
895 lines
17 KiB

Author: Randrian
The protoganist of the game. Witty and nimble if skillfully controled ;-)
// selectable by HUD and some performance optimizations for the HUD updates
#include Library_HUDAdapter
// standard controls
#include Library_ClonkControl
// manager for aiming
#include Library_AimManager
#include Clonk_Animations
// un-comment them as soon as the new controls work with context menus etc.^
// Context menu
//#include Library_ContextMenu
// Auto production
//#include Library_AutoProduction
// ladder climbing
#include Library_CanClimbLadder
local pInventory;
/* Initialization */
protected func Construction()
// Modifiable ActMap
if (ActMap == this.Prototype.ActMap)
ActMap = { Prototype = this.Prototype.ActMap };
// Broadcast for rules
GameCallEx("OnClonkCreation", this);
AddEffect("IntTurn", this, 1, 1, this);
AddEffect("IntEyes", this, 1, 35+Random(4), this);
/* When adding to the crew of a player */
protected func Recruitment(int iPlr)
//The clonk's appearance
//In your clonk file: "ExtraData=1;Skin=iX" (X = chosen skin)
var skin = GetCrewExtraData("Skin");
if (skin == nil) skin = GetPlrClonkSkin(iPlr);
if(skin) SetSkin(skin);
// Broadcast for crew
GameCallEx("OnClonkRecruitment", this, iPlr);
return _inherited(iPlr,...);
protected func DeRecruitment(int iPlr) {
// Broadcast for crew
GameCallEx("OnClonkDeRecruitment", this, iPlr);
return _inherited(iPlr,...);
protected func ControlCommand(szCommand, pTarget, iTx, iTy, pTarget2, Data)
// RejectConstruction Callback for building via Drag'n'Drop form a building menu
// TODO: Check if we still need this with the new system
if(szCommand == "Construct")
if(Data->~RejectConstruction(iTx - GetX(), iTy - GetY(), this) )
return 1;
// No overloaded command
return 0;
/* Transformation */
public func Redefine(idTo)
// save data of activity
var phs=GetPhase(),act=GetAction();
// Transform
// restore action
var chg=SetAction(act);
if (!chg) SetAction("Walk");
if (chg) SetPhase(phs);
// Done
return 1;
/* Events */
protected func CatchBlow()
if (GetAction() == "Dead") return;
if (!Random(5)) Hurt();
protected func Hurt()
if(gender == 0)
Sound("FHurt?"); //female 'ouch' sounds TODO :/
protected func Grab(object pTarget, bool fGrab)
protected func Get()
protected func Put()
protected func Death(int killed_by)
// this must be done first, before any goals do funny stuff with the clonk
// Info-broadcasts for dying clonks.
GameCallEx("OnClonkDeath", this, killed_by);
// The broadcast could have revived the clonk.
if (GetAlive())
if(gender == 0)
protected func Destruction()
// If the clonk wasn't dead yet, he will be now.
if (GetAlive())
GameCallEx("OnClonkDeath", this, GetKiller());
// If this is the last crewmember, do broadcast.
if (GetCrew(GetOwner()) == this)
if (GetCrewCount(GetOwner()) == 1)
// Only if the player is still alive and not yet elimnated.
if (GetPlayerName(GetOwner()))
GameCallEx("RelaunchPlayer", GetOwner(), GetKiller());
protected func DeepBreath()
protected func CheckStuck()
// Prevents getting stuck on middle vertex
if(!GetXDir()) if(Abs(GetYDir()) < 5)
if(GBackSolid(0, 3))
SetPosition(GetX(), GetY() + 1);
public func Eat(object food)
if(GetProcedure() == "WALK")
/* Status */
// TODO: Make this more sophisticated, readd turn animation and other
// adaptions
public func IsClonk() { return true; }
public func IsJumping(){return GetProcedure() == "FLIGHT";}
public func IsWalking(){return GetProcedure() == "WALK";}
/* Carry items on the clonk */
local iHandMesh;
local fHandAction;
local fBothHanded;
func OnSelectionChanged(int oldslot, int newslot, bool secondaryslot)
return _inherited(oldslot, newslot, secondaryslot);
func OnSlotEmpty(int slot)
return _inherited(slot);
func OnSlotFull(int slot)
return _inherited(slot);
public func DetachObject(object obj)
if(GetHandItem(0) == obj)
if(GetHandItem(1) == obj)
func DetachHandItem(bool secondary)
iHandMesh[secondary] = 0;
func AttachHandItem(bool secondary)
if(!iHandMesh) iHandMesh = [0,0];
func UpdateAttach()
func DoUpdateAttach(bool sec)
var obj = GetHandItem(sec);
var other_obj = GetHandItem(!sec);
if(!obj) return;
var iAttachMode = obj->~GetCarryMode(this);
if(iAttachMode == CARRY_None) return;
iHandMesh[sec] = 0;
var bone = "main";
var bone2;
if(obj->~GetCarryBone()) bone = obj->~GetCarryBone(this);
if(obj->~GetCarryBone2()) bone2 = obj->~GetCarryBone2(this);
else bone2 = bone;
var nohand = 0;
if(!HasHandAction(sec, 1)) nohand = 1;
var trans = obj->~GetCarryTransform(this, sec, nohand);
var pos_hand = "pos_hand2";
if(sec) pos_hand = "pos_hand1";
var pos_back = "pos_back1";
if(sec) pos_back = "pos_back2";
var closehand = "Close2Hand";
if(sec) closehand = "Close1Hand";
if(!sec) fBothHanded = 0;
var special = obj->~GetCarrySpecial(this);
var special_other;
if(other_obj) special_other = other_obj->~GetCarrySpecial(this);
iHandMesh[sec] = AttachMesh(obj, special, bone, trans);
iAttachMode = 0;
if(iAttachMode == CARRY_Hand)
if(HasHandAction(sec, 1))
iHandMesh[sec] = AttachMesh(obj, pos_hand, bone, trans);
PlayAnimation(closehand, 6, Anim_Const(GetAnimationLength(closehand)), Anim_Const(1000));
; // Don't display
else if(iAttachMode == CARRY_HandBack)
if(HasHandAction(sec, 1))
iHandMesh[sec] = AttachMesh(obj, pos_hand, bone, trans);
PlayAnimation(closehand, 6, Anim_Const(GetAnimationLength(closehand)), Anim_Const(1000));
iHandMesh[sec] = AttachMesh(obj, pos_back, bone2, trans);
else if(iAttachMode == CARRY_HandAlways)
iHandMesh[sec] = AttachMesh(obj, pos_hand, bone, trans);
PlayAnimation(closehand, 6, Anim_Const(GetAnimationLength(closehand)), Anim_Const(1000));
else if(iAttachMode == CARRY_Back)
iHandMesh[sec] = AttachMesh(obj, pos_back, bone2, trans);
else if(iAttachMode == CARRY_BothHands)
if(sec) return;
if(HasHandAction(sec, 1) && !sec && !special_other)
iHandMesh[sec] = AttachMesh(obj, "pos_tool1", bone, trans);
PlayAnimation("CarryArms", 6, Anim_Const(obj->~GetCarryPhase(this)), Anim_Const(1000));
fBothHanded = 1;
; // Don't display
else if(iAttachMode == CARRY_Spear)
if(HasHandAction(sec, 1) && !sec)
PlayAnimation("CarrySpear", 6, Anim_Const(0), Anim_Const(1000));
iHandMesh[sec] = AttachMesh(obj, pos_back, bone2, trans);
else if(iAttachMode == CARRY_Musket)
if(HasHandAction(sec, 1) && !sec)
iHandMesh[sec] = AttachMesh(obj, "pos_hand2", bone, trans);
PlayAnimation("CarryMusket", 6, Anim_Const(0), Anim_Const(1000));
fBothHanded = 1;
iHandMesh[sec] = AttachMesh(obj, pos_back, bone2, trans);
else if(iAttachMode == CARRY_Grappler)
if(HasHandAction(sec, 1) && !sec)
iHandMesh[sec] = AttachMesh(obj, "pos_hand2", bone, trans);
PlayAnimation("CarryCrossbow", 6, Anim_Const(0), Anim_Const(1000));
fBothHanded = 1;
iHandMesh[sec] = AttachMesh(obj, pos_back, bone2, trans);
}//AttachMesh(DynamiteBox, "pos_tool1", "main", Trans_Translate(0,0,0));
public func GetHandMesh(object obj)
if(GetHandItem(0) == obj)
return iHandMesh[0];
if(GetHandItem(1) == obj)
return iHandMesh[1];
static const CARRY_None = 0;
static const CARRY_Hand = 1;
static const CARRY_HandBack = 2;
static const CARRY_HandAlways = 3;
static const CARRY_Back = 4;
static const CARRY_BothHands = 5;
static const CARRY_Spear = 6;
static const CARRY_Musket = 7;
static const CARRY_Grappler = 8;
func HasHandAction(sec, just_wear)
if(sec && fBothHanded)
return false;
if( HasActionProcedure() && !fHandAction ) // For wear purpose fHandAction==-1 also blocks
return true;
if( HasActionProcedure() && (!fHandAction || fHandAction == -1) )
return true;
return false;
func HasActionProcedure()
var action = GetAction();
if (action == "Walk" || action == "Jump" || action == "WallJump" || action == "Kneel" || action == "Ride")
return true;
return false;
public func ReadyToAction(fNoArmCheck)
return HasActionProcedure();
return HasHandAction(0);
public func SetHandAction(bool fNewValue)
if(fNewValue > 0)
fHandAction = 1; // 1 means can't use items and doesn't draw items in hand
else if(fNewValue < 0)
fHandAction = -1; // just don't draw items in hand can still use them
fHandAction = 0;
public func GetHandAction()
if(fHandAction == 1)
return true;
return false;
/* Mesh transformations */
local mesh_transformation_list;
func SetMeshTransformation(array transformation, int layer)
if(!mesh_transformation_list) mesh_transformation_list = [];
if(GetLength(mesh_transformation_list) < layer)
SetLength(mesh_transformation_list, layer+1);
mesh_transformation_list[layer] = transformation;
var all_transformations = 0;
for(var trans in mesh_transformation_list)
if(!trans) continue;
all_transformations = Trans_Mul(trans, all_transformations);
all_transformations = trans;
SetProperty("MeshTransformation", all_transformations);
/* Backpack */
local backpack;
func AttachBackpack()
//Places a backpack onto the clonk
backpack = AttachMesh(BackpackGraphic, "skeleton_body", "main",
Trans_Mul(Trans_Rotate(180,0,1,0), Trans_Scale(700,700,400), Trans_Translate(0,4000,1000)));
func RemoveBackpack()
backpack = nil;
else return false;
// calback from engine
func OnMaterialChanged(int new, int old)
if(!GetAlive()) return;
var newdens = GetMaterialVal("Density","Material",new);
var olddens = GetMaterialVal("Density","Material",old);
var newliquid = (newdens >= C4M_Liquid) && (newdens < C4M_Solid);
var oldliquid = (olddens >= C4M_Liquid) && (olddens < C4M_Solid);
// into water
if(newliquid && !oldliquid)
AddEffect("Bubble", this, 1, 52, this);
// out of water
else if(!newliquid && oldliquid)
RemoveEffect("Bubble", this);
func FxBubbleTimer(pTarget, effect, iTime)
var iRot = GetSwimRotation();
Bubble(1, +Sin(iRot, 9), Cos(iRot, 9));
func QueryCatchBlow(object obj)
var r=0;
var e=0;
var i=0;
while(e=GetEffect("*Control*", this, i++))
if(EffectCall(this, e, "QueryCatchBlow", obj))
if(r) return r;
return _inherited(obj, ...);
local gender;
func SetSkin(int skin)
if(skin == 0)
{ SetGraphics();
gender = 0; }
if(skin == 1)
{ SetGraphics(nil, Skin_Steampunk);
gender = 1; }
if(skin == 2)
{ SetGraphics(nil, Skin_Alchemist);
gender = 0; }
if(skin == 3)
{ SetGraphics(nil, Skin_Farmer);
gender = 1; }
RemoveBackpack(); //add a backpack
SetAction("Jump"); //refreshes animation
return skin;
/* Act Map */
local ActMap = {
Walk = {
Prototype = Action,
Name = "Walk",
Procedure = DFA_WALK,
Accel = 16,
Decel = 22,
Speed = 200,
Directions = 2,
FlipDir = 0,
Length = 1,
Delay = 0,
X = 0,
Y = 0,
Wdt = 8,
Hgt = 20,
StartCall = "StartWalk",
AbortCall = "StopWalk",
// InLiquidAction = "Swim",
Stand = {
Prototype = Action,
Name = "Stand",
Procedure = DFA_THROW,
Directions = 2,
FlipDir = 0,
Length = 1,
Delay = 0,
X = 0,
Y = 0,
Wdt = 8,
Hgt = 20,
StartCall = "StartStand",
InLiquidAction = "Swim",
Kneel = {
Prototype = Action,
Name = "Kneel",
Procedure = DFA_KNEEL,
Directions = 2,
FlipDir = 0,
Length = 1,
Delay = 0,
X = 0,
Y = 0,
Wdt = 8,
Hgt = 20,
// StartCall = "StartKneel",
InLiquidAction = "Swim",
Roll = {
Prototype = Action,
Name = "Roll",
Procedure = DFA_NONE,
Directions = 2,
FlipDir = 0,
Length = 1,
Delay = 0,
X = 0,
Y = 0,
Wdt = 8,
Hgt = 20,
StartCall = "StartRoll",
NextAction = "Walk",
InLiquidAction = "Swim",
Scale = {
Prototype = Action,
Name = "Scale",
Procedure = DFA_SCALE,
Speed = 60,
Accel = 20,
Attach = CNAT_MultiAttach,
Directions = 2,
Length = 1,
Delay = 0,
X = 0,
Y = 20,
Wdt = 8,
Hgt = 20,
OffX = 0,
OffY = 0,
StartCall = "StartScale",
AbortCall = "StopScale",
Tumble = {
Prototype = Action,
Name = "Tumble",
Procedure = DFA_FLIGHT,
Speed = 200,
Accel = 0,
Directions = 2,
Length = 1,
Delay = 0,
X = 0,
Y = 40,
Wdt = 8,
Hgt = 20,
NextAction = "Tumble",
ObjectDisabled = 1,
InLiquidAction = "Swim",
StartCall = "StartTumble",
AbortCall = "StopTumble",
EndCall = "CheckStuck",
Dig = {
Prototype = Action,
Name = "Dig",
Procedure = DFA_DIG,
Speed = 50,
Directions = 2,
Length = 16,
Delay = 0,//15*3*0,
X = 0,
Y = 60,
Wdt = 8,
Hgt = 20,
NextAction = "Dig",
StartCall = "StartDigging",
AbortCall = "StopDigging",
DigFree = 11,
// InLiquidAction = "Swim",
Attach = CNAT_Left | CNAT_Right | CNAT_Bottom,
Bridge = {
Prototype = Action,
Name = "Bridge",
Procedure = DFA_THROW,
Directions = 2,
Length = 16,
Delay = 1,
X = 0,
Y = 60,
Wdt = 8,
Hgt = 20,
NextAction = "Bridge",
InLiquidAction = "Swim",
Swim = {
Prototype = Action,
Name = "Swim",
Procedure = DFA_SWIM,
Speed = 96,
Accel = 7,
Decel = 9,
Directions = 2,
Length = 1,
Delay = 0,
X = 0,
Y = 80,
Wdt = 8,
Hgt = 20,
OffX = 0,
OffY = 0,
// SwimOffset = -5,
StartCall = "StartSwim",
AbortCall = "StopSwim",
Hangle = {
Prototype = Action,
Name = "Hangle",
Procedure = DFA_HANGLE,
Speed = 48,
Accel = 20,
Directions = 2,
Length = 1,
Delay = 0,
X = 0,
Y = 100,
Wdt = 8,
Hgt = 20,
OffX = 0,
OffY = 3,
StartCall = "StartHangle",
AbortCall = "StopHangle",
InLiquidAction = "Swim",
Jump = {
Prototype = Action,
Name = "Jump",
Procedure = DFA_FLIGHT,
Speed = 200,
Accel = 14,
Directions = 2,
Length = 1,
Delay = 0,
X = 0,
Y = 120,
Wdt = 8,
Hgt = 20,
InLiquidAction = "Swim",
PhaseCall = "CheckStuck",
StartCall = "StartJump",
WallJump = {
Prototype = Action,
Name = "WallJump",
Procedure = DFA_FLIGHT,
Speed = 200,
Accel = 14,
Directions = 2,
Length = 1,
Delay = 0,
X = 0,
Y = 120,
Wdt = 8,
Hgt = 20,
InLiquidAction = "Swim",
PhaseCall = "CheckStuck",
Dive = {
Prototype = Action,
Name = "Dive",
Procedure = DFA_FLIGHT,
Speed = 200,
Accel = 16,
Directions = 2,
Length = 8,
Delay = 4,
X = 0,
Y = 160,
Wdt = 8,
Hgt = 20,
NextAction = "Hold",
ObjectDisabled = 1,
InLiquidAction = "Swim",
PhaseCall = "CheckStuck",
Dead = {
Prototype = Action,
Name = "Dead",
Directions = 2,
X = 0,
Y = 240,
Wdt = 8,
Hgt = 20,
Length = 1,
Delay = 0,
NextAction = "Hold",
StartCall = "StartDead",
NoOtherAction = 1,
ObjectDisabled = 1,
Ride = {
Prototype = Action,
Name = "Ride",
Procedure = DFA_ATTACH,
Directions = 2,
Length = 1,
Delay = 0,
X = 128,
Y = 120,
Wdt = 8,
Hgt = 20,
StartCall = "StartRiding",
AbortCall = "StopRiding",
InLiquidAction = "Swim",
Push = {
Prototype = Action,
Name = "Push",
Procedure = DFA_PUSH,
Speed = 200,
Accel = 100,
Directions = 2,
Length = 8,
Delay = 15,
X = 128,
Y = 140,
Wdt = 8,
Hgt = 20,
NextAction = "Push",
StartCall = "StartPushing",
AbortCall = "StopPushing",
InLiquidAction = "Swim",
Build = {
Prototype = Action,
Name = "Build",
Directions = 2,
Length = 8,
Delay = 15,
X = 128,
Y = 140,
Wdt = 8,
Hgt = 20,
NextAction = "Build",
InLiquidAction = "Swim",
Attach = CNAT_Bottom,
HangOnto = {
Prototype = Action,
Name = "HangOnto",
Procedure = DFA_ATTACH,
Directions = 2,
Length = 1,
Delay = 0,
X = 128,
Y = 120,
Wdt = 8,
Hgt = 20,
StartCall = "StartHangOnto",
AbortCall = "AbortHangOnto",
InLiquidAction = "Swim",
Eat = {
Prototype = Action,
Name = "Eat",
Procedure = DFA_NONE,
Directions = 2,
Length = 1,
Delay = 45,
X = 0,
Y = 0,
Wdt = 8,
Hgt = 20,
StartCall = "StartEat",
NextAction = "Walk",
InLiquidAction = "Swim",
local Name = "Clonk";
local MaxEnergy = 50000;
local MaxBreath = 252; // Clonk can breathe for 7 seconds under water.
local JumpSpeed = 400;
local ThrowSpeed = 294;
func Definition(def) {
// Set perspective
SetProperty("PictureTransformation", Trans_Mul(Trans_Translate(0,1000,5000), Trans_Rotate(70,0,1,0)), def);