
157 lines
3.6 KiB

Transport earth from one spot to another to form the landscape.
Replaces the old earth chunks in their behaviour.
@author Clonkonaut
// Uses an extra-slot to store and display material.
#include Library_HasExtraSlot
// Maximum distance at which material is collected / spilled
local maxreach = 15;
public func GetCarryMode() { return CARRY_HandBack; }
public func GetCarryBone() { return "main"; }
public func GetCarryTransform()
return Trans_Mul(Trans_Rotate(-90, 0, 1, 0), Trans_Translate(3500, 0, -4000));
public func RejectUse(object clonk)
return !clonk->HasHandAction();
public func ControlUse(object clonk, int iX, int iY)
var angle = Angle(0, 0, iX, iY);
// spill bucket
if (IsBucketFilled())
return true;
return true;
public func RejectCollect(id def, object obj)
if (!obj->~IsBucketMaterial()) return true;
// Can only contain one stackable object.
if (Contents() && Contents(0)->~IsStackable()) return true;
return false;
public func EmptyBucket()
var i = ContentsCount();
while (--i >= 0)
if (Contents(0)) Contents(0)->RemoveObject();
public func IsBucketFilled()
return ContentsCount();
public func IsBucketEmpty()
return !IsBucketFilled();
private func PlayAnimation(object clonk)
// animation only available for jumping and walking
if(!clonk->IsJumping() && !clonk->IsWalking())
var arm, carry_bone;
if(clonk->GetHandPosByItemPos(clonk->GetItemPos(this)) == 1)
arm = "L";
carry_bone = "pos_hand1";
arm = "R";
carry_bone = "pos_hand2";
// figure out the kind of animation to use
var length=15;
var animation;
animation = Format("SwordJump2.%s",arm);
animation = Format("SwordSlash2.%s", arm);
clonk->PlayAnimation(animation, CLONK_ANIM_SLOT_Arms, Anim_Linear(0, 0, clonk->GetAnimationLength(animation), length, ANIM_Remove), Anim_Const(1000));
private func Spill(int angle)
var obj = Contents(0);
if (!obj) return;
var material_name = obj->GetMaterialName();
var material_amount = obj->GetMaterialAmount();
var stack_count = obj->~GetStackCount();
if (stack_count > 1) material_amount *= stack_count;
// This will only spray out the material because no solid base to stick it on was found
CastPXS(material_name, material_amount, 20, 0,0, angle, 15);
protected func Hit()
// Can collect IsBucketMaterial?
public func IsBucket() { return true; }
public func IsTool() { return true; }
public func IsToolProduct() { return true; }
// When trying to put into a producer that can't take the item but its contents, just transfer the contents.
public func TryPutInto(object to_building, ...)
if (to_building && to_building->~IsProducer() && !to_building->~IsCollectionAllowed(this))
var i = ContentsCount(), contents, num_collected = 0;
while (i--)
if (contents = Contents(i))
if (to_building->Collect(contents))
// Return if contents transfer was successful.
if (num_collected > 0) return true;
return _inherited(to_building, ...);
public func SaveScenarioObject(props)
if (!inherited(props, ...)) return false;
return true;
protected func Definition(def)
SetProperty("PictureTransformation", Trans_Mul(Trans_Translate(500,400,0), Trans_Rotate(-10,1,0,0), Trans_Rotate(30,0,1,0), Trans_Rotate(+25,0,0,1), Trans_Scale(1100)),def);
local Name = "$Name$";
local Description = "$Description$";
local UsageHelp = "$UsageHelp$";
local Collectible = true;