
187 lines
5.1 KiB

Shows a simple list menu.
local Name = "List Menu";
local entries;
local on_mouse_over_callback, on_mouse_out_callback;
local on_close_callback;
local permanent;
local menu_id;
func Construction()
entries = [];
this.Style = GUI_VerticalLayout;
this.Target = this;
this.ID = 0xffffff;
this.OnClose = GuiAction_Call(this, "OnCloseCallback");
SetPosition(0, 0);
func OnCloseCallback()
menu_id = 0;
func Close()
var self = this;
if (on_close_callback && on_close_callback[0])
on_close_callback[0]->Call(on_close_callback[1], on_close_callback[2]);
if (self && menu_id)
if (self)
func SetPermanent(bool perm) { permanent = perm ?? true; }
func SetFitChildren() { this.Style = this.Style | GUI_FitChildren; this.Bottom = "0em";}
func SetCloseCallback(proplist target, callback, parameter)
on_close_callback = [target, callback, parameter];
func SetMouseOverCallback(proplist target, callback)
on_mouse_over_callback = [target, callback];
func SetMouseOutCallback(proplist target, callback)
on_mouse_out_callback = [target, callback];
// can be overloaded for custom menu styles
func MakeEntryProplist(symbol, text)
var custom_entry = {Bottom = "+2em", sym = {Right = "+2em", Bottom = "+2em"}, desc = {Left = "+2em"}};
custom_entry.sym.Symbol = symbol;
custom_entry.desc.Text = text;
custom_entry.desc.Style = GUI_TextVCenter;
custom_entry.Style = GUI_FitChildren;
custom_entry.BackgroundColor = {Std = 0, OnHover = 0x50ff0000};
return custom_entry;
// custom_menu_id should be passed if the menu was manually opened and not via Open()
func AddItem(symbol, string text, user_ID, proplist target, command, parameter, custom_entry, custom_menu_id, bool onlyUpdate)
onlyUpdate = onlyUpdate ?? false;
custom_menu_id = custom_menu_id ?? menu_id;
var on_hover = GuiAction_SetTag("OnHover", 0, nil);
if (on_mouse_over_callback)
on_hover = [on_hover, GuiAction_Call(this, "DoCallback", on_mouse_over_callback)];
var on_hover_stop = GuiAction_SetTag("Std", 0, nil);
if (on_mouse_out_callback)
on_hover_stop = [on_hover_stop, GuiAction_Call(this, "DoCallback", on_mouse_out_callback)];
// in case of a new entry, append to array
var ID = GetLength(entries) + 1;
// otherwise, replace the old entry
if (onlyUpdate)
for (var i = 0; i < GetLength(entries); ++i)
if (!entries[i]) continue;
if (entries[i][3] != user_ID) continue;
ID = i + 1;
if (!custom_entry)
custom_entry = MakeEntryProplist(symbol, text);
// Always add some properties later. This is done so that real custom entries do not need to care about target etc.
custom_entry.ID = ID; // A fixed ID is obligatory for now. Might be possible to omit that, but would need to check if updating etc works.
custom_entry.Target = this; // Same as above.
// These properties can in theory be set/customized by the user without breaking functionality. But they are (probably) required anway.
custom_entry.Priority = custom_entry.Priority ?? ID;
custom_entry.OnClick = custom_entry.OnClick ?? GuiAction_Call(this, "OnClick");
custom_entry.OnMouseIn = custom_entry.OnMouseIn ?? on_hover;
custom_entry.OnMouseOut = custom_entry.OnMouseOut ?? on_hover_stop;
// Save entry to list and prepare call information.
entries[ID - 1] = [target, command, parameter, user_ID];
this[Format("_menuChild%d", ID)] = custom_entry;
// need to add to existing menu?
if (custom_menu_id)
if (onlyUpdate)
// need to close the old entry first
// this is done so a full refresh is guaranteed
GuiClose(custom_menu_id, ID, this);
var temp = {_child = custom_entry};
GuiUpdate(temp, custom_menu_id, this.ID, this);
return custom_entry;
// updates an existing entry with the given user_ID
func UpdateItem(symbol, string text, user_ID, proplist target, command, parameter, custom_entry, custom_menu_id)
return AddItem(symbol, text, user_ID, target, command, parameter, custom_entry, custom_menu_id, true);
// can be used when the menu has already been opened
// needs to be passed the menu ID if the menu was not opened using Open()
func RemoveItem(user_ID, int custom_menu_id)
custom_menu_id = custom_menu_id ?? menu_id;
for (var i = 0; i < GetLength(entries); ++i)
var ID = i+1;
if (!entries[i]) continue;
if (entries[i][3] != user_ID) continue;
GuiClose(custom_menu_id, ID, this);
entries[i] = nil;
return true;
return false;
func DoCall(int ID, command, proplist target, bool noclose, int player)
var self = this; // safety
var entry = entries[ID - 1];
target = target ?? entry[0];
// target removed? safety first!
if (target)
if (target->Call(command ?? entry[1], entry[2], entry[3], player) == -1) return;
if (self)
if (!noclose && !permanent)
func OnClick(data, int player, int ID, int subwindowID, object target)
DoCall(subwindowID, nil, nil, nil, player);
func DoCallback(data, int player, int ID, int subwindowID, object target)
DoCall(subwindowID, data[1], data[0], true, player);
func Open()
menu_id = GuiOpen(this);
return menu_id;