
180 lines
4.6 KiB

Construction Menu, which consists of a circle of structures which can be
drawn into the landscape and a display which shows the production costs.
@author Maikel
#include GUI_CircleMenu
local constructinfo_shown;
/** Creates a consruction menu for the calling object. This is supposed to be a crew member,
controlled by a player.
@param producer the producer for which to create the production menu.
@return a pointer to the created menu, or \c nil if failed.
global func CreateConstructionMenu(object constructor, bool create_at_mouse_pos)
// Safety checks.
if (!this) return;
if (!(GetOCF() & OCF_CrewMember)) return;
if (!(this->~HasMenuControl())) return;
// Create the menu controller.
var controller = CreateObject(Library_ConstructionMenu);
var xy = GetPlayerCursorPos(constructor->GetOwner());
// Add all possible structures to the menu.
controller->AddMenuStructures(constructor, this);
// Show and return production menu.
return controller;
protected func Construction()
SetPosition(600, 400);
// Set original menu graphics.
SetGraphics("BG", GUI_CircleMenu);
return _inherited(...);
public func AddMenuStructures(object constructor, object clonk)
for (var structure in constructor->GetConstructionPlans(clonk->GetOwner()))
var item = CreateObject(GUI_MenuItem);
if (!AddItem(item))
return item->RemoveObject();
public func Show()
// Change look
SetGraphics(nil, Library_ProductionMenu);
return _inherited(...);
private func ShowConstructionInfo(object item)
// TODO: Implement this completely (maybe based on a structure library) and new graphics.
// For now just show the construction costs somewhere.
var structure_id = item->GetSymbol();
var cost_msg = "@";
var comp, index = 0;
// show energy production/consumption (if any)
cost_msg = Format("%s {{%i}}", cost_msg, Library_PowerConsumer);
cost_msg = Format("%s {{%i}}", cost_msg, Library_PowerProducer);
cost_msg = Format("%s |",cost_msg);
while (comp = GetComponent(nil, index++, nil, structure_id))
cost_msg = Format("%s %dx {{%i}}", cost_msg, GetComponent(comp, nil, nil, structure_id), comp);
CustomMessage(cost_msg, this, GetOwner(), 250, 250, nil, nil, nil, 1|2);
constructinfo_shown = item;
// show big picture
SetGraphics(nil, structure_id, 1, GFXOV_MODE_IngamePicture);
SetObjDrawTransform(400, 0, 270000, 0, 400, -50000, 1);
public func HideConstructionInfo()
CustomMessage("", this, GetOwner());
SetGraphics(nil, nil, 1);
constructinfo_shown = false;
/* Menu properties */
public func IsConstructionMenu() { return true; }
public func HasCommander(object producer)
if (menu_commander == producer)
return true;
return false;
/* Callbacks from the menu items, to be translated into commands for the producer. */
// Called when a click outside the menu has been made.
public func OnMouseClick(num x, num y, bool alt)
// Close menu if not clicked on the menu.
if (Distance(x, y, 0, 0) > 160)
// Called when an item has been selected (left mouse button).
public func OnItemSelection(object item)
if (menu_commander)
// Close menu if a construction site has been created.
//if (menu_commander->~CreateConstructionSite(menu_object, item->GetSymbol()))
if (menu_commander->~ShowConstructionPreview(menu_object, item->GetSymbol()))
return true;
return _inherited(item, ...);
// Called when an object is dragged onto the menu
public func OnMouseDrop(int plr, obj)
return _inherited(plr, obj, ...);
// Called when another item has been dropped on an item in this menu.
public func OnItemDropped(object drop_item, object on_item)
return _inherited(drop_item, on_item, ...);
// Called after an item from this menu has been dragged onto an item
public func OnItemDragDone(object drag_item, object on_item)
return _inherited(drag_item, on_item, ...);
// Called if the mouse cursor enters hovering over an item.
public func OnMouseOverItem(object over_item, object dragged_item)
return _inherited(over_item, dragged_item, ...);
// Called if the mouse cursor exits hovering over an item.
public func OnMouseOutItem(object out_item, object dragged_item)
return _inherited(out_item, dragged_item, ...);