
98 lines
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Authors: Ringwaul
Functions in relation to material; any kind of operations.
global func MaterialDepthCheck(int x, int y, string mat, int depth)
var travelled;
var xval = x;
var yval = y;
//If depth is equal to zero, the function will always measure the depth of the material.
//If depth is not equal to zero, the function will return true if the material is as deep or deeper than depth (in pixels).
if (depth == nil)
depth = LandscapeHeight();
while (travelled != depth)
if (GetMaterial(xval, yval) == Material(mat))
if (GetMaterial(xval, yval) != Material(mat))
return travelled; // Returns depth of material.
if (travelled == depth)
return true;
return false;
global func FindPosInMat(string sMat, int iXStart, int iYStart, int iWidth, int iHeight, int iSize)
var iX, iY;
var iMaterial = Material(sMat);
for(var i = 0; i < 500; i++)
iX = AbsX(iXStart+Random(iWidth));
iY = AbsY(iYStart+Random(iHeight));
if(GetMaterial(iX,iY)==iMaterial &&
GetMaterial(iX+iSize,iY+iSize)==iMaterial &&
GetMaterial(iX+iSize,iY-iSize)==iMaterial &&
GetMaterial(iX-iSize,iY-iSize)==iMaterial &&
) {
return [iX, iY]; // Location found.
return 0; // No location found.
/** Removes a material pixel from the specified location, if the material is a liquid.
@param x X coordinate
@param y Y coordinate
@return The material index of the removed pixel, or -1 if no liquid was found. */
global func ExtractLiquid(int x, int y)
var result = ExtractLiquidAmount(x, y, 1);
if(!result) return -1;
return result[0];
/** Tries to remove amount material pixels from the specified location if the material is a liquid.
@param x X coordinate
@param y Y coordinate
@param amount amount of liquid that should be extracted
@return an array with the first position being the material index being extracted and the second the
actual amount of pixels extracted OR nil if there was no liquid at all */
global func ExtractLiquidAmount(int x, int y, int amount)
var mat = GetMaterial(x, y);
if(mat == -1)
return nil;
var density = GetMaterialVal("Density", "Material", mat);
if (density < C4M_Liquid || density >= C4M_Solid)
return nil;
var amount = ExtractMaterialAmount(x, y, mat, amount);
if (amount <= 0)
return nil;
return [mat, amount];
/** Removes a material pixel from the specified location, if the material is flammable
@param x X coordinate. Offset if called in object context.
@param y Y coordinate. Offset if called in object context.
@return true if material was removed, false otherwise. */
global func FlameConsumeMaterial(int x, int y)
var mat = GetMaterial(x, y);
if (mat == -1)
return false;
if (!GetMaterialVal("Inflammable", "Material", mat))
return false;
return !!ExtractMaterialAmount(x, y, mat, 1);