
29 lines
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Description=Enter the correct code to trigger an event.
MsgEnterCode=Enter code:
MsgEnterNewCode=New code:
MsgConfirmCode=Confirm code:
MsgNoCode=<c ffff00>Keypad has no code!</c>
MsgCorrectCode=<c 00ff00>Correct code!</c>
MsgWrongCode=<c ff0000>Wrong code!</c>
MsgCodeReset=<c 00ff00>Code has been reset!</c>
MsgCodeConfirmed=<c 00ff00>Code confirmed, reset now.</c>
TooltipDigit=Enter digit.
TooltipCheck=Check the entered code.
TooltipClose=Close the keypad.
TooltipClearLast=Delete the last digit.
TooltipClearCode=Clear the entered code.
TooltipResetCode=Reset the keypad code.
OnCorrectCodeAction=Action 'correct code'
OnWrongCodeAction=Action 'wrong code'
HelpKeypadCode=Enter the keypad code the player must type in (must be digits only).
HelpKeypadTarget=Target door that will be opened when the correct has been entered.
HelpOnCorrectCodeAction=Action to be executed when the correct code has been entered.
HelpOnWrongCodeAction=Action to be executed when a wrong code has been entered.
WarningKeypadCodeNonDigit=WARNING: keypad code (%s) contains some non-digit characters, code will not be set.
WarningKeypadCodeLong=WARNING: keypad code is too long, only %s will be set.