
45 lines
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<!DOCTYPE funcs
SYSTEM '../../../clonk.dtd'>
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<version>5.4 OC</version>
<desc>ID of achievement to gain. Must be defined as a custom scenario parameter for the scenario.</desc>
<desc>Value to set for this achievement. Defaults to 1.</desc>
<optional />
<desc>Value to set for this achievement. If nil or NO_OWNER, the achievement is gained for all player currently in the game.</desc>
<optional />
<desc>Can be set to the filename of another scenario to gain an achievement for that scenario. Scenario paths contain all .oc* paths, e.g. "Missions.ocf\Raid.ocs". Defaults to the filename of the current scenario or its origin.</desc>
<optional />
<desc>Gain a scenario achievement. Gained achievements are represented as small symbols beside the scenario name in the selection screen.</desc>
<remark>Make sure the gain the achievement before players are saved, i.e. before the game is evaluated. Otherwise, gained achievements are not stored.</remark>
<related><emlink href="scenario/ParameterDefs.xml">Scenario parameter definitions</emlink></related>