
138 lines
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Last Man Standing
Author: Maikel
Premade goal for simple melees with relaunches.
Callbacks made to scenario script:
* OnPlrRelaunch(int plr) made when the player is relaunched and at game start plr init.
* RelaunchCount() should return the number of relaunches.
* KillsToRelaunch() should return how many kills will earn the player an extra relaunch.
// Based on the regular melee goal.
#include Goal_Melee
// Include modular scoreboard columns, notice the reverse order.
#include Scoreboard_KillStreak
#include Scoreboard_Kill
//#include Scoreboard_Death
#include Scoreboard_Relaunch
#include Scoreboard_Player
// Some static constants.
static const MIME_RelaunchCount = 5; // Number of relaunches.
static const MIME_KillsToRelaunch = 4; // Number of kills one needs to make before gaining a relaunch.
static const MIME_ShowBoardTime = 5; // Duration in seconds the scoreboard will be shown to a player on an event.
protected func Initialize()
// Create melee goal if there isn't any.
//if (!ObjectCount(Find_ID(Goal_Melee)))
// CreateObject(Goal_Melee, 0, 0, NO_OWNER);
return _inherited(...);
/*-- Scenario callbacks --*/
private func RelaunchCount()
var relaunch_cnt = GameCall("RelaunchCount");
if (relaunch_cnt != nil)
return relaunch_cnt;
return MIME_RelaunchCount;
private func KillsToRelaunch()
var kills_to_relaunch = GameCall("KillsToRelaunch");
if (kills_to_relaunch != nil)
return kills_to_relaunch;
return MIME_KillsToRelaunch;
/*-- Player section --*/
protected func InitializePlayer(int plr)
// Join plr.
// Scenario script callback.
GameCall("OnPlayerRelaunch", plr);
return _inherited(plr, ...);
protected func RelaunchPlayer(int plr, int killer)
_inherited(plr, killer, ...);
if (GetRelaunchCount(plr) < 0)
return EliminatePlayer(plr);
// the kill logs rule cares about logging the respawn
// ..
// Kill bonus: 1 extra relaunch per MIME_KillsToRelaunch kills.
// Only if killer exists and has not committed suicide.
if (plr != killer && GetPlayerName(killer))
// Only if killer and victim are on different teams.
if (!(GetPlayerTeam(killer) && GetPlayerTeam(killer) == GetPlayerTeam(plr)))
if (KillsToRelaunch() && !(GetKillCount(killer) % KillsToRelaunch()) && GetKillCount(killer))
DoRelaunchCount(killer, 1);
Log("$MsgRelaunchGained$", GetPlayerName(killer));
var clonk = CreateObject(Clonk, 0, 0, plr);
SetCursor(plr, clonk);
// Scenario script callback.
GameCall("OnPlayerRelaunch", plr);
// Show scoreboard for a while & sort.
SortScoreboard(Scoreboard_KillStreak->GetKillStreakCol(), true);
SortScoreboard(Scoreboard_Kill->GetKillCol(), true);
SortScoreboard(Scoreboard_Relaunch->GetRelaunchCol(), true);
DoScoreboardShow(1, plr + 1);
Schedule(this,Format("DoScoreboardShow(-1, %d)", plr + 1), 35 * MIME_ShowBoardTime);
return; // _inherited(plr, killer, ...);
protected func JoinPlayer(int plr)
var clonk = GetCrew(plr);
var pos = FindRelaunchPos(plr);
clonk->SetPosition(pos[0], pos[1]);
private func FindRelaunchPos(int plr)
var tx, ty; // Test position.
for (var i = 0; i < 500; i++)
tx = Random(LandscapeWidth());
ty = Random(LandscapeHeight());
if (GBackSemiSolid(AbsX(tx), AbsY(ty)))
if (GBackSemiSolid(AbsX(tx+5), AbsY(ty+10)))
if (GBackSemiSolid(AbsX(tx+5), AbsY(ty-10)))
if (GBackSemiSolid(AbsX(tx-5), AbsY(ty+10)))
if (GBackSemiSolid(AbsX(tx-5), AbsY(ty-10)))
// Succes.
return [tx, ty];
return nil;
protected func RemovePlayer(int plr)
return _inherited(plr, ...);
local Name = "$Name$";