
476 lines
9.5 KiB

* OpenClonk,
* Copyright (c) 2001-2009, RedWolf Design GmbH,
* Copyright (c) 2009-2013, The OpenClonk Team and contributors
* Distributed under the terms of the ISC license; see accompanying file
* "COPYING" for details.
* "Clonk" is a registered trademark of Matthes Bender, used with permission.
* See accompanying file "TRADEMARK" for details.
* To redistribute this file separately, substitute the full license texts
* for the above references.
#include "C4Include.h"
#include "C4ValueMap.h"
#include <C4Value.h>
// *** C4ValueMapData ***
: pData(0), pNames(0), bTempNameList(false), pNext(0)
C4ValueMapData::C4ValueMapData(const C4ValueMapData &DataToCopy)
: pData(0), pNames(0), bTempNameList(false), pNext(0)
if (pNames) for (int32_t i = 0; i < pNames->iSize; i++)
C4ValueMapData &C4ValueMapData::operator = (const C4ValueMapData &DataToCopy)
if (pNames) for (int32_t i = 0; i < pNames->iSize; i++)
return *this;
bool C4ValueMapData::operator == (const C4ValueMapData &Data) const
if (pNames != Data.pNames) return false;
if (pNames)
for (int i = 0; i < pNames->iSize; i++)
if (pData[i] != Data.pData[i])
return false;
return true;
void C4ValueMapData::Reset()
// unreg from name list (if using one)
if (pNames) UnRegister();
pNames = 0;
// free data
delete[] pData;
pData = 0;
void C4ValueMapData::ResetContent()
if (pNames)
// Realloc list (will destroy all data)
delete[] pData;
pData = 0;
void C4ValueMapData::SetNameList(C4ValueMapNames *pnNames)
if (pNames == pnNames) return;
if (pNames)
// save name array from old name list
char **pOldNames = pNames->pNames;
int32_t iOldSize = pNames->iSize;
// unreg from old name list
// (manually, because Data::UnRegister() would destroy content)
C4ValueMapNames *pNames = this->pNames;
// register at new name list
// call OnNameListChanged to copy data and realloc data array
OnNameListChanged(const_cast<const char **>(pOldNames), iOldSize);
// delete old names list, if it is temporary
if (bTempNameList)
delete pNames;
bTempNameList = false;
// ok
// simply register...
void C4ValueMapData::Register(C4ValueMapNames *pnNames)
// UnReg from old?
if (pNames) UnRegister();
if (pnNames) pnNames->Register(this);
pNames = pnNames;
// alloc data array
void C4ValueMapData::UnRegister()
if (!pNames) return;
// safe pointer
C4ValueMapNames *pNames = this->pNames;
// unreg
// delete name list (if it is temporary)
if (bTempNameList)
delete pNames;
bTempNameList = false;
// delete data array
delete[] pData;
pData = 0;
C4ValueMapNames *C4ValueMapData::CreateTempNameList()
// create new list
C4ValueMapNames *pTempNames = new C4ValueMapNames();
// register (this func will unreg if necessary, too)
// error?
if (pNames != pTempNames)
delete pTempNames;
return 0;
// set flag
bTempNameList = true;
return pTempNames;
void C4ValueMapData::ReAllocList()
if (!pNames)
// delete old array
delete[] pData;
// create new one
pData = new C4Value [pNames->iSize] ();
// ok...
void C4ValueMapData::OnNameListChanged(const char **pOldNames, int32_t iOldSize)
if (!pNames)
// this function does not use ReAllocList because the old values
// have to be hold.
// save pointer on old data
C4Value *pOldData = pData;
// create new data list
pData = new C4Value [pNames->iSize] ();
// (try to) copy data
int32_t i, j;
for (i = 0; i < iOldSize; i++)
if (i < pNames->iSize && SEqual(pNames->pNames[i], pOldNames[i]))
pData[i] = pOldData[i];
else for (j = 0; j < pNames->iSize; j++)
if (SEqual(pNames->pNames[j], pOldNames[i]))
pData[j] = pOldData[i];
// delete old data array
delete[] pOldData;
C4Value *C4ValueMapData::GetItem(int32_t iNr)
assert(iNr < pNames->iSize);
assert(iNr >= 0);
// the list is nothing without name list...
if (!pNames) return 0;
if (iNr >= pNames->iSize) return 0;
return &pData[iNr];
C4Value *C4ValueMapData::GetItem(const char *strName)
if (!pNames) return 0;
int32_t iNr = pNames->GetItemNr(strName);
assert(iNr != -1);
if (iNr == -1) return 0;
return &pData[iNr];
int32_t C4ValueMapData::GetAnzItems()
if (!pNames) return 0;
return pNames->iSize;
void C4ValueMapData::Denumerate(C4ValueNumbers * numbers)
if (!pNames) return;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < pNames->iSize; i++)
void C4ValueMapData::CompileFunc(StdCompiler *pComp, C4ValueNumbers * numbers)
bool fCompiler = pComp->isCompiler();
C4ValueMapNames *pOldNames = pNames;
if (fCompiler) Reset();
// Compile item count
int32_t iValueCnt;
if (!fCompiler) iValueCnt = pNames ? pNames->iSize : 0;
pComp->Value(mkDefaultAdapt(iValueCnt, 0));
// nuthing 2do for no items
if (!iValueCnt) return;
// Separator (';')
// Data
char **ppNames = !fCompiler ? pNames->pNames : new char * [iValueCnt];
if (fCompiler) for (int32_t i = 0; i < iValueCnt; i++) ppNames[i] = 0;
C4Value *pValues = !fCompiler ? pData : new C4Value [iValueCnt];
// Compile
for (int32_t i = 0; i < iValueCnt; i++)
// Separate
if (i) pComp->Separator();
// Name
StdStrBuf Name;
if (!fCompiler) Name.Ref(ppNames[i]);
pComp->Value(mkParAdapt(Name, StdCompiler::RCT_Idtf));
if (fCompiler) ppNames[i] = Name.GrabPointer();
// Separator ('=')
// Value
pComp->Value(mkParAdapt(pValues[i], numbers));
catch (...)
// make sure no mem is leaked on compiler error in name list
if (fCompiler)
for (int32_t i = 0; i < iValueCnt; i++) if (ppNames[i]) free(ppNames[i]);
delete [] ppNames;
delete [] pValues;
// Set
if (fCompiler)
// Set
pNames->SetNameArray(const_cast<const char **>(ppNames), iValueCnt);
for (int32_t i = 0; i < iValueCnt; i++) free(ppNames[i]);
delete [] ppNames; delete [] pData;
pData = pValues;
// Assign old name list
if (pOldNames) SetNameList(pOldNames);
// *** C4ValueMapNames ***
: pNames(0), iSize(0), pFirst(0)
C4ValueMapNames::C4ValueMapNames(const C4ValueMapNames& NamesToCopy)
: pNames(0), iSize(0), pFirst(0)
ChangeNameList(const_cast<const char **>(NamesToCopy.pNames), NamesToCopy.iSize);
C4ValueMapNames& C4ValueMapNames::operator = (const C4ValueMapNames &NamesToCopy)
ChangeNameList(const_cast<const char **>(NamesToCopy.pNames), NamesToCopy.iSize);
return *this;
void C4ValueMapNames::Reset()
// unreg all data lists
while (pFirst) UnRegister(pFirst);
// free name list
for (int32_t i = 0; i < iSize; i++)
delete[] pNames[i];
delete[] pNames;
pNames = NULL;
iSize = 0;
void C4ValueMapNames::Register(C4ValueMapData *pData)
// add to begin of list
pData->pNext = pFirst;
pFirst = pData;
// set name list
pData->pNames = this;
void C4ValueMapNames::UnRegister(C4ValueMapData *pData)
// find in list
C4ValueMapData *pAktData = pFirst, *pLastData = 0;
while (pAktData && pAktData != pData)
pLastData = pAktData;
pAktData = pAktData->pNext;
if (!pAktData)
// isn't registred here...
// unreg
if (pLastData)
pLastData->pNext = pData->pNext;
pFirst = pData->pNext;
pData->pNext = 0;
pData->pNames = 0;
void C4ValueMapNames::ChangeNameList(const char **pnNames, int32_t nSize)
// safe old name list
char **pOldNames = pNames;
int32_t iOldSize = iSize;
// create new lists
pNames = new char *[nSize];
// copy names
int32_t i;
for (i = 0; i < nSize; i++)
pNames[i] = new char [SLen(pnNames[i]) + 1];
SCopy(pnNames[i], pNames[i], SLen(pnNames[i]) + 1);
// set new size
iSize = nSize;
// call OnNameListChanged list for all "child" lists
C4ValueMapData *pAktData = pFirst;
while (pAktData)
pAktData->OnNameListChanged(const_cast<const char **>(pOldNames), iOldSize);
pAktData = pAktData->pNext;
// delete old list
for (i = 0; i < iOldSize; i++)
delete[] pOldNames[i];
delete[] pOldNames;
// ok.
void C4ValueMapNames::SetNameArray(const char **pnNames, int32_t nSize)
// simply pass it through...
ChangeNameList(pnNames, nSize);
int32_t C4ValueMapNames::AddName(const char *pnName)
// name already existing?
int32_t iNr;
if ((iNr=GetItemNr(pnName)) != -1)
return iNr;
// create new dummy lists
const char **pDummyNames = new const char *[iSize + 1];
// copy all data from old list
// (danger! if ChangeNameList would now delete them before
// creating the new list, this would cause cruel errors...)
int32_t i;
for (i = 0; i < iSize; i++)
pDummyNames[i] = pNames[i];
pDummyNames[i] = pnName;
// change list
ChangeNameList(pDummyNames, iSize + 1);
// delete dummy arrays
delete[] pDummyNames;
// return index to new element (simply last element)
return iSize-1;
int32_t C4ValueMapNames::GetItemNr(const char *strName)
for (int32_t i = 0; i < iSize; i++)
if (SEqual(pNames[i], strName))
return i;
return -1;