
215 lines
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Time Controller
Creates time based on the 24-hour time scheme.
Time is computed in minutes, which are by default
1/2 a second in real life (18 frames). This will
make each complete day/night cycle last 12 minutes
in real life.
local time;
local advance_seconds_per_tick;
/** Sets the current time using a 24*60 minute clock scheme. */
public func SetTime(int to_time)
// Set time.
time = (to_time*60) % (24 * 60 * 60);
// Adjust to time.
/** Returns the time in minutes. */
public func GetTime()
return time / 60;
/** Sets the number of seconds the day will advance each tick (10 frames).
Setting to 0 will stop day-night cycle. Default is 30 seconds. */
public func SetCycleSpeed(int seconds_per_tick)
advance_seconds_per_tick = seconds_per_tick;
/** Returns the number of seconds the day advances each tick (10 frames). */
public func GetCycleSpeed()
return advance_seconds_per_tick;
local time_set;
protected func Initialize()
// Only one time control object.
if (ObjectCount(Find_ID(Environment_Time)) > 1)
return RemoveObject();
time_set = {
SunriseStart = 10800, // 3:00
SunriseEnd = 32400, // 9:00
SunsetStart = 54000, // 15:00
SunsetEnd = 75600, // 21:00
// Add effect that controls time cycle.
advance_seconds_per_tick = 30;
AddEffect("IntTimeCycle", this, 100, 10, this);
// Set the time to midday (12:00).
time = 43200;
// Create moon and stars.
if (FindObject(Find_ID(Environment_Celestial)))
CreateObject(Moon, LandscapeWidth() / 2, LandscapeHeight() / 6);
public func IsDay()
var day_start = (time_set["SunriseStart"] + time_set["SunriseEnd"]) / 2;
var day_end = (time_set["SunsetStart"] + time_set["SunsetEnd"]) / 2;
if (Inside(time, day_start, day_end))
return true;
return false;
public func IsNight()
var night_start = (time_set["SunsetStart"] + time_set["SunsetEnd"]) / 2;
var night_end = (time_set["SunriseStart"] + time_set["SunriseEnd"]) / 2;
if (Inside(time, night_start, night_end))
return true;
return false;
private func PlaceStars()
//Star Creation
var maxamount = LandscapeWidth() * LandscapeHeight() / 40000;
var amount = 0;
while (amount != maxamount)
var pos;
if (pos = FindPosInMat("Sky", 0, 0, LandscapeWidth(), LandscapeHeight()))
CreateObject(Star, pos[0], pos[1]);
// Cycles through day and night.
protected func FxIntTimeCycleTimer(object target)
// Adjust to time.
// Advance time.
time += advance_seconds_per_tick;
time %= (24 * 60 * 60);
return 1;
// Adjusts the sky, celestial and others to the current time. Use SetTime() at runtime, not this.
private func AdjustToTime()
var skyshade = [0,0,0,0]; //R,G,B,A
var nightcolour = [10,25,40]; // default darkest-night colour
var daycolour = [255,255,255];
var sunsetcolour = [140,45,10];
var sunrisecolour = [140,100,70];
// Darkness of night dependent on the moon-phase
var satellite = FindObject(Find_ID(Moon));
var lightness = satellite->GetMoonLightness();
nightcolour = [ 6 * lightness / 100, 8 + 25 * lightness / 100, 15 + 60 * lightness / 100 ];
if (Abs(time - time_set["SunriseEnd"]) <= advance_seconds_per_tick)
// Sunrise
if (Inside(time, time_set["SunriseStart"], time_set["SunriseEnd"]))
var time_since_sunrise = time - time_set["SunriseStart"];
// progress in 0..1800
var progress = time_since_sunrise * 1800 / (time_set["SunriseEnd"] - time_set["SunriseStart"]);
for(var i=0; i<3; ++i)
var nightfade = Cos(progress/2, nightcolour[i],10);
var dayfade = daycolour[i] - Cos(progress/2, daycolour[i],10);
var sunrisefade = Sin(progress, sunrisecolour[i],10);
skyshade[i] = Min(255,dayfade + nightfade + sunrisefade);
skyshade[3] = Min(255,progress);
// Day
else if (Inside(time, time_set["SunriseEnd"], time_set["SunsetStart"]))
skyshade[0] = 255;
skyshade[1] = 255;
skyshade[2] = 255;
skyshade[3] = 255;
// Sunset
else if (Inside(time, time_set["SunsetStart"], time_set["SunsetEnd"]))
var time_since_sunset = time - time_set["SunsetStart"];
// progress in 0..1800
var progress = time_since_sunset * 1800 / (time_set["SunsetEnd"] - time_set["SunsetStart"]);
for(var i=0; i<3; ++i)
var dayfade = Cos(progress/2, daycolour[i],10);
var nightfade = nightcolour[i] - Cos(progress/2, nightcolour[i],10);
var sunsetfade = Sin(progress, sunsetcolour[i],10);
skyshade[i] = Min(255,dayfade + nightfade + sunsetfade);
skyshade[3] = Min(255,1800-progress);
// Night
else if (time > time_set["SunsetEnd"] || time < time_set["SunriseStart"])
skyshade[0] = nightcolour[0];
skyshade[1] = nightcolour[1];
skyshade[2] = nightcolour[2];
skyshade[3] = 0;
// Shade sky.
SetSkyAdjust(RGB(skyshade[0], skyshade[1], skyshade[2]));
// Adjust celestial objects.
for (var celestial in FindObjects(Find_Func("IsCelestial")))
celestial->SetObjAlpha(255 - skyshade[3]);
// Adjust clouds
for(var cloud in FindObjects(Find_ID(Cloud))){
cloud->SetLightingShade(255 - skyshade[2]);
local Name = "Time";