
554 lines
13 KiB

Control object for content menus.
@author Newton, Maikel
// this array contains all the menus
// index 0 = calling object
// index >0 = first crew, then containers
local circ_menus;
local menu_object;
local crew_count;
local container_count;
/** Creates a content menu for the calling object. This is supposed to be a crew member,
controlled by a player.
@return a pointer to the created menu, or \c nil if failed.
global func CreateContentsMenus()
// Safety checks.
if (!this) return;
if (!(GetOCF() & OCF_CrewMember)) return;
if (!(this->~HasMenuControl())) return;
// Create the menu controller.
var controller = CreateObject(GUI_Contents_Controller);
var index = 0;
// add the clonk itself
controller->AddContentMenu(this, index, true);
// add all nearby crewmembers
var teammates = FindObjects(Find_Distance(20), Find_OCF(OCF_CrewMember), Find_Owner(GetOwner()), Find_Exclude(this));
index = 1;
for(var t in teammates)
controller->AddContentMenu(t, index++, true);
// Add content menus for all containers at the position of the caller.
var containers = FindObjects(Find_AtPoint(), Find_NoContainer(), Find_OCF(OCF_Fullcon), Find_Func("IsContainer"), Sort_Func("SortInventoryObjs"));
for(var c in containers)
controller->AddContentMenu(c, index++, false);
// Show and return content menu.
return controller;
global func SortInventoryObjs()
// left: crew members
if (GetOCF() & OCF_CrewMember) return 0;
// center: vehicles
if (GetCategory() & C4D_Vehicle) return 10;
// right: buildings
if (GetCategory() & C4D_Structure) return 20;
public func IsContentMenu() { return true; }
func SetMenuObject(object menu_object)
menu_object = menu_object;
func Construction()
circ_menus = [];
func Close()
func Destruction()
// remove all menu objects
for(var prop in circ_menus)
func Show()
for(var prop in circ_menus)
func Hide()
for(var prop in circ_menus)
func AddContentMenu(object container, int pos, bool isCrew)
var menu = CreateObject(GUI_Menu, 0, 0, GetOwner());
PutContentsIntoMenu(menu, container);
circ_menus[pos] = {Object = container, Menu = menu, IsCrew = isCrew};
// Track external changes in containers.
AddEffect("ContainerTracker", container, 100, 1, this, nil, menu);
// Draws the contents menus to the right positions.
private func UpdateContentMenus()
// for positioning to the left
var index_crew = 0;
// for positioning to the right
var index_containers = 1; // containers start with an offset of 1
// calculate left edge
var r = 160;
var d = 2*r/3;
var dx = Sqrt(r**2 - d**2);
var x_base = 800 - dx*(container_count-1);
var y_base = 320;
for(var prop in circ_menus)
var menu = prop.Menu;
var x,y;
x = x_base - dx * (2*index_crew);
y = y_base + 2*d - (-1)**index_crew * d;
// Determine x-position.
//x = 800 + dx * (2*index_containers - container_count + 1);
x = x_base + dx*(2*index_containers);
// Alternate y-position.
y = y_base + (-1)**(index_containers) * d;
// TODO: reduce size of menus to fit more into screen.
menu->SetPosition(x, y);
private func PutContentsIntoMenu(object menu, object container)
if (container->~ NoStackedContentMenu())
var contents;
// get contents in special order if possible
if(!(contents = (container->~GetItems())))
// else just take everything we find.
contents = FindObjects(Find_Container(container));
for (var content in contents)
if (!AddContentsMenuItem(content, menu))
var stacked_contents = container->GetStackedContents();
for (var stack in stacked_contents)
if (!AddContentsMenuItem(stack[0], menu, stack))
private func AddContentsMenuItem(object symbol, object menu, array stack)
// Into the menu item, all the objects of the stack are saved as an array into it's extradata.
var item = CreateObject(GUI_MenuItem);
if (!menu->AddItem(item))
return false;
if (stack == nil)
return true;
global func GetStackedContents()
if(!this) return nil;
var contents = FindObjects(Find_Container(this));
var stacked = [];
// put all contents into stackcontents
for(var content in contents)
// check if item of same ID already inside
var has_stacked = false;
for(var stackcontent in stacked)
if (!CanStackObjects(content,stackcontent[0])) continue;
stackcontent[GetLength(stackcontent)] = content;
has_stacked = true;
// otherwise, put new inside
if (!has_stacked)
stacked[GetLength(stacked)] = [content];
return stacked;
global func CanStackObjects(object first, object second)
if(first->GetID() != second->GetID()) return false;
if(first->~RejectStack(second)) return false;
return true;
private func CanStackObjIntoMenuItem(object menu, object obj) {
for(var item in menu->GetItems()) {
if(!item) continue;
var stack = item->GetExtraData();
if(CanStackObjects(obj,stack[0])) {
return item;
/*-- Content tracking --*/
// TODO: Implement this more carefully and cover all corner cases.
public func FxContainerTrackerStart(object target, proplist effect, int temporary, object menu)
if (temporary == 0)
effect.Menu = menu;
// Initialize content list.
effect.ContentList = [];
var index = 0;
while (target->Contents(index))
effect.ContentList[index] = target->Contents(index);
return 1;
public func FxContainerTrackerTimer(object target, proplist effect)
// Match current contents to actual list, first trivial test.
if (GetLength(effect.ContentList) != target->ContentsCount())
// Stop the effect, the contoller is notified in the stop call.
return -1;
// Test both ways around, cause either container can be empty.
var index = 0;
while (target->Contents(index))
if (effect.ContentList[index] != target->Contents(index))
// Stop the effect, the contoller is notified in the stop call.
return -1;
for (index = 0; index < GetLength(effect.ContentList); index++)
if (effect.ContentList[index] != target->Contents(index))
// Stop the effect, the contoller is notified in the stop call.
return -1;
return 1;
public func FxContainerTrackerStop(object target, proplist effect, int reason)
// Notify content menu if the effect has ended regularly, the menu will be deleted
// and a new effect for that menu will be added.
if (reason == 0)
effect.CommandTarget->~OnExternalContentChange(effect.Menu, target);
return 1;
public func OnExternalContentChange(object menu, object container)
// Find changed menu and remove it.
var length = GetLength(circ_menus);
var index = 0;
for (index = 0; index < length; index++)
if (circ_menus[index].Menu == menu)
// Reopen the changed menu.
var isCrew = container->GetOCF() & OCF_CrewMember;
AddContentMenu(container, index, isCrew);
/** Transfers the objects contained in menu_item from the source to the target container.
@param p_source proplist containing the source menu.
@param p_target proplist containing the target menu.
@param menu_item the menu item selected by the player.
@param amount the amount of objects to be transfered.
@return the actual count of objects that have successfully been transfered.
private func TransferObjects(proplist p_source, proplist p_target, object menu_item, int amount)
// Safety: target and source must be available.
if (!p_source || !p_target)
return 0;
// Determine actual amount that may be transfered.
var objects = menu_item->GetExtraData();
amount = BoundBy(amount, 0, GetLength(objects));
// Move to object from source container to target container.
// Memorize which objects have been put where in order to know which menu items to update
// how (Because the collection can be rejected by RejectCollect/AllowTransfer).
var moved_to_target = [];
var moved_length = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < amount; i++)
var obj = objects[i];
// Try to enter the object, but check for some collect callbacks.
if (p_target.Object->~RejectCollect(obj->GetID(), obj) && !p_target.Object->~AllowTransfer(obj))
if (obj->Enter(p_target.Object))
moved_to_target[GetLength(moved_to_target)] = obj;
// Update target menu, source menu is updated elsewhere.
if (moved_length > 0)
// in case objects may not be stacked in the contents menu of the target object, add
// each object as a new menu item
if (p_target.Object->~NoStackedContentMenu())
for (var mov_obj in moved_to_target)
AddContentsMenuItem(mov_obj, p_target.Menu);
// otherwise, add stacked
// If menu item with same objects already exists: update menu item.
var target_item = CanStackObjIntoMenuItem(p_target.Menu, moved_to_target[0]);
if (target_item)
var new_extra_data = Concatenate(target_item->GetExtraData(), moved_to_target);
// Otherwise add a new menu item to containing menu.
AddContentsMenuItem(moved_to_target[0], p_target.Menu, moved_to_target);
// Return the number of items that have been transfered.
return moved_length;
/** Exchanges to menu items and their contents between the source and a target menu.
private func ExchangeObjects()
// TODO: Implement.
private func UpdateAfterTakenObjects(proplist p_source, object menuItem)
var objects = menuItem->GetExtraData();
// update menu item in source menu: remove all objects in extradata which are not in
// container anymore
var c = 0;
var i;
for (i = 0; i < GetLength(objects); ++i)
var obj = objects[i];
if (obj->Contained() != p_source.Object)
objects[i] = nil;
// removed all? -> remove menu item
if (c == GetLength(objects))
else if(c > 0)
// otherwise, update
// repair "holes"
var remaining_objects = objects[:];
private func MoveObjects(proplist p_source, proplist p_target, object menuItem, int amount)
TransferObjects(p_source, p_target, menuItem, amount);
UpdateAfterTakenObjects(p_source, menuItem);
/* Interface to menu item as commander_object */
public func OnMouseClick(int x, int y, bool alt)
// Close menu if not clicked on one of the menus.
var menu = FindObject(Find_Distance(160, x, y), Find_ID(GUI_Menu));
if (!menu || menu->GetCommander() != this)
public func OnItemSelection(object menu, object item)
// Transfer item to previous menu.
var index = FindMenuPos(menu);
if(index < 0) return;
// Find this and previous menu.
var p_source_menu = circ_menus[index];
var p_target_menu = GetNextMenu(index, false);
var amount = 1;
MoveObjects(p_source_menu, p_target_menu, item, amount);
return true;
public func OnItemSelectionAlt(object menu, object item)
// Transfer item to next menu.
var index = FindMenuPos(menu);
if(index < 0) return;
// Find this and next menu.
var p_source_menu = circ_menus[index];
var p_target_menu = GetNextMenu(index, true);
var amount = 1;
MoveObjects(p_source_menu, p_target_menu, item, amount);
return true;
private func GetNextMenu(int index, bool alt)
var last = GetLength(circ_menus) - 1;
// Only one menu: to nothing
if (last <= 0)
return nil;
// Determine next menu.
if (alt)
if (index > last)
index = 0;
return circ_menus[index];
private func FindMenuPos(object menu)
for(var i = 0; i < GetLength(circ_menus); ++i)
if (circ_menus[i].Menu == menu)
return i;
return -1;
func OnItemDropped(object menu, object dropped, object on_item)
var index = FindMenuPos(menu);
if (index < 0) return false;
var index2 = FindMenuPos(dropped->GetMenu());
if (index2 < 0) return false;
if (index == index2)
return false;
var p_source_menu = circ_menus[index2];
var p_target_menu = circ_menus[index];
var amount = 1;
TransferObjects(p_source_menu, p_target_menu, dropped, amount);
return true;
func OnItemDragDone(object menu, object dragged, object on_item)
var index = FindMenuPos(menu);
if(index < 0) return false;
var p_source_menu = circ_menus[index];
UpdateAfterTakenObjects(p_source_menu, dragged);
return true;