
528 lines
17 KiB

Gem Grabbers
Players need to grab gems from non trivial locations in a landscape with many sky islands.
There are many tools either available directly or for production on the other islands.
* Rain and wind effects.
* Attacking birds on the islands with new buildings.
* Some other hurdles.
* Decoration on all the islands.
@author Maikel
protected func Initialize()
// Show wealth in HUD.
// Rules: team account and buying at flagpole.
// Goal: Sell Gems, amount depends on difficulty and initial availability.
var gems = (4 * GetMaterialCount(Material("Ruby"))) / (5 * GetMaterialVal("Blast2ObjectRatio", "Material", Material("Ruby")));
gems += (4 * GetMaterialCount(Material("Amethyst"))) / (5 * GetMaterialVal("Blast2ObjectRatio", "Material", Material("Amethyst")));
var percentage = 40 + 20 * SCENPAR_Difficulty;
var goal = CreateObject(Goal_SellGems);
goal->SetTargetAmount((gems * percentage) / 100);
// Initialize different parts of the scenario.
InitAnimals(SCENPAR_MapSize, SCENPAR_Difficulty);
InitMainIsland(4 - SCENPAR_Difficulty);
InitIslands(4 - SCENPAR_Difficulty);
protected func OnGoalsFulfilled()
// Give the remaining players their achievement.
GainScenarioAchievement("Done", BoundBy(SCENPAR_Difficulty, 1, 3));
return false;
/*-- Player Initialization --*/
protected func InitializePlayer(int plr)
// Harsh zoom range.
SetPlayerZoomByViewRange(plr, 500, nil, PLRZOOM_Direct | PLRZOOM_LimitMax);
SetPlayerViewLock(plr, true);
// Position and materials.
var i, crew;
for (i = 0; crew = GetCrew(plr, i); ++i)
var pos = FindMainIslandPosition();
crew->SetPosition(pos[0], pos[1] - 11);
// Give the player its knowledge.
RemovePlayerSpecificKnowledge(plr, [InventorsLab, Shipyard, WallKit]);
// Only clonks for sale at the homebase, depending on diffuculty: 3, 5, 10 available.
var nr_clonks = Max(9 - 2 * SCENPAR_Difficulty, 1);
if (SCENPAR_Difficulty == 1)
nr_clonks += 3;
SetBaseMaterial(plr, Clonk, nr_clonks);
SetBaseProduction(plr, Clonk, nr_clonks);
// Claim ownership of structures, last player who joins owns all the main island flags.
for (var structure in FindObjects(Find_Or(Find_Category(C4D_Structure), Find_Func("IsFlagpole"))))
/*-- Scenario Initialization --*/
// Initializes environment and disasters.
private func InitEnvironment(int difficulty)
// Set time to almost night and have stars.
Time->SetTime(20 * 60 + 15);
// Clouds and rain.
Cloud->SetPrecipitation("Water", 100 + 25 * difficulty);
for (var cloud in FindObjects(Find_ID(Cloud)))
// Make some clouds appear in the foreground with high alpha.
if (Random(3) == 0)
cloud.Plane = 600;
// Set a certain parallax.
SetSkyParallax(0, 20, 20);
// Disasters: meteors and lightning.
Meteor->SetChance(2 * difficulty);
Cloud->SetLightning(3 * difficulty**2 + difficulty + 2);
// Initializes grass, trees and in-earth objects.
private func InitVegetation(int amount)
// Grass on all islands.
// Vegetation around all islands.
Flower->Place(10 + 4 * amount);
Mushroom->Place(10 + 4 * amount);
Branch->Place(10 + 4 * amount);
Trunk->Place(4 + 2 * amount);
Vine->Place(8 + 3 * amount);
// Place trees around the islands.
Tree_Deciduous->Place(10 + 4 * amount);
Tree_Coconut->Place(40 + 8 * amount);
Tree_Coconut->Place(6 + Random(3), Rectangle(LandscapeWidth()/2 - 300, LandscapeHeight()/2 - 200, 600, 400));
// Place some cotton plants over the map
Cotton->Place(8 + 2 * amount);
// Create an effect to make sure there will always grow some new trees and cotton.
AddEffect("EnsureVegetationOnMainIsland", nil, 100, 20, nil);
// Some objects in the earth.
PlaceObjects(Rock, 35 + Random(10), "Earth");
PlaceObjects(Firestone, 25 + Random(5), "Earth");
// Ensures that there will always grow some trees and cotton on the main island.
global func FxEnsureVegetationOnMainIslandTimer()
var wdt = LandscapeWidth();
var hgt = LandscapeHeight();
// Place a tree if there are less than eight trees, with increasing likelihood for lower amounts of trees.
var nr_trees = ObjectCount(Find_Func("IsTree"), Find_InRect(wdt / 2 - 300, hgt / 2 - 200, 600, 400));
if (Random(9) >= nr_trees)
if (!Random(20))
PlaceVegetation(Tree_Coconut, wdt / 2 - 300, hgt / 2 - 200, 600, 400, 3);
// Place cotton plants (at least two).
var nr_cotton = ObjectCount(Find_ID(Cotton), Find_InRect(wdt / 2 - 300, hgt / 2 - 200, 600, 400));
if (Random(3) >= nr_cotton)
if (!Random(20))
PlaceVegetation(Cotton, wdt / 2 - 300, hgt / 2 - 200, 600, 400, 3);
return FX_OK;
// Initializes animals.
private func InitAnimals(int amount, int difficulty)
// Some fireflies attracted to trees.
Firefly->Place(4 + 2 * amount);
// Place some bats on insane difficulty.
if (difficulty == 3)
Bat->Place(6 + 2 * amount, nil, {tunnel_only = true});
// Initializes the growth of gem stalactites.
private func InitResources(int difficulty)
// Add an effect to ensure gem stalactites are grown when the player seems unable to complete the goal.
var effect = AddEffect("GrowGemStalactites", nil, 100, 60 * 36, nil, nil, difficulty);
effect.difficulty = difficulty;
// Ensures that gem stalactites grow if the player has too few gems available.
global func FxGrowGemStalactitesTimer(object target, proplist effect, int time)
// Get the number of gems available and compare with the goal.
var gems = (GetMaterialCount(Material("Ruby")) + GetMaterialCount(Material("Amethyst"))) / 125;
gems += ObjectCount(Find_Or(Find_ID(Ruby), Find_ID(Amethyst)));
var goal = FindObject(Find_ID(Goal_SellGems));
if (!goal)
return FX_OK;
// The comparison depends on the difficulty settings.
if (gems - goal->GetTargetAmount() > 5 * (4 - effect.difficulty))
return FX_OK;
// Find a location to grow a stalactite, possible away from others and clonks.
var pos, good_pos;
for (var attempts = 0; attempts < 30; attempts++)
good_pos = false;
var dist = 64; // distance from border
pos = FindLocation(Loc_Sky(), Loc_Wall(CNAT_Top), Loc_Space(8, CNAT_Bottom | CNAT_Left | CNAT_Right), Loc_InRect(dist, dist, LandscapeWidth() - 2 * dist, LandscapeHeight() - 2 * dist));
if (!pos)
// Check for an even solid ceiling.
var x = pos.x, y = pos.y;
while ((!GBackSemiSolid(x - 7, y) || !GBackSemiSolid(x + 7, y)) && y > pos.y - 5)
if (y <= pos.y - 5)
// Check for other stalactites, crew members, and vehicle material (wooden bridges, etc.). The new stalactite should not be too close to either
var dist = 300;
var vehicle_dist = 30;
if (!!FindLocation(Loc_Or(Loc_Material("Vehicle")), Loc_InRect(pos.x - vehicle_dist, pos.y - vehicle_dist, 2 * vehicle_dist, 2 * vehicle_dist)))
if (!!FindLocation(Loc_Or(Loc_Material("Ruby"), Loc_Material("Amethyst")), Loc_InRect(pos.x - dist, pos.y - dist, 2 * dist, 2 * dist)))
if (!!FindObject(Find_OCF(OCF_CrewMember), Find_Distance(dist, pos.x, pos.y)))
// Found a good location.
good_pos = true;
if (!good_pos)
return FX_OK;
// Add growing stalactite effect.
effect = AddEffect("GrowStalactite", nil, 100, 8, nil);
effect.Material = "Ruby";
if (Random(2))
effect.Material = "Amethyst";
effect.x = pos.x;
effect.y = pos.y;
effect.size = 36;
return FX_OK;
// Grows a single stalactite.
global func FxGrowStalactiteTimer(object target, proplist effect, int time)
if (effect.size <= 1)
return FX_Execute_Kill;
var width = 4 * Min(effect.size, 24) / 3 + RandomX(3, 5);
for (var x = effect.x - width / 2; x <= effect.x + width / 2; x++)
var cnt = 0;
var y = effect.y;
while (!GBackSemiSolid(x, y) && ++cnt < 10)
DrawMaterialQuad(effect.Material, x, y, x + 1, y, x + 1, y + 1, x, y + 1, true);
effect.y += Random(2) + 1;
effect.x += RandomX(-1, 1);
return FX_OK;
// Initializes the main island according to the material specification.
private func InitMainIsland(int amount)
amount = BoundBy(amount, 1, 3);
var pos;
// Always start with a lorry filled with: hammer(x2), axe(x2), wood(x6) and metal(x4) and.
// The boompack is also always there to have the opportunity to get one clonk on another
// sky island and start exploring.
var lorry_pos = FindMainIslandPosition(0, 80);
var lorry = CreateObjectAbove(Lorry, lorry_pos[0], lorry_pos[1] - 8);
lorry->CreateContents(Hammer, 2);
lorry->CreateContents(Axe, 2);
lorry->CreateContents(Wood, 6);
lorry->CreateContents(Metal, 4);
lorry->CreateContents(Boompack, 1);
// If more material is specified, create a small settlement: flag(x2) and windmill.
// Also fill lorry a bit more with: pickaxe(x1), dynamite(x4), wood(x4), metal(x2).
if (amount >= 2)
pos = FindMainIslandPosition(-120, 20);
CreateObjectAbove(Flagpole, pos[0], pos[1]);
pos = FindMainIslandPosition(120, 20);
CreateObjectAbove(Flagpole, pos[0], pos[1]);
pos = FindMainIslandPosition(nil, nil, true);
CreateObjectAbove(WindGenerator, pos[0], pos[1]);
lorry->CreateContents(Wood, 4);
lorry->CreateContents(Metal, 2);
lorry->CreateContents(Pickaxe, 1);
lorry->CreateContents(Dynamite, 4);
// If still more material is specified, create a larger settlement: sawmill, chemical lab, tools workshop.
// Also fill lorry a bit more with: Barrel (x1), Bucket(x1), Loam(x4), DynamiteBox(x2).
if (amount >= 3)
pos = FindMainIslandPosition(nil, nil, true);
CreateObjectAbove(Sawmill, pos[0], pos[1]);
pos = FindMainIslandPosition(nil, nil, true);
CreateObjectAbove(ChemicalLab, pos[0], pos[1]);
pos = FindMainIslandPosition(nil, nil, true);
CreateObjectAbove(ToolsWorkshop, pos[0], pos[1]);
lorry->CreateContents(Barrel, 1);
lorry->CreateContents(Bucket, 1);
lorry->CreateContents(Loam, 4);
lorry->CreateContents(DynamiteBox, 1);
// Tries to find a position on the main island.
private func FindMainIslandPosition(int xpos, int sep, bool no_struct)
if (xpos == nil)
xpos = 0;
if (sep == nil)
sep = 250;
var wdt = LandscapeWidth();
var hgt = LandscapeHeight();
for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++)
var x = RandomX(wdt / 2 + xpos - sep, wdt / 2 + xpos + sep);
var y = hgt / 2 - 220;
while (!GBackSolid(x, y) && y < 3 * hgt / 4)
if (!no_struct || !FindObject(Find_Or(Find_Category(C4D_Structure), Find_Func("IsFlagpole")), Find_Distance(60, x, y)))
return [x, y];
// Initializes the smaller islands according to the material specification.
private func InitIslands(int amount)
amount = BoundBy(amount, 1, 3);
// Locate all islands and store them in an array.
var islands = FindIslands();
// Debug: Draw the island rects.
//for (var island in islands)
// DrawBoundingBox(island[0], island[1], island[2], island[3]);
// Add some structures, materials and vegetation to each island depending on material specification.
var island_nr = 1;
for (var island in islands)
island_nr += ProvideIsland(island, island_nr, amount);
// Returns an array with rectangles enclosing each of the islands.
private func FindIslands()
var wdt = LandscapeWidth();
var hgt = LandscapeHeight();
var main = [wdt / 2 - 500, hgt / 2 - 225, 1000, 600];
var spot = FindLocation(Loc_Solid(), Loc_Not(Loc_InRect(main[0], main[1], main[2], main[3])));
var islands = []; var island_cond;
// Search for islands iteratively excluding the rectangle of the last found island.
var island = MakeIslandRect(spot.x, spot.y);
islands[GetLength(islands)] = island;
island_cond = Loc_Not(Loc_InRect(island[0], island[1], island[2], island[3]));
for (var i = 0; i < GetLength(islands) - 1; i++)
var island = islands[i];
island_cond = Loc_And(island_cond, Loc_Not(Loc_InRect(island[0], island[1], island[2], island[3])));
while (spot = FindLocation(Loc_Solid(), Loc_Not(Loc_InRect(main[0], main[1], main[2], main[3])), island_cond));
return islands;
private func MakeIslandRect(int x, int y)
var x1 = x, x2 = x;
var y1 = y, y2 = y;
var lwdt = LandscapeWidth();
var lhgt = LandscapeHeight();
// find some random spots until one finds the boundaries.
for (var i = 0; i < 250; i++)
var range = 60;
var spot = FindLocation(Loc_Solid(), Loc_InRect(Max(0, x - range), Max(0, y - range), Min(2 * range, lwdt - x + range), Min(2 * range, lhgt - y + range)));
if (!spot)
x = spot.x; y = spot.y;
if (x < x1) x1 = x;
if (x > x2) x2 = x;
if (y < y1) y1 = y;
if (y > y2) y2 = y;
// Make the rectangle somewhat bigger.
var extra_size = 80;
var x1 = Max(0, x1 - extra_size);
var y1 = Max(0, y1 - extra_size);
var wdt = x2 - x1 + extra_size; wdt = Min(wdt, lwdt - x1);
var hgt = y2 - y1 + extra_size; hgt = Min(hgt, lhgt - y1);
var rect = [x1, y1, wdt, hgt];
return rect;
// Provides some stuff for each of the 6-9 other islands, dependent on the material settings.
private func ProvideIsland(array island, int number, int amount)
// All of the islands have a few in-earth loam pieces.
PlaceObjects(Loam, amount + RandomX(1, 3), "Earth", island[0], island[1], island[2], island[3]);
var spot = FindLocation(Loc_InRect(island[0], island[1], island[2], island[3] / 2), Loc_Wall(CNAT_Bottom), Loc_Space(20, CNAT_Left | CNAT_Right | CNAT_Top), Loc_Sky());
if (!spot)
return 0;
// An inventors lab without power supply for the first island. With construction
// materials for Boompack, balloon, windbag and teleglove dependent on material settings.
if (number == 1)
var lab = CreateObjectAbove(InventorsLab, spot.x, spot.y);
lab->CreateContents(Wood, 2 * amount);
lab->CreateContents(Metal, 2 * amount);
lab->CreateContents(Cloth, amount);
lab->CreateContents(PowderKeg, amount - 1);
lab->CreateContents(Firestone, amount - 1);
var basement = lab->CreateObjectAbove(Basement, 0, lab->GetBottom() + 8);
// A shipyard with material for a airship, but without power supply for the second island.
// If the player finds this island and manages to construct a windmill he can escape.
if (number == 2)
var shipyard = CreateObjectAbove(Shipyard, spot.x, spot.y);
shipyard->CreateContents(Wood, 4);
shipyard->CreateContents(Metal, 2 * amount);
var basement = shipyard->CreateObjectAbove(Basement, 0, shipyard->GetBottom() + 8);
// A cannon with a powder keg for the third island and place some metal & wood.
if (number == 3)
var cannon = CreateObjectAbove(Cannon, spot.x, spot.y);
PlaceObjects(Wood, amount + Random(2), "Earth", island[0], island[1], island[2], island[3]);
PlaceObjects(Metal, amount + Random(2), "Earth", island[0], island[1], island[2], island[3]);
// A catapult for the fourth island and place some metal & wood.
if (number == 4)
SproutBerryBush->Place(Random(amount + 1), Shape->Rectangle(island[0], island[1] - 80, island[2], island[3] / 2));
CreateObjectAbove(Catapult, spot.x, spot.y);
PlaceObjects(Wood, amount + Random(2), "Earth", island[0], island[1], island[2], island[3]);
PlaceObjects(Metal, amount + Random(2), "Earth", island[0], island[1], island[2], island[3]);
// For the other islands a lorry with explosives, gold bars and loam.
// Place some sproutberries as well.
if (number >= 5)
var lorry = CreateObjectAbove(Lorry, spot.x, spot.y);
lorry->CreateContents(Loam, 2 + amount);
lorry->CreateContents(DynamiteBox, amount);
lorry->CreateContents(Dynamite, 4);
lorry->CreateContents(GoldBar, Random(amount + 1));
SproutBerryBush->Place(amount + Random(2), Shape->Rectangle(island[0], island[1] - 80, island[2], island[3] / 2));
// For all the islands some decoration.
if (!Random(3))
var spot = FindLocation(Loc_InRect(island[0], island[1], island[2], island[3] / 2), Loc_Wall(CNAT_Bottom), Loc_Space(20, CNAT_Top | CNAT_Left | CNAT_Right), Loc_Sky());
if (spot)
CreateObjectAbove(Column, spot.x, spot.y);
return 1;
/*-- Some helper functions --*/
global func TestGemCount()
var pos;
while (pos = FindLocation(Loc_Or(Loc_Material("Ruby"), Loc_Material("Amethyst"))))
var pos = CreateObjectAbove(Rock, pos.x, pos.y)->Explode(100);
var gem_count = ObjectCount(Find_Or(Find_ID(Ruby), Find_ID(Amethyst)));
return gem_count;
global func DrawBoundingBox(int x, int y, int wdt, int hgt)
// Draw top and bottom lines.
DrawMaterialQuad("Brick", x, y + 1, x + wdt, y + 1, x + wdt, y - 1, x, y - 1);
DrawMaterialQuad("Brick", x, y + hgt + 1, x + wdt, y + hgt + 1, x + wdt, y + hgt - 1, x, y + hgt - 1);
// Draw right and left lines.
DrawMaterialQuad("Brick", x - 1, y, x + 1, y, x + 1, y + hgt, x - 1, y + hgt);
DrawMaterialQuad("Brick", x + wdt - 1, y, x + wdt + 1, y, x + wdt + 1, y + hgt, x + wdt - 1, y + hgt);