
127 lines
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Trembles the earth.
@author Maikel
/*-- Disaster Control --*/
public func SetChance(num chance)
if (this != Earthquake)
var effect = GetEffect("IntEarthquakeControl");
if (!effect)
effect = AddEffect("IntEarthquakeControl", nil, 100, 20, nil, Earthquake);
effect.chance = chance;
public func GetChance()
if (this != Earthquake)
var effect = GetEffect("IntEarthquakeControl");
if (effect)
return effect.chance;
protected func FxIntEarthquakeControlTimer(object target, proplist effect, int time)
if (Random(100) < effect.chance && !Random(10))
LaunchEarthquake(Random(LandscapeWidth()), Random(LandscapeHeight()), Random(40) + 35);
return FX_OK;
// Launches an earthquake with epicenter (x,y).
global func LaunchEarthquake(int x, int y, int strength)
// Earthquake should start in solid.
if (!GBackSemiSolid(x, y))
return false;
// Minimum strength is 15, maximum strength is 100.
strength = BoundBy(strength, 15, 100);
// The earthquake is handled by a global effect.
var effect = AddEffect("IntEarthquake", nil, 100, 1, nil, Earthquake);
effect.x = x; // Epicentre x coordinate.
effect.y = y; // Epicentre y coordinate.
effect.strength = strength / 3; // Earthquake strength.
effect.length = 3 * strength / 2; // Earthquake length.
return true;
/*-- Earthquake --*/
protected func FxIntEarthquakeStart(object target, effect)
// Start sound at quake local coordinates.
// < Maikel> Global until someone implements non-object local sounds
Sound("Earthquake", true, 100, nil, 1);
return FX_OK;
protected func FxIntEarthquakeStop(object target, effect)
// Stop sound.
Sound("Earthquake", true, 100, nil, -1);
return FX_OK;
protected func FxIntEarthquakeTimer(object target, effect, int time)
// Time is up?
if (time > effect.length)
return FX_Execute_Kill;
// Some randomness.
if (Random(3))
return FX_OK;
// Get strength.
var str = effect.strength;
// Get quake coordinates.
var x = effect.x;
var y = effect.y;
var l = 4 * str;
// Shake viewport.
if (!Random(10))
ShakeViewPort(str, x, y);
// Shake ground & objects.
ShakeFree(x, y, Random(str / 2) + str / 5 + 5);
for (var obj in FindObjects(Find_NoContainer(), Find_OCF(OCF_Alive), Find_InRect(x - l, y - l, l, l)))
if (Random(3)) continue;
if (!obj->GetAction()) continue;
var act = obj.ActMap[obj->GetAction()];
if (act.Attach || (act.Procedure
&& act.Procedure != DFA_FLIGHT
&& act.Procedure != DFA_LIFT
&& act.Procedure != DFA_FLOAT
&& act.Procedure != DFA_ATTACH
&& act.Procedure != DFA_CONNECT))
//if (!MatVehicle(obj->Shape.AttachMat))
// Move the quake around a little.
var dx, dy, cnt = 0;
{ // Try ten times to find a nearby in material location.
dx = Random(str * 4 + 1) - str * 2;
dy = Random(str * 4 + 1) - str * 2;
} while (!GBackSemiSolid(x + dx, y + dy) && cnt < 10)
// No continuation.
if (cnt >= 10)
return FX_Execute_Kill;
// Set new position.
effect.x += dx;
effect.y += dy;
// Done.
return FX_OK;
/*-- Proplist --*/
local Name = "$Name$";