* "COPYING" for details.
* "Clonk" is a registered trademark of Matthes Bender, used with permission.
* See accompanying file "TRADEMARK" for details.
* To redistribute this file separately, substitute the full license texts
* for the above references.
#ifndef INC_StdMeshLoaderDataStream
#define INC_StdMeshLoaderDataStream
#include "StdMeshLoader.h"
namespace Ogre
class DataStream
const char *begin, *cursor, *end;
DataStream(const char *src, size_t length)
begin = cursor = src;
end = cursor + length;
// non-copyable
DataStream(const DataStream&) = delete;
DataStream& operator=(const DataStream&) = delete;
bool AtEof() const { return cursor == end; }
size_t GetRemainingBytes() const { return end - cursor; }
void Rewind() { cursor = begin; }
void Seek(ptrdiff_t offset)
if (offset > 0 && GetRemainingBytes() < static_cast<size_t>(offset))
throw InsufficientData();
if (cursor - begin < -offset)
throw InsufficientData();
cursor += offset;
// Only read directly into T when T is trivially copyable (i.e., allows bit-wise copy)
template<class T>
typename std::enable_if<std::is_pod<T>::value && !std::is_pointer<T>::value, T>::type
Peek() const
if (GetRemainingBytes() < sizeof(T))
throw InsufficientData();
T temp;
std::memcpy(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&temp), cursor, sizeof(T));
return temp;
// declaration for non-trivially copyable types
template<class T> typename std::enable_if<!std::is_pod<T>::value, T>::type
Peek() const;
template<class T> T Read()
T temp = Peek<T>();
return temp;
void Peek(void *dest, size_t size) const
if (GetRemainingBytes() < size)
throw InsufficientData();
std::memcpy(dest, cursor, size);
void Read(void *dest, size_t size)
Peek(dest, size);
cursor += size;
template<> inline bool DataStream::Peek<bool>() const
if (GetRemainingBytes() < 1)
throw InsufficientData();
return *cursor != '\0';
template<> inline std::string DataStream::Peek<std::string>() const
// Ogre terminates strings with \n
const char *terminator = static_cast<const char*>(std::memchr(cursor, '\n', GetRemainingBytes()));
if (!terminator)
throw InsufficientData("Unterminated string");
return std::string(cursor, terminator);
template<> inline std::string DataStream::Read<std::string>()
std::string temp = Peek<std::string>();
Seek(temp.size() + 1);
return temp;