
122 lines
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// Lightning bolt
local xDir, yDir;
local xDev, yDev;
local gamma;
local strength;
/// Creates a lightning bolt at the specified location.
/// \par x X coordinate. Always global.
/// \par y Y coordinate. Always global.
/// \par strength Strength of the bolt, 0 - 100.
/// \par xdir Average horizontal speed of the bolt.
/// \par ydir Average vertical speed of the bolt.
/// \par xdev Maximum deviation from the average horizontal speed.
/// \par ydev Maximum deviation from the average vertical speed.
/// \par do_gamma If \c true, the lightning bolt will flash the screen.
/// \returns \c true if the lightning could be launched, \c false otherwise.
global func LaunchLightning(float x, float y, num to_strength, float xdir, float ydir, float xdev, float ydev, bool do_gamma)
var lightning = CreateObject(Lightning, x - GetX(), y - GetY());
return lightning && lightning->Launch(x, y, to_strength, xdir, ydir, xdev, ydev, do_gamma);
public func Launch(float x, float y, num to_strength, float xdir, float ydir, float xdev, float ydev, bool do_gamma)
xDir = xdir; yDir = ydir;
xDev = xdev; yDev = ydev;
gamma = do_gamma;
strength = to_strength || 20;
AddVertex(x-GetX(), y-GetY());
//Log("Lightning %d: Launching at %d/%d (offset %d/%d)", ObjectNumber(), GetX(), GetY(), GetVertex(0,0), GetVertex(0,1));
AddEffect("LightningMove", this, 1, 1, this);
return true;
protected func FxLightningMoveTimer()
// Calculate new coordinates to move to.
var vertices = GetVertexNum();
var oldx = GetVertex(vertices - 1, 0);
var oldy = GetVertex(vertices - 1, 1);
var newx = oldx + xDir + xDev - Random(2 * xDev);
var newy = oldy + yDir + yDev - Random(2 * yDev);
//Log("Lightning %d: Moving from %d/%d to %d/%d", ObjectNumber(), oldx+GetX(), oldy+GetY(), newx+GetX(), newy+GetY());
// Check if lightning hits landscape, and adapt new coordinates. Should it penetrate liquids?
var strike_solid = PathFree2(oldx + GetX(), oldy + GetY(), newx + GetX(), newy + GetY());
if (strike_solid)
newx = strike_solid[0] - GetX();
newy = strike_solid[1] - GetY();
//Log("Lightning %d: Move blocked, moving to %d/%d instead", ObjectNumber(), newx+GetX(), newy+GetY());
AddVertex(newx, newy);
// Draw the new line with lightning particles.
DrawRotatedParticleLine("LightningBolt", oldx, oldy, newx, newy, strength / 30, 2 * strength / 3, 0xa0f0f0f0);
// Strike objects on the line.
for (var obj in FindObjects(Find_OnLine(oldx, oldy, newx, newy), Find_NoContainer(), Find_Layer(GetObjectLayer())))
if (!obj->~LightningStrike(3 + strength / 10))
Punch(obj, 3 + strength / 10);
// Remove lightning, if struck landscape.
if (strike_solid)
// Branch with chance inversely proportional to strength.
else if (strength > 20)
if (Random(strength) > 5)
var branch_strength = (strength + Random(strength)) / 3;
var lightning = CreateObject(Lightning, newx, newy);
if (lightning)
lightning->Launch(newx + GetX(), newy + GetY(), branch_strength, xDir, yDir, xDev, yDev, false);
strength -= branch_strength / 4;
// Remove lightning if strength is low.
else if (!Random(strength / 4))
return 1;
private func Redraw()
var oldx = GetVertex(0, 0);
var oldy = GetVertex(0, 1);
for (var vtx = 1; vtx < GetVertexNum(); ++vtx)
var newx = GetVertex(vtx, 0);
var newy = GetVertex(vtx, 1);
//Log("Lightning %d: Redraw vtx %d->%d %d/%d->%d/%d", ObjectNumber(), vtx-1, vtx, oldx, oldy, newx, newy);
DrawRotatedParticleLine("LightningBolt", oldx, oldy, newx, newy, strength/5, strength*2, 0xa0f0f0f0);
oldx = newx; oldy = newy;
private func DrawRotatedParticleLine(string particle, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float distance, float sizeFifths, int color)
distance = Max(distance, 1);
var angle = Angle(x1, y1, x2, y2);
var xdir = Sin(angle, 10);
var ydir = -Cos(angle, 10);
// Need at least two particles: start and end
var count = Max(2, Distance(x1, y1, x2, y2) / distance);
var deltax = x2 - x1, deltay = y2 - y1;
//Log("DrawRPL: %s in %d steps, angle %d xdir %d ydir %d", particle, count, angle, xdir, ydir);
for (var i = count+1; --i; )
CreateParticle(particle, x1 + deltax * i / count, y1 + deltay * i / count, xdir, ydir, sizeFifths, color);
local Name = "$Name$";