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<title>Data Types</title>
<h>Data Types</h>
<text>C4Script supports the following data types for variables, parameters, and return values:</text>
<col>Type Name</col>
<col>Full Name</col>
<col>Contents of Variable</col>
<col>A whole number from -2.147.483.648 to +2.147.483.647.</col>
<col>"true" (value <code>true</code>) or "false" (value <code>false</code>). Expected as parameter by many structures such as <funclink>if</funclink> and <funclink>while</funclink>.</col>
<col>definition id</col>
<col>ID of an object definition (see <emlink href="definition/index.html#ObjektundEntwicklerIdentifikation">Object Definitions</emlink>).Will be changed into a proplist immediately.</col>
<col>Any text.</col>
<col><code>&quot;Dies ist ein Text!&quot;</code></col>
<col>A type containing multiple variables, whose number can be enquired with <funclink>GetLength</funclink>, and which can be recalled with <code><em>array</em>[<em>index</em>]</code>.</col>
<col>A general purpose object type. <funclink>GetProperty</funclink> and <funclink>SetProperty</funclink> can get respectively set properties. If the property <code>"Prototype"</code> is set, and a property that is not set is gotten, the prototype is asked.</col>
<col><code>{ foo = 0, &quot;bar baz&quot; = 13, Prototype = Clonk }</code></col>
<col>Ingame Object</col>
<col>Reference to an existing object at runtime. No direct representation. See <funclink>FindObject</funclink>()</col>
<col>The type of <code>nil</code>. When used as a function parameter type, the type check is skipped.</col>
<!-- <text>Additionally, there are two special types:</text>
<li><code>any</code>: The type is unknown or does not make a difference. <code>nil</code> always has this type.</li>
<li><code>&amp;</code>: The value is a reference, for example to a variable. It behaves exactly as the target value, but can be changed (for example with the operator "<code>=</code>"). See also <emlink href="script/Funcs.html#referenzen">Reference parameters</emlink>.</li>
<text>Arrays can be created directly with <code>[<em>expression 1</em>, <em>expression 2</em>, ...]</code> or indirectly with <funclink>CreateArray</funclink>(). They are automatically enlarged if necessary on element access, but it's faster to create them with the needed length from the start. If an array is stored in a variable or used as a parameter to a function, the new variable has it's own copy of the array. The actual copy is deferred if possible, though. If an array is passed to a function for modification, a reference has to be used.</text>
<text>Access to element <code>i</code> of array <code>a</code> is achieved through <code>a[i]</code>. <code>i=0</code> is the first element. Negative indices are counted from the end of the array, so that <code>a[-1]</code> refers to the last element of the array.</text>
<text>A range within an array can be copied with <code>a[i:j]</code>. The resulting array contains all elements with indices in the half-open interval <code>[i,j)</code>. Negative indices are treated as when accessing single elements. Both indices are optional and assumed as <code>0</code> and <code><funclink>GetLength</funclink>(a)</code> respectively if not given.</text>
<h>Example 1</h>
<code>func ArraySum(array a)
var l = <funclink>GetLength</funclink>(a);
var result = 0;
for (var i = 0; i &lt; l; ++i)
result += a[i];
return (result);
<text>This function adds up all elements of an array.</text>
<h>Example 2</h>
<code>func RandomID()
var a = [Clonk, WIPF, BIRD, HUT1];
return (a[<funclink>Random</funclink>(4)]);
<text>This function randomly chooses one out of four ids and returns it.</text>
<h>Example 3</h>
<code>func DetonateNearest()
var a = <funclink>FindObjects</funclink>(<funclink>Find_ID</funclink>(Dynamite), <funclink>Sort_Distance</funclink>());
for (var dyna in a[:6])
<text>This function calls <code>DoExplode()</code> on the six nearest Dynamite objects.</text>
<text>Proplists can be created with <code>{<em>key 1</em>=<em>expression 1</em>, <em>key 1</em>=<em>expression 1</em>, ...}</code> or with <funclink>CreateProplist</funclink>.</text>
<text>Consult the following table to determine which types can be converted and which conversions might cause errors:</text>
<col>to -&gt;</col>
<col>if 0</col>
<col>if 0</col>
<col>if 0</col>
<col>if 0</col>
<h>Additional information:</h>
<li>Conversion to bool is generally allowed. All values except 0 are <code>true</code>.</li>
<li>If an object has been converted into a proplist then it can be converted back to an object. Otherwise proplists cannot be converted into objects.</li>
<li><code>0</code> can be converted into anything. In that case it behaves the same way as <code>any</code></li>