
340 lines
9.2 KiB

Controlls the inventory bar interaction and layout.
@author Zapper
inventory_slot contains an array of proplists with the following attributes:
ID: submenu ID. Unique in combination with the target == GetInventoryGuiTarget
obj: last object that was shown here
hand: bool, whether select with a hand
// all values given in 10 em (-> 10 = 1.0em)
static const GUI_Controller_InventoryBar_IconMarginScreenBottom = 1; // margin from left border of screen
static const GUI_Controller_InventoryBar_IconSize = 20;
static const GUI_Controller_InventoryBar_IconMargin = 5;
local inventory_slots;
local inventory_gui_target;
local inventory_gui_id;
func GetInventoryGuiID()
if (inventory_gui_id) return inventory_gui_id;
var position_y_offset = -(GUI_Controller_InventoryBar_IconMarginScreenBottom + GUI_Controller_InventoryBar_IconSize);
var menu =
Target = GetInventoryGuiTarget(),
Style = GUI_Multiple | GUI_IgnoreMouse | GUI_NoCrop,
Top = ToEmString(position_y_offset),
OnClose = GuiAction_Call(this, "OnInventoryGuiClose")
inventory_gui_id = GuiOpen(menu);
return inventory_gui_id;
func OnInventoryGuiClose()
inventory_gui_id = nil;
// this function returns a dummy object that is used as the custom GUI target by the inventory menu
func GetInventoryGuiTarget()
if (inventory_gui_target)
return inventory_gui_target;
inventory_gui_target = CreateObject(Dummy, AbsX(0), AbsY(0), GetOwner());
inventory_gui_target.Visibility = VIS_Owner;
return inventory_gui_target;
func Construction()
inventory_gui_target = nil;
inventory_slots = [];
return _inherited(...);
func Destruction()
// this also closes the menu
if (inventory_gui_target)
return _inherited(...);
func OnClonkRecruitment(object clonk, int plr)
return _inherited(clonk, plr, ...);
public func OnCrewDisabled(object clonk)
return _inherited(clonk, ...);
public func OnCrewSelection(object clonk, bool deselect)
return _inherited(clonk, deselect, ...);
// call from HUDAdapter or inventory-buttons
public func OnHandSelectionChange(int old, int new, int handslot)
GuiUpdateTag("Std", GetInventoryGuiID(), inventory_slots[old].ID + 1000, GetInventoryGuiTarget());
GuiUpdateTag("Selected", GetInventoryGuiID(), inventory_slots[new].ID + 1000, GetInventoryGuiTarget());
return _inherited(old, new, handslot, ...);
// call from HUDAdapter (Clonk)
public func OnSlotObjectChanged(int slot)
// refresh inventory
return _inherited(slot, ...);
// Updates the Inventory in 1 frame
func ScheduleUpdateInventory()
if (!GetEffect("UpdateInventory", this))
AddEffect("UpdateInventory", this, 1, 1, this);
func FxUpdateInventoryTimer()
return -1;
/* Inventory stuff */
func UpdateInventory()
// only display if we have a clonk
var clonk = GetCursor(GetOwner());
GetInventoryGuiTarget().Visibility = VIS_None;
GetInventoryGuiTarget().Visibility = VIS_Owner;
// update inventory-slots
var hand_item_pos = clonk->GetHandItemPos(0);
for (var slot_info in inventory_slots)
var item = clonk->GetItem(slot_info.slot);
var needs_selection = hand_item_pos == slot_info.slot;
var has_extra_slot = item && item->~HasExtraSlot();
if ((!!item == slot_info.empty) || (item != slot_info.obj) || (needs_selection != slot_info.hand) || has_extra_slot)
// Hide or show extra-slot display?
var extra_slot_player = NO_OWNER;
var extra_symbol = nil;
var contents = nil;
var extra_slot_background_symbol = nil;
if (has_extra_slot)
// Show!
contents = item->Contents(0);
if (contents)
extra_symbol = contents->GetID();
extra_slot_player = nil;
extra_slot_background_symbol = Icon_Menu_Circle;
// And attach tracker..
var i = 0, e = nil;
var found = false;
while (e = GetEffect("ExtraSlotUpdater", item, i++))
if (e.CommandTarget != this) continue;
found = true;
if (!found) AddEffect("ExtraSlotUpdater", item, 1, 30 + Random(60), this);
// What to display in the extra slot?
var extra_text = nil, number_symbol = nil;
if (extra_symbol && contents->~GetStackCount())
if (contents->IsInfiniteStackCount())
number_symbol = Icon_Number;
else extra_text = Format("%dx", contents->GetStackCount());
// If stackable itself, add count.
Disabled for now, as the stackable objects add the number to their picture as an image.
Reenable as soon as we can use different (bigger) font-sizes and the stackable objects do not need to hack their picture.
var count = nil;
if (item) count = item->~GetStackCount();
var count_text = nil;
if (count > 1)
count_text = Format("%dx", count);
// Compose the update!
var update =
icon = { Symbol = item/*, Text = count_text*/},
extra_slot =
Player = extra_slot_player,
text = {Text = extra_text, Symbol = number_symbol},
circle =
Symbol = extra_slot_background_symbol,
symbol = {Symbol = extra_symbol}
GuiUpdate(update, GetInventoryGuiID(), slot_info.ID, GetInventoryGuiTarget());
var tag = "Std";
if (needs_selection) tag = "Selected";
GuiUpdateTag(tag, GetInventoryGuiID(), slot_info.ID, GetInventoryGuiTarget());
slot_info.hand = needs_selection;
slot_info.obj = item;
slot_info.empty = !item;
func FxExtraSlotUpdaterTimer(object target, proplist effect)
if (!this) return -1;
if (target->Contained() != GetCursor(GetOwner())) return -1;
return 1;
func FxExtraSlotUpdaterUpdate(object target, proplist effect)
// Calculates the position of a specific button and returns a proplist.
public func CalculateButtonPosition(int slot_number, int max_slots)
var pos_x_offset = -((GUI_Controller_InventoryBar_IconSize + GUI_Controller_InventoryBar_IconMargin) * max_slots - GUI_Controller_InventoryBar_IconMargin) / 2;
var pos_x = pos_x_offset + (GUI_Controller_InventoryBar_IconSize + GUI_Controller_InventoryBar_IconMargin) * slot_number;
var pos_y = - (GUI_Controller_InventoryBar_IconMarginScreenBottom + GUI_Controller_InventoryBar_IconSize);
var pos =
Left = Format("50%%%s", ToEmString(pos_x)),
Top = Format("100%%%s", ToEmString(pos_y)),
Right = Format("50%%%s", ToEmString(pos_x + GUI_Controller_InventoryBar_IconSize)),
Bottom = Format("100%%%s", ToEmString(pos_y + GUI_Controller_InventoryBar_IconSize))
return pos;
// Insert an inventory slot into the inventory-bar
func CreateNewInventoryButton(int max_slots)
var slot_number = GetLength(inventory_slots);
var slot_info =
slot = slot_number,
ID = slot_number + 1,
hand = false,
obj = nil,
empty = true
PushBack(inventory_slots, slot_info);
// the gui already exists, only update it with a new submenu
var pos = CalculateButtonPosition(slot_number, max_slots);
var icon =
Target = GetInventoryGuiTarget(),
Style = GUI_NoCrop,
ID = slot_info.ID,
Symbol = {Std = Icon_Menu_Circle, Selected = Icon_Menu_CircleHighlight},
Left = pos.Left, Top = pos.Top, Right = pos.Right, Bottom = pos.Bottom,
Text = Format("%2d", slot_info.slot + 1),
icon =
Target = GetInventoryGuiTarget(),
ID = 1000 + slot_info.ID,
Style = GUI_TextRight | GUI_TextBottom,
Text = nil,
Priority = 2
// Prepare (invisible) extra-slot display circle.
extra_slot =
Top = ToEmString(-GUI_Controller_InventoryBar_IconSize/2),
Bottom = "0em",
text =
Right = ToEmString(GUI_Controller_InventoryBar_IconSize/2),
Style = GUI_TextRight,
GraphicsName = "Inf", // sometimes used with Icon_Number
Text = nil,
circle =
Left = ToEmString(GUI_Controller_InventoryBar_IconSize/2),
Symbol = nil,
symbol = {}
GuiUpdate({_new_icon = icon}, GetInventoryGuiID(), 0);
//return bt;
// sets the inventory size to the currently selected clonk
private func UpdateInventoryButtons(object clonk)
var max_contents_count = clonk->~MaxContentsCount();
var old_count = GetLength(inventory_slots);
// need to create more inventory buttons?
while (max_contents_count > GetLength(inventory_slots))
// need to remove some inventory buttons?
while (max_contents_count < GetLength(inventory_slots))
var slot_info = inventory_slots[-1];
GuiClose(GetInventoryGuiID(), slot_info.ID, GetInventoryGuiTarget());
SetLength(inventory_slots, GetLength(inventory_slots)-1);
// modifications occured? Adjust position of old slots
if (old_count != max_contents_count)
var gui_id = GetInventoryGuiID();
var gui_target = GetInventoryGuiTarget();
for (var i = 0; i < old_count; ++i)
var slot_info = inventory_slots[i];
var update = CalculateButtonPosition(i, max_contents_count);
GuiUpdate(update, gui_id, slot_info.ID, gui_target);
// Shows the Carryheavy-Inventoryslot if obj is set
// Removes it if it's nil
func OnCarryHeavyChange(object obj)