
639 lines
15 KiB

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#ifndef _MSC_VER
# include <stdint.h>
#ifndef SORT_NAME
#error "Must declare SORT_NAME"
#ifndef SORT_TYPE
#error "Must declare SORT_TYPE"
#ifndef SORT_CMP
#define SORT_CMP(x, y) ((x) < (y) ? -1 : ((x) == (y) ? 0 : 1))
#ifndef CLZ
#ifdef __GNUC__
#define CLZ __builtin_clzll
// adapted from Hacker's Delight
int clzll(uint64_t x) {
int n;
if (x == 0) return(64);
n = 0;
if (x <= 0x00000000FFFFFFFFL) {n = n + 32; x = x << 32;}
if (x <= 0x0000FFFFFFFFFFFFL) {n = n + 16; x = x << 16;}
if (x <= 0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFFL) {n = n + 8; x = x << 8;}
if (x <= 0x0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFL) {n = n + 4; x = x << 4;}
if (x <= 0x3FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFL) {n = n + 2; x = x << 2;}
if (x <= 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFL) {n = n + 1;}
return n;
#define CLZ clzll
#define SORT_SWAP(x,y) {SORT_TYPE __SORT_SWAP_t = (x); (x) = (y); (y) = __SORT_SWAP_t;}
#define SORT_CONCAT(x, y) x ## _ ## y
#define SORT_MAKE_STR1(x, y) SORT_CONCAT(x,y)
#define SHELL_SORT SORT_MAKE_STR(shell_sort)
#define BINARY_INSERTION_SORT SORT_MAKE_STR(binary_insertion_sort)
#define HEAP_SORT SORT_MAKE_STR(heap_sort)
#define QUICK_SORT SORT_MAKE_STR(quick_sort)
#define MERGE_SORT SORT_MAKE_STR(merge_sort)
#define BUBBLE_SORT SORT_MAKE_STR(bubble_sort)
#define TIM_SORT SORT_MAKE_STR(tim_sort)
#define TIM_SORT_RUN_T SORT_MAKE_STR(tim_sort_run_t)
#define TEMP_STORAGE_T SORT_MAKE_STR(temp_storage_t)
#ifndef MAX
#define MAX(x,y) (((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y)))
#ifndef MIN
#define MIN(x,y) (((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y)))
typedef struct {
int64_t start;
int64_t length;
void SHELL_SORT(SORT_TYPE *dst, const size_t size);
void BINARY_INSERTION_SORT(SORT_TYPE *dst, const size_t size);
void HEAP_SORT(SORT_TYPE *dst, const size_t size);
void QUICK_SORT(SORT_TYPE *dst, const size_t size);
void MERGE_SORT(SORT_TYPE *dst, const size_t size);
void BUBBLE_SORT(SORT_TYPE *dst, const size_t size);
void TIM_SORT(SORT_TYPE *dst, const size_t size);
/* From */
static const uint64_t shell_gaps[48] = {1, 4, 10, 23, 57, 132, 301, 701, 1750, 4376, 10941, 27353, 68383, 170958, 427396, 1068491, 2671228, 6678071, 16695178, 41737946, 104344866, 260862166, 652155416, 1630388541, 4075971353LL, 10189928383LL, 25474820958LL, 63687052396LL, 159217630991LL, 398044077478LL, 995110193696LL, 2487775484241LL, 6219438710603LL, 15548596776508LL, 38871491941271LL, 97178729853178LL, 242946824632946LL, 607367061582366LL, 1518417653955916LL, 3796044134889791LL, 9490110337224478LL, 23725275843061196LL, 59313189607652991LL, 148282974019132478LL, 370707435047831196LL, 926768587619577991LL, 2316921469048944978LL, 5792303672622362446LL};
/* Shell sort implementation based on Wikipedia article
void SHELL_SORT(SORT_TYPE *dst, const size_t size)
// TODO: binary search to find first gap?
int inci = 47;
int64_t inc = shell_gaps[inci];
while (inc > (size >> 1))
inc = shell_gaps[--inci];
int64_t i;
while (1)
for (i = inc; i < size; i++)
SORT_TYPE temp = dst[i];
int64_t j = i;
while ((j >= inc) && (SORT_CMP(dst[j - inc], temp) > 0))
dst[j] = dst[j - inc];
j -= inc;
dst[j] = temp;
if (inc == 1) break;
inc = shell_gaps[--inci];
/* Function used to do a binary search for binary insertion sort */
static inline int64_t binary_insertion_find(SORT_TYPE *dst, const SORT_TYPE x, const size_t size)
int64_t l, c, r;
l = 0;
r = size - 1;
c = r >> 1;
SORT_TYPE lx, cx, rx;
lx = dst[l];
/* check for beginning conditions */
if (SORT_CMP(x, lx) < 0)
return 0;
else if (SORT_CMP(x, lx) == 0)
int64_t i = 1;
while (SORT_CMP(x, dst[i]) == 0) i++;
return i;
rx = dst[r];
// guaranteed not to be >= rx
cx = dst[c];
while (1)
const int val = SORT_CMP(x, cx);
if (val < 0)
if (c - l <= 1) return c;
r = c;
rx = cx;
else if (val > 0)
if (r - c <= 1) return c + 1;
l = c;
lx = cx;
cx = dst[++c];
} while (SORT_CMP(x, cx) == 0);
return c;
c = l + ((r - l) >> 1);
cx = dst[c];
/* Binary insertion sort, but knowing that the first "start" entries are sorted. Used in timsort. */
static inline void binary_insertion_sort_start(SORT_TYPE *dst, const size_t start, const size_t size)
int64_t i;
for (i = start; i < size; i++)
int64_t j;
/* If this entry is already correct, just move along */
if (SORT_CMP(dst[i - 1], dst[i]) <= 0) continue;
/* Else we need to find the right place, shift everything over, and squeeze in */
SORT_TYPE x = dst[i];
int64_t location = binary_insertion_find(dst, x, i);
for (j = i - 1; j >= location; j--)
dst[j + 1] = dst[j];
dst[location] = x;
/* Binary insertion sort */
void BINARY_INSERTION_SORT(SORT_TYPE *dst, const size_t size)
binary_insertion_sort_start(dst, 1, size);
void BUBBLE_SORT(SORT_TYPE *dst, const size_t size)
int64_t i;
int64_t j;
for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
for (j = i + 1; j < size; j++)
if (SORT_CMP(dst[j], dst[i]) < 0)
SORT_SWAP(dst[i], dst[j]);
void MERGE_SORT(SORT_TYPE *dst, const size_t size)
if (size < 16)
const int64_t middle = size / 2;
MERGE_SORT(dst, middle);
MERGE_SORT(&dst[middle], size - middle);
#ifdef _MSC_VER
SORT_TYPE* newdst = (SORT_TYPE*)malloc(size * sizeof(SORT_TYPE));
SORT_TYPE newdst[size];
int64_t out = 0;
int64_t i = 0;
int64_t j = middle;
while (out != size)
if (i < middle)
if (j < size)
if (SORT_CMP(dst[i], dst[j]) <= 0)
newdst[out] = dst[i++];
newdst[out] = dst[j++];
newdst[out] = dst[i++];
newdst[out] = dst[j++];
memcpy(dst, newdst, size * sizeof(SORT_TYPE));
#ifdef _MSC_VER
/* quick sort: based on wikipedia */
static inline int64_t quick_sort_partition(SORT_TYPE *dst, const int64_t left, const int64_t right, const int64_t pivot)
SORT_TYPE value = dst[pivot];
SORT_SWAP(dst[pivot], dst[right]);
int64_t index = left;
int64_t i;
for (i = left; i < right; i++)
if (SORT_CMP(dst[i], value) <= 0)
SORT_SWAP(dst[i], dst[index]);
SORT_SWAP(dst[right], dst[index]);
return index;
static void quick_sort_recursive(SORT_TYPE *dst, const int64_t left, const int64_t right)
if (right <= left) return;
if ((right - left + 1) < 16)
BINARY_INSERTION_SORT(&dst[left], right - left + 1);
const int64_t pivot = left + ((right - left) >> 1);
const int64_t new_pivot = quick_sort_partition(dst, left, right, pivot);
quick_sort_recursive(dst, left, new_pivot - 1);
quick_sort_recursive(dst, new_pivot + 1, right);
void QUICK_SORT(SORT_TYPE *dst, const size_t size)
quick_sort_recursive(dst, 0, size - 1);
/* timsort implementation, based on timsort.txt */
static inline void reverse_elements(SORT_TYPE *dst, int64_t start, int64_t end)
while (1)
if (start >= end) return;
SORT_SWAP(dst[start], dst[end]);
static inline int64_t count_run(SORT_TYPE *dst, const int64_t start, const size_t size)
if (size - start == 1) return 1;
if (start >= size - 2)
if (SORT_CMP(dst[size - 2], dst[size - 1]) > 0)
SORT_SWAP(dst[size - 2], dst[size - 1]);
return 2;
int64_t curr = start + 2;
if (SORT_CMP(dst[start], dst[start + 1]) <= 0)
// increasing run
while (1)
if (curr == size - 1) break;
if (SORT_CMP(dst[curr - 1], dst[curr]) > 0) break;
return curr - start;
// decreasing run
while (1)
if (curr == size - 1) break;
if (SORT_CMP(dst[curr - 1], dst[curr]) <= 0) break;
// reverse in-place
reverse_elements(dst, start, curr - 1);
return curr - start;
static inline int compute_minrun(const uint64_t size)
const int top_bit = 64 - CLZ(size);
const int shift = MAX(top_bit, 6) - 6;
const int minrun = size >> shift;
const uint64_t mask = (1ULL << shift) - 1;
if (mask & size) return minrun + 1;
return minrun;
#define PUSH_NEXT() do {\
len = count_run(dst, curr, size);\
run = minrun;\
if (run < minrun) run = minrun;\
if (run > size - curr) run = size - curr;\
if (run > len)\
binary_insertion_sort_start(&dst[curr], len, run);\
len = run;\
run_stack[stack_curr].start = curr;\
run_stack[stack_curr++].length = len;\
curr += len;\
if (curr == size)\
/* finish up */ \
while (stack_curr > 1) \
{ \
tim_sort_merge(dst, run_stack, stack_curr, store); \
run_stack[stack_curr - 2].length += run_stack[stack_curr - 1].length; \
stack_curr--; \
} \
if (store->storage != NULL)\
store->storage = NULL;\
while (0)
static inline int check_invariant(TIM_SORT_RUN_T *stack, const int stack_curr)
if (stack_curr < 2) return 1;
if (stack_curr == 2)
const int64_t A = stack[stack_curr - 2].length;
const int64_t B = stack[stack_curr - 1].length;
if (A <= B) return 0;
return 1;
const int64_t A = stack[stack_curr - 3].length;
const int64_t B = stack[stack_curr - 2].length;
const int64_t C = stack[stack_curr - 1].length;
if ((A <= B + C) || (B <= C)) return 0;
return 1;
typedef struct {
size_t alloc;
SORT_TYPE *storage;
static inline void tim_sort_resize(TEMP_STORAGE_T *store, const size_t new_size)
if (store->alloc < new_size)
SORT_TYPE *tempstore = (SORT_TYPE*)realloc(store->storage, new_size * sizeof(SORT_TYPE));
if (tempstore == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "Error allocating temporary storage for tim sort: need %lu bytes", sizeof(SORT_TYPE) * new_size);
store->storage = tempstore;
store->alloc = new_size;
static inline void tim_sort_merge(SORT_TYPE *dst, const TIM_SORT_RUN_T *stack, const int stack_curr, TEMP_STORAGE_T *store)
const int64_t A = stack[stack_curr - 2].length;
const int64_t B = stack[stack_curr - 1].length;
const int64_t curr = stack[stack_curr - 2].start;
tim_sort_resize(store, MIN(A, B));
SORT_TYPE *storage = store->storage;
int64_t i, j, k;
// left merge
if (A < B)
memcpy(storage, &dst[curr], A * sizeof(SORT_TYPE));
i = 0;
j = curr + A;
for (k = curr; k < curr + A + B; k++)
if ((i < A) && (j < curr + A + B))
if (SORT_CMP(storage[i], dst[j]) <= 0)
dst[k] = storage[i++];
dst[k] = dst[j++];
else if (i < A)
dst[k] = storage[i++];
dst[k] = dst[j++];
// right merge
memcpy(storage, &dst[curr + A], B * sizeof(SORT_TYPE));
i = B - 1;
j = curr + A - 1;
for (k = curr + A + B - 1; k >= curr; k--)
if ((i >= 0) && (j >= curr))
if (SORT_CMP(dst[j], storage[i]) > 0)
dst[k] = dst[j--];
dst[k] = storage[i--];
else if (i >= 0)
dst[k] = storage[i--];
dst[k] = dst[j--];
static inline int tim_sort_collapse(SORT_TYPE *dst, TIM_SORT_RUN_T *stack, int stack_curr, TEMP_STORAGE_T *store, const size_t size)
while (1)
// if the stack only has one thing on it, we are done with the collapse
if (stack_curr <= 1) break;
// if this is the last merge, just do it
if ((stack_curr == 2) && (stack[0].length + stack[1].length == size))
tim_sort_merge(dst, stack, stack_curr, store);
stack[0].length += stack[1].length;
// check if the invariant is off for a stack of 2 elements
else if ((stack_curr == 2) && (stack[0].length <= stack[1].length))
tim_sort_merge(dst, stack, stack_curr, store);
stack[0].length += stack[1].length;
else if (stack_curr == 2)
const int64_t A = stack[stack_curr - 3].length;
const int64_t B = stack[stack_curr - 2].length;
const int64_t C = stack[stack_curr - 1].length;
// check first invariant
if (A <= B + C)
if (A < C)
tim_sort_merge(dst, stack, stack_curr - 1, store);
stack[stack_curr - 3].length += stack[stack_curr - 2].length;
stack[stack_curr - 2] = stack[stack_curr - 1];
tim_sort_merge(dst, stack, stack_curr, store);
stack[stack_curr - 2].length += stack[stack_curr - 1].length;
// check second invariant
else if (B <= C)
tim_sort_merge(dst, stack, stack_curr, store);
stack[stack_curr - 2].length += stack[stack_curr - 1].length;
return stack_curr;
void TIM_SORT(SORT_TYPE *dst, const size_t size)
if (size < 64)
// compute the minimum run length
const int minrun = compute_minrun(size);
// temporary storage for merges
TEMP_STORAGE_T _store, *store = &_store;
store->alloc = 0;
store->storage = NULL;
TIM_SORT_RUN_T run_stack[128];
int stack_curr = 0;
int64_t len, run;
int64_t curr = 0;
while (1)
if (!check_invariant(run_stack, stack_curr))
stack_curr = tim_sort_collapse(dst, run_stack, stack_curr, store, size);
/* heap sort: based on wikipedia */
static inline void heap_sift_down(SORT_TYPE *dst, const int64_t start, const int64_t end)
int64_t root = start;
while ((root << 1) <= end)
int64_t child = root << 1;
if ((child < end) && (SORT_CMP(dst[child], dst[child + 1]) < 0))
if (SORT_CMP(dst[root], dst[child]) < 0)
SORT_SWAP(dst[root], dst[child]);
root = child;
static inline void heapify(SORT_TYPE *dst, const size_t size)
int64_t start = size >> 1;
while (start >= 0)
heap_sift_down(dst, start, size - 1);
void HEAP_SORT(SORT_TYPE *dst, const size_t size)
heapify(dst, size);
int64_t end = size - 1;
while (end > 0)
SORT_SWAP(dst[end], dst[0]);
heap_sift_down(dst, 0, end - 1);
#undef SORT_NAME
#undef PUSH_NEXT