
60 lines
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<!DOCTYPE funcs
SYSTEM '../../../clonk.dtd'>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="../../../clonk.xsl"?>
<version>8.0 OC</version>
<desc>Either a string or a proplist containing multiple translations of a string. If a string or <code>nil</code> is passed, the parameter is returned directly. If a proplist is passed, the value corresponding to the selected language (or a fallback) is returned.</desc>
<desc>Returns a string corresponding to the user's selected language. For <code>string_data</code>, the expected format is <code>{ Function="Translate", DE="Hallo, Welt", US="Hello, World"}</code>. If no matching entry is found or it is <code>nil</code>, then another language string is returned as a fallback.</desc>
<code>Log(GetTranslatedString({ Function="Translate", DE="Dies ist ein Test.", US="This is a test."}));</code>
<text>Logs either "Dies ist ein Test." or "This is a test." depending on the player's language setting.</text>
<code>local inscription = "";
// Players can read the sign via the interaction bar.
public func IsInteractable() { return true; }
// Called on player interaction.
public func Interact(object clonk)
if (!clonk) return false;
Dialogue->MessageBox(GetTranslatedString(inscription), clonk, this, clonk->GetController(), true);
return true;
public func SetInscription(to_text)
inscription = to_text ?? "";
return true;
public func Definition(def)
// Inscription props
if (!def.EditorProps) def.EditorProps = {};
def.EditorProps.inscription = { Name="Inscription", Type="string", Set="SetInscription", Save="Inscription", Translatable=true };
<text>Code for a signpost. The string editor property with setting <code>Translatable=true</code> provides a translation proplist in the correct format automatically.</text>