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<h id="C4ScriptDokumentation">Script</h>
<h id="Scripte">Introduction</h>
<text>Clonk supports its own scripting language: C4Script.</text>
<text>Object definitions and scenarios can contain a script. Function calls made from scenario scripts are considered "global" calls. Function calls made within an object script are considered "local" calls.</text>
<text>For further information on the two types of script see <emlink href="definition/script.html">object scripts</emlink> and <emlink href="scenario/script.html">scenario scripts</emlink>.</text>
<text>C4Script uses a C-style syntax. It includes <emlink href="script/operatoren.html">operators</emlink>, <emlink href="script/NamedVar.html">variable declarations</emlink>, compound statements, conditional statements (<funclink>if</funclink>) and loops (<funclink>for</funclink> and <funclink>while</funclink>).</text>
<h id="Debugging">Debugging</h>
<text>Activate the debug mode in the developer section of the game options to have additional error messages displayed. Anyone writing scripts should do this.</text>
<h id="Funktionen">Functions</h>
<text>As in other programming languages you can define <emlink href="script/Funcs.html">functions</emlink> in C4Script:</text>
<code>func CreateRock()
[Erzeugt einen Stein|Image=Rock]
<funclink>return</funclink> 1;
<text>Directly following the function name you can include a short descriptive text, an icon reference (object ID of the object whose image is to be used), and a conditional statement for when to display the function in the context menu, all within a set of [ ] brackets, separated by a | symbol.</text>
<h id="VariablenParameter">Variables/Parameters</h>
<text>Variables can hold values of type <code>int</code>, <code>bool</code>, <code>string</code>, <code>proplist</code>, <code>array</code> or <code>object</code>. Any parameter not directly specified in a function call will hold the default value <code>nil</code>. Functions can have a maximum of ten parameters.</text>
<h id="Kommentare">Comments</h>
<text>Scripts may contain code comments in C-style. Comment text will be completely ignored when the script is compiled for execution.</text>
<code>func MeineFunktion() // Ein Kommentar bis zum Ende der Zeile
<funclink>Message</funclink>(&quot;Dieser Code wird ausgeführt&quot;); /* Ein Kommentar in einem Block */ <funclink>Message</funclink>(&quot;Dieser auch&quot;);
<funclink>return</funclink> 1;
<h id="Infos">Additional Information</h>
<text><emlink href="script/Funcs.html">Functions</emlink></text>
<text><emlink href="script/FuncCall.html">Calling Script Functions</emlink></text>
<text><emlink href="script/Typechecks.html">Data Types</emlink></text>
<text><emlink href="script/NamedVar.html">Variables and their Scope</emlink></text>
<text><emlink href="script/operatoren.html">Operators: +, -, = etc. in C4Script</emlink></text>
<text><emlink href="script/for.html">for Loop</emlink></text>
<text><emlink href="script/BreakContinue.html">Loop Control</emlink></text>
<text><emlink href="script/AppendTo.html">#appendto: for appending code to existing scripts</emlink></text>
<text><emlink href="script/Effects.html">Effects</emlink></text>
<text><emlink href="script/GetXXVal.html">Querying Game Data</emlink></text>
<text><emlink href="script/ScriptPlayers.html">Script Player (i.e. AI player)</emlink></text>